



英◆注意事项: 1. 本试题共分两卷,总分110分,考试时

间90分钟; 2. 所有题目必须在答题卷上作答,否则不予计分。第I卷客观题(共75分)第一节单项填空(共20


选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.________ food called pizza is from ___________ Italian culture. A. /; / B. A; an C. /; the D. A; / 2.It takes ______ to say sorry, even if you know you’ve done something wrong. A. courage B. patience C. strength D. care 3.The CDs are on sale. You can buy one and

get ________ free. A. it B. one C. other D. any 4.Chinese students have ______ weeks ______ in the summertime than American students. A. more; away B. fewer; away C. more; off D. fewer; off 5.It’s an area of __________ beauty where you can spend your holiday. A. national B. personal C. natural D. cultural 6.——Why don’t you watch NBA on TV at home? ——Because my father _____. He _____all night yesterday. A. has slept; worked B. is sleeping; worked C. sleeps; was working D. didn’t sleep; had worked 7.He plans to __________ some of his books to the children in the countryside who need them. A. give off B.

give up C. give away D. give back 8.The bus was

_________ full, and lots of people were standing. A. generally B. completely C. normally D. hardly 9.You have to study harder, _________you will fall behind others. A. or B. but C. so D. and 10.Lucy, ________ the radio down. It’s too noisy! A. to turn B. turning C. turn D. turns 11.It

is reported that the fire burned for quite some time ______ it was brought under control. A. since B. when C. before D. once 12.——It’s our library! So you _______ know eating is not allowed here. ——Oh, sorry. A. will B. may C. need D. must 13.——Was he sorry for what he had done? ——

____________. A. Not really B. Well done C. No problem D. Go ahead 14.Two-thirds of the population in China ________ farmers. A. have B. has C. are D. is 15.Wait a minute;

I’ll get Nick to __________ you home. A. have B. see C. make D. send 2011年蚌埠市普通高中自主招生考试(英语试题)

第 1 页共 7 页

16.As a middle school student, he doesn’t know ______ it takes

to start a new life in a university. A. what B. how C. when D. which 17.The bad weather makes it hard _____________ in the desert. A. live B. living C. to live D. lived 18.In recent years, IELTS ____________ by many Chinese students to study

abroad. A. takes B. has taken C. is taken D. has been taken 19.Keep our heart open _______ we can experience the great joy friendship can bring. A. even though B. as if C. so that D. even since 20.——Boys and girls, let’s go out for a picnic tomorrow! ——______________ We’re dying f or that. A. Why? B. Fantastic! C. Forget it! D. No way! 第二节完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Do you often think of your mother? You may say, “Of course, I 21 .” Mothers’ Day is 22 near this year, and what will you do for your mother? As we all know, Mother is always 23 to give everything she has to her children, so mothers’ love should be remembered forever. 24 , one terrible thing happened at Shanghai Pudong International Airport on April 1,2011. A Chinese student25 had just returned from Japan did something terrible. His mother came to the airport to 26 . Afterwards, he got into a 27 with his mother. The student stabbed(捅)his mother nine times with a knife, 28 hurting her. 29 hearing the news, all of us feel greatly surprised. _30 the family is not rich, they have managed to 31 the son’s school fees and living expenses in Japan for five years. Yet the son never worked one single day to support 32 . The par ents’ love for their son is 33 ,

but their unconditional sacrifice(牺牲)34 to achieve real parental guidance for the son. The accident has a lot to do with the decline(衰退)of traditional 35 . At the same time, it shows some problems in our school education. These values like gratitude(感恩)should be treasured in modern China. 21.A. will B. do C. won’t D. don’t 22.A. going B. drawing C. taking D. making 23.A. supposed B. unwilling C. ready D. unhappy 24.A. However B. But C. Instead D. So 25.A. whom B. whose C. who D. which 26.A. pick him up B. put him up C. get him up D. look him

up 27.A. talk B. word C. fight D. joke 28.A. seriously

B. completely

C. heavily

D. freely 29.A. In B. On

C. For

D. At 30.A. As B. Unless C. But D. Although 31.A. save B. spend C. afford D. make 32.A. her B. him C. herself D. himself 33.A. exciting B. moving C. interesting D. surprising 34.A. fails B. decides C. has D. refuses 35.A. ideas B. values C. habits D. ways 第三节阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D

四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Waste can be seen everywhere in the school. Some students ask for more food than they can eat and others often forget to turn off the lights when

they leave the classroom. They say they can afford these things.

But I don’t agree with them. 2011年蚌埠市普通高中自主招生考试

(英语试题)第 2 页共 7 页

Waste can bring a lot of problems. Although China is rich in some resources(资源), we are short of others, for example, fresh water. It is reported that we will have no coal or oil to use in 100 years. So if we go on wasting our resources, what can we use in

the future and where can we move? Think about it. I think we should say no to the students who waste things every day. Everybody should stop wasting as soon as possible. In our everyday life, we can do many things to stop waste from happening, for example, turn off the water taps(水龙头)when

we finish washing, turn off the lights when we leave the classroom,

try not to order more food than we need, and so on. Little by little, everything will be changed. Waste can be stopped one day, if we

do our best. 36.From the passage we know that some students often _______ in the school. A. waste things B. don’t

work hard C. eat too much D. throw rubbish everywhere 37.Which is NOT mentioned in this passage? A. Oil.

