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姓名:______________ 成绩:_______________

( )1.Tom wants ______to you . Are you free ?

A.to tell

B. tells

C. to talk

D. talks

( )2.Bob can play ______soccer; but he can’t play ____drums.

A.the; the

B. / ;/

C. /; the

D. the; /

( )3.Can he ______it in English ?


B. speaks

C. say

D. talk

( )4.Little Tom draws _____. His pictures are very ______.

A.well ; good

B. good ; good

C. good; well

D. well; well

( )5. John doesn’t_____his homework_____the evening.

A. do in

B. /; in

C. do ;at

D. does; in ( )6.—_____do they play soccer ? —On Saturday afternoon.


B. What

C. How

D. Where

( )7. My aunt likes ____TV and my uncle likes ____a book at night.

A. to watch; to read

B. to see; to read

C. to watch; to work

D. to watch; to see

( )8. —What time is it ? —It’s ______o’clock.

A. half past ten

B. about eight

C. ten past six

D. a quarter past two

( )9. It takes ___one hour ____my room every day.

A. I ; clean

B. me; to clean

C. me; cleaning

D. my ; to clean

( )10. —___is it from Xiangfan to Wuhan ? —About 300 kilometers.

A. How far

B. How old

C. How many

D. Where

( )11. Can you help me _____ my English ?

A. with

B. of

C. learning

D. about

( )12. We often _____Beijing at 8:00 p.m.

A. get to

B. get

C. arrive

D. arrive at ( )13. She _____ come early next time .

A. don’t have to

B. doesn’t have to

C. hasn’t to

D. doesn’t has to

( )14. Do you go out _____school nights?

A. at

B. to

C. on

D. in

( )15. —___do you like this book ? —___ it is interesting.

A. Why; So

B. Why; Because

C. What; So

D. What; Because ( )16. Some animals only come out ____ night.

A. in

B. on

C. for

D. at

( )17. —What are you doing ? —I_____ lunch.

A. have

B. can have

C. having

D. am having ( )18. Thank you for _____the school play .

A. to join

B. join

C. is joining

D. joining

( )19. I have to practice ______ English every day.

A. to speak

B. speaking

C. speak

D. speaks

( )20. Look ! There ____ a new car under the tree.

A. be

B. are

C. is

D. /

( )21.There is________elephant there. Near________elephant,there is________tall tree.

A. an; an; a

B. a; the; a

C. an; the; a

D.an; the; the

( )22.Emma;come here;please. Here________some newspapers for you.

A. is

B. are

C. has

D. have

( )23.. His________are very________to us. We all like them.

A. friendly; friendly

B. friends; friendly

C. friend; friendly

D. friendly; friends

( )24. Mr Han has a_________son and he is happy.

A. 3 year old

B. 3-year-old


D. 3 years old

( )25.—Do you need a new dictionary;Susan? —No; Mom. My uncle bought me_________yesterday.

A. one

B. it

C. the one

D. another

( )26.Mary wants to know__________.

A.where Bob lives in

B.where Bob lives

C. Bob lives where

D.where does Bob live

( )27. I want to buy two pens. One is for myself;__________ is for you.

A. Other

B. Others

C. the other

D. the others

( )28.The father is good__________stories.

A. at telling

B. for speaking

C. at talking

D.at saying

( )29.You need to brush your__________ after__________ .

A. tooth eat

B. teeth eating

C.tooth eating

D.teeth eat

( )30. It usually takes her about ten minutes to school__________.

A. by bike

B. on bike

C. take a ride

D.ride a bike

( )31—__________is it from the radio station? —It’s about 5 kilometers.

A. How long

B.How far

C. How much ;

D. How many

( )32 It will take the men half a year__________ the work.

A. finish

B. finishing

C. to finish

D. finishes

( )33. The food tastes__________ and sells________

A;good good B. well good C. good well D.well well

( )34 —Please don’t be noisy. The baby________ .—OK. I’11 go out for a walk.


B. Slept

C. is sleeping

D.was sleeping

( )35,—________ like the cat? —Because she’s kind of boring and she’s lazy.

A; Why you B. Why do you C. Why not you . D.Why don’t you.


Many students like 36 very much.But 37 Monday to Friday,they 38 go to schoo1.So on Saturday and Sunday they 39 at home and watch TV from morning to night. They don't 40 it's bad for their eyes(眼睛). 41 school the children only do 42 minutes of sports or never do any sports.The teachers must know it isn't good for 43 health.We 44 think of ways(方式)to keep healthy.We must do enough(足够的)sports every day.And we 45 watch TV and read in right ways

( )36.A.watch TV B.watch the TV C.watching TV D.watching the TV

( )37.A.on B.and C.from D.to
