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物流英语课后中英文互翻译习题 物流英语课后中英文互翻译习题 课后中英文互翻译 第一单元 Unit1<18-19> 1. It is through the logistical process that materials capacity distributed of an industrial flow into the vast manufacturing nation and products are to consumers.正是通过物流的过
through marketing channels
程原材料才得以流入工业国家巨大的制造机器中,产品才得以通过市场这个渠道流向顾客. 2. Logistics is complex. more than 20 million wholesalers In China alone, the market structure retailing networks involves and more than 2 million
networks.物流复杂极了.仅在中国的市场上就有 2000 多万个零售网
点和 200 多万个批发网点. 3. One expert holds the view that logistics is an iceberg , only the top of which is seen.
What is unseen is much bigger.有一位专家认为,物流是一座冰山,人们只看到了冰山的水面 上那部份,水下未见得那部份更大. 4. The overall goal of logistics is to achieve a targeted level of
customer service at the lowest possible total cost.物流的整体目标是以最低的成本取得预期的 顾客服务的水平. 5. In the beginning, companies that could afford customer demand. 6. The distribution inventory were able to satisfy
在早期,有库存能力的公司能够满足顾客的要求. or market channel is perhaps the least
understood business area.配送渠道或市场渠道也许是人们知道得最少的商业领域. 7. Quite a number of companies achieved success by creating value throughout domestic
and global supply chains.相当多的公司通过遍及国内和全世界的供应链创造价值 而获得成功. 8. Logistics has huge impact 济和全球经济有巨大的影响. 9. The international Red Cross operates like a mobile warehouse. on domestic and global economy .物流对国内经
国际红十字会的工作就像一个活动的仓库. 10. More than USD 25 million in Atlanta , Georgia. was spent on logistics for the summer Olympics 在佐治亚州的亚特兰大举行的夏季奥运会上, 物流的
费用为 2500 多万美元. 11. The basic concepts of logistical management are applicable

throughout private
and public enterprise
基本概念适用于所有私营企业和公用企业. 12. Logistics has become a profession thinking ,analytical skills that values strategic , and the use of technology -based tools.
物流已经变成一种职业,注重战略思维,分析技术和采用技术型工具. 13. The appearance development 展. 14. Logistics plays a very important role 流对经济的发展起了很大的推动作用. 15. I like to carry out detailed 分析. 16. Nowadays ,people in logistics business have an income higher than the average analysis of a problem.我喜欢对问题进行详细的 in promoting economic development.物 of foreign companies will contributes to the
of logistics in China.外国公司的出现将有助于物流在中国的发
.现在从事物流行业的收入高于平均数. 17. To ensure the time liness of logistics ,it is important to keep a certain level of
inventory.为了保证物流的及时性,就要求一定的库存存在. 第二单元 Unit2<40-41> 1. In customer service performance a product or material ,availability on a predictable means providing basis.在客户服务绩效方面,
可用性就是在预测的基础上提供产品或原料. 2. Availability according 3. depends on keeping a safe stock and how fast the stock is filled up to orders.可用性取决于安全库存以及根据订货填满库存有多快. to achieve and flexibility a predetermined in delivery .绩效是交付货
Performance is the ability speed ,consistency
物时达到预期的速度,取得一致性和灵活性的能力. 4. The development and maintenance continuous measurement of quality performance are based on .质量绩
of logistical operations
效的开发和维持是以对物流作业持续不断的衡量为基础的. 5. Logistics in industrialized increasing benefits countries is now the last frontier in industrial production for
