



户口所在地:梅州身材:158 cm kg

婚姻状况:未婚年龄:25 岁




手机: qq号码:









公司名称:广州福门通商贸易有限公司起止年月:XX-01 ~XX-12



























英文个人简历的表格 简历是求职者敲开企业大门的扣门砖,企业对求职者的第一印象来自简历,求职者八仙过海各显神通,花尽心思规划具有个性化的简历,以便吸引企业的注意力。以下是我拾掇的英文个人简历的表格,以供咱们参看。 英文个人简历的表格一: Name: Current residence: Shenzhen Household membership of Origin: Hainan Marital status: Single Job search intention and work experience Personnel types: ordinary job Position: Multimedia Design Work Experience: 1 Job type: Full-time Arrived to date: one week Salary requirements: Negotiable I hope the working area: Shenzhen Work Experience Company Name: Shenzhen Advertising Co., Ltd. Beginning and ending date :20xx-11 to 20xx-05 Company Type: Other

Industry: Advertising / Media Positions: Design Assistant Job Description: Responsible for landscaping tenders, reimbursement templates to create, update, making reimbursement of new templates for projects invoice billing, settlement, submittals, contract tracking, expense reimbursement, engineering documents prepared for the archives, other things work assigned by the leadership and so on. Educational Background Graduated: Haikou College of Economics Highest Level of Education: College Graduation date :20xx -06-01 By Major: Computer multimedia technology Ability to work and other expertise Working capacity: strong organizational skills, coordination, patience and resilience and can be well coordinated handle emergencies. Specialties: Proficient Photoshop, Corel DRAW, there are Flash, Dreamweaver, Illustrator, CAD, 3DMAX, MAYA, premiere and other professional skills Self-evaluation I work very seriously responsible, there are certain


group (+86) 1xxxxxxxxx0 https://www.360docs.net/doc/1e15824974.html, CAPABILITIES Thinks creatively Photoshop ImageReady CSS, Illust Flash Office InD Dreamweaver EXPERIENCE Freelance Design January 20xx- Present London ?Designed look and feel ?Provided design suppor ?Developed mock site for Freelance Web Design September 20xx - Present Chicago ?Organised and createds ?Contributed to detaildesign o Intern (Design /Creative) - Digitas London February - August London ?Designer on2 website redesigns ?Provided seniordesigners and art ?Collaborated ona varietyof clients ?Attended client meetings whileser Media/PrintTechnician - Columbia CollegeChicago September 20xx- December 20xx Chicago, IL ?Responsibleforcreating media a ?Assisting inthe general operations o Marketing Assistant - KalamazooInst May - August 20xx Kalamazoo, ?Created promotionalpieces ?Helped develop promotionalp EDUCATION Columbia College Chicago Bachelorof Arts Major: InteractiveArt GPA 3.9/4.0 - Dean's Lis EXHIBITIONS2012 - 20xx - 20xx -


个人简历表格英文 篇一:【免费】英文个人简历(表格版) 篇二:英文版个人简历模板 curriculumVitae name:****** Gender:male Race:Han dateofBirth:may28,1977 Politicalaffiliation:Partymember address: internationalSchool,Xi’anJiaotongUniversity,Xi’an,Shaanxi,710038Telephone:**********(fixedtelephone) **********(cellphone) Hobbies: Education: 20XX—20XXTaiyuanno.5SeniorSchool,ShanxiProvince20XX---20XXX i’anJiaotongUniversity,ShaanxiProvincemajor:appliedEnglish Language: chineseandEnglish(bothfluentinListening,speaking,readingandwriting) maincourses:

