亲属关系证明 英文版



Certification of Family Relationship

This is to certify that the relationship between [Name of Person 1] (hereinafter referred to as "the First Party") and [Name of Person 2] (hereinafter referred to as "the Second Party") is as follows:

The First Party and the Second Party are brothers, born of the same parents. They have shared a close bond since their childhood and have always been in regular contact with each other. Although they may live in different geographical locations for the purpose of work or other reasons, they maintain an active relationship and frequently exchange visits and phone calls.

To support our claim, we attach the following evidence:

1. A copy of the birth certificate of the First Party, which clearly states that his brother is the Second Party.

2. Photocopies of family photos taken over the years, which show the First Party and the Second Party together, confirming their close relationship.

3. Letters and cards exchanged between the First Party and the Second Party over the years, which demonstrate their deep affection and care for each other.

4. Testimonials from their childhood friends and family members, who can verify their brotherly relationship.

Based on the above evidence, we confirm that the First Party and the Second Party are brothers. This certification should be considered valid and reliable, and may be used as evidence in any legal proceeding.


Certification of Family Relationship

This is to certify that the relationship between [Name of Person 1] (hereinafter referred to as "the First Party") and [Name of Person 2] (hereinafter referred to as "the Second Party") is as follows:

The First Party and the Second Party are uncle and niece. The First Party is the brother of the father of the Second Party, and the Second Party was born and raised in the same family as the First Party. The First Party has always played an important role in the life of the Second Party, and they maintain an extremely close bond.

To support our claim, we attach the following evidence:

1. A copy of the birth certificate of the Second Party, which clearly states that her uncle is the First Party.

2. Photocopies of family photos taken over the years, which show the First Party and the Second Party together, confirming their close relationship.

3. Letters and cards exchanged between the First Party and the Second Party over the years, which demonstrate their deep affection and care for each other.

4. Testimonials from family members and friends, who can verify their uncle-niece relationship.

Based on the above evidence, we confirm that the First Party and the Second Party are uncle and niece. This certification should be considered valid and reliable, and may be used as evidence in any legal proceeding.


亲属关系证明样本 (20___)____证字第____号 申请人:姓名:________,性别:____,____年____月____日出生,现住____省____市,中国护照号码:____________。 关系人:姓名:________,性别:____,____年____月____日出生,现住港/澳门,身份证号码:______________,港澳居民来往内地通行证号码:____________________。 兹证明申请人______是关系人______的________。 特此证明! 中华人民共和国____省____市____区公证处 公证员:________(签名) ____年____月____日 ____字第____号 申请人:吴____,女,38岁,____市____区人,现住在____市____区________。 王____,男,13岁,____市____区人,现住在____市____区________。 王____,女,10岁,____市____区人,现住在____市____区________。 关系人:王____,男,____市____区人,原住________街____号楼,于____年____月____日在________因公伤事故死亡,终年____岁。 查申请人吴____是关系人王____的妻子,王____是王____的儿子,王____是王____的女儿,王____生前负担吴____、王____及____的全部生活费用,特此证明。 ____市____区人民法院 ____年____ 月____ 日 经查,我单位职工(或我辖区居民)____,男/女,____年________月____日出生,于____年____月____日因________在________死亡。其全部直系亲属共有以下____人: 父亲姓名______,性别____,____年____月____日出生,居住地址:____________,生存情况:____________

亲属关系证明 英语

亲属关系证明英语 第一篇:亲属关系证明英语亲属关系证明英语 亲属关系证明kinshipcertificate 出生证明birthcertificate "亲属关系证明书"英文样本, 申请美国留学用 certificatesofkinship ___________notaryoffices: thattheunit___________comrades,m/f,on_____________ ____yearofbirth. accordingtoinvestigationoftheirpersonnelfiles,thec omradesinthe________________onthecomplete "________________"registrationform, familymembersandrelatives: title firstname thesecondname gender dateofbirth

address unitsseal: signed: date: 亲属关系证明书 ___________公证处: 兹证明,本单位___________同志,男/女,于_________年____月____日出生。 经查其人事档案,该同志在________年____月____日填写的《》登记表上,写明下列家庭成员和亲属关系: 称谓姓名性别出生日期现住址 单位盖章: 填表人签名: 填表日期: 根据《办理继承公证的指导意见》第三条所谓“亲属关系证明”,是指被继承人档案所在单位的人事部门出具的证明继承人与被继承人之间具有亲属关系的证明;基层人民政府出具的证明继承人与被继承人之间具有亲属关系的证明;公安机关出具的证明继承人与被继承人之间具有亲属关系的证明;能够证明相关亲属关系的婚姻登记证明、收养登记证明、出生医学证明和公证书。第四条,当事人有合理理由无法提交本指导意

