



1.The Small Goose Pagoda in Xi’an, one of the 22 Silk Road relics located in China, _______ back in 707 during the Tang Dynasty.

A.dated B.was dated

C.dates D.is dating

2.Have you read the book Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out by Mo Yan, _____ that won him the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature?

A.the one B.one C.those D.ones

3.He works very hard in order to get himself ______ into a key university.

A.accepted B.received C.announced D.admitted

4.An exhibition with 885 cultural relics to be displayed ________ at the Meridian Gate Gallery.

A.was held B.would hold C.has hold D.will be held

5.I ordered a drink while I______ for my friends to come.

A.will wait B.am waiting

C.would wait D.was waiting

6.She is stubborn in resisting his enquiries about the Moonstone _____ the degree that she makes it seem as if she does not want the mystery ______.

A.on; to solve B.with; solving

C.for; being solved D.to; to be solved

7.It _____ a Saturday afternoon in May ____ Margaret could arrange for me to meet her elder ,sister. A.was until; when B.was until;that

C.was not until; when D.was not until; that

8.the key to the car when my boss came towards me.Finally I could drive him

home as usual.

A.Never had I found B.Seldom did I find

C.Hardly had I found D.No sooner did I find

9.—Linda hasn’t shown up yet.

—It’s strange. She ____.

A.could B.might C.must have D.should have

10.The guidance teacher was their adviser, offering them suggestions and solutions when they ______ difficulties.

A.arose B.encountered

C.emerged D.evaluated

11.When they first came to the city, my parents often went to neighbors for a talk, just as they ________ in the countryside.

A.will do B.had done

C.have done D.were doing

12.—Do you think he is the only person for the job?

—I’m not quite sure but he’ll prove_______ to the task.

A.equal B.essential

C.special D.superior

13.Many developing countries are unwilling to pursue their economic development ______ destroying the environment despite there being several financial crises.

A.at the risk of B.at the cost of C.at the end of D.at the mercy of

14.—He is so delighted to make friends with Johnson.

—Oh, I see. That’s _______ they have much in common.

A.where B.how C.what D.because

15.He asked ______ for the computer.

A.did I pay how much

B.I paid how much

C.how much did I pay

D.how much I paid

16.---How was your evening?

---We went to Joe’s and had ____. We really enjoyed ourselves.

A.a white elephant B.a square meal C.a sacred cow D.the salt of the earth

17.---He was satisfied with the result, wasn't he?

---No. It was so difficult that he __________have passed it.

A.shouldn't B.mustn't

C.couldn' t D.wouldn't

18.—Did Max go to the concert with his family yesterday?

—The report scheduled to be handed in tomorrow, he _______ it.

A.couldn’t have attended B.needn’t have attended

C.wouldn’t attend D.shouldn’t attend

19.—Did you have difficulty finding Ann'house?

—Not really.She___us clear directions and we were able to find it.easily?

A.was to give B.had given

C.was giving D.would give

20.—Mike, it’s really impossible for us to get to the railway station in time!

—How I wish I could stop the train ________ it.

A.catch B.to catch C.catching D.caught


21.(6分)If you feel sick or uncomfortable, you might seek out a doctor. But what to do if you

don’t quite know where you fit into this world and you’re tired of carrying that burden alone?

I answered strang ers’ questions on life puzzles at the entrance to the New York City subway at 57th and 8th. A group of strangers had stopped by because they were carrying around some deep, meaningful questions that had long gone unanswered, like “why can’t I be happier in my life?”

And then I spotted her, who would be my toughest questioner of the day. She was about 6 years old and held her mother’s hand as she craned (伸长脖子) her neck to stare at us. Her mother stopped, but the girl hesitated. “It’s OK,” I offered. “Do you have a question?” The girl smiled at her mother, then let go of her hand to walk over towards us. She looked me dead in the eye and said: “How do I know I’m real?”

Suddenly I was back in graduate school. Should I talk about the French philosopher Rene Descartes to prove our existence, with the phrase “I think, therefore I am?” Or, mention English philosopher G. E. Moore and his famous “here is one hand, here is the other,” to prove the existence of the external world? But then the answer came to me. I remembered that the most important part of philosophy was feeding our sense of wonder. “Close your eyes,” I said. She did. “Well, did you disappear?” She smiled and shook her head, then opened her eyes. “Congratulations, you’re real.”

