




例如:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should reward their children with money for the high grades.

A: To some extent, scoring high at school might indicate a promising future. Thus, grades are commonly accept as a reliable criterion to evaluate the potential in a student. In the unprecedentedly competitive society today, most parents are having high ambitions for their children. In order to realize these glamorous expectations, they would spare no cost. A number of parents choose to reward their children with money if they manage to achieve high marks. As far as I am concerned, there are more defects than merits lying in such a measure.

例如:Some people prefer to work for a large company. Others prefer to work for a small company. Which would you prefer? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.

A: In today’s increasingly vigorous job market, two-way selection has become a most typical mode of employment. Both job hunters and employing units are facing equal chances of

mutual-assessment. Such a hiring mode marks the noticeable progress of modern economy. Blessed with a large source of job offers, candidates have the freedom to decide which employer suits them best. Some prefer to work for small companies, while others are in favor of larger ones. If I were a job hunter, I would definitely choose a large enterprise.


事例:1. 媒体(电视,电台,报纸,杂志和网络)的报道

2. 自己,朋友,邻居,同事的事例

例如:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In the past, people were friendlier than they are today.

A: In my childhood, my grandma used to tell me many stories about their “good old days”. They have all been etched deep in my mind. I could never forget them, even down to the smallest details. Those stories illustrated that the relationships between people at that time seemed to be purer and closer. As time goes by, society has undergone dramatic changes and so have people’s feelings towards each other. Realizing this, I have gradually accepted the reality of these changes. Indeed, people in the past were friendlier than people are now.




例如:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Letting a friend make a mistake is better than saying or doing something that may destroy your friendship.

A: What is the most fundamental bond that connects the hearts of friends? From my point of view, the answer lies in the solid basis of honest communication. A mistake in itself is by no means destructive and horrible. It is the harmful remarks or actions that prove fatal and dangerous. Therefore, I would rather let a friend make a mistake than deliberately say or do things that may damage our friendship.

例如:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important to choose friends that have fun with than to choose friends that will help you when you need them.

A: What is supposed to be the definition of true friendship? Without doubt, real friends are those who will stand by your side or render support in time of need and share joy and happiness in time of pleasure. The criteria of choose friends differ among individuals. Nonetheless, there are common features existing in every real friend. As a result, it is best to choose a friend who could not only have fun with us, but also give us support under all circumstances.




例如:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should read only those books that are about real events, real people, and established facts. Use specific reasons and details to support your opinion.

A: In Francis Bacon’s eyes, books could serve human beings in various ways, “…either for pleasures, or for ornament, or for ability.” Factually, there are so many types of good books that it is difficult to summarize their goodness with simple words. As long as readers are able to gain some benefit from the books they have go through, these books are all worth reading. Thus, it is


naive to be confined to certain types of books. Not only should people read those about real events, real people and established facts, but also other kinds of books they might be beneficial to readers. 例如:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to make friends with intelligent people than with people who have a good sense of humor.

A: There exists a popular notion in society, that a person can be judged by the friends they make. Obviously, when making friends, the person’s inner qualities are the most important criteria. During the assessment, intelligence and a good sense of humor may frequently be taken into consideration. Admittedly, no one wishes to make friends with a stupid individual or with someone who never makes others laugh. Comparatively speaking, as far as I am concerned, friends with a good sense of humor are equal to those with clever brains.

例如:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important to choose to study a subject that interests you than a subject preparing you for a better job or career.

A: Just as a classic Chinese saying denotes, every trade has its master. Indeed, the profound meaning lying in this proverb persuades us that whatever subjects a student learns, are all worthwhile and useful for their future career life. Undeniably, in today’s highly competitive social atmosphere, choosing a popular field of study might prepare students for better job opportunities. However, in my opinion, it is more important to select a subject that suits a person’s interests.

