古人对宇宙的探索 英文.ppt

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The first thinking of the ancient Chinese people about the causes of the formation of the heaven and the earth
The Flight of Chang„e to the Moon(嫦娥偷药奔月)
And based on his theory, he created the Newtonian telescope Newtonian telescope.
Laplace proposed the nebular theory——the origin of the solar system
created celestial globe(浑天仪), seismograph(地震仪) and so on.
Zu Chongzhi
Most of his achievements in the astronomy and calendar were included in his book Da Ming Li.
correctly explained the cause of the eclipse realized the relationship between the unlimitedness of the universe and the speed of the movement of the planets and their distance to the earth. observed and recorded 2500 stars.
He was the very great giant in Newton’s mouth.
Isaac Newton 牛顿(1643-1727)
The great English scientist: Newton, he was one of the most famous and influential scientists in the history of human being.
(二)The Part of the Ancient Foreign Countries
Nicolaus Copernicus哥白尼
The Polish astronomer: Copernicus pointed out the sun is the centre of the universe , the earth and other planets go round it. The famous Copernicus„s heliocentric theory waked the ignorant people and broke the religious darkness and ignorance , laid the foundation of the further exploration of the universe.
Quaff Pursuing the Sun(夸父持杖逐日)
The ancient Chinese people knew the sun rises in the east and down in the west, that‟s the yearning for the bright and lightness
Johannes Kepler 开普勒 (1571-1630)
The German astrophysicist: Kepler
He believed and elaborated logically the Copernicus's heliocentric theory. He proved the Kepler’s Law which made a foundamental and correct discription of the movement of the sun and solved a most foundamental problem in astronomy. And the law also laid foundation for Newton’s three great law.
His found is the found -ation of the new nebular theory which is used to research the origin of the solar system
since then, the human race has entered into a new era of the research of the space.
He used mathematical methods to elaborate the most fundamental law of the universe, that is the Law of Universal Gravitation and Three Laws of Motion, which have been considered as “the greatest achievement in the history of the wisdom of human being”.
The ancient Chinese people saw the light and dark alternated shadow on the moon
Nvwa Mending the Sky (女蜗炼石
The ancient Chinese people knew the distribution of the sun, the moon and billions of stars
The Ancient People‟s Exploration of the Space 古人对太空的探索
Jia Hong-li
(一)古代中国篇 The Part of the Ancient China
(1)The Part of Mythology
Pangu Epoch-making (盘古开天辟地)
The first kite emerged early in the Han Dynasty or even early than that.
the moon itself doesn‟t shine, but to reflect the light of the Leabharlann Baiduun.
(2)The Part of Technology
What efforts did the ancient Chinese people do in order to know more about the space?
Kite: this can be said as the first important tool about the astronomy created by the ancient Chinese people.