
九年级英语期中测试题Newly compiled on November 23, 2020



一. 听力测试(30分)


1. Could you tell me _____________

A. what did he say at the meeting

B. what he says at the meeting

C. what he said at the meeting

2. Some people destroy(毁坏) the environment ______ .

A. where animals live

B. which animals live

C. where animals live in

---Yeah, is _____ females singers who have beautiful voices.

A. made of

B. made from

C. made up of

4. There must be something good for me, __________

A. mustn’t it

B. needn’t there

C. isn’t there

5. The old man ______ a lot of difficulties in the past. His sad ______ made

us think a lot. A. experienced, experienced B. experiences, experienced

C. experienced, experiences

6. – What did you _____ the bad boy --Sorry. I don’t know how to ____ him.

A. deal with, do with

B. do with, deal with

C. deal with, deal with

7. The world’s population is getting larger and larger, so officials will have

to ______ new ways to solve the serious problem.

A. catch up with

B. keep up wih

C. come up with

8. _____ hard work it is! I don’t think you can finish it by yourself.

A. What a

B. How

C. What

9. Do you remember the days ______ we used to spend together on the farm

A. who

B. which

C. when

10. We are ______ of help. They will decide ___ a suitable way to help us.

A. in the need, for

B. in need, for

C. in need, on

11. I asked him ______ he liked living here or not.

A. if

B. weather

C. whether

12. I miss you very much. I want to see you _______ next week.

A. some time

B. sometime

C. sometimes

13. The number of the students in the university ____ than before.

A. is more

B. are larger

C. is larger

14. Which animal only lives in China

A. B. C.

15. Which word stress is different from others

A. pronounce

B. telephone

C. progress


There were no classes that afternoon, so Henry went to a 1 shop near his home. The shop sold many jackets. He looked 2 them and at last chose a very nice one. He 3 it on and then told the shopkeeper to put it into a 4 . At that time his friend Bruce came into the shop. They hadn’t seen each other for a long time. They were so 5 to meet again that they forgot 6 else. Soon they were busy talking on and on happily. It was nearly six o’clock, 7 they decided to go and have dinner together. Henry picked up the bag, and walked 8 the door of the shop. The shopkeeper stopped them and asked Henry to pay for the 9 . Henry looked at him in surprise at first, but soon he remembered that he hadn’t paid for it. He said 10 , gave and then left the shop with his friend.


fruit book food clothing

up at after for

put tried got turned

bag cup car pocket

worried interested pleased anxious

nobody anybody something everything

though so because but

towards through out of round

dinner bag jacket ticket

goodbye yet hello sorry



Have you ever held a toy balloon (气球) They are very light. But there are much bigger balloons. These balloons can fly very high up in the sky. They are big enough to carry people. They are called hot-air balloons. To make a hot-air balloon go up, turn on the burner (燃烧器). That will make the air inside the balloon hotter. Then the balloon will go up. To make the balloon go down, turn off the burner. The air inside the balloon will get cooler. Then the balloon will go down.

Underneath (在…下面) the balloon there is a large basket. That is where the pilot (飞行员) and the passengers (乘客) go. The burner is just above the basket. You can stand in the basket and turn the burner on and off. The balloon will go where the wind blows it. Do you want the balloon to go somewhere special First make sure the wind is blowing the right way! People have been flying in hot-air balloons for over two hundred years. Before planes it was the only way of flying. Today people fly in hot air balloons for fun. Some people like to race hot-air balloons. The first Hot-Air Balloon World Championship (锦标赛) was held in 1973.

1. A hot-air balloon is ____________.

A. smaller than a toy balloon

B. bigger than a toy balloon

C. the same as a toy balloon

2. Where will you sit if you want to fly in the balloon

A. Inside the basket.

B. On top of the balloon

C. Under the basket

3. You want the balloon to go up. So you will _____________.

A. jump out if the balloon

B. let the air out of the balloon

C. make the air inside the balloon hotter

4. Now you are high up in the sky. If you want the balloon go down,

you will _________.

