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Unit6 Topic1 学案

课型:新授课时:5 授课时间:2012 年3 月1-6 日


课时1 SectionA


2.学习动词不定式“to do ”的用法。



一.读1a, 回答问题

1. What are they going to do for their spring field trip?___________________________________

2. How would Jane like to go there?__________________________________________________ 二.在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语

1. 有些激动人心的消息要告诉你们8.在电话中_________________________ ____________________________________ 9.决定,选定_______________________

2. 进行一次两天的旅游______________________ 10. 进行春游的最佳方式_____________

3. 做决定____________________________________11.计划做某事______________________

4. 到那的最佳方式____________________________12.关于它的一些事__________________

5. 很难说____________________________________13.不客气__________________________

6. 找出,发现,查明__________________________14. 看日出_________________________

7. 乘火车去的费用_________________________ 15. 筹钱___________________________

16 旅途愉快_______________________ 三.在文中划出下面的句子并翻译

1. I have some exciting news to tell you! 译:__________________________________________


在此句中动词不定式to tell you作名词news的______语。

练习:1). I have a lot of homework______________ (do).

2). Do you have anything important _________ say?

3). 我没有谈得来的朋友. ___________________________________________

4). 没什么可担心的. ____________________________________________

5). 有其他的交通工具可选。_______________________________________________ 2.. We are going on a two-day visit to Mount Tai.


点拨:two-day是复合形容词,作定语修饰名词visit. 类似的用法有a four-year-old boy ; a two-day holiday

注意区分复合形容词two-day与名词短语two days. 复合形容词two-day, two-month, four-year-old 等只能作定语修饰名词。

练习:1). He is only ____ ___________ ______(三岁的男孩). Don’t be too strict with him.

2). How lovely the baby is! It is only _______ _________ _______(三个月大).



3). You keep me waiting for _______ ________(五个小时)

4).There is a _________________________(10米宽的) river in front of the village.

5). I saw an _____________________ _____ (8岁的女孩) sitting on the grass.

3. It will take us a few days to get there by bike. 译:____________________________________

点拨: 此句中it是_________主语。真正主语是________________________.

请记住句型It takes sb.some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人多长时间

练习:1).昨天做作业花了我两个小时。It _______ ______ two hours ______ _______my homework yesterday.

2). Jerry 将花费十天读完着本书。It _______ _______Jerry ten days ______ _______ _______ the book.

链接:somebody+ spend some time doing sth 某人做某事花多长时间

1).昨天做作业花了我两个小时。I _________ two hours ___________ my homework yesterday.

2). Jerry 将花费十天读完着本书。Jerry _______ _________ ten days __________ _________ the book.

4.Let’s make the decision together. 译:__________________________________________

回忆:decide 是_____ 词,决定做某事decide __________________. decide on sth decide 的名词形式_________________,相关词组:make a decision



5.It’s too far to cycle. 译:________________________________________

点拨:1.)Ann太小了,不会读书。Ann is ____________ ___________ __________ ___________books.

2.) 我们昨天兴奋得睡不着。We were ________ ________ __________ ___________ asleep yesterday.

链接:so---that 译:_________________________

1.)Ann太小了,不会读书。Ann is _________ young _________she __________ read books.

2.) 我们昨天兴奋得睡不着。We were _____ _________ _______we ________ __________ asleep yesterday.

注明:此句有争议。有些老师认为此句为不定式短语做形式主语,调整后为:To cycle is too far.

又有同事认为cycle不具备far的特征,应为too---to 结构。it 指距离。

6. Let’s find out some information about the cost.译:____________________________________

点拨: 区分find与find out:

1)find 找到,发现,有偶然发现某物的意味。例如:He found a wallet lying on the ground. 2)find out 找到,发现,查明,多指通过调查询问研究之后“搞清楚,弄明白”。

例如:Please find out who took my book by mistake. 译:___________________________________

练习: 用find, find out 填空并翻译:

1)I looked for my keys everywhere, but I couldn’t ________ them.