亲属关系证明 英文版

亲属关系证明英文版 证明亲属关系的英文范文一: Certification of Family Relationship This is to certify that the relationship between [Name of Person 1] (hereinafter referred to as "the First Party") and [Name of Person 2] (hereinafter referred to as "the Second Party") is as follows: The First Party and the Second Party are brothers, born of the same parents. They have shared a close bond since their childhood and have always been in regular contact with each other. Although they may live in different geographical locations for the purpose of work or other reasons, they maintain an active relationship and frequently exchange visits and phone calls. To support our claim, we attach the following evidence: 1. A copy of the birth certificate of the First Party, which clearly states that his brother is the Second Party. 2. Photocopies of family photos taken over the years, which show the First Party and the Second Party together, confirming their close relationship. 3. Letters and cards exchanged between the First Party and the Second Party over the years, which demonstrate their deep affection and care for each other. 4. Testimonials from their childhood friends and family members, who can verify their brotherly relationship. Based on the above evidence, we confirm that the First Party and the Second Party are brothers. This certification should be considered valid and reliable, and may be used as evidence in any legal proceeding.

亲属关系证明 英文

亲属关系证明英文 亲属关系证明英文 亲属关系证明书(格式范本) 字第号 申请人:吴x,女,38岁,上海市普陀区人,现住在上海市普陀区xx。 王x,男,13岁,上海市普陀区人,现住在上海市普陀区xx。 王x,女,10岁,上海市普陀区人,现住在上海市普陀区xx。 关系人:王x,男,上海市普陀区人,原住香港九龙街号楼,于年月日在香港因公伤事故死亡,终年40岁。 查申请人吴x是关系人王x的妻子,王x是王x的儿子,王x是王x的女儿,王x生前负担吴x、王x及x的全部生活费用,特此证明。 上海市普陀区人民法院 年月日 亲属关系证明xx-xx公证处:我单位________(职业或职务)__________(姓名),男或女,_________年___月___日出生,现住____________________________,因赴_________(国家或地区)_________(探亲、定居等)之需,要求办理亲属关系公证,经研究同意。根据其人事档案记载,兹证明其最早在________年___月___日

_____________(登记表或自传等)上曾写明下列亲属关系(或经查核,其有关亲属关系如下):称谓姓名性别出生年月日住址(或单位)特此证明。单位填写人签名:单位(组织或人事部门)印章:年月日注:(1)必须由组织如实出具;(2)无业人员由街道出具证明;已离开原单位,且档案已转到人才交流机构或街道的,由该机构或街道出具证明;(3)如系养(或继)父母-子女、养(或继)兄弟姐妹的应填明。 兹证明xxx,男,一九xx年x月x日出生,根据其档案记载,其亲属关系如下: 父亲:xxx,一九xx年x月x日出生,现住在xx省xx市xx路xx 号x房; 母亲:xxx,一九xx年x月x日出生,现住在xx省xx市xx路xx 号x房; 胞兄/弟/姐/妹:xxx,男/女,一九xx年x月x日出生,现住在xx省xx市xx路xx号x房 xx(称谓),xxx,男/女,一九xx年x月x日出生,现住xx省xx 市/xx国。 我手里现在有一份公证处的公证书,写的是,***出生于*年*月*日,其父亲是***。其母亲是***。请问,这个可以证明我们的母女关系吗?