例如:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

A: Tracing back to my school years, teachers used to give us a heavy load of homework. In fact, the tradition of doing assignment after school is still adopted in all schools today. Just as Confucius once said, “To learn with constant perseverance and practice what you have learned is a pleasure.” The process of doing homework is a perfect conduction of this notion. However, pressure caused by too much homework might bring about negative consequences. In my view, assigning homework every day is necessary, but its amount should not be excessive. 点击此处向老师了解更多托福写作方法



托福综合写作模板的开头段是怎么样的呢?怎么样的开头段可以提高你的托福作文质量。这里小编为大家整理了托福写作开头段的句式和模板分享,希望对大家托福考试有帮助。 托福综合写作模板:开头段写作句式 开头 An increasing number of people begin to realize/ complain/ question that... OR: The majority of people tend to have a favorable/ an unfavorable attitude towards something OR: XXX has now caused wide public concern OR: When it comes to... people often consider... The thing is, which XXX, A or B, (is a more efficient mean of learning/ what do we mean by)? People may give various answers to this question. OR:Ask people… and they may give a diverse of answers based on their individual value systems Some believe that… while others/ some claim… On balance, my favor goes to A.... 托福综合写作模板:开头段写作模板(一) In this argument, the arguer concludes that ______. To support the conclusion, the arguer points out that______. In addition, the arguer reasons that_____.This argument suffers from several critical fallacies. In this argument, the arguer recommends that_____.To justify this claim, the arguer provides the evidence that ____. In addition, he cites the result of a recent study that _____. A careful examination of this argument would reveal how groundless the conclusion is. In this analysis, the arguer claims that ____. To substantiate the conclusion, the arguer cites the example that____. In addition, the arguer assumes that ____. This argument is unconvincing for several critical flaws.


如何写托福独立写作的主题句 在托福独立写作部分应该包括开头段、中间段、结尾段这三大部分。因此每一段都应该有一个主题句,那么应该如何写托福独立写作的主题句呢?下面前程百利小编就为考生详细分析。 主题句的要求 构建主题句的最基本的要求应该是“不偏离总论点、言简意赅、不相互包含和不互为因果”,细细探究这些写作要求,它们其实是围绕着“论述逻辑性”、“句子单词数”和“说服力强弱”而存在的。换言之,只有做到了这三点,主题句才算比较好的主题句。 严格按照这些要求所写出来的主题句,在逻辑维度绝对是严谨的,能够让考官对考生的理解力给予肯定;在篇幅维度一定是简洁的,能够让考官对考生的概括力给予肯定;最后,在表述维度必须是多元的,能够让考官对考生的思辨力给予肯定。 案例分析 例如,托福写作-学习和教育 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?All students should be required to study art and music in secondary school. 高中学生必须学习音乐和艺术吗? 题目分析: 尽管All是绝对修饰词,不过要注意,是secondary school(中学)。所以,不妨同意。因为仍然处于义务教育(compulsory education)阶段。

范文主题句分析: 在本道题目中是同意学生应该学习艺术和音乐,因此我们应该从学习音乐和艺术的好处着手。所谓的主题段跟作文的大纲极为相似,如果把作文的每一个主题段都确定下来,作文的大纲也就有了。 在本篇独立写作的主体部分有三个段落:每个段落的主题句如下, Studying art and music makes a person more diverse and thoughtful.在这句话中说到学生学习艺术和音乐使人更加多样化并且思考方式更加周全,呼应了主题的应该让学生学习音乐和艺术。 These subjects give the students an outlet for expressing their turbulent emotions during puberty.这些课程让学生释放他们在青春期的骚动。 Viewing art and listening to music are excellent ways to relax.欣赏艺术和听音乐是放松的最好方式。 这三个主题无论从逻辑上还是从结构篇幅上都符合要求。从逻辑方面来看,跟文章主题切合,不偏题,都从学习艺术和音乐的好处出发;从字数上看,句子没有太长都在20单词以内,体现了学生的概括能力。从说服力方面来看,第一个从音乐能提高能力方面,第二个从同学们的需求方面,第三个从学生的生理和心理方面论述了学习音乐和艺术的益处,具有很强的说服力。这样的主题段是符合考官要求的,因此考生在写主题段的时候也要这样写,才有可能取得高分。 以上就是如何写托福独立写作的主题句的相关内容。希望通过以上分析考生可以参考一下,多多进行实践,争取写出符合考官口味的作文!