A.make your friends get out of the basket

B.make a hole in the balloon with a knife

C.make the air inside the balloon cooler

5. Now everything is all right! The balloon is flying across the sky. Where are you going

A. Towards the sun.

B. To the seaside.

C. Where the wind blows you.


Two men walked quietly up to the open windows of a small house in the darkness. “We can take what we want from this house,” one of them said. The taller of the two men quickly climbed through the open window into one of the rooms. “Give me your torch(手电筒).”he told his friend.“Go round to the door. Wait there until I open it for you.”

His friend disappeared. Then the man turned on the torch and walked quietly towards the door. Before he reached the door, he suddenly stopped. He found a man. The man was sitting in a big chair in a corner of the room. He was looking at the tall man. His eyes never moved.

The tall man cried out and threw the door open and he shouted to his friend to run after him. They didn’t stop running until they were far away from the house. They never knew that the man could see nothing because something was wrong with his eyes.


( ) were the two men They were _______.

A. workers

B. thieves

C. policemen

( ) tall man walked through the room to _______.

A. turn off the light

B. find the owner of the house

C. open the door

( ) did the tall man meet the man sitting in a big chair

A. Near the door.

B. In a small house. C .In a corner.

( ) owner’s eyes didn’t move because _______.

A. he like sleeping in a chair

B. he couldn’t see anything

C. he was too frightened to move

( ) did the man throw the door open Because _______.

A. he was very afraid of the man in the chair

B. he had known the man before

C. the owner of the house would take hold of them

( C )

根据文章内容判断正误 (对的写A, 错的写B)

Fred telephoned his wife. “I’ve got two free tickets for the theatre tonight,”he told her. “Meet me outside the office. We’ll have something to eat and then go on to the theatre.” Fred’s wife was very pleased. They hadn’t been to the theatre for a long time. She met her husband as he told her. They had dinner and got to the theatre just in time. At the entrance Fred took out his wallet to get the tickets. “It’s very strange,” he said. “They aren’t here!”“Try your pockets,” said his wife. But the tickets weren’t there, either.

Then Fred looked very embarrassed (尴尬). “What’s the matter” asked his wife. “Well,” Fred said, “I remember what I did with my tickets. I put them in my bag. But because I wasn’t going home, I left it in the office!”( ) 11. One day, Fred was given the tickets for the theatre.

( ) 12. Fred and his wife went to the theatre quite often.

( ) 13. Fred wanted to meet his wife in a restaurant.

( ) 14. They reached the theatre neither late nor early.

( ) 15. Then Fred couldn’t find his tickets and remembered what he had done

with the tickets.


Bob was happy. He was at a new school, and the other students were friendly. “Hi, Bob!” they said. But some students said, “Hi, Peter!” Bob

didn’t understand. He asked another student, “Why do some students call me Peter”

“Oh, that’s easy to answer,” the students said. “Pete was a student here last year. Now he goes to a different school. You look like Peter. Some students think that you’re Peter.” Bob wanted to meet Peter. He got Peter’s address from a student and went to Peter’s house. Peter opened the door. Bob couldn’t believe his eyes. He looked really like Peter! Bob and Peter had the same color eyes and the same smile. They had the same black hair. They also had the same birthday. And they both were adopted (领养) by two different families.

Bob and Peter found out that they were twin brothers. Soon after the boys were born, one family adopted Bob, and another family adopted Peter. Bob’s family never knew about Peter, and Peter’s family never knew about Bob.

Bob and Peter’s story was in the newspaper. There was a photo of Bob and Peter next to the story. A young man named John saw the photo in the newspaper. John couldn’t believe his eyes. He looked really like Bob and Peter! He had the same color eyes and the same smile. He had the same black hair. He had the same birthday. And he, too, was adopted by another family.

