

China’s Yunnan Province

“Yunnan” this word refers to “the South of Clouds”, it sounds beautiful and it is really a beautiful place. Let me tell you something about this wonderful land.

Yunnan, province in southern China, bordering the countries of Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam. Yunnan is the eighth largest province in China. This place has beautiful mountains, and rivers and full with many local minority races. Because Yunan is high elevated, comparatively level expanse of land and a plateau, it has a overall warm weather, which is perfectly fit for human. It is close to the sun, therefore the UV level is high, and local people has comparatively darker skin. Culturally diverse and ethnically rich Yunnan is one of China’s most fascinating regions. No place in C hina offers as much diversity, both geographical and cultural as Yunnan! Yunnan is “the Kingdom of Wildlife” “the Kingdom of Animals” “the Kingdom of Plants”and “the Kingdom of Nonferrous Metals” .

According to our Chinese culture, a perfect place should consist of both the waterscape and the mountain. Yunnan’s mountains are also famous, including the Yulong Mountain in Lijing, which was regarded as one of the key scenic spots at state level. The mountains and rivers in Yunnan are both very superb landscape. Besides the landscape here, in my opinion there is another factor making you here, which is the climate in Yunnan. As we all know Kunming is called the Spring City that because it’s always warm as spring. Let me tell you something about Kunming.

Kunming, the capital of Yunnan Province, sits at 6,500 feet above sea level off the northern shore of the Lake Dian ,the province’s largest lake.The altitude makes Kunming pleasantly cool in the summer, sunny and mild in the winter.

Everyone knows the cross-bridge rice noodle ,but don’t know the its story. Once upon a time,there was an scholar living in a islet. Every day his wife sent meals for him across a bridge.One day, his wife mistook to pot the chicken soup with the meat.Unexpected,the rice noodle made in this soup tastes fresh and delicious. From then on, others imitate the way to make rice noodle and call it by a good name of “Mengzi Cross Bridge Rice Noodle”.

Now,let’s go to XiShuangBanNa.Knowned as a huge natural zoo, Xishuangbanna’s rain forest and mon soon jungles provide a habitat for nearly 1000 species of animals,within thick and boundless forests wild elephants and wild oxen rambling about, with peacocks in their pride, gibbons at play, and hornbills whispering. If you get there on Water-splashing Day, congratulations! That means:the more water you are splashed,the luckier you will be.

Let’s go to the next city—Lijiang. Lijiang is a beautiful shining jewel on the Northwest Yunnan Plateau neighboring the southeast side of the Tibetan Plateau which is considered to be the "Roof of the World" . It is impressive because of its scenery and lush vegetation.

Lijiang boasts of breath-taking wonderful sights such as Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and its modern maritime glacier, the only one of its kind in the southern end of the Northern Hemisphere; Tiger Leaping Gorge; the world - famous grand canyon; Lugu Lake, the cultural cradle of the "Matriarchy" of the Yongning Mosuo people in Ninglang.

Lijiang Town is officially called "Dayan Town"-- "Dayan" literally means a "great inkstab", a graphic description of the town’s location on a piece of rich flatland fed by a river and surrounded by green mountains. There is no other town in China like Dayan which incorporates the folkways of so many people and the architectural styles of both north and south China.

The people of Naxi, while developing their land of snow-clad mountains and turbulent rivers since ancient times, have to their credit the "Dong Ba Culture" seen as one of the world wonders, a culture all-embracing while unique.

All these natural sceneries and these cultural treasures of the minority peoples have been continuously drawing tourists from all over the world and have recently vote Lijiang as one of the favorite destinations in China.