托福独立写作主体段写法技巧——双观点篇 托福独立写作对于很多托福考生来说是取得高分难以逾越的一道鸿沟, 这不仅需要大量的练习, 还需掌握其中的诀窍。今天, 教育优选为各位考生带来托福独立写作主题段双观点的写法点拨,希望对各位考生有所帮助。 通常对于独立写作我们都会选择五段式的结构,这个结构包括三个主体段, 按照题型我们可以将写作类型分为三个:支持反对类 (单观点、对比比较类 (双观点、自主定义类。今天,闫玲娟老师跟各位考生分析一下有关双观点类题目的写作技巧,下面是一道典型的题目: Topic 2008.11.9 Movies and TV have more positive effects than negative effects on young people’ s behavior. 电影电视对于青少年行为的影响利大于弊。 题目中明显要求就电视的优点以及缺点进行比较,我们暂且用 A 、 B 表示两个不同观点 1.A+A+B 双关的写作的第一种写法是运用两个正向的论点去支撑 A , 再用一个论点去支持 B ,因为 A 的优势更大一些,所以最终得出 A 更合适的结果。 Topic 2008.11.9 Movies and TV have more positive effects than negative effects on young people’ s behavior. 电影电视对于青少年行为的影响利大于弊。 Agree :

The positive influence outweighs their negative effects. Large quantities of motion pictures (movies about encouragement strengthen young generation’ s willpower to chase dreams with determination. Influenced by a number of interesting TV programs, young people begin to learn things that they used to feel boring. Admittedly , we should not ignore that there are some violent plots which tend to result in teenage crimes.However, this kind of movie makes up only a small section of products in film industry and is under the strict control of government. Therefore, its influence is quite limited. 我们可以看到, 在这种写法中, 我们所支持的观点为电影电视是利大于弊的。 前两个理由我们先正向抛出两个论点说明为什么它们对青年人的影响利大于弊, 最后一个分论点我们写让步段, 先承认它们的确有可能对青年人行为产生错误的引导, 但是其后又对这些错误影响做一些弥补, 因为有负面影响的节目只是整个电影市场的一小部分,不能够以偏概全,断章取义。 2.A+A-B 我们介绍的第二种写法是, 先用两个正向的论点支持 A , 再用一个论点去反对B ,最终得出 A 更适合的结果。 Topic :Some people argue that the government should not spend money on public services and facilities, but on arts. 有一部分人认为政府应该花更多的钱在公共服务和基础设施上,而非艺术上。 Public facilities, widely accepted as the main foundation to a city’ s development, should be one of the highest priorities. In addition to social benefits, ther e are a great number of economic merits that …


托福独立写作高分范文4 ● 绝对词型 185题库 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best https://www.360docs.net/doc/1f12321252.html,e specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Obviously, in most cases the earliest teachers people have are their parents, and parents are generally most concerned about the development of their children. However, it is not completely true to say that parents are the best teachers. Parents may, nevertheless, help their children much more than do good teachers. Most parts of children education are virtually beyond teachers' reaches. It is parents that supplement. Psychology studies have shown us that parents' love sometimes has astonishingly magic power to their children. Forest Gump's mother is a good example. On the other hand, parents might do their children harm more than do bad teachers as well. The natures of those children whose parents have misbehaviors are often severely distorted. In reality, not all parents are good teachers. As normal individuals, some parents more or less have some bad habits. Even though parents almost instinctively devote themselves to cultivating their offspring, the outcome might turn out to be disappointment, for all children tend to unconsciously or subconsciously copy everything including bad ones from their parents. Another deficiency of parents as teachers is the fact that most parents are lack of common senses of education. All too often we observe some parents tend to pursue their cherished but failed dream by forcing their children to develop in a prearranged direction. Ironically, when their children do not follow the instructions, the children will be regarded as disobedient or allegedly rebellious. In fact, it is parents rather than their children that virtually disobey common senses. Moreover, some parents are qualified as good teachers, but not all of them are the best ones. When children are in the preliminary school, it is not surprising that parents are perhaps capable of teaching their children almost every subject even better than professional teachers in the school. But the situation will not last long. We live in a world where knowledge is accumulated by multiplying and at the same time becomes more and more specialized. Therefore, to be a professional in a certain field today takes much longer time than has ever been before. No parent is able to be professional in all fields, though they might be experts in one or more fields. Wise parents often release rather than charge their children as early as possible. They are aware of the possibility outside the family. In a word, it is rather superficial to simply say that parents are the best teachers.(403)


