



U4 Hobbies

①Norman Parkinson was a famous English photographe匚

He liked travelling

to interesting

places and taking photographs. It

was his hobby as

well as his job.


photographs is a

favorite hobby of

many people all

over the world. It

can help us

remember things.

We all love to take

photographs of

each other,

especially when we travel to new places- We also like to have a photograph of everybody in the group together. When we want to be in the picture, we need to ask someone to take the photograph for us. Having photographs is important because people and places always change. It is very sad, for example, if children cannot look at photographs of their parents or grandparents.

What did Grandfather look like? Where did he use to live? If we

do not have photographs, children may not know the answers

to these questions. Photographs help us know and understand our history.

②Fishing is fun,

too. Fishing

takes you to


places- You

can catch fish

in small rivers, big lakes or the sea. You can go with friends or, if you like, you can go alone. You can make a lot

of new friends when you go fishing. You can catch fish with just a net, or with a long piece of string, a hook and some bread. Everybody gets excited when someone catches a big fish. Catching fish is great fun, but eating them is even better!


models is my favorite hobby.

I have made a few model planes. At the weekend, I fly

my planes at a park near my

home. If they

crash, I have to

mend them. I

like mending

things. It

teaches me a

lot about real

planes. I hope I

can work with

real planes

when I grow up.

It is very

interesting to

make things.


上 U1 Making


①My name is Simon. My Chinese name is Li Peichun. I am twelve years old. I am 163 cm. I have

short black hair and brown eyes- My hobby is playing chess.

I live with my

parents in the UK.

They are from

Beijing. My parents

own a Chinese

restaurant in

Newcastle. We live

in a house near our

restaurant. I can

speak Chinese, but

I cannot write it

very well. I have a

brothe匚 His name

is Edwin. He is 23.

He works as an

accountant in


I am in Year

7 at Walker

School. It is near

my house, and I

can walk to

school. I like my

school.. The

teachers are very

friendly. I am

keen on sports. I

enjoy playing

rugby and

badminton in

winter, and tennis

in summe匚 My

best subject at

school is maths. I

want to be an


3. 我喜欢的科目:七

上U2 Our Daily Life

①I usually get A

grades in all my


②Zhen Hui

loves English very

much, and always

gets an A. She usually gets a B in her other subjects.



下 U5 Family


①My parents

gave me a


amount of

pocket money

every month.

②I hardly ever do

the housework.

Sometimes my

mother asks me

to clean my

room if she,s

very busy, but

she always give

me money or a

present for

helping he 匚

After all, the

5 housework is

the job of the

parents, isnt it?

(3)I get a little

pocket money

every month.

My parents

say I have to

learn to look

after my

money and

live within a

budget. Fll

have to do

that when I



④My parents

never pay me

for doing the

housework. It's


responsibility of

the whole family ⑤They often say

“No” when I ask

for things. They

say it's bad to

expect things

for nothing.

⑥Like many


today, she is

a big fan of

pop music.

Her parents

care a lot

about her,



they get

angry with

her bahaviou


parents were


about her


to pop music all

the time.

⑦Her parents

understand that


homework is

tiring and

causes stress

sometimes, but


think she should

think more

about her future.


⑧ Perhaps theres

a generation gap developing in many families nowadays.

2.与学校的关系:九下U4 All about learning

①My teachers

are all


and helpful.

At first, I

could not

say anything

to my




later I


more fluent

in English. I

have a lot of


in using

②The teachers

were just

teaching us to


things. I often

asked questions

about grammar

but my English

teacher could

not answer


与社会的关系 ??环保:

1.树:七下 U2

Protecting our


①Trees are

natural air


They cool the

air and cleanit.

Three trees can

do the job of

15 air conditioners.

②Trees are in

great dange匚

We cut down

and burn

millions every

year. We are

destroying our

best pollution fighters.

③Do you often

see a blue sky

above our city?

Is the air in our

city fresh? Is

the water in our


clean? Theanswer to

these questions are all“ No"

My grandfather often tells many interesting stories about his childhood. At that time, the sky was blue, the air was fresh and the water was clean. When my grandfather and his friends played in the forest, they could hear birds sing. When they swan in the river, they could see many fish. It

was a happy time.

However, today, the air and water are becoming dirtier. People are killing animals, and cutting down and burning trees. Some animals and plants are now disappearing. Earth is in trouble.