2018年昆明市初中学业水平考试英语试题卷 第一部分听力(略) 因为没有听力材料,故此部分省略。 第二部分英语知识运用(共二节,满分25分) 第一节单项填空 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入空白处或替换划线部分的最佳答案。(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 21. (2018·云南昆明)—Hi, Lucy. ______ is your birthday? —My birthday is on May 2nd. A. What B. Why C. When D. Where 21. C考查疑问词。句意:—露西,你好。你的生日在什么时候?—我的生日在5月2日。根据答语可知,询问的是生日日期,故选C。 22.(2018·云南昆明)—Tony, don’t eat ______class? —Sorry, I won’t do it again. A. in B. on C. to D. by 22. A考查介词。句意:—托尼,课堂上不能吃东西。—对不起,我不会再那样做了。in class意为“在课堂上”。故选A。 23.(2018·云南昆明)—How was the volleyball game yesterday? —Oh, it was fantastic! We ______ so much fun. A. have B. had C. are having D. will have 23. B考查时态。句意:—昨天的排球比赛怎么样?—哦,很漂亮。我们玩得很开心。根据上文中was一词可知事情发生在过去,需用一般过去时。故选B。 24.(2018·云南昆明)—What does your brother look like? —______. A. He is outgoing B. He is really tall and thin. C. He is a student D. He is in hospital 24. B考查交际用语。句意:—你的兄弟长相如何?根据句中look like可知询问人物外貌,故选B。 25. (2018·云南昆明)After we cleaned up the room, it looked ______ than before. A. tidier B. tidiest C. worse D. worstly 25. A考查形容词比较等级。句意:我们打扫房间之后,它看起来比之前更整洁了。根据句中than一词可知要用比较等级,结合句意可知更整洁了。故选A。 26.(2018·云南昆明)______ I have lost everything in this terrible earthquake, I have not lost my life. A. Because B. So C. Although D. If 26. C考查连词。句意:尽管在这场可怕的地震中我失去了一切,但我没有丢失生命。because因为;so 因此;although尽管;if如果。由句意可知前后两句之间有让步关系,故选C。 27. (2018·云南昆明)The government will take action to ______ the problem of heavy extracurricular burden (课外负担)on primary and middle school students. A. deciding B. decide C. solving D. solve 27. D考查动词辨析。句意:政府将采取措施解决中小学生过重的课外负担。decide决定;solve解决。由take action to do sth.可知此处用动词原形,排除A和C,再结合句意可知是解决问题。故选D。 28.(2018·云南昆明)—Reading a good book makes me happy. —______. It also helps me a lot.


昆明三中、昆明滇池中学2013-2014学年上学期期末考试 高二地理试卷 命题:杨让泓仔细审题,在答题卡上作答。选择题要用2B铅笔涂抹选项。综合题用黒色水性笔按要求在答题卡相应位置作答。 一、选择题。(40题,每小题1.5分,共60分) 1.下列比例尺中,最小的是 A.五十万分之一 B.1∶1500000 C.1∶3500000 D.三百万分之一 右下为四幅等高线分布图,若图中 等高线的数值皆由左上方向右下方递 减,按要求完成2-3题。 2.若四幅图的等高距皆为50米,比例 尺分别为1:10000、1:2000、1:300、1:40,则其坡度由大到小的排序是 A.①>②>③>④ B.②>③>①>④ C.①>④>③>② D.④>③>②>① 3.若四幅图的比例尺皆为1:10000,等高距分别为100米、90米、80米、70米,则其坡度由大到小的排序是 A.①>②>③>④ B.④>③>②>① C.①>④>③>② D.④>①>③>② 右图为北半球沿海某区域等值线图 (图中 数据表示海拔高度,单位为米),完成4-5题。 4.a地与c地的相对高度是 A.600 米 B.1000 米 C.400米 D.1800 米 5.b 地地处 A. 大陆架 B.大陆坡 C.洋盆 D.海沟 左下图是某种地形的立体透视图,读图回答6-7题。 6.若将立体透视图转绘成等高线图,则甲、乙、丙、丁四图中转绘正确的是 A.甲 B.乙 C.丙 D.丁 7.上题中的等高线图表示的是哪种地形 A.火山锥 B.高原 C.山地的鞍部D.盆地 据新华社报道,欧盟将发射30颗卫星,建立全球定位系统。据此回答8-11题: 8. 通常确定地球上任何一点的地理位置应该具备经度、纬度、海拔三个数据,以下各点的方位关系叙述正确的是 A.a点在e点的东北