B. Coal.

C. Forest.

D. Fresh water. 38.What may happen

in 100 years according to the passage? A. We may not waste our resources. B. We may have other places to move to. C. We

may have more resources to use. D. We may not have any coal or oil to use. 39.Which of the following is true? A. Waste brings problems. B. Students never waste things. C. China is rich in fresh water. D. Whatever we do can’t stop waste. 40.The author writes the passage mainly to tell readers that _________. A. students live a happy school life B. waste should be stopped in the school C. students should study harder in the school D. China is rich in some resources B The wedding(婚礼)between Prince William and Kate Middleton on April 29 is on everyone’s lips now. A common girl is marrying a prince and living in a palace as a princess(公主). Queen Elizabeth II as well as her family has made full preparations for the wedding. The wedding menus are secret, but it has been told that the wedding party will include two cakes: a traditional fruit cake as the wedding cake and a chocolate cake preferred by Prince William. Kate and William have chosen two choirs(唱诗班), an orchestra, and other musical groups for the wedding at Westminster Abbey. UK Prime Minister David Cameron and his wife have been invited to the wedding, but US President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle have not. Among the 1,900 guests are football star David Beckham and his wife who could probably make William and Kate seem less important. Kate is keeping silent

about her wedding dress. But William is very likely to wear a

military uniform(军装)for the wedding. The wedding day

has been made an official public holiday in Britain and the whole

world will watch it on the big day. 41.The underlined words “on everyone’s lips” probably means __________. A. welcomed by everyone B. talked about by everyone C. noticed by everyone D. wished by everyone 42.From the passage, we

can know that William ________. A. has no job at present B. enjoys a chocolate cake C. is now the king of Britain D.

won’t see David Cameron at the wedding 43.It can be shown

from the passage that_________. A. the public needn’t work on

the wedding day B. Barack Obama will turn up at the wedding

C. only British people are interested in the wedding

D. the

British government has done a lot for the wedding 44.Which of

the following is NOT mentioned about the wedding? A. Menu.

B. Guests.

C. Dress.

D. Cost. 2011年蚌埠市普通高中自主招

生考试(英语试题)第 3 页共 7 页

45.The passage mainly talks about __________. A. British wedding customs B. the Queen and her family C. suggestions on a wedding party D. the wedding between William and Kate C Do you know how to be happy? Here are

six ways for you to find more pleasure in your life. Play that

song you love so much. As we all know, repetition can lead to pleasure. When you experience something more than once, you notice more information about it each time, and it increases your enjoyment. That’s why you love revisiting that jazz club, the favorite restaurant, and the old Woody Allen movie. Of course, you can’t overdo it. Don’t buy boxed sets of DVDs. Economist(经济学家)Tyler says that much of the joy we get from buying things lies in the experience of choosing them, getting them home, and opening them up. If you receive 18 DVDs in one package, you’ll use up the excitement all at once.Buy things one at a time and pleasure follows. Look outside. Our ancestors spent almost all of their time outside with trees, water, and sky around. The world in which most of us spend our time nowadays is unnatural and can harm the spirit. Getting close to nature makes you happy. ________. Staying with animals works wonders. You can pet an animal. It increases the brain chemicals connected with pleasure and decreases those connected with stress. People can get some of the effect by hanging out for a few minutes with pets. Smile. Well, like it or not, smiling improves your mood(心情). Here’s why: when you look happy, people do better to you, which in turn leads you to be happy. What’s more, looking happy fools your brain into thinking that

you are happy. 46.According to the writer, buying things one at a

time can ____________. A. help us save some money B. spare time for other activities C. increase our experience of

happiness D. give us more time to consider buying things 47.What’s the best title for Paragraph 5? A. Pet an animal B. Exercise the brain C. Decrease work stress D. Hang

out more often 48.What does the underlined word “decrease” in

Paragraph 5 mean? A. 提高 B. 聚积 C. 排除 D.

减少 49.Which of the following is right? A. Smiles fool others’

mood. B. Repetition results in pleasure. C. Animals

add to your stress. D. Spending time outside harms your

spirit. 50.What is most likely to be discussed in the paragraph

that follows? A. The effect of pleasure on life. B. The

writer’s own experience. C. Another way to find pleasure. D. Reasons for finding more pleasure. D Have you ever heard an

echo(回声)of your voice? An echo is a reflected(反射)sound.

Stand in a very large, empty hall with nothing on the walls. Then

shout. The sounds you make will hit the walls and come back to

you. The walls reflect the sounds. These reflected sounds are

called "echoes". We can use reflected sound to make sound

travel farther. Hold a watch about 50cm from your ear. You

cannot hear it. The sound of the watch travels a short way in all

directions. It does not travel as far as your ear. You can make it travel to your ear by using a roll of cardboard. Make the roll of cardboard about 50cm long. Put one end over your ear and hold the watch at the other. Now you can hear the watch because the sound has not gone in all directions. It is reflected down the roll to your ear. A megaphone(喇叭筒)works in the same way. It makes sound travel farther. It reflects the sound into a beam(光束)which can travel a long way. In the ship, the sailor uses the megaphone to make his voice travel. 2011年蚌埠市普通高中自主招生考试(英语试题)第 4 页共 7 页

Without the megaphone, his voice cannot travel far. We use reflected sound in many ways. We use it to measure the depth of the sea, for example. Among the animals, bats(蝙蝠)and whales use reflected sound to tell them where they are and what things are near them. 51.What is called an “echo”? A. Very loud voices that are made by man. B. Very loud voices that are made by animals. C. The sound that comes from the walls. D. The sound that is made by man or animals comes back from some place. 52.We can hear our echoes if we shout . A. in a small room B. in the open air C. in narrow valleys (山谷) D. in a large house full of things 53.Which is the right order of hearing our echo in a very large, empty hall? .

a. We hear the reflected sound.

b. The sound returns to us.

c. The sound hits the walls.

d. We make a sound. A. c, b, a,

d B. c, a, b, d C. d, c, b, a D. d, b, c, a 54.From th

e text we learn that______. A. bats use reflected sound to fly and get food B. people haven't made use o

f reflected sound yet C. reflected sound is useful only to blind people D. whales don't use reflected sound as they live in the sea 55.If you haven't got a megaphone, will help you to make your voice travel farther.