notarial certificate (***) *** zheng zi, no.*** applicant: ***, female, born on ***, citizen’s identity card no.: ***, living at no.**, ***road, *** town, *** county, *** province. relative: ***, male, born on ***, citizen’s identity card no.: ***, living at no.***, *** village, *** town, *** county, *** province. issue under notarization: kinship this is to certify that *** is the father of ***; *** is the mother of ***. notary public office, *** county, *** province the people’s republic of china notary public: *** ***篇二:亲属关系公证书样本 亲属关系公证书样本 亲属关系公证书(亲属关系证明) 亲属关系公证是指有涉外业务权公证处,根据当事人的申请,依法法定程序证明申请人 与关系人之间亲属关系的真实性、合法性的活动。亲属关系公证书,主要用于出入境签证, 我国公民到国外定居、探亲、留学、继承遗产、申请减免税收、申请劳工伤亡赔偿、领取抚 恤金等事项。 亲属关系公证书(亲属关系证明书) 申请探亲签证的时候,需要提供与国外亲友的关系证明; 带未成年人(18周岁以下)出国,需要提供与未成年人的关系证明; 一般都须向领事馆提供亲属关系公证书,而且某些国家的领事馆还需要外事、领事馆办认 证。亲属关系公证由当事人住所地的公证处管辖,公证的主要内容是,证明申请人与关系人 是直系亲属、旁系亲属或姻亲关系,只要符合我国民事法律规定的亲属范围,均可给予公证 证明,如当事人要求办理表兄弟姐妹公证,只要能查证属实,就可以办理公证。 以申请人为主的材料,包括:身份证、出生证、户口簿等身份证明材料。 被证明的是域外亲属的,应提供身份证、回乡(港)证、台胞证(或护照)的复印件以 及有关往来书信等; 办理步骤: 1. 把相关证件带上,去户口所在地的派出所开一个关系证明,证明应详细列明申请人与 同行人员或者国外的关系人的姓名、性别、出生年月日、现在住址以及与他们之间是何种亲 属关系等。 2. 去派出所开好证明以后,带齐你的资料,户口本,两寸照片蓝底的,去公证处公证, 公证很简单就填表。 【亲属关系公证书】样本,此公证书需由公证处开具,此文件只是展示内容样本。 亲属关系公证书 公证书的编号(以事实情况而定) 申请人:孩子的名字(****),性别(男/女),出生年月日,现住址。关系人:父亲名 字,性别(男),出生年月日,现住址。 母亲名字,性别(女),出生年月日,现住址。 兹证明申请人(小孩子的名字)是关系人(父亲、母亲的名字)的儿子/女儿。中华人民 共和国(具体哪个市哪个区的公证处) 公证员名字 具体日期


翻译公证书 篇一:公证书英文版 篇一:公证书英文版 certificate lu zi, no. 1130(编号) this is to certificate that miss.yao xiaofen holds a diploma issued to her in june, 20XX by qinzhou university and that we have carefully checked the seal of the university and the signature by president xu shuye lingshan county, qinzhou city notary public office guangxi province the peoples republic of china notary: date: 篇二:英文公证书范本 英文公证书范本 [赛凌翻译 | 发表日期:20XX-02-09|:赛凌翻译网 ] 此英文公证书范本源于爱尔兰公证书翻译,作为公司登记注册公证。 一般来说,英文公证书包含三部分: ? ?

? 政府机构或法院签发的证明文书(如courts service)公证员签署的公证书(notary certificate)被公证的文件 在英文公证书中,政府机构或法院签发的证明文书非常重要,也是英文公证书的组成部分之一。该文书证明了签署英文公证书的公证员的身份合法性。该文书一般政府部门或法庭签署,如美国公证书中为各州的高级法庭(supreme court)、加拿大公证书为各省的政府服务部(ministry of government services)、爱尔兰公证书为高级法院(supreme court)。---------------------------------------------------------------------- courts service an tseirbhis chúirteanna i, name of the registrar, assistant registrar of the supreme court hereby certify that it appears from the records of this office that name of notary public whose name is subscribed to the annexed document was on the 30th day of july 20XX appointed a notary public for the city and county of dublin and that her name is at the present time on the roll of notaries. of the above-mentioned notary public on record in this office i verily believe the same to be her proper