托福独立写作高分开头写作方法 好的开端等于成功的一半,所以托福写作如果能写好开头,你的作文也能奠定下高分的基础。今天和大家分享托福独立写作高分开头写作方法,希望能帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 托福独立写作高分开头写作方法 一.先根据话题铺设背景 在独立写作的背景铺垫中,首先我们需要明晰独立写作常考的15个topic,其中包括education,technology,sports等。在审题、理解题意之后,可以适当定位关键词进行文题分析和头脑风暴,进行社会背景定位。 示范:Increasingly,under the backdrop of the fierce social competition and the need for searching for individual growth,people especially employees show great concern to their career development. 二.确定观点 此步骤一定不要直接抄写原题。结合第一句的背景铺垫,可适当改写题目,引出有争议性的argument。 三.表明自己针对话题的立场

立场是开头段最为重要且核心的句子,其作用是表明了考生对这一论题的态度,且后面内容的陈述也是建立在这一立场基础上进行论证、分析;立场表明时,尽量用自己的语言进行表述最佳。 四.结尾句启下 过渡句的作用是承上启下,承接开头段内容的同时,以一种自然流畅的方式简要引出下文,从而加强*的逻辑关系;也可以适当提及中间段会涉及的论点,进行实际内容的铺垫。建议大家多进行练习和范文积累,一定可以总结出不同的过渡句写作方式。 示范:… with several reasons t o exemplify. 托福独立写作是托福写作的重点,而开头段对于独立作文整体评分影响颇大,所以小站君建议大家认真学习上文中关于开头段的写作方法,并运用起来,写出漂亮的开头。 托福写作解析:take more exercise 托福写作解析: If there’s a way to improve yourself, which one among the three choices you would take? 1. take more exercise 2. eat more healthy food


Topic: Does easier-prepared food improve the way people live? 同意----开头段 1、排比反问句: Have you ever been worry about three meals whole day? Have you ever washed the vegetables and meat? Have you ever had to prepare the meal even so tired? If you have never suc h experiences, you would never know the improvement of people’ s way live on account of easier-prepared food. 2、个例深入式 On a hot summer noon, I went off my study, and had no choice but to go to the food market. With sweat on face, I went into the kitchen and wash vegetables and meat which have just been purchased. I was peeling the flat piece of potatoes, cutting cabbage into pieces, putting them together, and then cooking. It took me nearly one and a half hour to make 4 dishes, because some of my friends would come and have a lunch. If you do not have such experience, you would never know how convenient the easier-prepared foods are! 3、背景知识式 With fast development of techniques, more and more ‘fast’ ‘earlier’ sets have been formed, such as earlier-p food. Earlier-p food has been launched on the market for several years. There is a public debate about whether the earlier-p food improve the way people live. With every aspect taken into consideration, I believe that earlier-p food do improve people’s way live. 4、纵览全文


