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名词___________ 反义词同义词a _______ b________

any= _________ me = = 5. decision 动词_____________

形容词________ 名_____________ 名词________ =

= 形容词____________ = =

= = 15. complete =


1. 私人谈话








10.维持秩序11. on the way from

for a lift up ’t interrupt

signs spite of up

the bill the stage


money____ in his room.

a. was

b. were

c. are

d. has

could do nothing. He couldn’t do_________.

a. something

b. nothing

c. anything

d. everything


manager was .

a. Everyone liked him

b. He liked everyone

c. He was sorry for the writer

d. He liked the writer girl returned the money .She was very ______________.

a. honourable

b. honest

c. honoured

d. trusting

she _________she will get a surprise.

a. comes

b. came

c. has come

d. will come

on it had begun before my sister left. My sister left _________it had begun.

a. after

b. without

c. behind

d. soon

will travel faster. They will travel __________.

a. sooner

b. more quickly c .hurriedly d. shorter

never thought ___________it again.

a. for

b. to

c. at

d. about

have been offered some money. They want to ________me some money.

a. serve b .give c. take d. make

have been offered a large ____________of money.

a. amount

b. number

c. some

d. piece

am determined to stay here. I _________ stay here.

a. am will to

b. want to

c. may

d. am going to

12 I am even less lucky. I am ________lucky.

a. more

b. as

c. not no

d. so


am only interested in doing nothing. That’s________ I’m interested in .

a. only

b. the one

c. all

d. the only

never _________any fish.

a. holds

b. takes hold of c .catches d. takes

must give up fishing. You must ____________.

a. stop

b. begin

c. surrender

d. end might as well have them. I am ___________to have them.

a. very pleased

b. very glad

c. not very glad

d. delighted you still want them Do you want them __________

a. yet

b. even

c. now

d. more


looked for my bag. I __________it.

a. tried to look after

b. tried to look at

c. tried to find

d. tried to see

usually wear_________.

a. socks instead of stockings

b. stockings instead of socks

c. either socks or stockings

d. neither socks nor stockings

cannot fail to obey it. You can’t ________to do this.

a. refuse

b. deny

c. resist

d. withdraw

四.1) Read this dialogue and fill in the correct tenses and forms of the verbs in brackets, active or passive. 用括号中动词的正确时态,语态和形式填空。(10%)Jim: What were you asked to do when you had your driving test this morning Alice: First of all, I__________(1 ask) to drive out of town. I____________(2 have to) park in a quite road. Then I____________ (3 tell) to reverse round a corner. Jim: ____________(4 you manage) to do that all right Alice: Yes, although the examiner____________ (5 not say) anything. Jim: Well, do you think he___________(6 please)Alice: I don’t know. Driving examiners never____________(7 smile) , do they—but he___________(8 must be) pleased with the way I drove. When we got back to the examining centre and I ___________(9 stop) the car, he said, ‘Miss Smith, I am pleased to say that you___________(10 pass).’Jim: Alice, that’s marvelous! Congratulations! Now you can give me a lift to the station.

2)Read this short passage and fill in the blanks with the following words or phrases 阅读下列短文,然后用所给的词填空(10%):

so as, so that, to, in order to, in order that


A month ago we bought a little dog for my wife to have as company when I am away. We bought a small one 1____________it would be easy to handle, and, 2____________not to disturb our routine, we decided that it should sleep outside in a kennel. The first night it barked a lot 3_____________be let into the house. We both put plugs in our ears 4_____________ we shouldn’t hear it. 5_____________ get more peace, however, I am going away more often.


Life used to be fun for the teenagers. They 1 to have more money to spend, and free time to spend in it. They used to 2 teenagers clothes, and 3 in teenager coffee bars. Some of them still 4 today. 5 , for many young people, life is 6 now. Things are more 7 . Jobs are difficult to find, and it is harder to find a place to live 8 . Some teachers say that students study harder than 9 used to. They are only interested in passing examinations. They know that 10 examination resu

lt may get them better some, the 11 to unemployment is to leave home and look for work in big cities. Every day hundreds of 12 people 13 in Beijing, Shanghai and other big cities. Some of them find work, and 14 . Others don’t find it, and go 15 again.

Everyday when you 16 the newspaper, you ca n find the news about people’s unemployment. Actually, China’s government has taken 17 to help the young people. It supplies many new 18 to them. We believe in the 19 the situation will be 20

1. A liked B like C used D use

2. A dress B wear C buy D have

3. A eat B play C meet D chat

4. A can B have C are D do

5. A Therefore B However C But D Then