She grinned (露齿而笑) broadly and walked over to her mother, who looked back at us and smiled. 1、Why did the author show up at the entrance of the subway?

A.To take the subway. B.To look for strangers’ help.

C.To offer advice on life puzzles. D.To help strangers carry their bags.

2、What made the little girl stare at the author?

A.Curiosity. B.Horror. C.Excitement. D.Nervousness.

3、How did the girl find the answer?

A.By hearing a story. B.By learning philosophy.

C.By referring to others’ words.D.By having a real experience.

4、Which of the following can best describe the author?

A.Strict and smart. B.Honest and brave.

C.Clever and helpful. D.Humorous and sociable

22.(8分)Something’s happening at the lowest point on our planet,some 1,388 feet below sea level. The Dead Sea, a salt lake close to Israel, Jordan and the West Bank, is shrinking at an alarming rate—about 3.3 feet per year, according to the environmentalist group EcoPeace Middle East.

“It’s not just like one country is punishing the Dead Sea; it’s more like the whole region,” said photographer Moritz Küstner, who visited the area in February to work on his series “The Dying Dead Sea”.

The Dead Sea needs water from the other natural sources surrounding it, such as the Jordan River

basin. But around the 1960s, the courses of some water sources it relied upon were diverted. Israel, for instance, built a pipeline during that time so it could supply water throughout the country.

Mineral extraction(提取) industries are another main reason why the water levels are declining, experts say. The Dead Sea’s minerals have been popular for their m edical power and can often be found in cosmetics(化妆品) and other consumer products.

And then, of course, there’s the Middle East’s hot, dry climate, which makes it difficult for the lake to refill itself. Last year, Israel and Jordan signed a $900 million d eal in an effort to stabilize the Dead Sea’s water levels. It involves building a canal from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea which would be able to not only supply water to Israel and Jordan but also to pump much needed water—some 300 million cubic meters annually—into the Dead Sea.

“This is the most important and significant agreement since the peace treaty with Jordan (in 1994),” said Silvan Shalom, Israel’s energy and water resources minister at the time. Whether the canal—estimated to take three years to complete—will work out positively and as planned remains to be seen.

For now, Küstner shows us that the Dead Sea remains very much a place of interest, with people from all over the world going there to swim in its salty waters.

1、How many reasons for the De ad Sea’s shrinking does the author mention in the passage?

A.One. B.Two.

C.Three. D.Four.

2、What does the underlined word “diverted” in paragraph 3 mean?

A.Switch. B.Improve.

C.Accomplish. D.Repair.

3、Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The Dead Sea is drying out causing water shortage to humans.

B.Küstner visited the Dead Sea to shoot TV series about people’s life.

C.The Dead Sea’s minerals have been used in some products.

D.The Dead Sea’s water levels have been stabilized by building a canal.

4、What is the passage mainly about?

A.How the Dead Sea’s water levels’ decline influences human beings.

B.How important the Dead Sea is in Israel,Jordan and the West Bank.

C.What we should do to save the Dead Sea from being destroyed.

D.Why the Dead Sea is dying and the measure taken to save it.

23.(8分)Petra and Wadi Rum,Jordan

When it comes to the world's wonderful desert scenery,Jordan's Petra and Wadi Rum has it.Also

known as the Valley of the Moon,this place is one of the best due to its amazing desert canyons(峡谷)and rock walls.Participants love exploring its Burdah and Um Fruth,walking to the impressive ancient city. Kilimanjaro,Tanzania

The Rongai Route is the best route if the participants of the walking tour want a quiet climb.The Kili Trail permits travelers to witness the region's wilderness,virgin forests,and rare animals.This

route,according to many,is the easiest way to reach the top where the breath-taking 360-degree sights of natural wonders await.


This special environment made up of both the natural and cultural treasures,where fresh water becomes one with the tides(潮汕)of the sea,makes Quebec one of the interesting walking tour destinations in the world.Here is a track that heads to the Saguenay Fjord National Park which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site.Adding to the beauty of Quebec are its sparkling waterfalls,inviting lakes,and rare animals.

Great Smoky Mountain,US

This region(地区)has been named as the ancestral home of the Cherokee Indians,where rich natural wonders combined with interesting history are the major happenings.The rich natural reserve is evident and enjoyed by walking tour participants.What also makes this destination a popular choice is its reputation as the biggest wilderness on the eastern part of the United States.