Later John met Bob and Peter. When Bob and Peter saw John, they couldn’t believe their eyes. John looked really like them! Why did John look really like Bob and Peter You can guess. Bob and Peter are not twins. Bob, Peter and John are triplets.

16. How did Bob feel at a new school

A. He was worried.

B. He was happy.

C. He was very angry.

17. Why did some students mistake Bob for Peter

A. Because they liked calling him like that.

B. Because they didn’t know how to call him.

C.Because Bob looked like Peter very much.

18. Where did Bob see Peter

A.In Peter’s house.

B. At school.

C. In a Shopping center.

19. How did John know the story

A. His friends told him

B. He knew the story from the newspaper.

C. He knew the story on TV.

20. What does it mean by “triplets”, do you know

A. It means Bob, Peter and John were twins.

B. I don’t know.

C. It means Bob, Peter and John were born on the same day, and they

are brothers.

第二卷. (共45分)




Long ago, many British people were 1 to leave their country for some other places. These places were later 2 America, Canada and Australia. The English language was brought to these places by them as well. In the 3 , Americans spoke the same as they 4 in England, but the English people changed their language. Sometimes Americans spoke in a 5 way, while the people in England spoke the same as they did before. So the language changed little by little from one part of the world to another.


The world itself is becoming much smaller by using modern traffic and modern communication means. Life today is much easier than it was hundreds of years ago, but it has brought new problems. One of the biggest problems is pollution.

Air pollution is the most serious. It’s bad for all living things in the world. Water pollution kills our fish and pollute our drinking water. Noise pollution makes us angry more easily. Many countries are making rules to fight pollution. The earth is our home. We must take care of it. That means

keeping the water and air clean. And we must take care of the rise in pollution at the same time.

6. p__________ result of polluting

7. a_________ be not happy

Many countries are making rules to fight pollution. (同义句)

Many countries are making rules _____ _____ they can fight pollution.

10. What pollution is the most serious




A: What’s wrong with you, Jim You are not looking happy.

B: I’m not. I feel a little worried about my English.

A: 1 .

B: I’m not getting along well with it.

A: Why not

B: Well, I seldom have chances to meet English people.

A: 2 .

B: Where shall I go

A: 3 .

B: But it seems English people never speak to me.

A: Ah! 4 .

B: 5 .

A: The weather! English people are always interested in weather.

A: It says a student was riding to school when a car 8 him.

B: Oh, dear1 Things like this often happen in busy street. 9 did the driver do with the student

A: He took him to a hospital quickly. The boy was saved the doctors.

B: How is the boy now

A: He is getting much better. But he has to 10 in bed for a few days. 七.阅读表达(10分)

(A) 阅读短文, 根据短文内容完成表格, 每空一词.

Noise pollution makes it hard for us to hear each other. It makes us talk more loudly and become angry more easily. Air pollution, however, is the most serious kind of pollution. Both water pollution and air pollution are not only harmful to people’s health, but also harmful to animals and plants. Cars, planes and factories all pollute our air every day. Sometimes the pollution is so thick that it is like a blanket over a city. Many countries are making new laws to fight pollution. Factories must now clean their water before they throw it away; they can’t let out dirty smoke into the air, either. More buses and subways are provided instead of the cars. We can use

(B)星期日, 妈妈列了购物单正要去购物, 碰巧你打电话说在购物,妈妈向你说明要买的东西. 请完成妈妈的电话陈述,至少五句话。


1. 结构完整,语句精彩,意思连贯性强,语法准确,符合逻辑;

2. 不少于80词;

3. 不得使用真实姓名;

4. 题目已经给出

How to Learn English Well








1____2____3____4____5____6____7_____8____9____10_____ 11___12___13___14___15___16___17____18____19___20___ 五.任务:

1.________ 5. _________

6. . 9. _________ ______________


六.交际应用:1-5 ________________.

. ________





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How to Learn English Well

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