昆明市初中学业水平考试 英语试卷 (全卷四个部分,共8页。满分120分,考试用时120分钟) 第二部分英语知识运用(共二节,满分25分) 第一节单项填空 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入空白处或替换划线部分的最佳答案。(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) (2016云南昆明)21. Shanghai Disneyland opened _____ June 16th, 2016. We are thirsty to go. A. in B. on C. at D. of 21.B (2016云南昆明)22. It is difficult to remember and write Chinese traditional characters(繁体字),______ they are a great part of Chinese culture. We should keep them. A. but B. and C. or D. until 22.A (2016云南昆明)23.---What does your new classmate look like? ---_________. A. He is from Australia B. He is tall and of medium build C. He is very nice to others D. He has a pair of blue shoes 23.B (2016云南昆明)24. ---Jim, are these your keys?

---__________. They’re hers. A. Yes, it is B. No, it isn’t C. Yes, they are D. No, they aren’t 24.D (2016云南昆明)25. High technology is used in EURO 2016 to ______the matches are fair enough in France. A. make up B. make sure C. come out D. come over 25.B (2016云南昆明)26. Each couple in China can have two _____from January 1st, 2016. A. boy B. girl C. children D. child 26.C (2016云南昆明)27. ---__________________? ---Great! Everyone had fun. A. How was the second trip yesterday B. How often do you exercise C. Did you ride a horse D. Can you do the dishes 27.A (2016云南昆明)28. ---Would you like to see a movie with me tonight? ---_________. I have to do chores. A. Good luck B. Let’s go C. No problem D. I’m afraid not


云南省旅游发展情况介绍 云南省旅游局 二〇〇九年九月 一、云南旅游发展基本情况 云南地处中国西南边陲,是我国旅游资源最为富集的省份之一。悠久的历史和浓郁的少数民族风情造就了绚丽多彩的民族文化,特殊的地形地貌和立体分布的气候特点形成了绚丽多姿的自然风光,与东南亚、南亚等多个国家接壤和纵贯全省的国际河流“澜沧江—湄公河”构成了良好的区位条件。在云南这片神奇美丽的土地上,北有雄伟壮丽的雪山冰川,南有广袤的热带雨林和珍稀动植物,西有蜿蜒奔腾的“三江并流”奇观,东有壮观的喀斯特岩溶地貌;中有众多的高原湖泊和四季如春的气候条件。改革开放以来,历届云南省委、省政府高度重视旅游业的发展,充分发挥得天独厚的旅游资源优势,全面实施政府主导型战略,着力发展和培育旅游产业,云南旅游业经历了从“接待事业型”到“一般产业型”,再到“支柱产业型”的转变升级过程,实现了从无到有、从小到大的历史性飞跃。 (一)云南旅游发展历程回顾 云南旅游业于上世纪七十年代后期开始起步发展,大致经历了四个大的发展阶段,并呈现出不同的发展特点和阶段性特征。

1、起步发展阶段。1978年至1988年的十年时间是我省旅游业的起步发展阶段。1978年,我省正式筹建成立了云南省旅行游览事业局,开始积极推动旅游业的发展,云南省也成为全国最早一批旅游开发地区。当时全省仅有一家旅行社和8家宾馆,并且大部分是政府招待所,标准客房不足300间。经过十年时间的发展,到1988年,我省接待海外旅游者从1299人次发展到接待海外游客12万人次,旅游外汇收入从83万美元发展到1300万美元;接待国内旅游从13万人次发展到129万人次。这一阶段,我省的旅游业基本以单纯的事业型接待服务为主要内容,尚处于起步发展时期,旅游部门还属于“非生产性”的事业部门。 2、旅游经济产业建设阶段。1988年至1995年七年时间是我省旅游业加快发展阶段。1988年,省政府在省七届人大一次会议的工作报告中首次提出要把旅游业作为一大产业,搞好规划,全面开发,从而确立了旅游业在云南经济发展中的地位。1992年以后,在邓小平南巡讲话和党的十四大精神的指导下,省政府下发了《关于大力发展旅游业的意见》,明确提出要使旅游业发展成为一项重要的经济产业,1992年全国旅游工作会议在西双版纳召开,1994年省政府分别在大理、丽江召开了滇西北旅游规划会,采取了一系列措施,积极推进全省旅游业的发展,为云南旅游业的快速发展开创了新的局面。到1995年,全省接待海外旅游者从12万人次增加到60万人次,旅游外汇收入从1300万美元增加到1.65亿美元,年均分别增长25.8 0%和43.8%,并分别跃居全国第7位和第8位;接待国内旅游者从129