1、What is Petra and Wadi Rum best known for?

A.Its culture. B.Its quietness.

C.Its rare animals. D.Its desert scenery.

2、Which tour combines the scenery of land and water?

A.Petra and Wadi Rum. B.Kilimanjaro.

C.Quebec. D.Great Smoky Mountain.

3、What is unique to Great Smoky Mountain?

A.Special history. B.National park.

C.Virgin forests. D.Ocean view.

4、Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A.Magical Nature Reserves B.Best Walking Tours

C.Colorful Cultural Treasures D.Amazing Wilderness Areas

24.(8分)The setting was a packed gymnasium just before the start of a game against another school. There were five girls who were members of the Danville High School basketball team-all of them starters. They were not in uniform to play that night and would not be on the team for the rest of this

season. They were there to admit their breaking of team rules. They were there to support their coach’s decision to take them off the team. They were there to let the town know there was a problem in their little community that needed to be addressed. And they did it with sincere regret rather than defensiveness.

While the school had been out for the New Year’s holiday, the five girls had gone to the party with several of their friends. There was alcohol there. And they all drank some.

Coach Rainville has a zero tolerance rule on drugs and alcohol for her members though it was a hard decision to make. When classes resumed and accounts of holiday parties were shared, rumors about the five girls began closing in on t hem. The coach said she couldn’t back down on her rules. And the players-two junior students and senior students-agreed. That night in the gym was part of their public support of the coach’s decision.

“We hope you will understand that we are not bad kids. What we did was definitely not worth it. We hope this event will make everyone realize that there is a big drug and alcohol problem in our community,” one of the senior students said, “And if you work with us to try to solve this problem, you will help us feel that we have not been thrown off our basketball team for nothing.” The five left the floor to deafening applause.

The team may not win another game this year. But they’ve learnt something about personal responsibility, the effect of one’s action on ot hers, and honesty that will serve them well throughout life.

1、It can be inferred from the passage that five girls who were kicked off the team were_.

A.very good players on the team

B.addicted to alcohol and drugs

C.three junior students and two senior students

D.scolded by their parents for drinking alcohol

2、What did the girls do to support their coach’s decision?

A.They didn’t fight for Danville High School any more.

B.They all gave speeches to apologize in the local press.

C.They admitted their mistake in public in the gymnasium.

D.They would never drink any alcohol throughout their life.

3、Which word best describes the coach Rainville?

A.Indifferent. B.Strict.

C.Stubborn. D.Cruel.

4、Which would be the best title for the passage?

A.Growing up with pain B.A bad mistake

C.Team rules are everything D.Basketball girls in high school

25.(10分)On a recent trip to the island of Newfoundland, Canada, my husband asked our talkative cab driver what made him most proud to be a native.

“Our generosity and hospita lity(好客),” he replied in a strong local accent. “If your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, someone will stop to help. People here are kind like that.” His answer rang in my mind during that ride with my husband and teenage kids, as we headed out to explore on the first day of our vacation.

Little did I know we were about to experience some of that remarkable Newfoundland kindness for ourselves. We met Alma that same morning at the start of a long hike. Our teenagers hurried ahead, and as we walked behind, admiring the scenery, two women in sunglasses and summer hiking equipment stopped. They’d heard us discussing different routes, and then asked if we’d like suggestions. They looked to be in their 40s, and were both enthusiastic to share their local expertise.

We listened eagerly, taking mental notes, until one of the women asked, “You have a car, right?” I explained that there were no cars available during our week on the island, so we had to rely on cabs instead.

“Oh no,” she said, “you need a car.” And then, as casually as if offering a piece of chewing gum (口香糖), she said, “Take mine!” My husband and I just smiled in disbelief, dumbfounded.

“Why not?” she insisted. “You need a car to get to know all these places.”

“But you don’t even know us,” I sa id.

“That doesn’t matter,” she continued with absolute determination.

Surprised, I looked over at her friend, who shrugged and said, “That’s Alma.”

Forty minutes of talking later, my family climbed into Alma’s car. We spent the rest of our vacation discove ring different areas of this beautiful island. But it wasn’t the groups of whales we saw, or the vast areas of woodland, that made this place so memorable. Instead, it was the act of kindness from a complete stranger that made us realize how special Newfoundland really was.