We need to protect earth because it is our home. We do

not need to do big things一 we

can start out

small. Do not

throw any

rubbish onto the

ground. Do not

waste water Use

both sides of

paper when you

write. Stop using

plastic bags for


This is our

world. Let's do

our best to

make it more



U6 Water

①If thereno water, we'll die of thirst. If there5s no water, we can^t brush our teeth, take a shower, wash our

clothes or wash the dishes. Then our life will be in a mess.


need water to

water the crops

on their farms. If

there's no water,

the crops will die.

We'll have no

food to eat. If

there9s no water,

cooks in

restaurants can,

t cook food. We


live without water.

People should save

water instead of

wasting it, because

it is valuable.

(3)We can do

many things to

keep water

clean. We can

stop polluting water in our daily life. Whenever you see litter, such as cans, plastic bags and cigarette ends on the street, pick it up. When rainwater washes over the litter, it becomes polluted. This polluted water flows into rivers and the sea. Do not throw paint, oil or litter down your sink or toilet. Pick up your dogs waste.

When they

are washed into water in rivers or the sea, they increase bacteria levels. Take househol



s, waste

oil and batteries

to the

specific places at official



Do not

throw litter


历年广州中考英语试题 与答案 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

广州市2006年初中毕业生学业考试 英语 第一部分(共100分) 一、听力(共20题,30分) 听取信息(共5小题,5分,每题1分) 1.听下面一段对话,请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入答题卡号为A~E的空格中,听对话前,你有10秒钟的时间阅读题目:对话读两遍。 Name of Trip Afternoon Adventure Night Lights Price ________yuan 80 yuan Leaving Time pm ________pm Trip Length 3 hours 2 and a half hours What to see the countryside of Guangzhou many rice ______and animals beautiful city ________ Guangdong music ______ 2.对话理解(共10小题,15分,每小题分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个或几个小题,请根据所听到的内容从题中所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项,并涂在答题卡的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题3秒钟:每段对话读两遍。 听第一段对话,回答第1题。 1. Who lives in London

A. Dr Johnson. B. Dr King. C. Peter. 听第二段对话,回答第2、3题。 2. What is Tina going to do? A. Play in the park. B. Have a birthday party. C. Work in the bookshop. 3. Which of the following is Tina’s family tree? 听第三段对话,回答第4、5题。 4. When will Angelo have an important meeting? A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday. 5. What does Ann believe the tea bag is good for? A. Making people get up and dance. B. Keeping people awake at night. C. Making people with colds feel better. 听第四段对话,回答第6、7题。 6. Where are the two speakers most possibly talking? A. In a restaurant. B. In a market. C. In a fruit shop. 7. What fruit does the man finally ask for? A. A pair of bananas. B. Two pears and a banana. C. A pear and two bananas. 听第五段对话,回答第8至10题。 8. Where is the doctor’s office? A. No. 45 Smith Street. B. No. 51 West Street. C. No. 51 Smith Street. 9. When will John go to see the doctor? A. Today. B. Tomorrow. C. Friday. 10. How will John go to the doctor’s office? A. By bus. B. By taxi. C. On foot. 3、讲话理解(共5小题,10分,每小题2分) 听下面一段讲话。讲话后有5个小题,请根据所听到的内容从题中所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项,并涂在答题卡的相应位置。听讲话前,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟:



————————————————————————————————作者: ————————————————————————————————日期:

长沙市2008年初中毕业学业考试 下图是Gina对班上同学的周末活动进行调查后得出的结果;同学们的周末活动真是丰富多彩。想想你和你的同学是如何度过周末的?写一篇名为“Weekend Activities”的文章谈谈你们的周末活动。 要求:1.语意连贯,句式规范,字迹工整; 2.文中不得出现你的真实校名和姓名; 3.词数60—80; 4.开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Weekend Activities Inmy class, mostof myclassmates have colorful weekends._____________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