2018 年昆明市初中学业水平考试 英语试题卷 第二部分英语知识运用 (共两节 ,满分 30 分 ) 第一节单项填空 (共 15小题:每小题 1 分,满分 15分) 从题中所给的 A、B、C、 D 四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并将所选答案涂 到答题卡的相应位置上。 21.( C )— Hi, Lucy. _ is your birthday? — My birthday is on May 2 nd. A.What B. Why C. When D.Where 22.( A )— Tony, don't eat class. — Sorry, I won 't do it again. A in B on C. to D. by 23.( B ) — How was the volleyball game yesterday? — Oh, it was fantastic! We so much fun. A. have B. had C. are having D. will have 24.( B )— What does your brother look like? A. He is outgoing B. He is really tall and thin C. He is a student D. He is in hospital 25.( A )After we cleaned up the room, it looked than before. A. tidier B. tidiest C. worse D. worst 26. ______ ( C ) I have lost everything in this terrible earthquake, I


昆明市2012年初中学业水平考试 英语试卷 (本试卷分第I卷和第II卷两部分,共8页。考试时间120分钟,满分100分) 注意事项: 1. 答题前,考生务必用黑色碳素笔将自己姓名、准考证号、考场号、座位号在答题卡上填写清楚,并认真核准条形码上的准考证号及姓名,在规定的位置贴好条形码。 2.考生必须把所有的答案填写在答题卡上,答在试卷上的答案无效。 3. 选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案选项涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦擦干净后,再选涂其他答案选项框。不要填涂和勾划无关选项。其他试题用黑色碳素笔作答,答案不要超出给定的答题框。 4. 考生必须按规定的方法和要求答题,不按要求答题所造成的后果由本人自负。 5. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第I卷(共三部分满分75分) 第一部分听力(共四节,满分20分) 第一节听句子,选出与所给句子内容相符的图画。听音前你有10秒钟读题时间,注意听两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 1. A B C 2. A B C 3. A B C

4. A B C 5. A B C 第二节根据所听到的句子,选出恰当的应答语。听音前你有10秒钟的读题时间,注意听两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 6. A. Thank you. B. Lily Green. C. All right. 7. A. Yes. I’ll do it soon. B. It doesn’t matter. C. Sorry. I’ll do it right away. 8. A. See you. B. You’re welcome. C. That’s great. 9. A. He is pretty good. B. He is going there by air. C. He is a reporter. 10. A. Good idea. B. Don’t worry. C. How about going shopping? 第三节听对话及问题,选择最佳答案。听音前你有10秒钟的读题时间,注意听两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 11. A. He is waiting for Bill. B. He is cleaning the classroom. C. He is having lunch. 12. A. By car. B. On foot. C. On the school bus. 13. A. Because her father will be free this Sunday. B. Because this Sunday will be Father’s Day. C. Because this Sunday will be Mother’s Day. 14. A. In a supermarket. B. In a park. C. In a hospital. 15. A. 8:00 B. 8:30 C. 8:15 第四节听短文,根据短文内容回答问题。听音前你有15秒钟的读题时间,注意听三遍。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 16. Do about 56% of American students like to do volunteer work? A. No, they don’t. B. Yes, they do. C. I don’t know. 17. Which of the following is not mentioned? A. Watching TV. B. Playing sports C. Doing homework. 18. Where is the teacher from? A. Sydney. B. New York. C. Chicago. 19. What’s the best title of the passage? A. Young men in America B. Part-time jobs in America C. American students’ volunteer work