直系亲属关系证明模板 推荐文章 个人离职证明书格式模板热度:个人离职证明书【5篇】热度:学生贫困证明模板热度:公司开具个人工作证明书(精选12篇)热度:公司个人工作证明书(10篇)热度: 直系亲属,即相互之间有一脉相承的血缘关系的。上下各代亲属,如父母与子女,爷爷奶奶与爸爸。以下是小编为大家推荐的关于一些直系亲属关系证明,希望能帮助到大家! 直系亲属关系证明1 我单位职工___同志(性别:男,____年__月__日出生,身份证号:__________________)与____同志(性别:女,____年____月____日)现系夫妻关系。 特此证明。 单位名称:________ 20__年__月__日 直系亲属关系证明2 ()_____字第_____号 根据档案记载(或经调查或经向知情人_______和______调查),兹证明______(男或女,_____年__月___日出生,____年___月____日死亡,生前住台湾省____市____街____号)的配偶和直系亲属共有以下____人:父亲:_____,_____年__月__日出生,_____年__月__日死亡。 母亲:_____,_____年__月__日出生,_____年__月__日死亡。 配偶:_____,_____年__月__日出生(于_____年__月__日与被继承人_____结婚),现住_____省_____市_____街_____号(或于_____年__月__日死亡)。

长男:_____,_____年__月__日出生,现住_____省_____市_____街_____号(或于_____年__月__日死亡,生前未婚亦无子女)。 次男:_____,_____年__月__日出生,现住_____省_____市_____街_____号。 _____省_____市公证处 公证员:___ _____年__月__日 直系亲属关系证明3 完全丧失劳动能力及直系亲属关系证明 与为(父子/母子/父女/母女等)关系,男年未满60周岁或女年未满50周岁,但已完全丧失劳动能力,无生活来源,其生活费用主要依靠(供养人) 特此证明 供给。证明单位(公章) 年月日 直系亲属关系证明范文篇四: 直系亲属关系证明(存根) 第号,性别,年月日出生,身份证号码,与,性别年月日出生,身份证号系关系。 特此证明 领取人承办民警局(所)领导派出所(公章) 年月日 直系亲属关系证明4 在校读书/或完全丧失劳动能力证明 与为(父子/母子/父女/母女/弟弟/妹妹等)关系,虽满18周岁但在校读书/或完全丧失劳动能力,无生活来源,其生活费用主要依靠(供养人) 供给。 特此证明 证明单位(公章) 年月日 直系亲属关系证明5 无经济收入及直系亲属关系证明 与为(父子/母子/父女/母女等)关系,男年满60周岁或女年满50


Don't complain when you encounter difficulties. Since you can't change the past, try to change the future.整合汇 编简单易用(页眉可删) 亲属关系证明格式范文 亲属关系公证 兹证明__X,男,一九__年X月X日出生,根据其档案记载,其亲属关系如下: 父亲:__X,一九__年X月X日出生,现住在__省__市__路__号X房; 母亲:__X,一九__年X月X日出生,现住在__省__市__路__号X房; 胞兄/弟/姐/妹:__X,男/女,一九__年X月X日出生,现住在__省__市__路__号X房 __(称谓),__X,男/女,一九__年X月X日出生,现住__ 省__市/__国,亲属关系证明样本。 亲属关系证明书(格式范本) 字第号 申请人:吴X,女,38岁,上海市普陀区人,现住在上海市普陀区__。

王X,男,13岁,上海市普陀区人,现住在上海市普陀区__。 王X,女,10岁,上海市普陀区人,现住在上海市普陀区__。 关系人:王X,男,上海市普陀区人,原住香港九龙街号楼,于年月日在香港因公伤事故死亡,终年40岁。 查申请人吴X是关系人王X的妻子,王X是王X的儿子,王X是王X的女儿,王X生前负担吴X、王X及X的全部生活费用,特此证明。 上海市普陀区人民法院 年月日 ●亲属关系证明样本 _____字第_____号 根据档案记载(或经调查或经向知情人_______和______调查),兹证明______(男或女,_____年__月___日出生,____年___月____日死亡,生前住台湾省____市____街____号)的配偶和直系亲属共有以下____人: 父亲:_____,_____年__月__日出生,_____年__月__日死亡,证明《亲属关系证明样本》。


亲属关系证明英语(范本) To whom it may concern, I, [Your Name], would like to provide this letter as a proof of our familial relationship. As requested, I have prepared an English version of the document, and it is outlined below: [Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Date] [Recipient's Name] [Recipient's Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] Dear Sir/Madam, Re: Affidavit of Family Relationship I, [Your Name], hereby declare the following facts to be true to the best of my knowledge and belief: 1. Personal Information: - Full Name: [Your Full Name] - Date of Birth: [Your Date of Birth] - Nationality: [Your Nationality]

