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Module 6

1.Look at the birds up in the sky.

2.How can they fly so fast and so high?

3.Do you want to play basketball ?

4.Can you run fast?

5.You can play basketball well.

6.I’m your first fan.

7.You can jump really high.

8.Yesterday,Sam,Amy and Lingling played basketball in the park.

9.They were very happy.

10.The other team got sixty-four points.


1.Dogs are clever/cute/useful/cool.

2.Look!There’s a TV show about dogs.

3.Can Fifi help blind people? No,he can’t.He only wants to play.

4.I watched a TV show yesterday.

5.East or west , home is the best.

6.This panda can ride a bike.

7.The firefighters couldn’t see the people.

8.I can swim. Can you ? Yes,I can.

9.I can’t stand on my hands. Can you? Yes,I can.

10.My favourite animal is the dog.


I took some photos there.

In the UK,children often sit around tables in class.

We sit in lines in China.

They sing songs together every morning.

In the UK, school often starts at 9 o’clock and finishes at half past three. There are children’s painting on the wall.

The students can have fun at break time.

English children study hard.

We do morning exercises.


1.What’s the matter ?

2.Are you bored ? Do you want to play with my doll ?

3.What are you thinking about ?

4.I’m going to make you a surprise present for Christmas .

5.Yesterday it was raining. Zara couldn’t go out.

6.She helped her mum make a cake.

7.She ate the cake with her mum. She drank some water.

8.Then the rain stopped. Zara went out to play.

9.Yesterday I played football. I was tired.

10.I was hungry and thirsty. I lost my cap.


1. You should tidy your toys. 你应该收拾一下你的玩具。

2. Y ou shouldn’t play with the CDs. 你不应该玩CD。

3. You should go to bed at 9. 你应该在9点钟上床睡觉。

4. You shouldn’t be late. 你不应该迟到。

5. You should work hard. 你应该努力工作。

6. You should bring your books to class. 你应该带你的书到课堂上。

7. You should be kind. 你应该要善良。

8. You shouldn’t jump on the bed. 你不应该在床上跳。

9. You should listen in class. 你应该在课堂上听课。

10.You shouldn’t put the books on the desk. 你不应该把书放在桌子上。