云南旅游景点英文介绍 本文介绍了云南景点:西双版纳(Xishuangbanna)以及香格里拉(Shingri-La)两个云南景点,作文地带还在进一步完善当中,请关注… 云南旅游-香格里拉英文(英语)导游词(旅游景点介绍) In the year 1893, James Hilton described an eternally peaceful and quiet place among mountains in the East—— "Shangri-La" in one of his novels for the first time. In the novel "Lost Horizon", an English diplomat Conway and his brother Gorge scattered the English citizens and helped them leave the dangerous region. On their way home, their plane was hijacked and fell down into the mountain in the Tibetan region. Some lucky survivors were taken to Shangri-la where Conway found lots of fantastic things in such a state founded nearly 200 years ago, in which the local people lived up to more than one hundred years old and lived peacefully and harmoniously with the other people, animals and everything here. The place was called "Shangri-La" by the local folks. James Hilton located "Shangri-La" in a mysterious valley which was surrounded by snowcapped mountains; near where there were snow-clad peaks, blue lakes, broad grassy marshlands, and lamaseries, Buddhist nunneries, mosques, Catholic Church, the human beings and the nature were in perfect harmony, several religions and varies of nationalities exited at the same time; the temples looked splendid in green and golden; though people contacted the outer world by caravan for a long time, many foreign experts and scholars had come here to investigate and remained much relics…… Obviously, that is not only a beautiful scenery, but also a kind of artistic conception. From Joozone_com. With the novel and the film coming out, Shangri-La became very famous in western countries. Later, a Chinese named GuoHuonian used the name of this place and set up "Shangri-La" Hotel Group which has become one of the most successful hotel group in the world. At the same time, people didn’t give up looking for the legendary Shangri-La. Up to the end of this century, they finally have found……。 After inspecting and proving on many aspects, people found that Diqing Prefecture, the only Tibetan region in Yunnan, China, has striking similarity with what’s described in the tale regarding either on natural scenery or people’s way of living. Therefore, the name of "Diqing Shangri-La" spreads worldwide. 云南景点介绍:XishuangbannaXishuangbanna is the southernmost prefecture of Yunnan Province. The prefecture is nicknamed Aerial Garden for its luxuriant and multi-layered primitive woods and tropical


2018年昆明市中考英语试卷(含答案,无听力) 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分) 从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并将所选答案涂到答题卡的相应位置上。 21. ( C )—Hi, Lucy. _______ is your birthday? —My birthday is on May 2nd. A. What B. Why C. When D.Where 22. ( A )—Tony, don’t eat _______ class. —Sorry, I won’t do it again. A in B on C. to D. by 23. ( B )—How was the volleyball game yesterday? —Oh, it was fantastic! We ______ so much fun. A. have B. had C. are having D. will have 24. ( B )—What does your brother look like?

—______ . A. He is outgoing B. He is really tall and thin C. He is a student D. He is in hospital 25. ( A )After we cleaned up the room, it looked________than before. A. tidier B. tidiest C. worse D. worst 26. ( C ) ______ I have lost everything in this terrible earthquake, I have not lost my life. A. Because B. So C. Although D. If 27. ( D )The government will take action to _______ the problem of heavy extracurricular burdens(课外负担) on primary and middle school students. A. deciding B. decide C. solving D. solve 28. ( B )—Reading a good book makes me happy. —_______. It also helps me a lot. A. I don’t think so B. I think so C. I’m afraid not D. No way 29. ( D ) The most beautiful thing about learning is that ______ can take it away from you. A. anybody B. somebody C. everybody D. nobody 30. ( A )—______ ? —Yes, I’d like some beef noodles. A. May I take your order B. May I borrow your ruler C. What club do you want to join D. What size would you like 31. ( D )Stephen Hawing, a great scientist, had a strong will. His serious illness never ______ him _______ living a meaningful and colorful life.