Next year, there’s no doubt where we’ll be taking our summer vacation. Who knows what act of kindness we’ll meet then?

1、What did the cab driver take pride in as a native?

A.Their kindness and enthusiasm. B.Their cheap service and friendliness.

C.Their unselfishness and determination. D.Their rich experience and local knowledge.

2、The underlined word “dumbfounded” in Paragraph 5 probably means “________”.

A.annoyed B.satisfied C.shocked D.embarrassed

3、What impressed the author most during her stay in Newfoundland?

A.The local culture of the island. B.The answer from the cab driver.

C.The beautiful scenery of the island. D.The help from an enthusiastic stranger.

4、What can we infer about the author from the last paragraph?

A.She expects to visit Newfoundland again.

B.She hasn’t decided where to go next year yet.

C.She is looking forward to meeting Alma once more.

D.She also wants to be kind to others during the vacation.


26.(30分)In front of the big Shibuya train station in Tokyo, there is a life-size bronze (青铜) statue of a dog. Even though the statue is very small when compared to the huge neon (霓虹灯) signs flashing, it isn’t 1

to find. It has been used as 2 since 1934 and today you will find hundreds of people waiting there for their friends to 3 —just look for the crowds(人群).

Hachiko, an Akita dog, was born in 1923 and brought to Tokyo in 1924. His owner, Professor Eisaburo Uyeno and he were close friends that cannot be 4 right from the start. Each day Hachiko would go with his owner, a professor at the Imperial University, to Shibuya train station when he left for work. When he came back, the professor would always find the dog 5 waiting for him. 6 , the professor died suddenly at work in 1925 before he could return home.

7 Hachiko was still a young dog, the bond between him and his owner was very strong and he 8

to wait at the station every day. Sometimes, he would stay there for days at a time, though some believe that he kept returning because of the food he was given by street vendors. Over time he became a 9 sight

to people going to and from work every day. In 1934, a statue of him was put 10 the station. In 1935, Hachiko died at the place he last saw his friend alive.

1、A.difficult B.important C.pleasant D.polite


A.a parking place B.a training center

C.a starting line D.a meeting point

3、A.leave B.arrive C.die D.work

4、A.touched B.separated C.reached D.moved

5、A.nervously B.disappointedly C.patiently D.carefully

6、A.Sadly B.Clearly C.Luckily D.Honestly

7、A.Because B.Since C.Although D.Unless

8、A.decided B.agreed C.offered D.continued

9、A.familiar B.strange C.comfortable D.funny

10、A.inside B.outside C.behind D.above




China is a big old country and it has a history of more than five thousand years. We are proud of1.(it) culture and part of the culture even influences the world 2.(great), for example, the thought of Confucius. As Chinese economy develops very fast and plays 3.important role in the world, more and more 4.(foreign) learn Mandarin (普通话) in Confucius institutions. The Chinese traditional culture can be tested by the time. It unites the whole nation and no matter 5.kind of disaster comes, we will fight together for the country’s future. Today, many young people lose 6.(faithful) in traditional culture and they are crazy 7.the western culture. They follow the western fashion, 8.(think) we are the old style. But someday, they 9.(realize) they are wrong 10.(abandon) traditional culture.









One day a girl found a dead rat in front of her door、This kind of thing happens a lot of in the city during winter, but she didn’t pay much attention to it、However, the next day it was a dead bird on the doorstep of its house、She thought it was just some jokes playing by those naughty kids、But the same thing happens for a week! She started to get angrily、So she set up a hidden camera on the door, tried to find out the truth, which really gave her big surprise、The criminal was a cat! It left those dead body in front of her house every day at midnight、


29.(25分)假设你是李华,你的美国笔友Peter对中国春联(Spring Festival couplets)产生了浓厚的兴趣,来信向你了解中国的春联文化。请你回信为他介绍春联的用途、内容和寓意等。