A. a thin thread

B. a roll of cardboard

C. a long piece of wood

D. a long piece of silk 2011年蚌埠市普通

高中自主招生考试(英语试题)第 5 页共 7 页

第Ⅱ卷主观题(共35分)第一节单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 根据首字母或汉语提示,在每句的空白处填入一个单词,使句意完整。56.Christmas is c_____________ on the 25th of December. 57.Exercise makes a difference in p__________ and fighting against diseases. 58.If we're not around, you can leave a m_________ and we'll call you back. 59.It can be helpful to s__________ your feelings with someone you trust. 60.In most Chinese schools, students learn English as their f________ language. 61.With the rapid ____________(发展)of technology, people live an easier and better life. 62.I want to work at home on a Tuesday but

as it turns out sometimes it's a _________(星期三). 63.He __________(意识到)he was in the wrong and promised to turn over a new leaf. 64.Some have called him the greatest writer of the _____________(二十)century. 65.I was ___________(想知道)if you might want to take in a movie with me this evening. 第二节完成句子(共10小题,每小题 1.5分,满分15分)根据每句汉语提示,完成句子,使句意完整。 66.With so many changes, I can't imagine __________________(蚌埠会是什么样子)in three years. 67.The more I know him, _________________________(我越不喜欢他). 68.He warned me _____________________________(不要在公共场所吸烟). 69.He is one of the students ________________________(擅长绘画)in my class. 70.This is _____________________(那么舒适的地方)that we all want to stay here for a longer time. 71._____________________________(多么愉快的一次旅行)it is! 72.___________________(我花了)thirty dollars to buy the dictionary last week. 73.My hair is too long, and I need______________________(理发). 74.________________________(是平衡的饮食)that keeps you in good condition. 75.I don’t think Princess Kate is a common girl, _________________(是吗)? 第三节短文填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)阅读

下面短文,按照句子的语法结构和行文逻辑,在空白处填入适当的单词;或根据首字母提示写出该单词。 The Silk Road was the most important connection between the east and the west. In about 105 B.C., Chinese silk was the most popular product(76)____________was taken to the west. The Silk Road was in fact many roads that merchants(商人)used to take many(77)__________things. They traveled in large vehicles. They traded a lot of products (78) a____________ the Silk Road. Vehicles headed west with silk, porcelain(瓷器),(79) t_________ and seeds of orange, peach and other trees. From the(80)__________, they brought back gold, silver, wool, grapes, wine and some other (81)E_____________ food. In the(82)____________ part of the Road was the central Asia. The vehicle introduced central Asian horses, two humped(双峰)(83)___________ and other animals to the east and west. The Silk Road was a very important path which (84) s___________ different cultures and played a very important (85)___________ in the communication between people from the east and the west. 2011年蚌埠市普通高中自主招生考试人文素养英语试题参考答案 2011年蚌埠市普通高中自主招生考试(英语试题)第 6 页共 7 页

第Ⅰ卷客观题(共75分)第一节单项填空 (共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分) 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 第二节完答案 D A B D C B C B A C C D A C B A C D

C B 形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)题号 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 答案 B B C A C A C A B

D C D B A B 第三节阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)题号 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

52 53 54 55 第Ⅱ卷主答案 A C D A B B B A D D C A D B C D C C A

B 观题(共35分)第一节单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 56. celebrated 57. preventing 58. message 59. share 60. foreign 61. development 62. Wednesday 63. realized 64. twentieth 65. wondering 第二节完成句子(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)66.what Bengbu will be/look like 67. the less I like him / the more I hate him 68. not to smoke in public/against smoking in public 69. who are good at/ do well in drawing 70. such a comfortable place /so comfortable a place 71. What a pleasant trip 72. It cost me 73. to have my hair cut 74. It is a balanced diet 75. is she 第三节短文填空 (共10

小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 76. that 77. other 78. along 79. tea 80. west 81. European 82. middle 83. camels 84. spread 85. role/part 2011年蚌埠市普通高中自主招生

考试(英语试题)第 7 页共 7 页


漳州一中高中自主招生考试英语试卷及答案 Revised by Liu Jing on January 12, 2021

20XX年漳州一中高中自主招生考试 英语试卷 (满分150分,时间120分钟) 亲爱的同学: 欢迎你参加本次考试!请你细心阅读,用心思考,耐心解答。祝你成功!答题时请注意: 1.试卷分为试卷和答题卷两部分。 2.第Ⅰ卷(选择题)1-74小题一律作答于机读答题卡上,用2B铅笔将选项涂黑。从75小题开始的所有题目作答于答题卷相应答题处。 第Ⅰ卷语言知识运用(98分) 一、选择填空:从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案。(每题1分,共30分) 1. --- I’m taking my geography exam tomorrow. --- __________! A. Come on B. Congratulations C. Well done D. Good luck 2. _______ of the flowers in my bedroom are pink. Pink is my favorite color. A. Three four B. Three fourths C. Third fours D. Third four 3. ---When shall we go shopping, this morning or this afternoon? --- _______ is OK. I’m free the whole day. A. Either B. Neither C. None D. Both 4. We used to _______ along the river when we live in this village. A. walking B. walked C. walk D. walks 5. All of us will be happy _______ you can come to the party. A. while B. if C. but D. or _______ the piano for ten years, and she will join in a competition next week. A. plays B. will have played C. played D. has been playing talk of English history _______ in the school hall next Monday. A. is given B. is being given C. will give D. will be given 8. My father always asks me _______ out alone at night. A. don’t go B. not go C. not to go D. go 9. --- _______ I complete the check-in form right now, sir? --- No, you needn’t. You can finish it next week.


