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1.branch A. technique B. exchange C. scholarship D. chemistry

2.addicted A. accustomed B. bad-tempered C. disappointed D. ashamed

3.adopt A. coincidence B. convey C. appropriate D. sponsor

4.exchange A. exhibition B. exist C. except D. exercise

5.exhibition A. civilization B. technique C. ridiculous

D. flexible


6.The earthquake _________ several months before didn't cause much loss.

A. to be predicted

B. predicting

C. predicted

D. predicts

7.Now 11 of the works are in print, and a good number of others ___ available in public libraries.

A. are

B. were

C. is

D. was

8.The teacher advised the boy to ______ an effective way of learning vocabulary.

A. admire

B. design

C. adopt

D. invent

9. Had I studied harder in senior school, I ________ admitted to a key university now.

A. might be

B. might have been

C. would have been

D. Had been

10. We have spent ________ money on English books.

A. a great deal of

B. a good many

C. a plenty of

D. a number of

11. --- Does Lucy have a ______ for a particular color?

--- Yes, she likes blue best.


B. preference

C. choice

D. aim

12. --- I didn't catch the first train this morning.

--- You ______the first train if you ______ earlier.

A. would catch, had got up

B. could catch, should get up

C. would have caught, had got up

D. would catch, got up

13.This company has many ________ all over the country.


B. branches

C. symbols

D. marks

14.Mr Li devoted all his time to ______ English. Now he is retired.


B. teaching

C. be taught

D. have being taught

15. --- We ________ gas. I'm afraid we can't go much farther.

--- I know there's a gas station ahead. Surely it will last till we get there.

A.run out

B. have run out

C. are running out of

D. have run out of

16.Her parents died when she was just a little girl, ______ her as an orphan(孤儿).


B. left

C. to leave


17.The reporter went to the airport in a hurry, only _______ that the famous film

star had left.

A. telling

B. being told

C. to tell

D. to be told

18. It will appeal _____ those who love Impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings.

A. to

B. at

C. for

D. with

19. Rather than _______ to bed early at night, he would rather _______ some time surfing the Internet.

A. go, spend

B. went, spend

C. went, spent

D. go, spent

20. Teachers suggested that parents ____ their children under 12 to ride bikes to school for safety.

A. not allow

B. do not allow

C. mustn’t allow

D. couldn’t allow



How can you stop smoking?

It is not easy to stop smoking, but millions have manged to quit and so can you. Here are a few suggestions.

Prepare yourself. Decide on a day to quit. Don’t choose a day 21 you know is going to be stressful, such as the day of an exam. Make a list of all the 22 you will get from stopping smoking. Then throw away your last packet of cigarettes. Be determined. Every time you feel like 23 a cigarette, remind yourself that you are a non-smoker. Reread the list of benefits you wrote 24 .

Break the habit. 25 smoking a cigarette, do something else. Go for a walk, clean your teeth, drink some water, clean the house; in fact, do anything to keep your mind and especially your hands busy.

Relax. If you start to feel nervous or stressed, do not reach 26 a cigarette. Try some deep breathing instead. Do some relaxation exercises every time you feel stressed.

Get help if you need it. Arrange to stop smoking with a friend so you can talk about your problems, or 27 a stop-smoking group. If you feel desperate, you might like to talk to a doctor 28 chemist about something to help you, like nicotine chewing gum.

Keep trying. Do not be 29 if you have to try several times before you finally stop smoking. If you weaken and have a cigarette, do not feel ashamed. Just try again. You will succeed 30 .

21. A. who B. that C. where D. when

22. A. benefit B. good C. goods D. benefits

23. A. smoking B. smoke C. to smoke D. smoked

24. A. earlier B. early C. late D. later

25. A. Instead B. Instead of C. Replace D. Replace of

26. A. to B. at C.for D. in

27. A. join B. joined C. join in D. joined in

28. A. and B. or C. but D. so

29. A. disappointed B. disappoint C. disappointing D. disappointment