intensiveReading,ExtensiveReading,SpokenEnglish,Englishlistening,Engl ishGrammar,Englishwriting,Translation awardsandScholarships: 20XX“ExcellentLeaguemember”,JiaotongUniversity; (:个人简历表格英文)20XX“nationalinspirationalScholarship”,JiaotongUni versityotherTrain ing: Qualifications: ProfessionalExperience: 20XXTutorforajuniormiddleschoolstudent; SellerofEnglishweekly 20XXmemberofaideducationgroupatcollege 篇三:史上最正宗英文个人简历resume范文模板 第一种格式 StanBeltzman 572FirstStreet?Brooklyn,nY11215?s.beltzman@https://www.360docs.net/doc/1e15824974.html,?718-555-4328 Education:PrincetonUniversity,Princeton,nJ degreeExpected:m.S.incommunications,June2005 classRank:Top10percent EditorofcommunicationsJournal Universityofwisconsin,madison,wi B.a.inPoliticalScience,may20XX


B R I A N M . O ’M A L L E Y Certifications CISSP, 2008 MCSE, 2008 Security+, 2007 Key Skills Network & System Security Risk Management Vulnerability Assessments Authentication & Access Control System Monitoring Regulatory Compliance System Integration Planning Multitier Network Architectures Education UNIVERSITY of FL, Sometown, FL BS in Computer Science , 2000 I N F O R M A T I O N S E C U R I T Y S P E C I A L I S T Multicertified Expert in Enterprise Security Strategies Infosec specialist whose qualifications include a degree in computer science; CISSP, MCSE and Security+ designations; and detailed knowledge of security tools, technologies and best practices. Seven years of experience in the creation and deployment of solutions protecting networks, systems and information assets for diverse companies and organizations. Technology Summary Security Technologies: Retina Network Security Scanner; SSH; SSL; Digital Certificates; Anti-Virus Tools (Norton, Sym antec, Ghost, etc.) Systems: Unix-Based System s (Solaris, Linux, BSD); Windows (all) Networking: LANs, WANs, VPNs, Routers, Firewalls, TCP/IP Software: MS Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, Access, PowerPoint) IT Experience XYZ Co., Sometown, FL Information Security Consultant , 2009-Present ABC Co., Sometown, TN Senior Information Security Specialist , 2004-2008 123 Co., Sometown, FL Information Security Specialist , 2002-2004 R&R Ltd., Sometown, FL Network Administrator , 2000-2002 Became an expert in information systems security for multiple clients and employers. Recent Project Highlights: ● Economic Recovery : Currently directing the information security portion of major system implementations linking schools, universities, libraries and hospitals nationwide into shared networks. Devised enterprise security strategies safeguarding information assets and ensuring compliance with regulatory mandates. ● Government Sector : Assisted in the developm ent and launch of secure, recoverable and fault-tolerant systems for data access and identity management for dozens of state and federal government agencies. ● Financial Sector : Led business-critical information security initiatives for large financial institutions involving encryption of custom er data to ensure compliance with change in federal laws. ● Fortune 500 Sector : Modernized outdated information security awareness programs for several F500 corporations, and led companywide training on crucial new infosec policies, procedures and technologies. ● Infrastructure : Led comprehensive security infrastructure upgrades (e.g., firewall/VPN upgrades, intrusion detection, token-based authentication and remote management) for various midsize and large companies. ● Risk Management : Protected vulnerable networks following detailed risk assessments. Guided cross-functional teams in the design, validation, acceptance testing and implementation of secure, networked communications across remote sites for several key clients.


英文简历表格 Chinese Name:Sex: Birth Place: photo English Name:Telephone : Email: Universit y: Major: Address: job objective : Foreign trade;domestic trade Computer Skills: : Skilled in use of Microsoft Office xp/2003, Windows xp/2000 Skilled in solving actual problem with Excel and Word English Proficien cy: Good command of both written English (CET Band 4) and fluent spoken English Education Experienc e: Practice of International Trade; Foreign Trade Correspondence Business Negotiation Oral ; Merchandising International Finance ; Customs Practice Western Economics ; Prepare Documents International Trade Practice and Communication Work Experienc e: During the school days : Do some advertising campaigns 2011-2012: Do a summer job There’s no doubt that I’ve learned too much from these activities. And I’m sure that the experience(the spirit of teamworking and the skill of handling with interpersonal relations) will be helpful in the future work.


