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期末英文评语MickeyMickey is such a smart boy who is a very good learner. He still loves to participate and answer questions. He is happy to be in class and speaks very confidently. I am very happy with all his development over the past few months! SherylSheryl is still a pleasure as ever. She is getting more and more confident with sentences these past few weeks and she is really trying to put things together herself. She’s doing great and I am really happy with her. JakeJake is really doing absolutely fantastic in class. He completely understands what is going on in class and he seems to enjoy class so much more. He participates in everything and loves to help out the other children with their sentences. I am so impressed. DanielDaniel is still making improvements every week. He still has a lot of catching up to do and he still has to work on his sentences but he is definitely getting better all the time. Keep practicing and keep up the super work. JillJill is doing fantastic the past few weeks. She seems to have a much better understanding of what is going on in class and because of this reason she is starting to participate much better and pay attention more. MyronMyron is such a bright little boy with huge potential for learning. He is saying sentences with such ease and his pronunciation is excellent. He is gaining confidence every week and I am so happy with him. TonyTony is superb as always. He is still very well behaved in class and therefore learns new language very quickly. He is great at remembering vocabulary and he is putting good sentences together. He’s doing great. AllanAllan has been doing great again this week. He picks things up quickly but tends to forget them easily so please keep practicing at home. He is participating well and his sentences are improving all the time. TomTom is really great at participating in activities that I am leading, he can repeat after me extremely well and he loves to learn new things. He still has some catching up to do so keep practicing at home but I am really happy with him. LisaLisa is still making huge improvements all the time. She is getting much better at listening and her pronunciation is constantly improving.

I am really pleased with all the progress she has made and I am so proud of her. RobbieRobbie is a really confident bright little boy with huge potential. He has good pronunciation and he is very well-behaved in class. His listening is really improving and I am so pleased with all his progress. DuduDudu has made massive improvements recently. He is listening very well in class and therefore is learning so much more vocabulary. He is very well behaved and participating really well in class. I am so pleased with him. ThomasThomas is making really good progress recently. He still struggles with new vocabulary so keep practicing at home but he has become much more social in class and enjoys participating a lot more now. Keep up the good work! YvonneYvonne is still an absolute pleasure to teach. She is improving all the time and she speaks very clearly, she also loves to participate. This week she has been doing really great at saying new sentences and I’m very pleased. DavidDavid is doing really well in class