Dear Peter,

___________________________________________________________________________________________ _

___________________________________________________________________________________________ _

___________________________________________________________________________________________ _



___________________________________________________________________________________________ _

___________________________________________________________________________________________ _



Li Hua


































海淀区高三年级第二学期期中练习 英语2015.04 本试卷共12页,共150分。考试时长120分钟。 注意事项:1.考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。 2.答题前考生务必将答题卡上的姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔填写。 3.答题卡上选择题必须用2B铅笔作答,将选中项涂满涂黑,黑度以盖住框内字母为准,修改时用橡皮擦除干净。非选择题必须用黑色字迹的签字笔按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,未在对应的答题区域内作答或超出答题区域作答的均不得分。 第一部分:听力理解(共三节,30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话你将听一遍。 1. Where is the woman going? A. To a bank. B. To a mall. C. To a street. 2. When will the meeting be held? A. This afternoon. B. Tomorrow. C. Next week. 3. What are the speakers talking about? A. Job. B. Salary. C. Travel. 4. What is the woman doing? A. Asking for permission. B. Making a complaint. C. Ordering a dish. 5. How much will the man pay for the apples? A. $ 1. B. $ 75. C. $ 5. 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. Wh at’s the purpose of the woman’s visit? A. Visiting friends. B. Sightseeing. C. Business. 7. Where does the conversation take place? A. At the customs. B. At the police office. C. At the hotel. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。 8. Which section does the man show most interest in the newspaper? A. News. B. Sports. C. World affairs. 9. What newspaper does the woman usually buy? A. A local one. B. A national one. C. An international one. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. What does the woman worry about the gym? A. The noise. B. The air. C. The crowd. 11. Why does the man go to the gym? A. To lose weight. B. To do exercise. C. To meet people. 12. What does the man suggest the woman do? A. Eat less. B. Set limits. C. Exercise properly. 听第9段材料,回答第13至15题。 13. Who is the speaker? A. A taxi driver. B. A police officer. C. A radio announcer. 14. What makes driving a taxi a hard job in London? A. Bad traffic condition. B. Confusing street names. C. Lots of tests. 15. What will the speaker probably do if he’s stuck on the road in a taxi? A. Have a map ready. B. Be understanding. C. Change directions. 第三节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分)听下面一段对话,完成第16至20五道小题,每小题仅填写一个 ..词。听对话 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 21. Mary has her weakness, ______ that doesn’t mean she is not qualified for her job. A. and B. yet C. so D. or 22. _______ Chai Jing said in her video about the smog has caused public concern. A. That B. Which C. How D. What 23. When I was pushed onto the stage, I felt all the eyes in the hall _______ me. A. through B. across C. into D. on 24. You ______ reach him on his mobile now—his mobile is still under repair. A. should n’t B. wouldn’t C. c an’t D. must n’t 25. The paper ox my grandmother ______ for me is my most valued birthday gift. A. cut B. will cut C. had cut D. cuts 26. —It i s said that John’s paper got an A+.—He deserves it. He _____a lot before he handed it in. A. prepared B. prepares C. had prepared D. has prepared 27.___ opinions on the schedule, we finally reached an agreement. A.Having exchanged B.Exchanging C.Exchanged D.To exchange 28. The long lasting cold current has brought _______winter in my memory to the east coast of the United States. A. the longer B. the longest C. a longer D. a long 29. Mike will become the first person in his family ______ college education. A. finished B. having finished C. finishing D. to finish 30. Prince William took a visit to the Forbidden City on Feb. 28, _______ emperors once lived. A. which B. whose C. where D. when 31. _______ she has earned her PhD, she wants to find a job with higher pay. A. As if B.Now that C. Even though D. In case 32. — Has James arrived at the hotel?— No, he ______ by fans for photographs at the airport. A. has surrounded B. would surround C. was surrounded D. is being surrounded