英文简历模板精选 英文简历模板精选 英文简历模板精选 以下是小编整理提供的’关于英文简历模板的内容,快来阅读了解吧,希望给你提供帮助。 简历 外贸主管英文简历模板 Name: Mr. W Gender: Male Wedlock: Married Nation: Han Residence: Jiangxi-Jiujiang Age: 35 Location: Guangdong-Dongguan Height: 172cm Target Locations: Guangdong-Shenzhen、Guangdong-Dongguan、Guangdong-Guangzhou Target Positions: Sales-Salesman Management-Project Manager Sales Management-Sales Manager

Target Jobs: sale、 sales leader、 sales manager Education 1999-09 ~ 2002-02 jiuqiang college college Junior College Training 2008-04 ~ 2010-05 Boya trainning school PS Work Experience9 years 5 months work experience,and served on 4 Companies. (2011-08 ~ Present) Company Type: Private Enterprise Company Category: Trading,Commerce,Imports and Exports Job Title: sales manager Positions: Sales Manager Job Description: It is a small trade company for Premium and promotion items, such as neoprene beer bottle holder, laptop sleeve, mouse pad and digital pouch. As a leader to develop customer, including from Sample to Catalogue and attendance for show, handing Alibaba and other B2B platform , get sales to double turnover against the last year, and develop 3 big custers with yearly sale RMB10 Millison. (2008-09 ~ 2011-07)


姓名:某某某 电话:1234567890 邮箱:1234567890 求职意向:美术主编类相关职位

年 龄:24岁 学 历:本科 健康状况:良好 姓 名:某某某 籍 贯:某某市 政治面貌:中共党员 某某市 1234567890 1234567890 ? 2015年获得某某证书 ? 2015年获得某某证书 ? 2015年获得某某证书 ? 2015年获得某某证书 ? 熟练掌握某专业软件 ? 熟练掌握某专业软件 校 园 经 历 大学生三下乡 2011 ? 在某某省湘西自治州保靖县木芽村小学义 务支教活动,评为优秀支教老师。 学院学生党支部支部书记 2011 ? 简单写几句关于此经历的介绍 ,简单写几句简单写几句关于此经历介绍 。 某某生物科技有限公司实习 2011 ? 简单写几句关于此经历的介绍 ,简单写几句简单写几句关于此经历介绍 。 植物生理与生物化学、应用概率统计、遗 传学、田问试验设计、农业生态学、作物栽培与耕作学、育种学、农业经济管理等。 主修课程 教 育 背 景 某某大学 本科 2011 - 2015 农学专业 ? 2011年被评为某某省“省优秀毕业生”,湘潭大学“校优秀毕业生” ? 2011年获某某大学“优秀共产党员”、某某大学“优秀辅导组成员”荣誉称号 ? 2012年获全国数学建模竞赛三等奖,湘潭大学物理竞赛二等奖 ? 2012年获校“优秀社团工作者”称号 基 本 资 料 技 能 和 证 书 获 得 荣 誉

尊敬的领导: 您好! 我是一名即将毕业的本科毕业生。我很荣幸有机会向您呈上我的个人资料。在投身社会之际,为了更好地发挥自己的才能,谨向各位领导作一下自我推荐。 伴着青春的激情和求知的欲望,我即将走完四年的求知之旅,美好的大学生活,培养了我科学严谨的思维方法,更造就了我积极乐观的生活态度和开拓进取的创新意识.课堂内外拓展的广博的社会实践、扎实的基础知识和开阔的视野,使我更了解社会;在不断的学习和工作中养成的严谨、踏实的工作作风和团结协作的优秀品质,使我深信自己完全可以在岗位上守业、敬业、更能创业!我相信我的能力和知识正是贵单位所需要的,我真诚渴望,我能为单位的明天奉献自己的青春和热血! 我一定会尽职尽责地用实际行动向您证明:您的过去,我来不及参与;但您的未来,我愿奉献我毕生的心血和汗水! 此致 敬礼!


