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埃及王子 The Prince of Egypt

[ Male Chorus ] Mud 泥浆

Sand 沙子

- Water - [ Yells ] 水

Straw -稻草

Faster -快点儿

- Mud, and lift - [ Groans ] 泥浆,提上来

Sand, and pull 沙子,使劲拉

Water, and raise up 水,抬上来

- Straw - Faster ! -稻草…… -快点儿!

With the sting of the whip - On my shoulder - Aah !


With the salt of my sweat On my brow


Elohim, God on high啊,天上的神灵

Can You hear Your people cry您可听到子民的哀嚎

Help us now This dark hour帮帮我们在这黑暗的时刻

Deliver us拯救我们

Hear our call Deliver us听我们的呼喊,拯救我们

Lord of all remember us万物之主,别忘了我们

Here in this burning sand在火热的沙滩上挣扎

Deliver us解救我们

There's a land You promised us您曾应许我们一块土地

Deliver us to the Promised Land将我们解救到您所应许之地

[ Men Shouting ln Distance ]

Yal-di ha-tov veh ha-rach

Al ti-ra veh al tif-cha-d

My son l have nothing l can give孩子,我不能给你什么

But this chance that you may live只能给你活下去的机会

l pray we'll meet again我祈祷我们能再见面

- lf He will deliver us - [ Men ] Deliver us希望他将解救我们

- Hear our prayer - Ohh ! - [ Woman Vocalizing ] - Deliver us from despair 听我们祈祷,将我们从绝望中解救出来

These years of slavery Grow too cruel to stand多年来的奴役我们已忍无可忍Deliver us拯救我们

There's a land You promised us您曾应许我们一块土地

Deliver us Out of bondage解开枷锁解救我们

And Deliver us并引导我们

[ Baby Coos ]

[ Whining ]

Hush now, my baby别出声,我的宝贝儿

Be still, love Don't cry静静地,心爱的,不要哭

Sleep as you're rocked By the stream让小河摇你入睡

Sleep and remember沉睡吧,但要记住

My last lullaby我最后唱的摇篮曲

So l'll be with you When you dream 当你进入梦乡时我将陪你左右

[ Yawns ]

River, oh, river尼罗河,啊,尼罗河

Flow gently for me为我缓缓而流

Such precious cargo You bear载着我的心肝宝贝

Do you know somewhere你知道在什么地方

He can live free他才能自由自在地生活?


Deliver him there请把他带到那里

[ Mother Vocalizing ]

[ Vocalizing Continues ]

[ Chittering ]

[ Roaring ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Chorus Vocalizing ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Birds Squawking ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Cooing ]

Brother You're safe now and safe may you stay


For l have a prayer just for you我特意为你祷告

Grow, baby brother好好长大,小弟弟

- Come back someday - Mmm. 有一天回到这里

Come and deliver us too回来也解救我们

Mommy ! 妈咪!

Come, Rameses. We will show Pharaoh your new baby brother--


- [ Coos ] - Moses. 摩西斯

[ Chorus ] Deliver us拯救我们

Send a shepherd to shepherd us And deliver us 派一名牧羊人来带领我们

Deliver us带领我们

To the Promised Land到应许之地

[ Moses' Mother ] Deliver us拯救我们

[ Fast Hoofbeats Approaching ]

- Ha, ha ! - Faster, you beasts ! You run like mules.


- Hey, Rameses, how'd you like your face carved on a wall ? - Someday, yes. 兰姆西斯,把你的脸,刻在墙上怎么样?有一天会的

How about now ? [ Groans ] 现在如何?

[ Grunts, Yells ] You almost killed me ! 你差点害死我!

Oh, come on. Where's your sense of fun ? 你看,你历险的精神哪去了?

- Oh, it's fun you want ? - [ Horses Whinny ] 啊,你要冒险?

- Whoa ! - [ Horses Whinnying ]

[ Rameses Laughs, Yelling ]

Whoa ! Aah !

Ohh. Moses ? 摩西斯?

Whoa ! [ Laughing ]

Whoa ! [ Continues Laughing ]

[ Men ] Whoa !

Come on, you. Whoa !

Come on, Moses. Admit it. You've always looked up to me.


Yes, but it's not much of a view. 没错,不过没什么看头

[ Laughs ] Hyah ! Whoo !

- [ Horses Whinny ] - Hey !

-[ Rameses ] Second born, second place. -Not for long.


[ Both Whooping ]

[ All Chanting ]

Whoa !

- Whoa ! - Aah ! Aaah !

Jump ! 跳!

[ Both Yelling ]

[ Both Panting ]

- [ Both Laughing ] - [ Rumbling ]

[ Both ] Whoa !

[ Screaming, Grunting ]

[ Both Hooting, Whooping ]

Whoo !
