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• Never have we been daunted (吓 倒) by difficulties.
• 当含有全体意义的代词和副词如: all, each, every (及其派生词), both, always, often, entirely, wholly 等用于否定式谓语的句子 中时,构成部分否定句。
• 注:其他相似的表达方式还有 much more (更不必说……), 但只用于肯定句之后,试比较:
• I didn’t even see him, much less speak to him.
• It is diffcult to understand his books, much more his lectures.
• All is not gold that glitters. 发光的并非都是黄金。
• All the answers are not right. 答案并非全对。
• I don’t like both of the novels. 这两本小说我并不都喜欢。
• Every one can not make music. 不是所有的人都懂音乐。
• Such a thing is not found everywhere. 这样的东西不是到处可以找到的。
• A man of learning is not always a man of wisdom. 有学问的人并不总是有智慧的人。
2. 双重否定(意义肯定)
• 双重否定是指同一个句子里出现两 个否定词,即否定之否定。双重否 定句表示的意思是肯定的,通常比 肯定句的语气要重。译成汉语时可 以译成肯定形式,也可以译成否定 形式。例如:
• It is impossible not to do it. 不做这件事是不可能的。
3. 追加否定句
追加否定指的是位于 否定句或内容属否定的句 子后用于补充否定的一些 结构,往往译成“更不 ……”,“更无”等。主 要有这样一些表达方式:
1). much less; still less
I could not assent to, much less participate in, such proceedings. 我对于这种行动不能赞同,更谈 不上参加了。 He doesn’t like music, still / much less dancing. 他不喜欢音乐,更谈不上跳舞了
2). 转移到后续的原因状语上: I didn’t call because I wanted to see her.
我不是因为想见她才来拜访的。 • The machine didn’t stop running
because there was a power failure. 机器并不是由于停电而不转的。
2). to say nothing of, not to speak of, not to mention, let alone + 名词或从句
• He does not know English, to say nothing of German or French. 他不懂英语,更不要说德语和法语了。
• He doesn’t lend his books to nobody. 他的书没有哪个不借。
• You can’t make something out of nothing. 巧妇难为无米之炊。
• What’s done cannot be undone. 做过的事后悔也没用。
• Nothing is nothing at all. 没有一件事是微不足道的。
• I don‘t know algebra(代数) or geometry(几何), not to mention calculus(微积分).
• I never thought of it, let alone did it.
4. 转移的否定结构
在某些句子中,虽然谓语是 否定式的,但实际上否定的是其 他句子成分,这种语法现象称Biblioteka Baidu 转移的否定结构。在译成汉语时 要尽量考虑汉语的表达习惯。这 种转移有如下几种情况:
1). 转移到宾语从句的谓语上:
• I don’t think he is right. 我认为他不对。
• I don’t believe I will get home until past eleven. 我相信不过十一点我回不了家
用于这种结构的主句为谓语动词常见 的还有 suppose, expect, fancy, feel, guess, imagine 等。
• 当然,这种转移有时要根据一定的上下 文作出判断。
3). 转移到后续的不定式上:
• People did not shake off colonialist’s yoke in order to put on hegemonist’s. 人们挣脱殖民主义的枷锁决不是 要受霸权主义的束缚。
• She doesn't seem to know about it. 她似乎不知道这件事。
1. 全部否定句和部分否定句 2. 双重否定(意义肯定) 3. 追加否定句 4. 转移的否定结构 5. 一些难以掌握的否定结构 6.反语等表示的否定
1. 全部否定句和部分否定句
• 当句子含有否定词no, none, nobody, nothing, nowhere, neither, never 等表达绝对否定的 含义时,称为全部否定句。
4). 转移到后续的其他成分上:
• Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.
• No trickery (骗人的东西) can fool us.
• The book was nowhere to be found.
• I don’t like either of the novels. (= I like neither of the novels.)