广州中考完成句子练习 (一)重要句型 考点一: 宾语从句: 引导词+主语+谓语+其他 疑问词+(not) to do....... 73. 我想知道我们明天应什么时候到白云机场。 I want to know _______ _______ ________ _______ at the Bai Yun Airport tomorrow. 75. 我不清楚下一步该做什么。让我先给Lily打个电话吧。 I don’t know ________ ________ _______ next. Let me call Lily first. 71、你能告诉我怎样解答这道数学题吗? Could you tell me _____ ______ work out the maths problem? 71. 我为那男孩难过,但不知道怎么帮他。 I felt sorry for the boy, but I didn’t know _______ ______ _______ ________ him. 73. 他问我是否会放风筝。 He asked me _______ _______ ______ fly a kite. 74. 请问广州塔怎么走? Excuse me, could you tell me_______ _______ ______ _______ the Canton Tower? 72. 我不知道怎样回答她的问题。 I don’t know _______ __________ _________ her question. 74. 我不知道我的梦想已经成为了现实。 I don’t know ______ my dream ______already ______ ______. 74. 今年暑假,你决定去哪里度假了吗? Have you decided ________ ________ ________ you holiday this summer? 74. 你能告诉我你昨晚干了什么? Can you tell me _________ _________ _________ last night? 74 .打扰了!您能告诉我可以在哪里买到这本书吗? Excuse me. Could you tell me ________ ________ ________ ________ this book? 75. 他们还没有决定在什么地方举行足球赛。 They haven’t decided ________ ________ ________ ________ the football match. 考点三: so +adj/adv +that sb can’t/could’t do.......... too+adj/adv +(for sb) to do (主从句主语不一致时用for sb) Not.....enough +(for sb) to do.....(主从句主语不一致时用for sb) 72. 她说得那么快,我几乎听不清她所说的话。 She spoke _______ fast _______ I could hardly hear what she said clearly. 72. 这个电视节目如此有趣,妈妈每晚都看。 This TV programme is ___________ interesting __________ Mum enjoys it every night. 75. 这个小女孩够年龄去上学了。 The little girl is ________ _________ to go to school. 74. 彼此见面的时候,他们太激动了以致说不出一句话来。 They were __________ _________ ________ _________ a word when they met each other. 考点四: (1)sb spend .......on sth /(in) doing sth ; (2)sb pay........for sth/to do sth


2018年广州市中考英语作文万能模板(附带近7年中考作文) (1)说明利弊题型 这种题型往往要求先说明一下现状,再对比事物本身的利弊,有时也会单从一个角度(利或弊)出发,最后往往要求考生表明自己的态度(或对事物前景提出预测) 1.说明事物现状 2.事物本身的优缺点(或一方面) 3.你对现状(或前景)的看法 Nowadays many people prefer A because it has an important role in our daily life. Generally, its advantages can be seen as follows. First ---(A的优点之 一), Besides ---(A的优点之二) But every coin has two sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. One of the important disadvantages is that ---(A的第一个缺点). To make matters worse,---(A 的第二个缺点) Through the above analysis, I believe that the positive aspects over weigh the negative ones. Therefore, I would like to ---(我的看法) (From the comparison between these positive and negative effects of A, we should take it reasonably and do it according to the circumstances we are in. Only by this way, ---(对前景的预测) (2):图表作文的框架 _______as is shown by the figure/percentage in the table(graph/picture/pie/chart), ___作文题目的议题_____ has been on rise/ decrease (goes up/increases/drops/decreases),significantly/dramatically/steadily rising/decreasing from____ to ____ From the sharp/marked decline/ rise in the chart, it goes without saying that ____. There are at least two good reasons accounting for ____. On one hand, ____. On the other hand,____ is due to the fact that _____. In addition, _____ is responsible for ____.Maybe there are some other reasons to show ____.But it is generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly convincing. As far as I am concerned,I hold the point of view that _____. I am sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded。 (3)阐述主题型 要求从一句话或一个主题出发,按照提纲的要求进行论述。 1.阐述名言或主题所蕴涵的意义。 2.分析并举例使其更充实。 中考英语作文万能模板:解决方法题型,要求考生列举出解决问题的多种途径


