-大学英语1试卷 -

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注: 本次考试试卷的所有答案全部写在专用答题纸上。考试结束


I. Matching the definitions in Column B with the words in Column A. (10 points in total, 1 point for each)

1.efficient a. careful and hard work

2.expert b. produce something for the first time

3.propose c. able to plan and work well

4.constant d. dismiss somebody from a job

5.suspect e. choose

6.invent f. satisfied, pleased

7.select g. put forward for consideration

8.diligence h. suppose

9.fire i. happening very frequently

10.content j. person with special skill or knowledge II. Giving Chinese equivalents to each of the following phrases and expressions. (10 points in total, 1 point for each)

11.by no means 12. long for

13. break off 14. after all

15.be bound to 16. keep up with

17.find out 18. work on

19.round the corner 20. set one’s mind to

III. Fill in each blank with the proper form of the words given in the brackets. (10 points in total, 1 point for each)

21. It’s very (kindly) of you to invite me to tea.

22. We had fine weather all through July except for an (occasion)


23. If the tea is too strong, you can (add) some more water.

24. Jenny is very (reliably)--- if she says she’ll do something

she’ll do it.

25. After reading the novel, he was too (excite) to go to sleep

that night.

26. The cat watched the mouse hole with great (patient).

27.Would you mind (repeat) what you’ve just said?

28.You will find this dictionary most (help) for learners of


29.I am (reluctantly) to get out of bed on cold mornings.

30.To my (disappoint), the book was not half so good as I had


IV. Complete the following statements by choosing the appropriate answer from the four choices. (20 points in total, 2 points for each)

31.Whatever one has planned to do is to be altered in the



B. eager

C. embarrassed

D. bound

32.You about your friends never coming to see you, but when

they do come, you give them such a hard time it’s hardly surprising

they stay away.


B. disturb

C. complain

D. publish

33.Music, for both of us, is a part of life we treasure, and Michael has

found his records and tapes a constant of happiness during

the long hours of inactivity forced upon him.


B. illustration

C. addition

D. package

34.She fell asleep at last, but in no time at all the pain in her back

her again, sharp and insistent.


B. wakened

C. absorbed

D. retired

35.The only way to a fear is to face it, and to do so as

frequently as possible.


B. enlarge

C. communicate

D. conquer

36.If you wish, we can for your luggage to be sent on ahead to

each of the overnight stops.


B. contract

C. arrange

D. commit

37.The boy turned the TV off as the clock struck ten, time for

him to go to bed.


B. disappointedly

C. fortunately

D. undoubtedly

38.He could see her lips and hoped she would not cry in public



B. trembling

C. shaking

D. stooping

39.I’d like to that students should be allowed more time for

independent study.


B. command

C. arrange

D. steer

40.He might as well have picked a family out of the telephone

book and stayed with them.

A.at random

B. at a time

C. after all

D. in detail

V. Reading comprehension.(This part is to test your reading abilities.

Read the following two passages and finish each statement with the four choices marked A, B, C and D.) (20 points in total, 2 points for each)

Passage 1

A foreigner’s first impression of the U.S. is likely to be that everyone is in a rush-often under pressure. City people appear always to be hurrying to get where they are going restlessly, seeking attention in a store, and elbowing others as they try to complete their errands (任务). Racing through daytime