海淀区高三年级第二学期期中练 第二部分:知识运用(共两节,45分) 21. She calls back whenever someone ______ her a message. A. left B. leaves C. had left D. will leave 22. The purpose of the article is to draw public attention ______ the problem. A. to B. on C. in D. for 23. ______ the task in time, we had to work late into the night. A. Finished B. Finishing C. To finish D. Having finished 24. I know little about the accident because not much ______ about it up to now. A. has said B. has been said C. had said D. had been said 25. She ______ have attended that meeting, for she was doing paperwork in the office then. A. shouldn?t B. mustn?t C. wouldn?t D. couldn?t 26. We?re advised not to leave the water ______ after using it. A. run B. running C. to run D. having run 27. Mr. Smith couldn?t open the door because his naughty boy ______ it from the inside. A. would lock B. was locking C. has locked D. had locked 28. —Jeff, what?s up? You are not yourself today. — Oh, mom. I really wish I ______ the chance but I failed. A. had got B. would get C. will get D. got 29. This kind of cell phone is very common and I also have ______. A. one B. it C. that D. another 30. The paintings ______ from the National Gallery last week have been found. A. stealing B. to steal C. stolen D. to be stolen 31. You cannot take back your words ______ they are out of your mouth. A. before B. whether C. once D. while 32. The App WeChat provides a networking platform ______ communication is faster and easier. A. which B. where C. when D. why 33. —Did you sleep well last night? — No, the loud noise from the street ______ me awake for hours. A. had kept B. is keeping C. has kept D. kept 34. — Have you told your parents about your decision? — Not yet. I can hardly imagine ______ they will react. A. what B. that C. how D. when 35. I think the biggest problem in banning smoking is ______ people can buy cigarettes easily. A. that B. whether C. where D. how 第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分) The Little Angel Sally jum ped up the moment she saw the surgeon come out of the operating room. She asked, “How is my little boy?”The surgeon said, “I?m __36__. We did all we could, but your boy didn?t __37__ it.” Sally __38__into the chair. The surgeon asked, “Would you like so me time with your son before he was transported to the __39__?” Sally nodded. While saying goodbye, she ran her fingers __40__ through his thick curly hair. “Would you like a lock of his hair?” the surgeon asked. Sally nodded yes. The surgeon cut a few hai rs, and handed them to Sally. The mother said, “It was Jimmy?s idea to __41__ his body to the university for study. He said it might __42__ somebody else. “I said no at first, __43__ Jimmy said, …Mom, I won?t be using it after I die. Maybe it will help som e other little boy spend one more day with his Mom.”



海淀区高三年级第二学期期中练习 英语 2014.04 注意事项: 1.考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。 2.答题前考生务必将答题卡上的姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔填写。 3.答题卡上选择题必须用2B铅笔作答,将选中项涂满涂黑,黑度以盖住框内字母为准,修改时用橡皮擦除干净。非选择题必须用黑色字迹的签字笔按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,未在对应的答题区域内作答或超出答题区域作答的均不得分。 第一部分:听力理解(共三节,30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话你将听一遍。

1. Where are the speakers? A. At a bank. B. At a hotel. C. At an airport. 2. What’s the relationship between the two speakers? A. Neighbors. B. Roommates. C. Friends. 3. What does the man want to buy? A. B. C. 4. What was the man fined for? A. Wrong parking. B. Running a red light. C. Driving too fast. 5. When does the flight leave? A. At 8:30 am. B. At 9:00 am. C. At 9:30 am. 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)听下面4段对话。每段对话后有几道小题,


海淀区高三年级第二学期期中练习 英语 本试卷共10页,共120分。考试时长100分钟。考生务必将答案答在 答题纸上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将答题纸交回。 第一部分:知识运用(共两节,45分) 第一节语法填空(共10小题;每小题分, 共15分) 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1 个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。 A Old Tom had four sons. He wanted them 1 (learn) not to judge things too quickly. So he sent them to look at an apple tree in different seasons. The first son went in winter, the second in spring, the third in summer, and the youngest in autumn. When they all came back, he called them together to describe 2 they had seen. The sons had different 3 (opinion). Tom then told them that they shouldn’t judge a tree, or a person, by only one season. B Everyone 4 (love) snow. But when school stays open despite the snow, it can be really annoying. However, there is one upside of going to school 5 a cold winter day: you might be smarter. So far, researchers who study the brain 6 (find) that cold temperatures make us think more quickly since messages travel faster among our brain cells. So the scientists say 7 (hang) out on a cold morning may boost the result of any test that day. C A black hole is a spot in space that has 8 (power) gravity. Its gravity is so strong that it pulls everything nearby into it, stars, planets and other things. Black holes form when a star dies. When that happens, a huge amount of matter crowds into a very small space, 9 becomes very dense. Black holes 10 (talk) about in 1783 first. That year, one scientist said that in the universe, there might be places with strong gravity to trap light, although he didn’t use the term “black hole”. 第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题分,共30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选