云南昆明三中、滇池中学2019年初三上学期年末考试历史试题本试卷总分值共100分,考试时间90分钟,考试形式为闭卷。 第一卷 【一】选择题〔在每题的四个选项中,有一个是对的,请把它的序号填入答题卷相对应的空格内。此题共25小题,每题2分,计50分〕 1、目前,除南极外,世界各大洲都已发现史前人类化石。其中最古老的人类化石是在 A、亚洲 B、美洲 C、非洲 D、欧洲 2、有人说佛教〔特别是早期佛教〕是反对婆罗门教的种姓观念的。这是因为佛教的创始人乔达摩·悉达多在当时的种姓制度下并不属于最高等级,那么你知道他归属于哪一等级的种姓呢? A、吠舍 B、首陀罗 C、刹帝利 D、婆罗门 3、以下人类早期文明中,明显具有海洋文明特质的是 A、两河流域文明 B、古印度文明 C、古希腊文明 D、中华文明 4、下面哪个统治者改变了以往将土地无偿分给贵族的做法,而把土地有条件地分封给贵族? A、矮子丕平 B、查理·马特 C、汉谟拉比 D、伯利克里 5、公元前4世纪,他开始东征,建立起地跨三洲的大帝国。人们对他评价不已:“伟大的军事家”“好战的将领”“贪婪的侵略者”“文化的爱好者”等,你认为这个人是 A、凯撒 B、屋大维 C、伯里克利 D、亚历山大 6、小玉收到同学的一张贺卡,卡上写着“Merry Christmas!”,你知道这一祝福语与哪一宗教有关吗? A.基督教 B.伊斯兰教 C.佛教 D.道教 7、15世纪,欧洲人开始探寻前往东方的新航路的直接目的是 A、追求财富,梦想发财 B、对东方文化的景仰 C、显示欧洲国力强盛 D、证明地球是圆的 8、“印第安人”“西印度群岛”这些名称的由来与以下哪一个航海家有关? A、迪亚士 B、达·伽马 C、哥伦布 D、麦哲伦 9、2017年4月底,威廉王子的浪漫婚礼让世人再次把目光转向英国王室。在英国,国王虽然是国家象征,但却不掌握国家的最高权力,与这种君主立宪制的确立相关的法律文件是 A.《权利法案》 B.《独立宣言》 C.《人权宣言》 D.《法典》 10、美国资产阶级革命与英法两国资产阶级革命不同之处在于 A、推翻封建统治,确立君主立宪制 B、推翻三座大山,建立民主共和国 C、结束封建专制,确立共和政体 D、推翻殖民统治,赢得国家独立 11、成为美国第一任黑人总统的奥巴马曾公开表示他特别感激美国一位历史人物,你认为这个人是 A、华盛顿 B、杰斐逊 C、林肯 D、尼克松 12、下面有关资产阶级革命、改革的概述正确的选项是 ①英国——剥夺王权保留王位的革命;②俄国——避免革命的改革 ③日本——武士领导的社会变革;④法国——为民主共和而战 ⑤美国南北战争——为民族独立而战 A、①③④⑤ B、②③④⑤ C、①②④⑤ D、①②③④ 13、第一次工业革命是“一枝独秀”的革命,第二次工业革命是“遍地开花”的革命。这里的“一枝独秀”指的是


