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1.With less money there was no less satisfaction with

living, no less warmth of spirit, no less pleasure in one another’s company.


2.So far so as happiness is concerned, it hardly matters

whether one drives a BMW or, like so many of the Scots, walks or rides a bus.


3.Feeling the short-run influence of events, people use

such events to explain their happiness, all the while missing subtle but bigger influences on their long-run well-being.


4.When the possessor becomes possessed by accumulating

ever-more possessions, the adaptation, the adaptation-level phenomenon has run wild.


5.Never has a culture experienced such physical comfort

combined with such psychological misery. Never have we felt so free, or had our prisons so overstuffed. Never have we been so sophisticated about pleasure, or so likely to suffer broken relationships.


6.The conclusion is provocative, because it explodes a

bomb-shell underneath our society’s materialism: Economic growth in affluent countries provides no apparent boost to human morale.


7.During the 1930s, the most admired beauties were stars

like Greta Garbo,Carole Lombard and Jean Harlow.

Their beauty was of a very different kind. The total range of black and white filming favored a face with a good shape, with prominent cheekbones that cast shadows like a sculpture.


8.Call it nature or nurture, harmless fantasy or insidious

indoctrination, but Hollywood is discovering that it still pays not to fight the royal urge.


9.Y ou can have the girly dream of glass slippers and true

love, these films say, as well as the womanly ideal of self-determination and independence-and any contradictions between them are no match for the movies’ magic.


10.For the modern Cinderellas’ audience, which takes that

freedom as a given, the wish is to also be

able-unashamedly-to fall in love and go to the ball.


11.But to succeed on both the feminist and the fantasy level,

the new Cinderella has developed rules and conventions

as strict as a Joseph Campbell template.


12.I don’t want to sound like an arch-feminist, says Sherry

Lansing, chairman of Paramount, ”but it really is

important that imparts contemporary values. It’s a good

love that allows b oth people to remain whole in it.”









《低俗小说》是应用肢体语言的经典。As silent movies

came to an end, body language was no longer the key

point in movies. The audience were attracted by the

exciting scripts, and body language was somewhat

ignored. In fact, body language and scripts are equally

important for a movie. In movies like “The red mill” or

“Chicago”, singing and dancing are dominant. They all

stand for high ranking art and enjoy ability. There are

also some movies that impressed the audience a lot

because of a period of classical dancing, for example:

Son of the Mask. Actually, dancing is a kind of body

language. Slow Nobel is the most typical example of

body language movies.

14.Having a great idea or being a charismatic visionary

leader is “time telling”; building a co mpany that can

prosper far beyond the presence of any single leader and

through multiple product life cycle is ”clock building”


15.We came upon this finding when the evidence from our

research punched holes in two widely held and deeply

cherished myths that have dominated popular thinking

and business school education for years: the myth of the

great idea and the myth of the great and charismatic




16.They brainstormed a wide range of initial product and

market possibilities, br they had no compelling ”great

ideas” that served as the founding inspiration for the

fledging company.


17.HP, Sony, and Wal-Mart put a large dent in the widely

held mythology of corporate origins-a mythology that