2014年北京海淀高三一模英语试题及答案 海淀区高三年级第二学期期中练习 英语2014.04 本试卷共12页,共150分。考试时间120分钟。 注意事项:1.考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。 2.答题前考生务必将答题卡上的姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔填写。 3.答题卡上选择题必须用2B铅笔作答,将选中项涂满涂黑,黑度以盖住框内字母为准,修改时用橡皮擦除干净。非选择题必须用黑色字迹的签字笔按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,未在对应的答题区域内作答或超出答题区域作答的均不得分。 第一部分:听力理解(共三节,30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话你将听一遍。 1. Where are the speakers? A. At a bank. B. At a hotel. C. At an airport. 2. What’s the relationship between the two speakers? A. Neighbors. B. Roommates. C. Friends. 3. What does the man want to buy? A. B. C. 4. What was the man fined for? A. Wrong parking. B. Running a red light. C. Driving too fast. 5. When does the flight leave? A. At 8:30 am. B. At 9:00 am. C. At 9:30 am. 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)听下面4段对话。每段对话后有几道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话你将听两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. How is the woman trying to lose weight now? A. By eating every other day. B. By drinking plenty of water. C. By eating orange-colored foods. 7. What does the man think of the woman’s diets? A. Ridiculous. B.Balanced. C. Effective. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。 8. What is the girl doing? A. Doing her homework. B. Practicing the guitar. C. Making


北京市海淀区2020届高三一模考试英语试题 英语试题 第一部分:知识运用(共两节,45 分) 第一节语法填空(共10 小题;每小题1.5 分,共15 分) 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1 个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。 A At 8, I started taking art lessons (1) (improve) my painting skills. However, later, I found that I focused too much on mastering different techniques. Eventually, I became more distressed when my expectations weren’t matched. So, in the 11th Grade, I returned to the basics. On (2) sketchbook I forced myself to draw whatever interested me. Over time, I have been released from the tight control. I have learned that a good painting is not about having perfect technique. In fact, all I need to do is trust my (3) (create) talents and find moments of joy in life. 1. 【答案】to improve 【解析】本题考查非谓语做状语;提示词improve 为动词,句子中,前面的代词I 与名词lessons,都不能充当improve 的主语,所以improve 需要做非谓语。按照三步式解题:1)其逻辑主语是I;2)improve 与逻辑主语之间是主动关系;3)且improve 动作发生在start taking 之后,故使用不定式。在句子中充当目的状语。翻译为“在8 岁时,我开始学习艺术课程,去改进我的绘画技能。”故正确答案是to improve。 2. 【答案】a 【 解 析 】 本 题 考 查 冠 词


2014北京海淀区高考英语一模试题及答案解析 英语2014.04 本试卷共12页,共150分。考试时长120分钟。 注意事项: 1.考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。 2.答题前考生务必将答题卡上的姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔填写。 3.答题卡上选择题必须用2B铅笔作答,将选中项涂满涂黑,黑度以盖住框内字母为准,修改时用橡皮擦除干净。非选择题必须用黑色字迹的签字笔按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,未在对应的答题区域内作答或超出答题区域作答的均不得分。 第一部分:听力理解(共三节,30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话你将听一遍。 1. Where are the speakers? A. At a bank. B. At a hotel. C. At an airport. 2. What’s the relat ionship between the two speakers? A. Neighbors. B. Roommates. C. Friends. 3. What does the man want to buy? A. B. C. 4. What was the man fined for? A. Wrong parking. B. Running a red light. C. Driving too fast. 5. When does the flight leave? A. At 8:30 am. B. At 9:00 am. C. At 9:30 am. 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分) 听下面4段对话。每段对话后有几道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话你将听两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. How is the woman trying to lose weight now?


