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Part 1 Reading Comprehension (Multiple Choice) (每小题:4 分) Directions: Read the following passages carefully and choose the best answer from th e four choices marked A, B, C and D. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog. Language is a way to communicate with each other. We started to learn lang uage when we were born. However, people are used to speaking their native language, so immigrants are having many problems between the first generation and the second generation because they don't have the same native language. Also, the second genera tion is losing their identity. Especially in America, there are many immigrants that ca me from different countries to succeed in the States. Because they suffer in lots of are as such as getting a job and trying to speak English, they want their children to speak English, not only at school, but also at home in order to be more successful. Because of this situation, their children are losing their ethnic identity and, even more, they are ignoring their parents whose English is not very good.

I think most immigrants are trying to preserve their native language in their new count ry, but this doesn't help very much in getting a good job. My aunt didn't teach Korean to her children in order to help them succeed in the US; she did so, hopefully, to help t hem establish a Korean identity. Though the second generation is born in the new cou ntry, they often get confused about their identity. My cousins told me that when they v isited Korea a few years ago, they felt different from other Koreans. They could even feel it just strolling around the street because they wore different clothes. We must rea lize that language is important and valuable for many reasons. Immigrants should mak e an effort not to be ignored by their children and to make their children understand th eir heritage by teaching them the parents' language. This is important in helping the se cond generation establish their identity.

1. Which people are having trouble with language?

A. Natives.

B. People of the 2nd generation.

C. People when born.

D. Immigrants.

2. Why are children ignoring their parents?

A. Children have lost their identity.

B. Parents cause children to suffer.

C. They speak different languages.

D. They have different job levels.

3. The author's aunt taught Korean ________.

A. so she could preserve her language

B. so she would have a job in America

C. to help children succeed in their new country

D. to help children keep their Korean identity

4. The author's cousins felt ________.

A. they were not similar to people in Korea

B. they could not get a job in America

C. it was all right to look and feel different

D. it was important to keep their identity

5. A proper title for this passage is ________.

A. The Identity of the Second Generation

B. Korean Problems in America

C. Learning a New Language in the US

D. Keeping Your Culture in a New Land

1. D

2. C

3. D

4. A

5. D

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog.

Yinlan looked at the people sitting around the table and smiled with satisfaction. Ever yone in her family was there—her children, her grandchildren, and her new great-grandson, just one month old. Her whole family had come to celebrate the Harvest Moon Festival (节日).

Two days after the Harvest Moon Festival, Yinlan died peacefully in her sleep. Her fa mily was sad but at the same time grateful. They felt happy that they had been able to celebrate the Harvest Moon Festival with her one last time. Everyone said it was rema rkable that Yinlan had died just two days after the holiday.

Actually, the timing of Yinlan's death was not remarkable at all. Recently sociologists (社会学家) studied the death rate among elderly Chinese women in California. They discover ed that the death rate drops 35 percent before the Harvest Moon Festival and then rise s 35 percent. Sociologists believe that these changes in death rate show the mind's po wer over the body. The Harvest Moon Festival, when families gather, is important to e lderly Chinese women. Apparently some women are able to postpone (推延) their deaths so that they can celebrate the festival one last time. The idea that peo ple can postpone the time of their deaths is not new. Many families tell stories of a rel ative who held on to life until after an important event. The stories people tell, howev er, are just that: stories. They are not proof that people can postpone their deaths. The sociologists' work is important because the

sociologists studied facts, not stories. The facts—the drop and rise in death rates—prove that people really can postpone their deaths.

6. When did Yilan die?
