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高考英语读后续写素材库之环境描写系列(2)Rain 2.1 Kissed by the rain and glistening, the wet ground is cold under foot. Stepping off the path and into the shaggy grass I feel the squelch of the mud beneath. The water rises up and runs between my toes. The birds busy themselves around me, not caring that I'm there, all they want is the worms that have come up for air.


E.g. The rain drummed on the window, bidding farewell to the last beam of sunlight.

雨落在窗户上,多么平常的场景,但是在这个句子中我们用了drummed on,就是说雨敲打在窗户上好像敲起了小鼓,瞬间变得生动形象。紧接着,写太阳落山、黄昏来临,我们也不直接写,而是转了个弯,说The rain bid farewell to the last beam of sunlight.(雨向最后一缕阳光告别),是


• 2-2. Softly splashing water droplets hit the car windows as we drive onwards. The skies are overhung with a blanket of grey, so much so that I can barely tell the difference between the sky and clouds.


• 2-3. Darkened gray smudges of wool threateningly surrounded the sky, like a predator would encircle its prey. A startling low rumble rang loud in the cool fall air, the sky roaring with satisfaction. Trickles of liquid hit the ground with as much force as a small child. Gradually, drizzles turn into canon fires, barricading everything in its way.


hit the ground触地

drizzles下毛毛雨; 洒落; 毛毛细雨; drizzle的第三人称单数和复数barricading阻碍,阻挡; barricade的现在分词

smudges污迹,污痕; 把…擦模糊; 变模糊; 弄脏; 留下污迹; smudge的第三人称单数和复数


·句中的darkened gray smudges of wool暗喻密布的乌云,属于metaphor

·like a predator would encircle its prey则是将乌云攒聚在天空的景象比作捕食者围猎的场景,属于simile。

·canon fires是加农炮的意思,比喻大雨磅礴的场面,用得极为生动

•2-4.A s e ns e o f c l e an l i ne s s c ar e s s es t h e at m os p he r e,w a s hi n g

a w a y a l l i m pu ri t i es.A d en se e a rt h l y s w e e t sm el l ri s e s f ro m t h e

gr o u nd,e nv el op i n g e v e r yt h i n g w i t h i n i t s s o f t em b ra c e.


2-5T h e h e av y r a i ns h a v e c a rv ed a m i ni a t u r e c a n yo n i n t h e

p a t h.Do ub t l es s t h e s o i l w a s m a d e so ft b y t h e ge nt l e r ai nfa l l t h e

p r e vi o us w ee k a nd s o w as n o m at ch for t h e s u dd e n d el u ge.

H a yl e y s k i ps f rom s i d e t o s i d e, t h ri l l ed wi t h t h e n e w a ddi t i o n t o

t h e wo od l an d w al k.