英文简历模板100篇 :11-18中学教师中英文简历范文 英文简历现在大家也不会很陌生了,中学教师的英文简历要怎么写呢?下文是中学教师中英文简历范文,希望对你们有所帮助。中学教师中英文简历范文【一】123, Lee St E Charleston, WVTELL:****** Email:Objective: Seeking a secondary 英文简历范文制作技巧 We will cover the purpose of resume, when to use one, how to format effectively and how to write content that promote your qualifications.我们将讲述简历的制作目的,使用日期,怎样制作有效简历以及如何编辑简历以提升职业匹配应届毕业生如何写好英文简文范文 想要进外企的同学,一定要制作一份好的英文简历,才能打动面试官的芳心。下面来跟大家讨论一下针对应届生英文简历的模式和英文写法,如果你正在制作英文简历的话,务必要看一眼哦!LZ中文不好,今天刚被顾问批评写的中文报告全部都是英式中采购员优秀英文简历范文 purchaser resumeName:WTT.Nationality:ChinaHeight/Weight: ***cm** kgMarital Status:SingleAge:** yearsCareer

ObjectiveApplication type: JobseekerPreferred job title:Purchasing: PurchaserWorking life: 英文简历范文你会写了吗?常用专有名词介绍 你还在为英文简历中生僻的专有名词而烦恼吗?现成的常用专有名词送给你!不管你读大几,都一定用得上!一、国家及校级奖项、称号(1)奖学金国家奖学金 National Scholarship国家励志奖学金 National Encouragement scholarship三好学生标兵制作高水平英文简历范文,成功应聘外企 坐上英文简历快艇,把你送进500强彼岸应聘外企,一份高水准的简历必不可少,英文简历的构成:一、说明信(Cover letter一封介绍性的信笺,介绍你自己以及你应征的目的,并有机会在其中概述你的技能和你能为公司做出的贡献,大多数公司除了 化学工程专业英文简历范文 Personal Information:Name:*** Sex: MaleDate of Birth:Dec.28th,19** Native Place: Meishan Sichuan, P.R.ChinaHealth:Good Marital Status: UnmarriedAddress:College of Biology and Chemical Engineering, Panzhihua University, 电台主持人英文简历范文 DennisObjective: Television presenter (Height: 178cm)Hosting video:***@***.(+86) 123-456-789SELF-


英文简历模板表格合集 陆静枫的简历 出生日期2015年1月民族乌孜别克族 婚姻状况dy文友籍贯德宏傣族景颇族自治州 政治面貌党员邮箱陆静枫艾特康么 期望月薪6000+/月电话陆静枫四五六 求职意向期望能在德宏傣族景颇族自治州从事部品检验科科长类岗位 兴趣爱好读书、阅读、下棋、陆静枫、绘画、足球、跑步。 教育经历 毕业院校重庆师范大学专业名称绘画 毕业日期2012年12月最高学历本科 校内荣誉2009.21获国家奖学金、2010.23华南大学生创意营销大赛一等奖 个人技能及证书 语言技能普通话一级甲等,教师从业证书 计算机技能熟练掌握OFFICE、photoshop等普通话一级证书 其他技能C1驾照、熟练使用office办公软件 主要工作经验 本人有5年工作经验,主要工作履历如下: 于2015年1月至2017年8月在山东能源集团担任部品检验科科长一职,将4版从日人均流量提升至1004+,成为最有影响力的版面。同时负责市场调研管理,市场预测与决策管理,定价管理、品牌管理、包装管理。销售目标、销售计划的制订 于2012年12月至2015年3月在阿里巴巴集团控股有限公司担任生产技术部部长一职,主药负责公司市场组织的建设、培训与考核,销售渠道的建立和维护,制订市场营销战略计划、销售计划及其管理制度;负责社会化媒体营销团队的搭建工作,制定相关运营策略和指标,带领团队实施计划; 自我评价 工作方面:性格开朗、稳重、有活力,待人热情、真诚。严密的思维方式,良好的学习习惯。朱小星有较强的组织能力、实际动手能力和团体协作精神,朱小星工作积极主动,做事认真负责,有吃苦耐劳的精神。 职业素质:性格开朗、稳重、有活力,待人热情、真诚。严密的思维方式,良好的学习习惯。朱小星有较强的组织能力、实际动手能力和团体协作精神,朱小星工作积极主动,做事认真负责,有吃苦耐劳的精神。