- Relationship to [Recipient's Name]: [Your Relationship] 2. [Recipient's Name]'s Personal Information: - Full Name: [Recipient's Full Name] - Date of Birth: [Recipient's Date of Birth] - Nationality: [Recipient's Nationality] 3. Documentation: - Birth Certificate: A copy of my birth certificate is enclosed, clearly stating my and [Recipient's Name]'s names as the children of [Shared Parent's Full Name]. - Marriage Certificate: A copy of the marriage certificate of our parents, [Shared Parent's Full Name] and [Shared Parent's Full Name], is enclosed. - ID Proof: I have attached a copy of my identification document (passport or ID card) for verification purposes. - Relationship Proof: I have included photographs of [Recipient's Name] and me from various family events and gatherings as evidence of our close relationship. I confirm that [Recipient's Name] is my [Relation], and we share a close bond as family members. It is my understanding that this letter will serve as a formal piece of evidence to establish our familial ties for [Recipient's Name]'s legal or personal requirements. Should you require any further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Contact Information].

亲属关系证明 英文

Proof of Family Relationship Introduction A proof of family relationship is a document that proves a relationship between family members. It includes information such as names, dates of birth, and other details that establish a blood relationship, marriage, or legal adoption. Types of Proof of Family Relationship There are several types of documents that can serve as proof of family relationship. They include: Birth Certificates A birth certificate is a document that proves the birth of a person. It lists the name, date of birth, gender, and parents of a person. Marriage Certificates A marriage certificate is a legal document that proves a marriage between two people. It includes the names of the spouses, the date and location of the marriage, and the names of the witnesses. Divorce Decrees A divorce decree is a legal document that proves the dissolution of a marriage between two people. It includes information about the date of divorce, the reason for the divorce, and any agreements made during the divorce proceedings. Adoption Records An adoption record is a legal document that proves the adoption of a child. It includes information about the birth parents, the adoptive parents, and the legal process of adoption. Affidavits An affidavit is a sworn statement that attests to a particular fact or circumstance. It may be used as proof of family relationship if, for example, a birth certificate or marriage certificate is unavailable.


无直系亲属关系证明范文 To Whom It May Concern, I am writing this letter to provide a detailed account of the lack of direct blood relationship between two individuals, namely [Name 1] and [Name 2]. It is important to establish this fact in order to clarify any misconceptions or misunderstandings that may arise regarding their familial ties. Firstly, it is essential to highlight that [Name 1] and [Name 2] do not share any common biological lineage. Their family trees, upon thorough examination, do not intersect at any point. This can be easily verified by tracing their ancestry back several generations, where no overlapping names or connections can be found. Moreover, a comprehensive analysis of their respective genealogical records reveals that both individuals belong to distinct ethnic backgrounds. [Name 1] hails from a long


亲属关系证明样本 亲属关系证明样本 亲属关系证明样本1 (20___)____证字第____号 申请人:姓名:________,性别:____,____年____月____日出生,现住____省____市,中国护照号码:____________。 关系人:姓名:________,性别:____,____年____月____日出生,现住港/澳门,身份证号码:______________,港澳居民来往内地通行证号码:____________________。 兹证明申请人______是关系人______的________。 特此证明! 中华人民共和国____省____市____区公证处 公证员:________(签名) ____年____月____日 亲属关系证明样本2 ____字第____号 申请人:吴____,女,38岁,____市____区人,现住在____市____区________。 王____,男,13岁,____市____区人,现住在____市____区________。 王____,女,10岁,____市____区人,现住在____市____区________。 关系人:王____,男,____市____区人,原住________街____号楼,于____年____月____日在________因公伤事故死亡,终年____岁。 查申请人吴____是关系人王____的妻子,王____是王____的儿子,王____是王____的女儿,王____生前负担吴____、王____及____的全部生活费用,特此证明。 ____市____区人民法院 ____年____ 月____ 日