蚌埠二中2018年高一自主招生考试 科学素养(物理)测试题 本卷满分130分 考试时间100分钟 考生注意:选择题答案须填在该大题题后的答题栏内,否则,不予计分。 一、单项选择题(每题3分,共60分) 1.三种材料的密度之比为3 : 2 :1,取其质量之比为1 : 2 :3,制成相同高度的圆柱体竖立在水平 桌面上,它们对桌面产生的压强之比是 A .1: 2 :3 B .3 : 2 : 1 C .1 : 4 :9 D .1 : 1 : 1 2.甲、乙两种物质,质量之比为4 : 1,放出热量之比是3 : 1,则它们的比热之比和降低温度之 比分别是下列四种情况,可能满足题设条件的是 ①1:1 3:4 ②2:1 1:3 ③1:2 3:2 ④1:3 9:4 A .①② B .①③④ C .②③ D .①②④ 3.一台效率为40%的柴油机,当输出7 3.4410J ?有用功时,消耗的柴油质量是多少? (柴油的热值是7 4.310/J kg ?) A .0.8kg B .2kg C .0.32kg D .2.8kg 4.如图所示,滑动变阻器M 的总电阻为10Ω,滑动变阻器N 的总电阻为200Ω,电阻R 的阻值约为20Ω。为了使电压表的示数略微增大,应该 A .把N 的滑片向左移一小段距离 B .把M 的滑片向左移一小段距离 C .把N 的滑片向右移一小段距离 D .投M 的滑片向右移一小段距离 5.自然界的许多动物为了适应生存环境,进化出了符合一定物理规律的身体部位。对此,以下 从物理学的角度给出的解释中错误的是 A .鱼类主要是靠鳔的调节作用从而改变自身重力来实现下沉和上浮的 B .蚊子细尖的口器,可以增大压强,易于刺穿皮肤汲取人和动物体内的血液 C .泥鳅体表有一层滑黏的液体,可减小摩擦以利于钻入泥洞 D .地震、海啸等自然灾害发生前,猫、狗、老鼠和蛇等动物大都会有异常表现,是


2016年福建省福州一中自主招生考试数学试卷 、选择题(共10小题,每小题4分,满分40分 ,'x + 1 1 ■若代数式(x-3)2有意乂,则实数X的取值范围是( A . X≥-1 B . X≥-1 且X≠3 C . X > -1 D . X > -1 且X≠3 2 .实数a、b在数轴上的位置如图所示,则化简∣a-b∣-∣a∣的结果为() A. -2a+b B. -b C. -2a-b D. b ------ ?-- -------------- 1------- > 口0 b 3 .如图,4根火柴棒形成象形口”字,只通过平移火柴棒,原图形能变成的汉字是()I— 4 .打开某洗衣机开关,在洗涤衣服时(洗衣机内无水),洗衣机经历了进水、清洗、排水、脱水四个连续过程,其中进水、清洗、排水时洗衣机中的水量y(升) 5.对参加某次野外训练的中学生的年龄(单位:岁)进行统计,结果如表: 年龄131415161718 人数456672 6.如图所示,圆A和圆B的半径都为1 , AB=8 .圆A和圆B都和圆O外切,且三圆均和直线I相切,切点为C、D、E,则圆O的半径为() A . 3 B . 4 C . 5 D. 6 A . 17, 15.5 B . 17, 16 C . 15, 15.5 D. 16, 16

7 .已知二次函数y=ax 2 +bx+c (a≠0)的图象如图所示,现有下列结论: ① abc > 0;② b2-4ac V 0;③ 2a+b=0 ;④ a+b > 0. 则其中正确结论的个数是() A. 1个 B. 2个 C. 3个 D. 4个 8.如图,矩形纸片ABCD中,AB=2 , AD=6 ,将其折叠,使点D与点B重合,得折痕EF.则tan ∠ BFE的值是() A. 1 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 2 9 .如图是一个切去了一个角的正方体纸盒,切面与棱的交点A , B , C均是棱的 10 .甲,乙,丙,丁,戊与小强六位同学参加乒乓球比赛,每两人都要比赛一场,到现在为止,甲已经赛了5场,乙已经赛了4场,丙已经赛了3场,丁已经赛了2场,戊已经赛了1场,小强已经赛了() A. 1场 B. 2场 C. 3场 D. 4场 A. UJ C I Br十C.C 中点,现将纸盒剪开展成平面,则展开图不可能是(


南充高中2013年面向省内外自主招生考试 英语试题 (满分150分,时间90分钟) 第I卷 一、单项选择:从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。(20个小题,每题1.5分,共30分) 1.—Mum, please tell me the answer to this maths problem. — ________. You are a senior student and I can't help you all the time. A. No way B. It's none of my business C. That's beyond me D. It's not possible 2.—Will it be fine weather tomorrow? —I ________. A. expect to B. am afraid not C. think not D. would like to 3.John and I _______friends for eight years. We first got to know each other at a Christmas party. But we ________each other a couple of times before that. A. had been; have seen B. have been; have seen C. have been; had seen D. had been; had seen 4.—Bob, put the ________in the water. —OK. I'll see how many days they will live. A. alive fish B. fish alive C. fish living D. fish lively 5.—Have you ever considered ________your job? —No. I consider my job here ________interesting. A. to change; to be B. having changed; as C. changing; being D. changing; 不填 6.It's true that most of us are able to play the piano, but who can take ____ place of pianist to give the concert? A. / , the B. the, a C. the, the D. /, a 7.The culture and customs of America are more like ________of England than of any other country. A. the one B. the ones C. one D. those 8.—My car started up at last. —You should have it repaired ________it is working now.



