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• 牛津产生了4位英国国王,46位诺贝尔奖获得者, 25位英国首相,3位圣人,86位大主教以及18位 红衣主教。 • 国王 爱德华七世 爱德华八世
• 总统和首相 克雷芒· 艾德礼 • 安东尼· 艾登 • 哈罗德· 麦克米兰 • 哈罗德· 威尔逊 • 爱德华· 希斯 • 玛格利特· 撒切尔 • 托尼· 布莱尔 • 比尔· 克林顿
• Legends come later; • The best-loved story is about Robin Hood who was a popular hero living under the greenwood with his men, taking from the rich and giving to the poor and waging war against bishops and archbishops.
• Two features of Oxford and Cambridge: • The college system; • Tutorial system;
• Scottish Universities; • The Middle-Aged Universities; • Post-War Universities; • The Open University;
• 《堂吉诃德》,是西班牙作家塞万提斯于 1605年和1615年分两部分岀版的反骑士小 说。故事背景是个早没有骑士的年代,主 角堂吉诃德幻想自己是个骑士,因而作出 种种匪夷所思的行径,最终从梦幻中苏醒 过来。
• 评论家多称《唐吉诃德》是西方文学史上 的第一部现代小说,也是世界文学的瑰宝 之一。这部书原本是打算对当时流行的骑 士传奇小说进行反讽。然而吊诡的是,由 于后来骑士小说渐渐销声匿迹,自文坛消 失,于是当初塞万提斯讽刺骑士小说的此 一初衷Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu渐被后世读者所淡忘;
• 90% students attend Comprehensive Secondary School; • 5% attend Secondary Modern School;
Public School
• The four most famous: • Eton College; • Harrow School; • Winchester College; • Rugby School;
British Culture
• Education • Literature • Scenic sports & historical sites

British Education
• Elementary Education • Secondary Education • Higher Education
Charles Dickens
• Outstanding representative of critical realism; • Writing about the working class; • Greatest creative writers;
3. Higher Education
• British universities are public bodies which receive funds from central government. • So far, the UK has only one privately funded university, the University of Buckingham.
• London 58%; • Mexico City 62%; • Los Angels 90%; • Shanghai 94%; • Tokyo 97%;
• General National Vocational Qualifications 国家 专业资格证书 • 这一证书是专为职业技术学校毕业的学生设置的, 共分5个级别,这就便于人们按阶梯逐级攀登, 根据自己条件通过实际工作和专业培训由低级向 高级发展.获四级国家专业资格证书相当于学士 学位;获五级相当于研究生水平.
• Most primary schools are wholly maintained by the local authorities. One third belongs to churches, either Anglican or Roman Catholic.
Prep Schools
• An infant section (5-7); • A junior section (7-11); • Kindergarten or Nursery Schools (3-5);
State Primary School
• The academic year begins in September, and is divided into three terms, with holidays at Christmas, Easter and in the summer.
Pilgrim’s Progress
• It is a religious allegory which depicts the spiritual pilgrimage of a Christian, who flies from the City of Destruction, meets with perils and temptations at the Slough of Despond, Vanity Fair …and finally reaches the Delectable Mountains.
Thomas More (1478-1535)
• In Utopia More exposes the poverty of the laboring classes and the greed of the rich; he points out the principle of Utopia--- “From everyone according to his capacities, to everyone according to his needs”--- which is the practical basis for a communist society.
The Puritan Period
• John Bunyan, a prose writer; • John Milton, an outstanding poet;
John Bunyan
• Three great allegories in the world literature: • Spenser’s Faery Queen; • Dante’s Divina Commedia; • Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress;
• They emphasize two factors in education. One is the study of classics and science (needs of the bourgeoisie), the other is the development of character. The public school spirit is team spirit and leadership.
Schools at this stage
• • • • Grammar School; Comprehensive Secondary School; Secondary Modern School; Public School;
Grammar School
• • • • Oldest schools in U.K.; William Shakespeare; 3% of the state school students; These schools are reserved for…
1. Elementary Education
• All children in the U.K. must receive a full-time education from the age of 5 to 16. • Compulsory education
State Primary School
Daniel Defoe
• Modern novel began to appear in the 18th century; • Defoe: forerunners of the English realist novel; • The modern European novel began after the Renaissance, with Cervantes’s Don Quixote;
ⅡBritish Literature
• Fiction • Poetry • Drama
• Fables: which are about animals or supernatural persons or incidents and whose purpose is teaching a moral are probably the earliest form of story-telling.
• 后来由于美国百老汇歌舞剧《梦幻骑士》 的成功改编,原本“唐吉诃德”由嘲讽那 些不自量力、脱离现实、自以为是一代大 侠的这一类型人物,如今已多被用来指那 些勇敢坚持自己的理想,敢于挑战社会不 合理现象、不顾众人嘲笑仍坚持一己信念 之人物。
Robinson Crusoe
• Robin Crusoe tells of the only survivor of a shipwreck who lives alone on a deserted island for many years, solving the problems of food, clothing and shelter as best as he can. • Creating the image of English Bourgeoisie: Friday
Oxford & Cambridge
• Nearly all Cabinet Ministers who went to university… • Oxbridge; • 46% of Conservative Party Members of Parliament… • ¾ of the Government executives… • Most senior civil servants are…
2. Secondary Education
• Two complete educational systems: • The state schools; • The independent schools;
• For all children in state schools, secondary education begins at the age of 11. • There are at this time two systems for secondary education, the selective and the comprehensive.
• The preparatory schools are independent schools for children from 7 or 8 up to 13. • The prep school curriculum differs from… • Its main target is the “common entrance” examination at the age of 13, for admission to a public school.