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With the rapid development of modern economy and modern society, the security guarantee issues of traffic and transport industry are more and more important, also become an important concern and breakthrough of modern technology at the same time, the demand for traffic management is getting higher and higher. How to use the computer science, communication, microelectronics and other high-tech in the traffic monitoring, management and control of vehicle to the traffic safety and smooth traffic, and improve the quality of the traffic environment.

With the improvement of living standards, there are too much vehicles increasing and more and more urban roads arising, these changes to the urban traffic management brought great pressure. Therefore, traffic statistics system for monitoring and management of urban traffic is an important role. Development of highway toll station vehicle traffic statistics system is a very practical significance of the research topic.

This research mainly developed highway toll station traffic statistics system, minimal control system based on the microcontroller 52, using two infrared sensors of vehicle flow detection and returns the corresponding level signals, then by program in the system to the signal level to judge and process, and ultimately on vehicle counting and number display.

The system's structure is simple, and the program optimization, low cost. the system can automatic statistics through a single channel of a number of vehicles, and its display, and pedestrians will not be mistaken for the vehicle. The system of urban traffic management and planning has some helps, at the same time, the toll station peak road traffic management has great significance.

Keyword:statistics of vehicle flow;infrared sensor;SCM;C language;programming


摘要........................................................................................................... I ABSTRACT.............................................................................................. I I 1 绪论 (1)

1.1研究的背景、目的 (1)

1.2发展现状 (2)

1.3发展方向 (2)

1.4本章小结 (3)

2 方案设计 (4)

2.1传统车流量统计系统 (4)

2.1.1以超声波为基础的车流量统计系统 (4)

2.1.2通过视频图像来实现的车流量统计系统 (4)

2.1.3利用声学实现车流量检测 (5)

2.1.4基于磁力计的车流量检测 (5)

2.1.5基于激光雷达的检测系统 (5)

2.2红外线传感器测量技术 (6)

2.2.1红外线传感器原理 (6)

2.2.2红外线矩阵法检测车流量 (6)

2.3总体方案设计 (7)

2.4系统方案设计 (9)

2.5本章小结 (10)

3 硬件设计 (11)

3.1硬件系统设计 (11)

3.2单片机系统 (11)

3.2.1单片机系统概述 (11)

3.2.2嵌入式系统概述 (12)

3.2.3 STC89C52单片机 (13)

3.2.4 STC89C52最小系统电路 (14)

3.2.5红外传感器探测模块 (17)