托福独立写作文章结构如何安排 托福独立写作*结构如何安排?常见问题及高分思路分享,下面就和大家分享托福独立写作*结构如何安排,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 托福独立写作*结构如何安排?常见问题及高分思路分享 托福独立写作总分总结构很LOW吗? 说到托福写作的结构,曾有考生问过ETS官方,说中国语文的作文是总分总的结构,托福还是这么写会不会太低端了啊?官方给出的回答是,总分总的篇章安排不叫低端(low),而叫经典(classic)。我们都说一个写作题目没有标准答案的范文,但是有一个东西可以说是形成了不成文的规定的,那就是一篇好的作文一定是有头有尾、中间细分几段论证的,这一点可以从很多官方给出的范文或是学生的高分*中得到证实。 托福独立写作到底应该写4段还是5段? 另外,很多考生还存在疑问的一点在于到底一篇*是写四段还是五段,在看来,两种结构各有利弊所在。一般写4段式的同学都是因为主体段只能想出两条理由,实在是想不出第三条理由,只能以1+2+1的结构完成*。大家都知道一般来说要想拿到不错的分数,一篇新托福议论文需要写到400字左右,那么,如

果主体段只写两段,势必需要考生在这两个段落的论证细节上写出更多的内容,否则字数撑不到那么多,而这一点对于很多考生来说恰恰也是很有难度的。相反地,如果写成5段式,貌似就需要考生能想出3条理由进行论证,但事实是,很多考生根本想不到3点理由,能想出2点已经是绞尽脑汁了。在这种情况下,怎么做才是最简易、最轻松的应对办法呢? 比较建议大家写5段式的*,但主体段并不是上文所说的3个理由段,而是采用2+1的模式,即两个理由段,再加一个让步段。关于理由段的写法,将在下文详细分析,在此先重点解释一下让步段到底是什么意思。“让步”字面意思是退一步,那么放到我们作文里,意思就是承认一下反方的观点。西方的*不太喜欢作者全篇一味强调自己观点的正确性,而是需要作者能适当回应并评价一下反方的观点,这样的*看起来会更加有说服力。当然,广大考生需要注意的是,这里提到的“承认反方观点”指的是“弱弱地承认”,承认过后必须再削弱回去或者说再驳斥回去,只有这样才能更强调出*观点的准确性,否则读者看起来会有confusion,也就是为什么一会儿支持自己的观点,一会儿又支持反方观点。 托福独立写作合理结构分配建议 总结一下,笔者推荐的新托福议论文结构为1+3(2+1)+1的模式。第一段总起全文,导入话题并给出本人观点,主体段前两段


托福独立写作开篇段写法 开头1:现象+题目改写+作者观点 现象:提出一种普遍现象或值得关注的现象(紧扣论题)作为背景 例如:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should reward their children with money for the high grades. A: To some extent, scoring high at school might indicate a promising future. Thus, grades are commonly accept as a reliable criterion to evaluate the potential in a student. In the unprecedentedly competitive society today, most parents are having high ambitions for their children. In order to realize these glamorous expectations, they would spare no cost. A number of parents choose to reward their children with money if they manage to achieve high marks. As far as I am concerned, there are more defects than merits lying in such a measure. 例如:Some people prefer to work for a large company. Others prefer to work for a small company. Which would you prefer? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice. A: In today’s increasingly vigorous job market, two-way selection has become a most typical mode of employment. Both job hunters and employing units are facing equal chances of mutual-assessment. Such a hiring mode marks the noticeable progress of modern economy. Blessed with a large source of job offers, candidates have the freedom to decide which employer suits them best. Some prefer to work for small companies, while others are in favor of larger ones. If I were a job hunter, I would definitely choose a large enterprise. 开头2:事例+背景+题目改写+作者论点 事例:1. 媒体(电视,电台,报纸,杂志和网络)的报道 2. 自己,朋友,邻居,同事的事例 例如:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In the past, people were friendlier than they are today. A: In my childhood, my grandma used to tell me many stories about their “good old days”. They have all been etched deep in my mind. I could never forget them, even down to the smallest details. Those stories illustrated that the relationships between people at that time seemed to be purer and closer. As time goes by, society has undergone dramatic changes and so have people’s feelings towards each other. Realizing this, I have gradually accepted the reality of these changes. Indeed, people in the past were friendlier than people are now. 新通教育