《亲属关系证明,英文》 摘要:第1篇第2篇第3篇第4篇第5篇更多顶部第一篇:亲属关系证明英文第二篇:亲属关系的英文称谓第三篇:亲属 关系证明第四篇:亲属关系证明范例第五篇:亲属关系证明样式更多相关范文第一篇:亲属关系证明英文,胞兄/弟/姐/妹:xxx,男/女,一九xx年x月x日出生,现住在xx省xx市xx路xx号x房,father"s father"s brother"s wife 亲属关系证明英文 亲属关系证明书(格式范本) 字第号 申请人:吴x,女,38岁,上海市普陀区人,现住在上海市普陀区xx。 王x,男,13岁,上海市普陀区人,现住在上海市普陀区xx。 王x,女,10岁,上海市普陀区人,现住在上海市普陀区xx。 关系人:王x,男,上海市普陀区人,原住香港九龙街号楼,于年月日在香港因公伤事故死亡,终年40岁。 查申请人吴x是关系人王x的妻子,王x是王x的儿子,王x是王x的女儿,王x生前负担吴x、王x及x的全部生活费用,特此证明。 上海市普陀区人民法院 年月日 亲属关系证明xx-xx公证处:我单位________(职业或职务)__________(姓名),男或女,_________年___月___日出生,现住____________________________,因赴_________(国家或地区)_________(探亲、定居等)之需,要求办理亲属关系公证,经研究同意。根据其人事档案记载,兹证明其最 早在________年___月___日_____________(登记表或自传等)上曾写明下列亲属关系(或经查核,其有关亲属关系如下):称谓姓名性别出生年月日住址(或单位)特此证明。单位填写人签名:单位(组织或人事部门)印章:年月日注:(1)必须由组织如实出具;(2)无业人员由街道出具证明;已离开原单位,且档案已转到人才交流机构或街道的,由该机构或街道出具证明;(3)如系养(或继) 父母-子女、养(或继)兄弟姐妹的应填明。 兹证明xxx,男,一九xx年x月x日出生,根据其档案记载,其亲属关系如下:

亲属关系证明 英文版

亲属关系证明英文版 (实用版) 目录 1.亲属关系证明的概述 2.亲属关系证明的英文版 3.亲属关系证明的作用 4.如何办理亲属关系证明 5.亲属关系证明的注意事项 正文 【亲属关系证明的概述】 亲属关系证明是指用于证明亲属之间关系的一种法律文件。在很多情况下,如办理签证、继承财产、办理户口等,都需要提供亲属关系证明来证明申请人与相关亲属之间的关系。 【亲属关系证明的英文版】 英文版亲属关系证明通常被称为 "Proof of Relationship"。 【亲属关系证明的作用】 亲属关系证明在很多情况下都具有重要作用,主要包括以下几点: 1.办理签证:在申请某些国家的签证时,可能需要提供亲属关系证明,以证明申请人与邀请人之间的关系。 2.继承财产:在继承财产时,需要提供亲属关系证明来证明继承人与被继承人之间的关系,以确保遗产的合法继承。 3.办理户口:在办理户口迁移、登记等业务时,可能需要提供亲属关系证明,以证明申请人与相关亲属之间的关系。

【如何办理亲属关系证明】 办理亲属关系证明的具体流程可能因地区和用途而有所不同。一般来说,需要提供以下材料: 1.申请人和被证明人的身份证明文件,如身份证、护照等。 2.申请人与被证明人之间的亲属关系证明文件,如户口簿、出生证明等。 3.若需办理涉外亲属关系证明,还需提供翻译件及认证文件。 具体的办理流程可向当地公证处或相关部门咨询。 【亲属关系证明的注意事项】 在办理亲属关系证明时,需要注意以下几点: 1.提供真实有效的材料,避免提供虚假信息。 2.确保材料齐全,以免影响办理进度。 3.若需办理涉外亲属关系证明,需注意翻译件及认证文件的要求。


亲属关系证明范文 亲属关系证明范文篇一:直系亲属关系证明 第号,性别,年月日出生,身份证号码,与,性别年月日出生,身份证号系关系。 特此证明 派出所 (公章) 年月日 亲属关系证明范文篇二:亲属关系证明 兹证明: 我处居民 某某男(11010XXXXXXXXX8) 19XX年XX月XX日出生,根据其档案记载,与其亲属关系如下 姨母:张某某女(1XXXXXXXXXXX0) 19XX年XX月XX日出生,系亲属关系 上述证明的内容准确无误。 经办人_____________ ××市XXXXXXXXX居委会 年月日 亲属关系证明范文篇三:亲属关系证明 兹证明性别身份证号码与性别身份证号码为关系。如有不实,愿承担相应法律责任和由此造成的经济损失。 特此证明。 经办人:村(居)委会盖章