芜湖一中2014年高一自主招生考试 英语试卷 Ⅰ.单项选择(共20小题,20分) 1.—Sir, the thief has run into the building. —Thanks! That’s useful information. A./ B.an C. a D.pieces of 2.—Helen, lovely sheep are ! Do you like them ? —Very much . A.What a B.What C.How D.How a 3.—Would you mind me sitting next to the window ? —__________ A.Yes, please. B.with pleasure. C.No, I really mind. D.Sorry. 2

4.—Jack, please clean the room! —Why____? Tom is free there. A.I B.Mine C.Myself D.Me 5.How will the weather tomorrow ? A.like B.be C.be like D.look like 6.How long ago the fire ? A.did begin B.has begun C.had begun D.has been on 7.Can you tell me ? A.where is No.1 Middle School B.how can I get to No.1 Middle School C.how to No.1 Middle School D.the way to No.1 Middle School 8.Kids had better alone at home for anything can happen . A.not to be left B.not to stay C.not be D.not to be 3

漳州一中自主招生试卷 漳州一中高中自主招生考试数学试卷

漳州一中自主招生试卷 2011年漳州一中高中自主招生考 试数学试卷 2011年漳州一中高中自主招生考试数学试卷 1.下列运算正确的是…………………………………………………………( ) A.2ab,3ab 5ab B.a2 a3 a6 2 2 1 (a 0) D.x,y x,y 2a 2.如图,点A在数轴上表示的实数为a,则a~2等于…………………( ) C.a ~2 1 A 0 –1 1 2 3 (第2题图) A.a~2 B.a,2 C.~a~2 D.~a,2 4.如图,A、B、C、D是直线l上顺次四点,M、N分别是 AB、CD的中点,且MN 6cm,BC 1cm,则AD的长等于……………………( ) l A M B C N D (第4题图) A.10cm B.11cm C.12cm

D.13cm 7.用大小和形状完全相同的小正方体木块搭成 一个几何体,使得它的正视图和俯视图如图所示,则搭成这样的一个几何体至少需要小正方体木块的个数为………………( ) A.22个 B.19个 C.16个 D.13个 (正视图) (俯视图) (第7题图) 2 8.用半径为6cm、圆心角为120的扇形做成一个圆锥的侧 面, 则这个圆锥的底面半径 是……………………………………………………………… ……( ) A.2cm B.3cm C.4cm D.6cm 9.若n为整数,则能使 … n,1 也为整数的n的个数有……………………( n~1 A.1个 B.2个 C.3个 D.4个10.已知a为实数,则代数式27~12a,2a2的最小值 为………………( 13 题图) ) (第A.0 B.3 C.33 D.9 x,211.函数y 的自变量x的取值范围是( x~1 12.分解因式:~3xy,27xy 13.把2007个边长为1的正方形 排成如右图所示的图形,则这个图形的周长


安徽省蚌埠二中2010年普通高中自主招生考试科学素养(物理)测 试题及答案 命题人:李建国、李强 审题人:李德松 2.请把选择题答案填在该项题后的答题栏内,否则不予计分。 一、单项选择题(本项共10小题,每小题3分,满分30分。各小题给出的四个选项中只有 一个 是正确的) 1.下列现象中,支持分子间存在引力的证据是 A .两块表面光滑的铅块相互紧压后会黏在一起 B .固体和液体很难被压缩 C .磁铁能吸引大头针 D .破镜不能重圆 2.如图所示,密度均匀的木块漂浮在水面上,现沿虚线将下部分截去,则剩下 的部分将 A .上浮一些 B .静止不动 C .下沉一些 D .无法确定 3.作为2008年北京奥运会标志性场馆之一的“水立方”,其建筑设计充分体现 了“绿色奥运”的理念,如图所示。下列对其屋顶设计的解释不正确的是 A .屋顶上设计临时悬挂的隔噪网,能减弱降雨时雨滴声造成的噪音 B .屋顶上设立多个自然排风机,能让室内的热量尽快散发出去 C .屋顶上采用透光性良好的特殊膜,能确保场馆白天尽可能采用自然光 照明 D .游泳池消耗的水大部分能从屋顶收集并反复使用,这是利用水的升华 和液化形成的水循环 4.有些电工仪表的刻度盘上有一个弧形缺口,缺口下面有一面镜子,它的作用 是 A .读数时使眼睛处于正确位置 B .增加刻度盘的亮度 C .检验仪表是否水平 D .便于观察仪表的内部结构 第4题

