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B.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear

7.A)A reporter.B)A TV host.C)An air hostess.D)A lawyer.

8.A)Classical music.B)Jazz.C)Country music.D)Rock.


10.A)Anything he liked.B)Jacket and tie.

C)Jacket and hat.D)Suit and tie.

11.A)In an old house.B)In a little shop.C)On a train.D)On a boat.

12.A)He will be waiting for a package.B)He will do some online shopping.

C)He will deliver jeans to customers.D)He has ordered some food online.

13.A)The man is saving money for a new car.B)The man spends a lot of money on gas.

C)The man is driving his parents'car.D)Repairing the car costs the man a lot.

14.A)Susan can sell her present house.B)It's necessary for Susan to buy a new house.

C)Susan can't afford a new house.D)It's not wise of Susan to buy another house.

C.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false

15.The story happened on a windy and rainy day.

16.Two children came to the house to sell newspapers.

17.The speaker invited them in and served them milk and bread.

18.They kept talking to the speaker while she was doing housework.

19.The speaker failed to get rid of the dirty marks on the carpet.

20.The story tells us that we should be thankful for everything we have.

D.Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences

21.Over a hundred people died in a plane crash_________________last night.

22.A British couple are missing,only_________________after they started climbing Mount Everest.

23.There are_________________in many parts of India and32people died yesterday.

24.A report shows that for every one hour of commuting,30minutes_________________on traffic

jams in Beijing.

25.Joe Hall's_________________won him over13,000,000pounds last night.

Part2Phonetics,Grammar and vocabulary

II.Choose the best answer.(20’)

26.Which of the following words is pronounced as/waild/?

A world

B wide

C wild

D wind

27.Mike has only driven to the pub to show_____his new car–he usually walks.

A of

B off

C around

D with

28.When_____is dressed the same,worrying about what you look like isn’t so important.

A someone

B anyone

C no one

D everyone

29.We use an online bill-paying service,and we almost everything____credit card.

A on

B by

C for

D at

30.Any way to improve this‘welcome letter’–I want to make sure it sounds____.

A friendly

B carefully

C gently

D politely

31._____earthquake recorded in the20th century occurred in Chile in1960.

A Large

B Larger

C Largest

D The largest

32.I wonder whether buying an electric car____a good idea.

A be

B am

C is

D are

33.I don’t mind_____back home.I feel like some fresh air.

A walk

B walking

C to walk

D to walking

34.The sign says“Passengers____show their tickets and passports.”

A must

B may

C can

D should

35.I____30pages of the book so far,but I hope to finish it by next week.

A read

B am reading

C have read

D will read

36.It was a terrible journey,____we got there safely in the end.

A and

B or

C so

D but

37.We’ll have to cancel the school sports meeting___it snows tonight.

A if

B although

C unless

D since

38.When we____home last night,we saw a strange object in the sky.

A drive

B drove

C were driving

D had driven

39.The police required the traveler____for his luggage.

A check

B to check

C checking

D checked

40._____can we help victims after a natural disaster?

A Who

B How

C Where

D When

41.Please____fruits and vegetables in a basin!

A wash

B washing

C to wash

D washed

42.Half of the Beijing’s private cars____off the roads due to heavy smog on Friday.

A order

B are ordered

C ordered

D were ordered

43.____amazing the stage play War Horse is!

A What

B What a

C What an

D How

44.–More underground lines should be built in our city!--_____

A I’m glad to hear that

B Not exactly

C I couldn’t agree more

D I’m on your side

45.–I’m sorry I’m late–the traffic was terrible.

-____.The traffic situation is getting worse these days.

A That’s OK

B You’re welcome

C I don’t think so

D Please go ahead.
