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学校________ 班级________ 姓名________ 成绩________



A. forty

B. teacher

C. dinner


A. lake

B. candy

C. date


A. house

B. blow

C. blouse

D. how


A. your

B. four

C. pour

D. colour


A. wag

B. run

C. rabbit


()1.—Does Linda like the black bag ________ the green bag? —She likes ________ black one.

A. or, the

B. and, the

C. or, /()2.Amy was first. We sang and her.

A.cheered for

B.cheer for

C.look at

()3.—Do you like pears?

—Yes, ______________.

A. I like

B. I do

C. I don't.

()4.Let's a big apple.

A. have

B. has

C. having

()5.______ month of a year is May.

A. Two

B. The second

C. Five

D. The fifth

()6.Is it a book a pen?

A. and

B. or

C. but

()7.There ________ a pair of shoes. Whose shoes ______ those?

A. are, are

B. is, are

C. is, is

()8.—What is that?

— a table.

A. He's

B. It's

C. Its

()9.Zip, don't _______ angry. Count to ten and take a deep breath.

A. is

B. are

C. be

()10.Rose has a fever. She should have a good rest and drink water.

A. too much

B. enough

C. not much

()11.Is it Thursday _______ Friday?

A. and

B. or

C. for

()12.— How do I look ?

—You like a teacher.

A. look

B. are

C. not

()13.—_________ shoes are those?

— __________are Tony's.

A. Whose, They're

B. Who, they

C. Whose, They ()14.Let's _______ games after school, shall we?

A.to play

B. play

C. playing

()15.What country is next to Canada?

A. B. C.

()16.Do the lions like eating meat hay?

A. too

B. or

C. Either

()17.When the traffic light turns red, we _______ cross the road.

A. must

B. mustn't

C. can

()18.—What do you like, Danny?

— like toys cars.

A. You

B. We

C. I

()19.Kitty. the flowers.

A.Don’t pick

B. picks

C. is picking ()20.Monday is _____ day of the week.

A. first

B. the first

C. the second

三、读问句找答语,将其对应的答案填在前面括号里(每题2分,共20分)()1. What’s the matter? A. It’s 50 yuan.

()2. How tall are you? B. Yes, I did.

()3. How can I get to Yichang? C. She is short and thin. ()4. What does your father do? D. I’m 164 cm tall.

()5. Did you visit your grandparents? E. He is going to Kunming. ()6. Where is Mike going? F. No, I can’t.

()7. How much is your new bag? G. He is a teacher.

()8. What colour is the orange? H. I feel sick. I have a fever. ()9. What is your English teacher like? I. You can go by bus.

()10. Can you cook meals? J. The orange is orange.


1. Mr. Brown can play basketball very (good).

2. My birthday’s on the (five) of February.

3. Jim’s parents are doctors, my parents are (farm).

4. Please help (they) do some housework.

5. My brother Mike likes (play) football very much.

6. The box is (heavy) than that one.

7. It means you shouldn’t (cycling) here.

8. The weather is going to be (rain) tomorrow.

9. It is an day, we are all very .(excite)

10. The (Australia) like koalas very much.


1.you/ happy/ to/ birthday (.) (连词成句)