云南中部,有一片波光浩渺的湖水,俨如高原上镶嵌的一颗璀璨晶莹的明珠,这就是古老的“滇南泽”,因距昆阳城最近,故又名“昆阳湖”,即人们熟悉的“五百里滇池”。以往诗人对她描写是:昆池千顷浩溟漾,浴日滔天气量洪,倒映群峰来镜里,雄吞六河入胸中。坐落在这美丽高原湖畔的城市,就是春城昆明。昆明是云南省的省会,位于云贵高原中部,四面环山,南临滇池,六河纵横,中间一马平川,形成了膏腴沃壤的昆明坝子。 昆明地处云贵高原中部,市中心海拔1,891米。南濒滇池,三面环山。属于低纬度高原山地季风气候,由于受印度洋西南暖湿气流的影响,日照长、霜期短、年平均气温15摄氏度。气候温和,夏无酷暑,冬不严寒,四季如春,气侯宜人,是极负盛名的“春城”。为此前人有诗描写它的特点是:昆明腊月可无裘,三伏轻棉汗不流,梅绽隆冬香放满,柳舒新岁叶将稠。每年的12月到来年的3月,一群群躲避北方海域寒风的红嘴鸥,万里迢迢地从远方飞来,落栖在昆明城中。 昆明还是自然景观和人文景观的荟萃之地。悠久的历史、独特的地质结构,为昆明留下了众多的文物古迹和风景名胜。昆明市是一个发展中的国际旅游城市,目前,已形成了以世博会为中心的集自然风光和民族风情为一体的多功能的四季皆宜的旅游胜地。 昆明海拔746米至4247米,面积15942平方公里,建成区98平方公里,直辖盘龙、五华、西山、官渡四个区和呈贡、晋宁、安宁、富民、嵩明、宜良、路南、禄劝八个县。人口3635212人,有汉、彝、回、白、苗、蒙古等25个民族,少数民族人口占12.6%,城区人口1611969人。 In central Yunnan, the Gaomiao a shimmering lake, akin plateau dazzling mosaic of a glistening pearl, which is the ancient "Dian Naze," because from Kunyang City recently, it was also known as "Kunyang Lake" that is, people familiar with the "500 in Dianchi Lake." She describes the poet of the past: 1000 ares Queensland Chi Hao Yang Ming, the towering gas Bath Hung, Daoying Qunfeng to mirror, six-swallowing River into chest. Plateau is located in the beautiful lakeside city of Kunming is Chuncheng. Kunming is the capital of Yunnan Province in central Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, surrounded by mountains, south of Dianchi Lake, 6 River horizon, the middle Yimabengchuan formed Gaoyuworang Kunming Bazi. Kunming, Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau is located in the central part of town elevation 1,891 meters. South Dying Dianchi Lake, surrounded on three sides by mountains. A low-latitude mountain plateau monsoon climate, due to the Indian Ocean southwest of the impact of warm air, sunshine long Shuangqi short, the average temperature of 15 degrees Celsius. A mild climate, without the sweltering heat of summer, not winter cold, spring-like Four Seasons, a pleasant climate is extremely prestigious "Spring City." There is a poem describing their predecessors for it is characterized by: Kunming腊月can be no Qiu, light cotton Sanfu Khan not flow, plum flowers midwinter full-Fang, Liu Shu-year-old new leaf will be crowded. December annual March of the next year, a group escape the North Sea wind Gongzuiou, Molitiaotiao from afar, and with Habitat in Kunming city. Kunming is the natural landscape and cultural landscape and vibrant place. A long history, unique geological structure, Kunming left a large number of cultural relics and scenic spots. Kunming is a development of the international tourist city, at present, has become a center for the World Expo to collect the natural scenery and ethnic customs as one of the four seniors-tourist destination. Kunming altitude from 746 to 4247 m, covering 15,942 square kilometers, and built-up areas of 98 square kilometres, Panlong Territory, five Chinese, Western Hills, Guandu District, and four Chenggong, Jinning, tranquillity, the people, Songming, Yiliang, South Road , Luquan eight counties. Population 3635212 people, Han, Yi, Hui and white, Miao, Mongolia, 25 national and ethnic minorities, accounting for 12.6 percent of the population, urban population of 1611969 people.