PROFESSIONAL OBJECTIVE A position in Civil Litigation within the business or environmental arenas. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1992-Present Attorney EMERSON,LAKE & PALMER, .,Atlanta,GA Trial attorney in medium-sized,general practice law firm with extensive corporate of concentration have included environmental,public utility,general business and appellate litigation. 1984-1994 Assistant District Attorney ATHENS DISTRICT ATTORNEY’S OFFICE,Athens,GA Senior Trial Attorney responsible for prosecuting major felony cases in the Superior criminal instigations and trained assistant district over thirty major felony jury cases including murder,rape,and child and argued over forty cases before the supreme Judicial Court and the Appeals Court. 1981-1983 Law Clerk/Assistant Town Council TOWN OF MARIETTA,Marietta,GA General municipal and appellate litigation. EDUCATION GEORGLA INSTITITE OF TECHNOLOGY,Atlanta,GA .,1980,Cum Laude. AGNES SCOTT COLLEGE,Decatur,GA .,Political Science,1975,Magna Cum Laude. BAR MEMBERSHIPS Georgia Bar Association,1980 . District Court for the District of Georgia,1981 Professional and Legal References Available upon Request Professional objective is clearly defined. Resume is bol stered by candidate’s strong educational credentials.


Personal Information: Name:Gender: Birth Date:Hometown: Marriage Status:Current Living City: Mobile Phone:E-mail: Telephone: Education Background: Duration University Major Degree Training Experience: Duration Training Program Working Experience: June 2006—Now********************************* (Suzhou) Co., Ltd Company properties:(For example:US,Jap,Singapore……) Staff Number:(For example: >500) Main Product:(For example:epoxy vinyl ester resin ) Application Field:(For example: anti-corrosion market ) Position: Report to: Subordinates: Job Responsibility: 1. 2. 3. 4. Main Achievements: 1. 2. Reason for Resignation: October 2003—June 2006*********************** Co.,Ltd Company properties:(For example:US,Jap,Singapore……) Staff Number:(For example: >500) Main Product:(For example:epoxy vinyl ester resin ) Application Field:(For example: anti-corrosion market ) Position: Report to: Subordinates: Job Responsibility: 1. 2.


英语翻译表格英文简历模板 英文简历其实也不是那么困难,只要掌握好当中的技巧,了解招聘官想在英文简历上看见什么内容和不想看见什么内容就行了。以下是英语翻译表格英文简历模板,以供参考! 英语翻译表格英文简历模板Name:Nationality:China(Mainland)Current Place:LiwanHeight/Weight:165 cm55 kgMarital Status:SingleAge:27 yearsCareer Objective and Work experienceApplication type:01Preferred job title:Trade: merchandiser、Admin Specialist/Assistant:、English Translator:Working life:5Title:No titleJob type:Full timeExpected Start date:In a dayExpected salary:¥3,500¥5,000Preferred working place:GuangzhouWork Experience :Company's name:LE MONTE HK LTDBegin and end date: XX10XX12Enterprisenature:Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Trading/Imports ExportsJob Title:adminstrative assistantJob description: Major work is commodity(raw material,food)trade, purchase , go abroad to purchase ,inspection, process and reexports.