5.如图所示,M 、N 两个线圈套在一根光滑绝缘杆ab 上,它们受力时都 能自由移动。当闭合电键K 后,M 、N 两线圈将 A .互相靠拢 B .互相离开 C .静止不动 D .先靠拢后分开 6.A 、B 、C 、D 四个带电体,已知D 带正电,A 和C 互相排斥,C 和B 互相吸引,而B 和D 也互相排斥,则 A .A 、C 带正电,B 带负电 B . A 、C 带负电, B 带正电 C .B 、 C 带正电,A 带负电 D .A 所带电性不能确定 7.烛焰通过凸透镜恰好在光屏上得到一个缩小倒立的像,若保持透镜位置不变,把烛焰与光屏的位置对调一下,则 A .光屏上仍能呈现出一个缩小的像 B .光屏上将能呈现出一个放大的像 C .光屏上不能呈现出像,但眼睛透过透镜能看到像 D .光屏上没有像,需调节光屏的位置像才能呈现出来 8.“蜻蜓点水”是常见的自然现象,蜻蜓点水后在平静的水面上会出现波纹。某同学在研究蜻蜓运动的过程中获得了一张蜻蜓点水的俯视照片,照片反映了蜻蜓连续三次点水后某瞬间的水面波纹。如果蜻蜒飞行的速度恰好与水波的传播速度相等,不考虑蜻蜓每次点水所用的时间,在下列四幅图中,与照片相吻合的是 9. 击剑比赛中,当甲方运动员的剑(图中用“S 甲”表示)击中乙方的导电服时,电路导通,乙方指示灯亮。下面能反映这种原理的电路是 10.实验室常用的弹簧秤如图甲所示,弹簧的一端与连接有挂钩的拉杆 相连,另一端固定在外壳上的O 点,外壳上固定一个圆环,整个外 壳重为G ,弹簧和拉杆的质量忽略不计。现将该弹簧秤以如图乙和丙的两种方式固定在地面上,并分别用同样的力F 0(F 0 > G )竖直向上拉弹簧秤,则稳定后弹簧秤的读数分别为 A .乙图读数为F 0-G ,丙图读数为F 0+G B .乙图读数为F 0+G ,丙图读数为F 0-G 甲 乙 丙 A . B . D .


2018-2019年最新吉林一中自主招生考试 英语模拟精品试卷 (第一套) 考试时间:120分钟总分:150分 第I卷(选择题,共100分) 第一节:单项填空(共25小题,每小题1分,满分25分) 1. —When did the terrible earthquake in YaNan happen? —It happened ________ the morning of April 20, 2013. A. on B. at C. in D. / 2. Our teacher told us ________ too much noise in class. A. to make B. make C. not to make D. not make 3. Here is your hat. Don’t forget______ when you __________. A. to put it on, leave B. to wear it, leave C. to wear it, will leave D. putting it on, will leave 4. The baby is sleeping. You _____ make so much noise. A. won’t B. mustn’t C. may not D. needn’t 5. Since you are _____ trouble, why not ask _________ help? A. in, for B. in, to C. with, for D. with, to 6. It’s about___________kilometers from Nanchong to Chengdu. A. two hundreds B. two hundreds of



2011年合肥一中自主招生《科学素养》测试数学试题 (满分:150分) 一、选择题:(本大题共4小题,每小题8分,共32分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有且只有一项是正确的.) 1.如图一张圆桌旁有四个座位,A,B,C,D 四人随机坐在四个座位上,A 则D 与相邻的概率是( ) 2.3A B. 12 C. 14 D. 29 2. 小明将一张正方形包装纸,剪成图1所示形状,用它包在一个棱长为10的正方体的表面(不考虑接缝),如图2所示.小明所用正方形包装纸的边长至少为( ) A .40 B .30+22 C .202 D .10+102 3.在平面直角坐标系中,第一个正方形ABCD 的位置如图所示,点A 的坐标为(1,0), 点D 的坐标为(1,0),延长CB 交x 轴与A 1,作作第二个正方形A 1B 1C 1C ;延长C 1B 1交x 轴于点A 2,作第二个正方形 A 2B 2C 2C 1???,按这样的规律进行下去,第2010个正方形的面积为( ) A. 20093 5()2 B. 200895()4 C. 401835()2 D. 2010 95()4

若该县常住居民共24万人,则估计该县常住居民中,利用“五·一”期间出游采集发展信息的人数约为 万人。 6.已知点P(x,y)位于第二象限,并且y ≤x+4,x,y 为整数,符合上述条件的点P 共有 个。 7. 如图,已知菱形OABC,点C 在直线y=x 经过点A ,菱形OABC 的面积是2,若反比例函数的图象经过点B,则此反比例函数表达式为 。 ( 第7题) (第8题) 8.如图,已知梯形ABCD 中,AD ∥BC ,AB ⊥BC,,AD =2,将腰CD 以D 为中心逆时针旋转 90°至DE ,连结AE ,若△ADE 的面积是3,则BC 的长为_ ________. 9.如图,矩形ABCD 中,由8个面积均为1的小正方形组成的L 型模板如图放置,则矩形ABCD 的周长为 。 A B C D E


2011年蚌埠二中高中自主招生考试科学素养物理试题及答案 ◆考生注意: 1.本卷满分130分,考试时间100分钟; 2.本卷中g 均取10N/kg 。 一.选择题(本项共12小题,每小题4分,满分48分。各小题给出的四个选项中只有一个是正确的。) 1.我市胜利路高架桥通车后给交通带来了极大的便利,同时也给两侧居民带来了噪声影响,有人建议相关部门考虑在道路旁安装如图所示的隔声板,这种控制噪声的方法与下列相同的是 A .摩托车上的消声器 B .车辆进入闹市区禁止鸣笛 C .高速公路两旁种植树木 D .工厂里操作机器的工人带上耳罩 2.1961年4月12日,空军少校加加林乘坐的飞船搭乘火箭起飞,绕地飞行一圈后重返大气层,安全降落到地面,铸就了人类进入太空的丰碑。下列关于这次飞行的说法正确的是 A .飞船搭乘火箭上升时,飞船相对火箭是静止的 B .飞船绕地飞行时受力平衡 C .飞船绕地飞行时不受重力作用 D .飞船在绕地飞行时的运动状态不变 3.如图,物体甲从A 点沿直线运动到B ,再从B 点沿直线运动到C ,物体乙沿直线直接从A 点运动到C 。如果有方向的线段AB 可以表示从A 到B 过程中物体位置的变化,则从A 到C 的运动过程中,甲、乙的 A .路程相等,位置的变化相同 B .路程不等,位置的变化不同 C .路程相等,位置的变化不同 D .路程不等,位置的变化相同 4.如图所示,某人在水平地面上用力推木箱,推力较小时推不动,当增大推力时木箱开始运动,停止用力,木箱又会停下来,以下对于这一过程的分析中正确的是 A .这一现象说明物体的运动需要力来维持 B .停止用力,木箱会停下来,是因为木箱没有受到力的作用 C .推力较小没推动木箱时,推力小于地面对木箱的摩擦力 D .木箱运动后停止用力,木箱不会立即停下 5.质量一定的冰在熔化成水的过程中,温度保持0℃不变,则冰在熔化过程中 A .放出热量,内能减小 B .吸收热量,内能增大 C .因为温度为0℃,所以没有内能 D .因为温度为0℃,所以内能不变 O 第 A C B 第3题图 第4题图