广东省广州市2016年中考英语试卷 一、语法选择(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从1-15各题所给的A、B、C、D 项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 In a far-away place, there was a village. The village was___1___ in potatoes than anywhere else in the country. At the end of every growing season, ___2____potatoes were dug out of the ground, and readied for market. In each home, men and women would_____3_____divide the potatoes into three groups, large, medium and small. One year, there was a young man___4_____received his share of the potatoes. As the other villagers_____5_____, he walked around the village laughing and talking._____6____villagers thought he was lazy, and they worried that this man would never get______7_____potatoes ready in time. When it was time for the villagers____8______to market, they were greatly surprised to find that the man’s potatoes____9____perfectly into three groups. After _____10____the man how he did it, they understood he was not lazy, ____11____very clever. He had put all his potatoes in a cart and pulled it alo ng the village’s rough dirt road. As the cart moved up and down over the road, the potatoes moved_____12____. The small potatoes moved to the bottom, the larger potatoes rose to the top and the medium potatoes rested___13___ the middle. Life___14____like this too. The rough roads we travel along can also___15____us. 1. A. rich B. richer C. richest D. more rich 2. A. thousand with B. thousands with C. thousand of D. thousands of 3. A. busily B. busy C. more busily D. busier 4. A. who B. which C. what D. whose 5. A. work B. was working C. were working D. works 6. A. A B. An C. The D. / 7. A. he B. him C. himself D. his 8. A. go B. going C. to go D. went 9. A. are divided B. were divided C. are dividing D. divided 10. A. asking B. asked C. ask D. asks 11. A. so B. and C. or D. but 12. A. too B. also C. either D. neither 13. A. on B. in C. with D. by


2018年广州市中考英语作文专题复习(三)体育与校园活动 一、与专题相关的话题项目 学校(school),文娱与体育(Entertainment and sports) 二、与专题相关的知识准备 1、相关单元7A Unit 1 Making friends 7A Unit 2 Daily life 7A Unit 7 School clubs 8A Unit 5 Educational exchanges 8A Unit 7 Memory 8A Unit 8 English Week 9A Unit 4 Problems and advice 2、相关词汇 *高频词 (n.) hobby, country, age, dream, flat, world, mountain, engineer, sound, table tennis, break, band, guitar, market, practice, fair, rocket, power, skill, information, headline, ant, butterfly, bee, culture, host, weekday, success, guest, corner, trouble, step, cycle, note, wallet, basket, manager, list, mile, letter, speech, notice, competition, text, chance, topic, winner, opinion, model, diet, situation, advantage, mess, exam, comment (v.) complete, ride, ring, end, attend, teach, tour, introduce, respect, lose, improve, mention, spell, advise, communicate, hide, choose, regret, hate, suggest, fail, (adj.) daily, friendly, elder, surprised, amazing, boring, recent, glad, fantastic, local, silly, worth, whole, rich, poor, shy, awful, ashamed, embarrassed, mad, annoying, careless, polite, (adv.) never, seldom, usually, together, already, yet, confidently, else, (pron.)everyone, yourself, (conj.) though *高频短语 be good at, go to school, make friends with, take part in, have a good time, ‘d like to, all over, on foot, go to bed, get up, learn about, all the way, look up, so far, introduce…to, take out, pour out, treasure hunt, in public, put on, in my opinion, look out, be on a diet, laugh at, feel ashamed of, drive sb, mad. Make a mess, out of place, none of one’s business, hear from *拓展词汇 experience, disappear, attack, exchange, t’ai chi, chopstick, reference, application, treasure, several, suggestion, unless, whenever, request, keep in touch with, apply for, make sth. A big success,


完成句子 黄埔区一模 第二节完成句子(共7小题;每小题2分,满分14分) 根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子。(每空限填一词) 57。公共场合不允许大声喧哗 We______ ____________ ___________to speak loudly in public. 58.阅读和旅游都能为我们打开一个全新的世界。 _______ reading __________travelling can open up a new world to us. 59.如果我们共同努力工作,我们的中国梦一定可以实现。 __________ _________ ___________together, our Chinese dream is sure to come true. 60.在广州一段时间后,她已习惯了这里的饮食。 After some time in Guangzhou, she _____ _______ ________the food here. 61.在科学家的努力下,中国已经成功制造了像C919这样的大飞机了。 With scientists great efforts, China _____ already _______ big planes like C919 successfully. 62.你知道她什么时候回国吗? Do you know______ __________ __________ _______back to her country? 63.黄埔的夜景多迷人呀!到处灯光璀璨。 ________ _________Huangpu's night view is! The bright and shiny light is everywhere.