居委会联系电话:时间:年月日 注:1、本证明必须用钢笔或签字笔填写。 2、本证明必须由村(居)委会出具并盖章。 3、关系称谓(父子、父女、母子、母女等) 亲属关系证明范文篇四:亲属关系证明书 兹有_________性别:_____,_____年___月___日出生,公民身份证号码:________________________;户籍所在地(要与身份证地址相符):_________ ______________________婚姻状况:________(已婚/未婚),其直系亲属成员共有____人: 父母及配偶: 父亲姓名:________ ,_____年___月___日出生,地址:_______________ _______________________;公民身份证号码:_________________________ 母亲姓名:________ ,_____年___月___日出生,地址:_______________ _______________________;公民身份证号码:_________________________ 配偶姓名:________ ,_____年___月___日出生,地址:_______________ _______________________;公民身份证号码:_________________________ 子女: 姓名:________ ,_____年___月___日出生,地址:___________________ _______________________;公民身份证号码:_________________________ 姓名:________ ,_____年___月___日出生,地址:____________________ _______________________;公民身份证号码:_________________________ 姓名:________ ,_____年___月___日出生,地址:___________________


[死亡亲属关系证明]亲属关系证明 ____字第____号 申请人:吴____,女,38岁,____市____区人,现住在____市____区________。 王____,男,13岁,____市____区人,现住在____市____区 ________。 王____,女,10岁,____市____区人,现住在____市____区 ________。 关系人:王____,男,____市____区人,原住________街____号楼,于____年____月____日在________因公伤事故死亡,终年____岁。 查申请人吴____是关系人王____的妻子,王____是王____的儿子,王____是王____的女儿,王____生前负担吴____、王____及____的全部生活费用,特此证明。 ____市____区人民法院 ____年____月____日 经查,我单位职工(或我辖区居民)____,男/女,____年________月____日出生,于____年____月____日因________在________死亡。其全部直系亲属共有以下____人: 父亲姓名______,性别____,____年____月____日出生,居住地址:____________,生存情况:____________

母亲姓名______,性别____,____年____月____日出生,居住地址:____________,生存情况:____________ 配偶姓名______,性别____,____年____月____日出生,居住地址:____________,生存情况:____________ 子女姓名______,性别____,____年____月____日出生,居住地址:____________,生存情况:____________ 特此证明! 出具证明单位:_________(盖章) ____年____月____日 注:1、本证明由当事人街道办事处(社区)、乡政府或户籍所在地公安派出所出具; 3、直系亲属中如有去世,应在备注栏内注明去世的时间或注明先于被继承人死亡; 4、子女为被继承的所有子女,包括已出嫁的子女、养子女、继子女以及非婚生子女。 (20___)____证字第____号 申请人:姓名:________,性别:____,____年____月____日出生,现住____省____市,中国护照号码:____________。 关系人:姓名:________,性别:____,____年____月____日出生,现住港/澳门,身份证号码:______________,港澳居民来往内地通行证号码:____________________。


家庭亲属关系声明书英文版 Family Relationship Declaration I, [Your Full Name], hereby declare the following family relationships to the best of my knowledge and belief: 1. Spouse: - Name: [Spouse's Full Name] - Date of Marriage: [Date of Marriage] - Place of Marriage: [Place of Marriage] 2. Parents: - Father's Name: [Father's Full Name] - Mother's Name: [Mother's Full Name] - Place of Birth of Father: [Place of Birth of Father] - Place of Birth of Mother: [Place of Birth of Mother] 3. Siblings: - [Sibling 1's Full Name] - [Sibling 2's Full Name] - [Sibling 3's Full Name] - [Sibling 4's Full Name] - [Sibling 5's Full Name] 4. Children: - [Child 1's Full Name] - [Child 2's Full Name] - [Child 3's Full Name] - [Child 4's Full Name] - [Child 5's Full Name]
