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1. panic: 恐慌,惊恐。动词是to panick

2. seized-up:卡壳的,重病的c.f. Look beyond the stock markets, especially at the seized-up money markets, and there is little to see except bank failures, emergency rescues and high anxiety in the credit markets.

3. to bail out, bailout:救市

4. subprime :次贷

6. credit crisis:信贷危机

7. volatility 波动

8. tumble; fall sharply and suddenly.

9. crash: 崩盘

10. plunge: 跳水

11. loss: 亏损

12. sell-off:抛盘:a sale of a relatively large number of assets (stocks or bonds or commodities) at a low price typically done to dispose of them rather than as normal trade

13. rescue :援救

14. Speculation among traders:交易者之间的投机

15. crush:to make someone lose all hope, confidence etc 击溃

16. tumult:a state of commotion and noise and confusion 骚动

17. fearful investors:惊恐的投资者

18. the frantic pace:飞速

19. Great Depression:1929年经济危机

20. under strain : 处于窘境

21. a bleak view of the future:对前途持悲观的看法

22. mortgage debt :抵押债务

23. slump:a noticeable deterioration in performance or quality

24. recession :衰退

25. disaster:灾难

26. hapless:倒霉的

27. vulnerable::susceptible to attack .c.f .Paulson's comments showed how vulnerable the market is, and how it can shoot up or down in minutes.

28. liquidity:偿债能力,流动性

29. solvency:偿付能力

30. hoard cash:揽现

31. ad hoc: often improvised or impromptu 特定,专门,临时

32 hedge: any technique designed to reduce or eliminate financial risk; for example, taking two positions that will offset each other if prices change 期货,套期保值

33 meltdown:萧条,彻底垮台

34. turmoil:动荡

35. rally:大升

36. Exacerbate: make worse. c.f. The worries on the Street have been exacerbated by the spread of the U.S. credit problems overse

37. Precipitous: extremely steep.

38. short-term Treasuries :短期国债

39. credit crunch:信用紧缩(使用频率最高的词汇之一)

40. bloodbath: 大屠杀

41. plummet:直线下降

42. catastrophe:灾难

43: free fall: 直线下降

44: to hit a new low in .... years (months),达到....年(月)的新底

45. economic recession:经济衰退

46. to surge: 急速上涨

47. to rebounce: 反弹

48. sharp gains: 剧烈上升

49. to dump shares: 抛盘

50: volatility: 易变状态;

51: hedge fund: 套利基金;避险基金

52. crumble: v. 崩溃,弄碎,减亡

53. be scrambling to do something: to move hurriedly to take measures. (常用词汇,中国人往往不会使用)

54. emerging markets:新兴市场,例如金砖四国

55. downturn:下行

56. rate cut:利率下调

57. dysfunctional:impaired in function; especially of a bodily system or organ

58. stimulus:刺激(方案)

59. current-account :that part of the balance of payments recording a nation's exports and imports of goods and services and transfer payments

60. magic recipes:灵丹妙药

61. binge:狂闹

62. non-performing loan: 不良贷款

63. to falter: 步履艰难

64. to paralyse:使瘫痪

65. to nosedive: 直线下跌

66. solace:安抚,安慰

67. gloom: a feeling of great sadness and lack of hope


financial turmoil/meltdown 金融危机

Federal Reserve 美联储

real estate 房地产

share 股票

valuation 股价

equity market 股市

shareholder 股东

macroeconomic 宏观经济

go under\bankrupt 破产

take a nosedive (股市)大跌

tumble 下跌

bourse 证交所

corporate champion 龙头企业

pension fund 养老基金

government bond 政府债券

budget 预算