XXX(此属转载) 联系电话:#### 邮箱: 家庭地址:******* 求职目标 银行业 教育背景 2005.9~2009.6 上海对外贸易学院法学(国际经济法方向)本科 主修课程:国际金融、基础会计、市场营销、国际贸易实务、国际经济法、国际贸易法 实习经历 2008.1~2008.2 中国银行上海正大广场支行见习柜员 ?负责本行开户企业对账单的整理及反馈,记录每天的晨会概要,协调柜台与大堂经理的沟通,接受客户关于存贷业务的咨询,录入信用卡申请资料等 ?积极学习个人理财业务知识,协助客户经理完成指定基金的销售业绩 2007.7~2007.8 联合证券有限责任公司长江西路营业部投资经理助理 ?指导客户开户流程,在投资经理的指导下学习大盘趋势的判断,以及优质股票的推荐 ?负责与潜在客户沟通,分享理财知识,在时机成熟的情况下把投资经理推荐给客户,以其更专业的知识完成客户营销,期间团队营销业绩为8户,个人直接参与5户 2006.7~2006.8 上海零点市场调查有限公司数据采集员 ?参加过3个大型项目,根据项目要求进行电话访问、拦截访问和定点访问,克服被拒绝的心理障碍,不断尝试新的方法与客户沟通,从而赢得客户的信任 ?认真完成问卷填写,及时追问客户真实意见,经督导回访,信息准确率达到95% 实践活动 2006.9~2008.6 上海对外贸易学院励勤人才服务公司市场部业务经理 ?积极联系校外企业,拓展学生的就业市场,并参与项目管理 ?累计为学生提供20个校外工作岗位(包括促销、翻译等)、联系过8家企业来我校做招聘会(包括民生银行、中银国际等)、提出建立学生人才库的构想并录入第一批名单2007.7~2007.8 2007世界特殊奥林匹克运动会志愿者 ?在豫园进行印有Q版刘翔、姚明形象T恤衫的义卖,用双语进行解说和吆喝 ?在三天的义卖中,团队业绩20件,个人直接贡献15件 2006.9~2007.6 英语俱乐部副社长 ?负责社团日常事务的布置协调,包括校外赞助商的邀请、品牌活动英语沙龙的组织和策划、学术讲座组织、校外拓展活动的联系(例如组织社员去人民公园练口语)等 ?使英语俱乐部从一个10+的社团扩充到50+,并整理出学术类社团活动举办活动的思路2006.3~2006.12 上海对外贸易学院学生创业中心管理服务中心市场部助理 ?搜集关于创业的各种比赛、成果、政策性文件等资料,积极参与中心市场战略的制定 ?邀请钱峰明先生参加第一次创业沙龙,并为市场部确定了工作方向 获奖情况 ?学术类:国家奖学金一等奖(1次,1人/学期)、校优秀学生奖学金三等奖(2次,专业前10%) 2006-2007学年度暑期实践先进个人、暑期实践征文二等奖(3人/学期) ?实践类:上海对外贸易学院励勤人才服务公司优秀业务经理(3人/学期,公司共30人) 2007-2008学年度勤工助学先进个人(1人/学期) 2007-2008学年度法学院体育标兵(1人/学期) 技能与培训 ?语言水平:中级口译证书英语六级525 ?计算机水平:上海市电脑中级证书熟练办公软件操作


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留学申请英文简历模板 本文是关于留学申请英文简历模板,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 留学申请英文简历模板(一) Name: diyifanwen Gender: Female Marital status: single height: 153 cm Weight: 44 kg Intention job description _ position: System Analyst software / Software Engineer Internet Development Engineer Job description: programmers work experience: 0 years Education background The Graduate School The highest degree of Minzu University of China: Master Specialty: Information Security Computer level: excellent foreign language: English language proficiency: excellent Education course: 20xx-20xx of the Minzu University of China Mathematics Department of information and Computing Science Minzu University of China's 20xx-20xx School of mathematics and computer science, information security professional personal ability and self assessment. Language skills: Through the National English six levels of tests and the city of Beijing graduate exam in English, proficient in reading and math computer English
