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一.Add at least five more words to each of these lists.


1.jobs : doctor, ________, ________, _________, __________, ___________.

2.countries: England, _________, _________, __________, __________, _________.

3.nationalities/languages: French , _________ , _________ , _______ , ______ , _________.

4.rooms: kitchen, ________ , ________ , _______ , ________ , ________.

5.furniture: armchair , ________ , ________ , _______ , _______ , ________.

二.Give the opposites of the following adjectives. One has been done for you.


1.clean – dirty 9. crowded -

2.cheap- 10. fast-

3.far- 11. loud-

4. large- 12. warm-

5. light- 13. dark-

6. difficult- 14. terrible-

7. modern-

8. right-

三.Fill in the gaps in the text below with one of the verbs from the box. Remember to change the verb into the correct form. The first one has been done for you as an example.


Sara lives in London. She ____ at a bank in the centre. She ____ a bank clerk-she ____ foreign currency. She _____ at 7 o’clock and _____ to work by train. She ______ work at quarter past nine. The bank opens (开门,营业) at half past nine. Sara ______ lunch at twelve.

She ______ a sandwich and ________ a cup of tea in the coffee lounge. She _______ to her colleagues and she sometimes _________ to the shops. Then she _________ from one until five-thirty. She sometimes ______ on Saturday, but she _________ at twelve. In the afternoon she often ________ tennis or she ________ dinner for her friends.

On Sunday she ________ in bed until 10 o’clock, then she _______ the newspapers and ______ to music.

四.Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the future tense of the verb in brackets.


1. I think the baby ______ ( to have ) blue eyes, the same as his father and mother. He _____ ( not/to have) brown eyes like me.

2. I ____ (to go )my mother’s for the holidays. I ____ (to leave) on Friday. I _____ (not/to do) any work there. I ______ (to watch) TV, and I (to stay) in bed, all day.

3. I don’t know what I ______ (to do ) when I finish school. My brother (to start) university in September, but I don’t like studying.

4. “mother is cooking in the kitchen.”“oh, what ______ (we/to have) for lunch?”

5. “that’s the phone.”“it’s OK, grandma. I _____ (to answer) it .”

6. “I’m going to play tennis.”“it’s raining!”“Okay, I ______ (to play) table tennis in the house.”

五.Divide the following nouns into two columns, nouns with make and nouns with do.

An appointment a noise a list

Homework business the shopping

The washing-up decisions a cake

A plan the cooking

六.Match the cardinal number with its ordinal equivalent.


Cardinal numbers (基数词) Ordinal numbers(序数词)

1. one (e) a. third (3rd )

2. two b. fifth (5th)

3. three c. tenth (10th)

4. four d. ninth (9th)

5. five e. firsh (1st)

6. six f. second (2nd)

7. seven g. fourth (4th)

8. eight h. seventh (7th)

9. nine i. sixth (6th)

10. ten j. eighth (8th)

七.Translate the following dialogue into English.


A.我想讨论(to discuss)一下那个新公寓。