2011年 最近,你班就“你的理想职业”展开了一次调查。下表是你们小组的情况请根据 表格内容写一篇英语短文,向英语校刊投稿。 注意: 1.词数80左右(短文的开头和结尾已给出,不计入词数); 2.不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。 Recently we did a survey in our class in order to learn about students’ ideal jobs. Here’s a report about my group members’ ideas. One possible version: Recently we did a survey in our class in order to learn about students‘ ideal jobs. Here’ s a report about my group members’ ideas. Mary wants to be a fashion designer because she likes beautiful clothes and is good at drawing. Kate wants to be a gardener, she lives plants, she wants to make the cities better. Mike would like to be a writer. He‘d like to share his wonderful stories with others. Tom would like to be a cook. He‘d like to cook delicious food for others. I would like to be a policeman. I want to protect the people safe. Hopefully everyone can realize their dreams in the future.


冠词 ()1Annie was going to take her mother to American restaurant, but her mother just wanted to get home to rest. (2008年广州中考) A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 2. —What would you like for______ a fternoon tea? —Two pieces of bread and ______ cup of coffee, please. (2009年广州中考) A.an;a B./;a C.a;the D./;t he ( ) 3. I looked down and saw _____ policeman and an old lady, one of David’s neighbors. (2010年广州中考) A.a B.the C.an D./ ( ) 4. That’s_______ time I start work. (2011 年广州中考) A.a B.an C.the D. / ( ) 5. —Is this________ book you were talking about yesterday? —Yes, thank you very much. (2012年广州中考) A.a B.all C.the D./ () 6. —I enjoyed the performance very much. —Yes, it was really good. I think _______ b oy in white was the best actor. (2013年广州中考) A. a B.an C.the D./ ( ) 7. But when Eileen, _______ nurse,became ill with kidney(肾)disease, she didn’t go running to her friend. (2014年广州中考) A. a B.an C.the D./ ( ) 8. It was in fact_______ m agic harp, and could only be played well by someone who would put in the necessary effort. (2015年广州中考) A. a B.an C.the D./ ()9 ________ villagers thought he was lazy, and they worried that this man would never get his potatoes


学生自己: 1.我的爱好:七上 U4 Hobbies ①Norman Parkinson was a famous English photographe匚 He liked travelling to interesting places and taking photographs. It was his hobby as well as his job. Taking photographs is a favorite hobby of many people all over the world. It can help us remember things. We all love to take photographs of each other,

especially when we travel to new places- We also like to have a photograph of everybody in the group together. When we want to be in the picture, we need to ask someone to take the photograph for us. Having photographs is important because people and places always change. It is very sad, for example, if children cannot look at photographs of their parents or grandparents.


话题一:写人记事 例文:初中阶段你印象最深的又是哪位老师?请用英语写一篇题为“The Teacher I Never Forget”的作文。内容包括:1.简要介绍老师的性格或特长;2.列举一个事例,说明老师是如何在学习上帮助或鼓励你取得进步的;3.感谢老师,祝愿老师。 The Teacher I Never Forget How time flies! Three years has passed since I became a middle school student. I had very good memories of my classmates and teachers. The teacher I never forget is Mr. Zhang, an English teacher. He is very kind and friendly. He helped us not only in class but also after class. About two years ago, Mr. Zhang noticed that I was worried about my poor pronunciation. So he offered me many suggestions to improve it, and he also gave me every chance possible to speak in class. With his help, my pronunciation has greatly improved. I must say many thanks to Mr. Zhang. I wish him a healthy and happy life in the future! 例文:假如你是某中学的一名学生。6月3日,是星期五,在放学回家的公交车上,你所经历的一件事情让你印象深刻。请根据以下要点用英语写一篇日记。 要点:1. 一位老爷爷和十来岁的孙子上了车,老人拿着书包和小提琴;2. 你给老人让座,老人的孙子却坐了下来,老人只得站在旁边;3. 孩子大声喊着向老人要水喝,并将空水瓶扔到车上;4. 你认为孩子应该尊敬、照顾老人,保持环境卫生。 On my way home on the bus, I saw an old man get on with his grandson of about ten. He was carrying the boy’s schoolbag and a violin. I gave my seat to the old man at once. However, the boy sat down first. The old man had to stand nearby. After a while, the boy shouted to his grandpa for water and then dropped the empty bottle on the bus. When I saw this, I got very angry. I think the boy should not only respect and take care of the old man but also keep the environment clean. 话题二:环保污染 例文:节约资源, 保护环境. 从我们身边的小事做起,假设你是一个注重“低碳”生活的中学生, 请以“My Low-carbon Life”为题,写一篇短文,简单描述自己的“低碳生活”。提示: (1)每天步行上学; (2)离丌教室时,关灯、电扇、电视等;(3)不用水时, 记住关水龙头,循环使用水;(4)充分使用纸张;(5)不使用塑料袋。 My Low-carbon Life It’s our duty to protect the environment. The environment is becoming worse and worse, so we must do something to prevent people from polluting the environment. First, we should go to school on foot and tell our parents to walk to work instead of driving the car. Second, we should save water and electricity by turning off the