云南省昆明市2019年中考英语试卷 一、单项选择题(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 1. ( 1分) The worlds longest cross-sea bridge, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, opened ________ October 24 2018. A. in B. at C. by D. on 2. ( 1分) —Gina, could you please play the drums on the art festival —________. I can only play the guitar. A. I'm afraid I can't B. Yes. I can C. Sure. I'd love to D. Not bad 3. ( 1分) —Where did you go last winter vacation —I ________ to London with my family. A. go B. have gone C. went D. was going 】 4. ( 1分) —I will take part in an English writing competition this Sunday. I feel nervous. —________! A. What a pity B. Look out C. Congratulations D. Take it easy 5. ( 1分) Tom cannot run as ________ as his friends, so he practices running very hard. A. fast B. faster C. slow D. slower 6. ( 1分) The program, Everlasting Classics, encourages ________ to read more classics. A. we B. us C. our D. ours 7. ( 1分) ________ we continue to kill elephants for their ivory, we humans will lose them in the end A. If B. Before C. Until D. Although 8. ( 1分) With the rapid progress in high technology, 5G ________ around most parts of China in the near future. ` A. is used B. is using C. will use D. will be used 9. ( 1分) The PLA Navy (中国人民解放军海军) has been greatly helping keep world peace, As a Chinese. I am ________ it. A. responsible for B. proud of C. full of D. known for 10. ( 1分) —You looked unhappy just now. ________ —I missed the school bus and arrived late for class. A. What did you eat for lunch B. How was your picnic C. What happened to you D. How did you go there 11. ( 1分) Yunnan Museum is such an interesting place that many kids have fun ________ it. A. visiting B. to visit C. reading D. to read 12. ( 1分) The ________ of the 2019 Beijing International Horticultural Expo (园艺博览会) is "Live Green, Live Better." A. symbol B. condition C. theme D. invention ; 13. ( 1分) In order to take a pleasant trip to Kunming, Dave emailed me to ask________. A. what was Kunming most famous for B. what Kunming was most famous for


昆明三中智慧校园示范校试点授牌仪式 发言稿 尊敬的各位领导、专家、老师和来宾们: 大家好! 我是来自深圳市智慧教育研究院的执行院长,负责企业管理这一块的业务。像刚才李老师类似的公开示范课,我在国内很多我们的试点学校都现场体验过,按说应该司空见惯了,然而今天这一堂课下来,我油然而生了很多新的感慨,借此机会和大家分享一下。 昆三中是中央电化教育馆“百所数字校园建设项目”示范学校之一,也是我司与云南省教育厅电教馆开展教育信息化政企合作以来,在云南的第一所试点学校。自年初开始进校建设、培训到试用,不过短短几个月时间,正是在省厅的殷切关怀和学校的共同努力下,我们今天能够看到这么一堂精彩生动、别具一格的示范课。一方面说明我们政府对于教育信息化工作的高度重视和科学引导,另一方面也说明了三中信息化建设基础良好、师生的整体信息化素养水平很高。

据我所知,近年来我们云南一直在大力推进教育信息化建设,为教育信息化的进一步发展奠定了良好的基础,面向全省的信息化基础设计体系业已初步形成。然而,随着教育信息化建设和应用需求的不断升级,原有软硬件设施已经不能很好的满足新时期的新需要,因此,迫切需要基于顶层设计的资源整合、升级与扩容。 在此形势下,我们云南政府通过一系列政策引导、组织协调、资金统筹和法律保障等宏观行政手段,创造出良好的市场环境,吸引和鼓励企业等社会力量共同投资和参与教育信息化建设,积极探索出一种基于政企合作的教育信息化的新模式。通过借助于信息化企业专业的技术、软件、管理及个性化资源建设服务,进一步提高了教育信息化水平、学校教学效率和管理水平,促进了教学资源的深度共建共享,甚至推动和影响了教学模式的变革。事实证明,云南省厅与我司的这种政企合作模式已经开始展示出了立竿见影的效果,有了一个不错的开端。 昆三中作为云南百年名校、全国现代教育技术实验学校,一直走在数字校园建设、教育信息化的前沿,代表着昆明乃至整个云南中学教育的教学和管理水平。目前,学校的信息化基础建设