20XX年漳州一中高中自主招生考试 英语试卷 (满分150分,时间120分钟) 亲爱的同学: 欢迎你参加本次考试!请你细心阅读,用心思考,耐心解答。祝你成功! 答题时请注意: 1. 2.试卷分为试卷和答题卷两部分。 3. 4.第Ⅰ卷(选择题)1-74小题一律作答于机读答题卡上,用2B铅笔将选项涂黑。从75小题开始的所有题目作答于答题卷相应答题处。 第Ⅰ卷语言知识运用(98分) 一、选择填空:从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案。(每题1分,共30分) 1. --- I’m taking my geography exam tomorrow. --- __________! A. Come on B. Congratulations C. Well done D. Good luck 2. _______ of the flowers in my bedroom are pink. Pink is my favorite color. A. Three four B. Three fourths C. Third fours D. Third four 3. ---When shall we go shopping, this morning or this afternoon? --- _______ is OK. I’m free the whole day.

A. Either B. Neither C. None D. Both 4. We used to _______ along the river when we live in this village. A. walking B. walked C. walk D. walks 5. All of us will be happy _______ you can come to the party. A. while B. if C. but D. or _______ the piano for ten years, and she will join in a competition next week. A. plays B. will have played C. played D. has been playing talk of English history _______ in the school hall next Monday. A. is given B. is being given C. will give D. will be given 8. My father always asks me _______ out alone at night. A. don’t go B. not go C. not to go D. go 9. --- _______ I complete the check-in form right now, sir? --- No, you needn’t. You can finish it next week. A. May B. Can C. would D. Must 10. Sorry, we have already had 4 people in the car, so there _______ for this big box. A. is a little room B. is little room C. are a few rooms D. are few rooms 11. _______ it is today! Let’s go hiking, shall we? A. What a fine weather B. What fine weather


2011年蚌埠市普通高中自主招生考试人文 素养英语试题命题人:齐跃明刘雪梅审题人:冯勤 英◆注意事项: 1. 本试题共分两卷,总分110分,考试时 间90分钟; 2. 所有题目必须在答题卷上作答,否则不予计分。第I卷客观题(共75分)第一节单项填空(共20 小题,每小题1分,满分20分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.________ food called pizza is from ___________ Italian culture. A. /; / B. A; an C. /; the D. A; / 2.It takes ______ to say sorry, even if you know you’ve done something wrong. A. courage B. patience C. strength D. care 3.The CDs are on sale. You can buy one and get ________ free. A. it B. one C. other D. any 4.Chinese students have ______ weeks ______ in the summertime than American students. A. more; away B. fewer; away C. more; off D. fewer; off 5.It’s an area of __________ beauty where you can spend your holiday. A. national B. personal C. natural D. cultural 6.——Why don’t you watch NBA on TV at home? ——Because my father _____. He _____all night yesterday. A. has slept; worked B. is sleeping; worked C. sleeps; was working D. didn’t sleep; had worked 7.He plans to __________ some of his books to the children in the countryside who need them. A. give off B.


芜湖一中2018年高一自主招生考试 英语试卷 (满分:100分) 一、单项填空(共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.—Who is your English teacher? —Mr. White,European working in Nanjing University. A.an; the B.a; the C.an, / D.a; / 2.As the plane came down through the clouds, green fields and white houses came into . A.light B.eyes C.sight D.effect 3.—I hear local people are trying to stop some businesses building factories here. —Yes. They say the place if some factories in the future. A.will pollute; will build B.will be polluted; will be built C.is polluted; are built D.will be polluted; are built 4.Yesterday Mr. Green went to his hometown and visited the old house he was born in. A.which B.where C.what D.it 5.Be quick. The monitor for you in the library. A.was waiting B.waits C.is waiting D.waited 6.—So many problems! I’m tired. —You should try to them by yourself. You are not a child any longer. A.get up B.get from C.get into D.get over 7.—The tall man with glasses over there looks like our English teacher. —It be him. He has gone abroad. A.may not B.mustn’t C.can’t D.needn’t 8.I can’t help the room, for I am very busy now. A.to clean B.cleaning C.have clean D.cleaned 9.How beautifully she sings! I have never heard . A.the better voice B.a good voice C.a better voice D.the best voice 10.—Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the British Museum? —Sorry, I am a stranger here. —. A.It doesn’t matter B.No problem C.Thanks, anyway D.Never mind 二、完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 A When Dave was eighteen, he bought a secondhand(二手的) car for $200 so that he could travel to and from work more 11 than by bus. It worked quite well for a few days, but then it got so old, and it was costing him 12 much in repairs that he decided that he had better 13 it.