学生自己: 1. 我的爱好:七上U4 Hobbies ①Norman Parkinson was a famous English photographer. He liked travelling to interesting places and taking photographs. It was his hobby as well as his job. Taking photographs is a favorite hobby of many people all over the world. It can help us remember things. We all love to take photographs of each other, especially when we travel to new places. We also like to have a photograph of everybody in the group together. When we want to be in the picture, we need to ask someone to take the photograph for us. Having photographs is important because people and places always change. It is very sad, for example, if children cannot look at photographs of their parents or grandparents. What did Grandfather look like? Where did he use to live? If we do not have photographs, children may not know the answers to these questions. Photographs help us know and understand our history. ②Fishing is fun, too. Fishing takes you to beautiful places. You can catch fish in small rivers, big lakes or the sea. You can go with friends or, if you like, you can go alone. You can make a lot of new friends when you go fishing. You can catch fish with just a net, or with a long piece of string, a hook and some bread. Everybody gets excited when someone catches a big fish. Catching fish is great fun, but eating them is even better! ③ Making models is my favorite hobby. I have made a few model planes. At the weekend, I fly my planes at a park near my home. If they crash, I have to mend them. I like mending things. It teaches me a lot about real planes. I hope I can work with real planes when I grow up. It is very interesting to make things. 2. 我的基本情况:七上U1 Making Friends ① My name is Simon. My Chinese name is Li Peichun. I am twelve years old. I am 163 cm. I have short black hair and brown eyes. My hobby is playing chess. I live with my parents in the UK. They are from Beijing. My parents own a Chinese restaurant in Newcastle. We live in a house near our restaurant. I can speak Chinese, but I cannot write it very well. I have a brother. His name is Edwin. He is 23. He works as an accountant in London. I am in Year 7 at Walker School. It is near my house, and I can walk to school. I like my school.. The teachers are very friendly. I am keen on sports. I enjoy playing rugby and badminton in winter, and tennis in summer. My best subject at school is maths. I want to be an engineer. 3. 我喜欢的科目:七上U2 Our Daily Life ① I usually get A grades in all my subjects. ② Zhen Hui loves English very much, and always gets an A. She usually gets a B in her other subjects.


中考英语完成句子 时间:1~2分钟/小题分值:2分/小题 Group 1 1. 明天请把作业交上来。 Please ________ ________ your homework tomorrow. 2. 他说的话不合情理。 His words didn't ________ ________. 3. 他旁边的那位女士是我的姑姑莉兹。 The woman ________ ________ him is my aunt Liz. 4. 电视开着,但是玛丽没注意看。 The TV was on, but Mary wasn't ________ ________ to it. 5. 我想大家都需要帮助动物,使它们在宁静中生存。 I think we all need to help animals live ________ ________. Group 2 1. 从广州飞到悉尼需要多长时间? ________ ________ does ________ ________ to fly from Guangzhou to Sydney? 2. 如果你想知道这个单词的意思,查一下字典吧。 If you want to know the meaning of this word, just ________ it ________ in the dictionary. 3. 你讲得太快了,我听不懂。能再说一次吗? You spoke________ fast________ I couldn't understand you. Would you say it again? 4. 旅途愉快!请与我们保持联系。 Enjoy your trip, and please________ in touch________ us. 5. 这项工程很快就会完成。 The project________ ________ ________ soon. 6. 我不知道他是否能准时到校。 I wonder ________ ________ ________ ________ to school on time. 7. 这本书真有用啊!我看了很多遍。 ________ ________ ________ book it is! I have read it many times. Group 3 1. 瞧!有一些女孩在树下跳舞。 Look! There ________ some girls ________ under the tree. 2. 别吃太多垃圾食品,这对我们的健康有害。 Don't ________ too much junk food. It is ________ for our health. 3. 除非我拿到驾照,否则我不能开我父亲的车。 I can't drive my ________ car ________ I get my driving licence. 4. 这个男孩很聪明,他能很快解出这道数学题。 The boy is ________ enough to work out the math problem ________.