海淀区高三英语二模试题 2014.04 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分) 21.She calls back whenever someone ______ her a message. A. left B. leaves C. had left D. will leave 22. The purpose of the article is to draw public attention ______ the problem. A. to B. on C. in D. for 23. ______ the task in time, we had to work late into the night. A. Finished B. Finishing C. To finish D. Having finished 24. I know little about the accident because not much ______ about it up to now. A. has said B. has been said C. had said D. had been said 25. She ______ have attended that meeting, for she was doing paperwork in the office then. A. shouldn?t B. mustn?t C. wouldn?t D. couldn?t 26. We?re advised not to leave the water ______ after using it. A. run B. running C. to run D. having run 27. Mr. Smith couldn?t open the door because his naughty boy ______ it from the inside. A. would lock B. was locking C. has locked D. had locked 28. —Jeff, what?s up? You are not yourself today. — Oh, mom. I really wish I ______ the chance but I failed. A. had got B. would get C. will get D. got 29. This kind of cell phone is very common and I also have ______. A. one B. it C. that D. another 30. The paintings ______ from the National Gallery last week have been found. A. stealing B. to steal C. stolen D. to be stolen 31. You cannot take back your words ______ they are out of your mouth. A. before B. whether C. once D. while 32. The App WeChat provides a networking platform ______ communication is faster and easier. A. which B. where C. when D. why 33. —Did you sleep well last night? — No, the loud noise from the street ______ me awake for hours. A. had kept B. is keeping C. has kept D. kept 34. — Have you told your parents about your decision? — Not yet. I can hardly imagine ______ they will react. A. what B. that C. how D. when 35. I think the biggest problem in banning smoking is ______ people can buy cigarettes easily. A. that B. whether C. where D. how


海淀区高三年级第二学期期中练习 英语2020.4本试卷共10页,120分。考试时长100分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题纸上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题纸一并交回。 第一部分:知识运用(共两节,45分) 第一节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分) 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。 A At 8,1 started taking art lessons ] (improve) my painting skills. However, later, I found that I focused too much on mastering different techniques. Eventually, I became more distressed when my expectations weren't matched. So, in the 11th Grade, I returned to the basics. On 2 sketchbook I forced myself to draw whatever interested me. Over time, I have been released from the tight control. I have learned that a good painting is not about having perfect technique. In fact, all I need to do is trust my 3 (create) talents and find moments of joy in life. B In recent years, trampolining (蹦床)has become a new craze among Chinese youths. Short videos 4 (show) people's excitement about jumping back and forth on the colourful trampolines are regularly uploaded to social media. Most videos feature teenagers, but adults too have jumped on the trend, hoping to relive their childhood. :扩Compared with soccer, basketball, tennis or any other competitive sports, 5 various injuries occur from time to time, trampolining is relatively 6 (safe). However, preparation and safety always come first. You must do warm-up exercises before playing and you can't lose concentration during the movements. C A news report shows that China's urban pet consumer market 7 (expect) to break through the 200 billion yuan threshold this year. Young people in big cities are the main contributors. Nowadays, with the cost of living rising, young people 8 (suffer) from greater loneliness and pressure. They are busy working all day in a competitive environment, leaving little time for fun and friends. That may explain 9 more and more young people are choosing to keep pets 10 companionship. Apart from relieving loneliness, many scientific studies have shown that keeping a pet reduces stress and may even improve overall health. 第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题L 5分,共30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。 I was 11 when I asked my mum for piano lessons. We were in an economic crisis and she'd recently been 11 off. She said a polite “no". That didn't 12 me. I drew a keyboard onto a piece of paper and stuck it on my desk. I would 13 notes on an online keyboard and "play" them back on my paper one—keeping the sound they made on the computer in my head. I spent six months playing without 14 a real piano. As my mum found I was 15


北京市海淀区2014届高三一模(2014海淀一模)英语2 高考英语 2014-04-2014 1919 () pollution into perspective. Activities at home such as the burning of coal, cooking oil, or even candles release carbon monoxide and particulates such as cigarette ashes which have been proven as harmful to health as working or living near heavy traffic. New tugs, bedding, and even clothing give off that“new smell, ”which is a sure sign of chemicals. In the office, newly applied paint, newly purchased telephones and other telecommunications equipment, and computers release polluting chemicals, too. As offices and homes often have inadequate ventilation (通风), these chemicals can build up to become health problems. Their poisonous effects are only now being slowly recognized. These facts suggest that, at a minimum, proper airing of newly purchased goods with an obvious chemical smell is a wise warning. Home and office windows should be opened during good weather. Even one’s car needs to be ventilated as well while in the garage. We need further research to understand better other potential health dangers, too. For example, the effects of overcrowding of schools (carbon dioxide build-up ), the factory work environment ( an endless list of potentially dangerous substances ), and even home heating and cooling (the air conditioner may be our enemies, not our friends) have only recently started to come to light. Until we understand the effects of our new technological environment better, we can only hope that“there is no place like home.” 64.What is the main idea of the first paragraph? A.The air we breathe in is harmful. B.The water in everyday use is unsafe. C.Chemicals are added to the drinking water. D.Chemicals are released in the running water.