Independent Writing I.A or B 开头 An increasing number of people begin to realize/complain/question that... OR:The majority of people tend to have a favorable/an unfavorable attitude towards something OR:XXX has now caused wide public concern OR:When it comes to...people often consider... The thing is,which XXX,A or B,(is a more efficient mean of learning/what do we mean by)? People may give various answers to this question. OR:Ask people…and they may give a diverse of answers based on their individual value systems Some believe that…while others/some claim… On balance,my favor goes to A. 正文 To begin with,I concede that B serves as an independent factor in(a successful education)/is of great value/B is superior to A since After all, However compelling these cases may sound,B is not without its problems. OR:However compelling these cases may sound,they cannot overshadow the significant role that A plays in XX. For example, In this sense, Therefore,too much emphasis on B is actually dangerous/harmful and may go contrary to our primary purpose of On the other hand,A can address/respond to some people’s needs that B cannot For one thing, For another, 结尾 In the final analysis,it is true that both A and B are part and parcel of X.However,considering the potential problems resulted from B and the great benefits of A,I believe it is sensible to(choose A) II.Agree or Disagree 开头 An increasing number of people begin to realize/complain/question that... OR:The majority of people tend to have a favorable/an unfavorable attitude with something 托福专业1对1在线培训机构【TPO小站】【保100分】


孝感托福作文开头段 我们常说“well began ishalf done”,好的开始就是成功的一半。托福写作的开头是一篇文章的门面,也是给读者留下的第一印象。学会更好地优化托福写作开头段的内容,能够帮助考生提高文章水平。学会使用不同的开头方式非常重要,出guo和大家分享孝感托福作文开头段。 Luckily, he didn’t know my phone number; otherwise, he would bother me. Incredibly, Helena got straight A in her school report this semester. Interestingly, cats and dogs can hardly get along well in a house. obviously undoubtedly apparently fortunately clearly unfortunately

incredibly luckily unluckily surprisingly frighteningly 这些副词大多数表示说话人对全句的看法,在意思上相等与“It is ... 形容词that ...”。 e.g: Obviously,he is nervous about the test. =It is obvious that he is nervous about the test. Unfortunately,he tripped over and fell in the mud. =It is unfortunate that he tripped over and fell in the mud. Hurriedly,the man drew me a scratch map to show me the direction. Dangerously,the drunkard sped down the street. Slowly and gently,snowflakes were drifting down from the sky.


托福独立写作如何写好独立写作结 尾段 托福独立写作是托福写作考试中的最后一项,大家需要根据给出题目选择自己的观点并加以论述。独立写作不仅要写好开头和内容,写好结尾也很重要。下面就和大家分享托福独立写作如何写好独立写作结尾段,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 托福独立写作如何写好独立写作结尾段? 一.托福独立写作之建议性结尾 如果说“如此结论”是结尾最没用的废话,那么“如此建议”应该是最有价值的废话了,因为这里虽然也是废话,但是却用了一个很经典的虚拟语气的句型。 Obviously, it is high time that we took some measures to solve theproblem.Toefl 这里的虚拟语气用得很经典,因为考官本来经常考这个句型,而如果我们自己写出来,你说考官会怎么想呢? 更多句型: Accordingly, I recommend that some measures be taken.

Consequently, to solve the problem, some measures should be taken. 二.托福独立写作之结论性结尾 说完了,毕竟要归纳一番,相信各位都有这样的经历,领导长篇大论,到最后终于冒出个“总而言之”之类的话,我们马上停止开小差,等待领导说结束语。也就是说,开头很好,也必然要有一个精彩的结尾,让读者眼前一亮,你就可以拿高分了,比如下面的例子: Obviously(此为过渡短语), we can draw the conclusion that good manners arise frompoliteness and respect for others. 更多过渡短语: to sum up, in conclusion, in brief, on account of this, thus 更多句型: Thus, it can be concluded that…, Therefore, we canfind that… 托福写作模板:结尾段模板 In summary, the conclusion reached in this argument is in valid and misleading. To make the argument more convincing, the arguer would have to prove that_____. Moreover, I would suspend my judgment about the credibility of the recommendation until the



