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《小王子》是法国作家安东尼·德·圣.埃克苏佩里于 1942 年写成的著名儿童文学短篇小说。小编收集了英语小王子读后感,欢迎阅读。


my favorite book my favorite book is wrote by antoine de saint-exupery. i still remember the first time i read the book, i was like in a fantastic world. the little prince is a boy who has an angelical heart, his life is also very simple-a small planet which is full of flowers and monkey bread tree seedlings. the little prince is always depressed, and when he was sad, he would sit on a chair and see the sunset. he even see forty-three times sunset in a day to make himself feel better. his life turned to a new appearance when a beautiful rose came out. she is a flower with proud, when her lie was exposed by the little prince, she felt embarrassed. the small misunderstanding between them made the little prince determined to leave the planet he lived on. on his all-alone journey, the little prince meets different kinds of people, which includes a king,

a conceited man, a tippler, a businessman, a lamplighter and a geographer. from these people he gets a conclusion that the grown-ups are very odd. following the instruction of the geographer, he descends in the sahara, on the earth.


filetype after reading the little prince over the course of this semester,i read a moving book:the little impressed me a lot,especially,the pure but deep emotion(love) between the characters such as the pilot and the little prince,the rose and the little prince,the fox and the little book remind me of the pure and nice emotion only found in childhood. what impresses me the most is the fox’s is a strange we see it but can’t grasp , true love may be, to some extent, invisible in surface but may last from love, others as ,sometimes what we consider right turn out to be wrong,what we consider real proves fictitious,what we confused may just turn out to be the path in searching for truth may long and time-consuming,we should harbour conviction,strong will and high matter what barriade in front of us,we ought to be couragous and face up to

the challenge.


The little prince is a fairy tales for abult. The book was written to a name is Leon Werth. Thelanguage in this book is facetious.

The little Prince lived in Asteroid B-612, The little Prince’s was delightful, helanghde and he wangtde a sheep. He had flower, The flower was very beautiful, He loved she very much, sheperfumed his planet and lit up hislife. But the flower was very proud and she liked telling lies,So the little prince, clespite all the good will of his love, had soon come to mistrust her. He had taken seriously certain in consequential remarks and had grown very unhappy. So he decide to leave his planet. He went to the vicinity of Asteroids : and 330, He meet many strangers. The first one was a king. He thought all men are second planet was inhabited by a very wain man to voin man, other people are admirerrs. The next planet was iahabited by a drunkard. The fourth planet belonged to a businessman, He was very busy, The fifth planet was very strange. It was the smallest of all. There was just