蚌埠二中2020年自主招生考试化学素质测试题doc 初中化学 化学素养测试题 ◆ 本卷须知: 1、本试卷共三大题,总分值50分; 2、选择题答案一律填写在第一大题后的答题栏内,否那么,不予计分; 3、其余试题,直截了当答在该题后的空白处。 参考相对原子质量:H :1 C :12 O :16 Mg :24 Al :27 S :32 Cu :64 题号 一 二 三 总分 得分 一、选择题〔每题只有一个选项符合题意,每题2分,共20分〕 1、汶川大地震给中国人民带来了庞大的灾难。抗震救灾中,全国人民众志成城。以下有关救灾知识中讲法正确的选项是〔 〕 A 、空运到灾区的加碘食盐中含有碘单质 B 、调运去食用油是由石油中提炼出来的 C 、杀菌消毒用的过氧乙酸〔〕属于有机化合物 D 、向空气中喷香精能够杀灭空气中的细菌和病毒 2、将镁铝铜合金投入到过量盐酸中充分反应后,过滤、洗涤、干燥,再将剩余固体在空气中充分加热,冷却后称得固体质量与原合金质量相等。合金中铜的质量分数为〔 〕 A 、80% B 、20% C 、30% D 、60% 3、铁粉加入到过量稀硫酸溶液,反应的过程中溶液里相关变化图像正确的选项是〔 〕 4、在同一条件下,既能够向正反应方向进行又能够向逆反应方向进行的反应,在化学上称为〝可逆反应〞,可逆符号标记为〝 〞。事实上,许多化学反应都有明显的可逆 性。如在一定条件下的固定容器中充入一定量的无色气体A 和B ,反应中生成红棕色气体C ,化学方程式可表示为: 。以下表达不正确的选项是〔 〕 A 、反应过程中容器内气体的压强减小至不变 B 、反应过程中混合气体的颜色由无色 pH 7 H 2质量 固体质量 溶液 导电性 A 时刻 B 时刻 C 时刻 D 时刻


英语学科试卷 考试时间:90分钟满分100分 一.单项选择(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分) 1. Have you heard news? The price of petrol is going up. A. the ; the B. /; the C. the ; / D. /; / 2. To stay awake, he finished a cup of coffee and ordered . A. the other B. other C. the others D. another 3. The fine day our pleasure, we had a good time in the country. A. added up B. added in C. added up to D. added to 4. English is a language shared by several different cultures, each of uses it differently. A. which B. what C. whom D. that 5.—Will he go to the concert tonight? —No, he won’t, because he for an important competition. A. prepared B. was preparing C. has been preparing D. has prepared 6.—How’s your new babysitter? —We ______ ask for a better one. All our kids love her so much. A. should B. might C. mustn’t D. couldn’t 7.—Tom, would you please lend me some paper? —Sorry, mine . A. has run out B. is run out C. have given out D. has used up 8. One Friday, we were packing to leave for a weekend away my daughter heard cries for help. A. after B. while C. since D. when 9. The boy was led while crossing the road. A. in the hand B. by his hand C. by hand D. by the hand 10. They had a pleasant chat a cup of coffee. A. with B. during C. over D. for 11. It is generally believed that teaching is it is a science. A. as art much as B. much an art as C. as an art much as D. as much an art as 12. You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is I disagree. A. why B. where C. what D. how 13. When she came several days later, she found that all things still where she had _______ them. A. lay; laid B. laid; laid C. lay; lain D. lying; laid


2007年湖南省长沙一中自主招生考试数学试卷 一、填空题 1.设a为的小数部分,b为的小数部分,则的整数部分为_________. 2.下列两个方程组与有相同的解,则m+n=_________. 3.如图,在Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,∠B=60°,∠A的平分线AD交BC于D,则=_________. 4.已知a是方程x2﹣2002x+1=0的根,则=_________. 5.A、B是平面内两个不同的定点,在此平面内找点C,使△ABC为等腰直角三角形,则这样的点C有_________个. 6.某工程队要招聘甲乙两种工种的工人150名,甲乙两种工种工人的月工资分别是600元和1000元,现要求乙种工种的人数不少于甲种工种人数的两倍,问甲乙两种工种的人数各聘_________时可使得每月所付工资最少,最小值是_________. 7.已知,则分式=_________. 8.如图,D、E分别是△ABC的边AC、AB边上的点,BD、CE相交于点O,若S△COD=3,S△BDE=4,S△OBC=5,那么S四边形ADOE=_________. 9.三边长为整数且最长边是11的三角形共有_________个. 10.已知方程:x3+4x2﹣11x﹣30=0的两个根的和等于1,则这个方程的三个根分别是_________.

11.若函数当a≤x≤b时的最小值为2a,最大值为2b,求a、b的值. 12.函数,其中a为任意实数,则该函数的图象在x轴上截得的最短线段的长度为 _________. 二、解答题(共8小题,满分0分) 13.已知关于x的方程x2﹣(2m﹣3)x+m﹣4=O的二根为a1、a2,且满足﹣3<a1<﹣2,a2>0.求m的取值范围.14.在△ABC中,AD⊥BC于点D,∠BAC=45°,BD=3,DC=2,求△ABC的面积. 15.一个三角形的三边长分别为a、a、b,另一个三角形的三边长分别为a、b、b,其中a>b,若两个三角形的最小内角相等,则=_________. 16.求方程组的实数解. 17.如图,在半径为r的⊙O中,AB为直径,C为的中点,D为的三分之一分点,且的长等于两倍的的长,连接AD并延长交⊙O的切线CE于点E(C为切点),求AE的长.