托福写作结尾段有三种写法 托福写作中考生不能完全照搬模板,要有自己的写作特色,但是在开头和结尾部分,考生还是可以参考一定的规律。用好这些规律可以帮助考生节省托福写作构思时间。一起看看托福写作结尾的写法,希望对大家有所帮助。 托福写作结尾段的两个部分: 1. 再次陈述主题。用paraphrase 方式再次呈现主题陈述中出现的三要素: a.问题中存在争议的地方; b.观点;c.理由。 2. 结束句。放在陈述完主题之后。 托福写作结尾段的三种构思方法: 一. 托福写作的最后总结教训或提出建议 In conclusion, whether to imitate or vary from others to achieve success, it hinges mostly on the occupations we engage in. For jobs like doctors that require routine practices, it is unnecessary for them to make alterations to become successful. Whereas artists like painters whose works are characteristic of creativity and imagination, it is of crucial importance to distinguish from others to succeed. 二. 提出令人忧虑的结果或可能出现的负面结果 假设读者没有想作者说的那样去做,在结论中提出将会出现的负面结果,帮助读者预见到令人忧虑的后果,进而令读者自然第接受作者的意见。 e.g., To summarize, on one hand, for artists who are fortunate to profit immensely from their occupation, it is unnecessary for the government to offer additional financial incentives for them. On the other hand, government should provide financial support and appropriate policies to impoverished artists who engage in conventional craftsmanship because these are viewed as national treasure and cultural heritage of the


托福独立写作中间段2种常用写法优 劣势对比分析 托福独立写作中间段一般大家都会写3段,也就是围绕主要观点树立三个分论点来分别展开。今天和大家分享托福独立写作中间段2种常用写法优劣势对比分析,希望能帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 托福独立写作中间段2种常用写法优劣势对比分析 托福独立写作主体段如何丰富结构? 托福考生经常会有疑惑的问题就是:我的三个主体段全部都是讲故事,好像手法太单一了,会不会被扣分?如何丰富?答案是:有可能;以及,偶尔的使用纯解释型段落。众所周知,TOEFL写作中展开手法有两种,exemplification和explanation。例证显然是二者中更简单的一个。因此,大部分同学都更倾向于使用例证。因为它更容易快速上手,并且大家可以通过举例来展开具体化的细节,从而获得高分。但注意,如果三个主体段全部是讲故事展开,未免会有语言太差的嫌疑。因此,除了例证,我们*中最好可以稍微涉及到一些说理部分。 举例和说理写法各自优势讲解

例证的优势即为能够更轻松的展开出有效并具体化的细节,或俗称“好凑字”。解释的好处为语言简练,表达效率高,*的递进性、节奏会更紧凑。这两种论证方式都有各自的明显优势,考生在选择写法时也需要结合自身需求(比如提升*篇幅用举例,增强说服力用说理)。 举例和说理写法弱点对比分析 例证在TOEFL写作中并无太明显的劣势。解释的劣势就比较明显了。同样的一个分论点,有的同学用例证可以很轻松写到200字,而解释只能说到100字。有的同学可能有个刻板印象:讲故事的语言通常比较简单,句式单一,因此不容易得高分。注意,讲故事语言和句式也是可以复杂的;或者大家可以选择简单但地道的表达,可同样可以获得满分。 托福独立写作中如何选择不同写法? 因此我们以后考场上的答题战略很简单。第一段为例证段落。目的为使劲凑字,尽量直接写满200字。第二、三段可以选择简短的小故事或者解释性段落,分别写到60~100字左右。这样主体段已经达到至少320字,再加上开头结尾段,可以轻松满足350字的字数要求。 托福独立写作说理explanation写法怎么练?
