


1. 考试时间 120 分钟,试卷满分 140 分。

2. 本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。所有答題必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上,做在试卷上一律不得分。

3. 答題前,务必在答題纸上填写准考证号和姓名。

I. Listening Comprehension

Section A

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.


A. At a supermarket.

B. At a snack bar.

C. At a photo studio.

D. At a fancy restaurant.




W: A double cheeseburger with everything on it, some large curly fries and a medium Pepsi.

M: OK. Your total is $6.88.

Q: Where does the conversation mostly probably happen?



A. Airport staff and passenger.

B. Waiter and customer.

C. Ticket collector and moviegoer.

D. Policeman and witness.




M: Morning, madam. Ticket, please. Do you like a window or corridor seat? W: Window seat, please. I am wondering if my carry-on bag can fit the overhead bin.

Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?



A. $39.9.

B. $87.

C. $93.

D. $41.8. 【答案】A



W: Would you mind telling me the price difference for gas types?

M: For per gallon, “Regular 87” is $3.99. “Premium Unleaded 93” is $4.18. Q: How much should a driver pay if he fills ten gallons “Regular 87” for his car?



A. Herself.

B. Her coach.

C. A barber.

D. Her friend.




M: Hey, you look really different today. What happened?

W: My friend Steve ga ve me a new haircut. He could be a barber, don’t you think?

Q: Who gave the woman a haircut?



A. She broke her leg.

B. She broke her walking stick.

C. She broke up with him.

D. She was in bed with the flu. 【答案】A



W: How is your girlfriend? I am too occupied in the deadline-driven assignment these days to contact her.

W: Much better. She is off the walking stick now.

Q: What probably happened to the man’s girlfriend?



A. Smoke with the window open.

B. Quit smoking completely.

C. Resist the temptation of smoking.

D. Be careful of smoking.




M: Would you mind if I smoke?

W: Actually, I would. This is my new Lexus. See, the shining headlight, brilliant paint color and leather seat. I don’t want it to smell like tobacco.

Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?



A. She never reads a newspaper.

B. She has made a great fortune.

C. She has the foggiest idea of business.

D. She is a gifted stock operator.




W: I read t hat the Dow Jones hit 10,000 yesterday. Isn’t that great news? M: Really? I thought you were just a fashion follower and would purposely avoid reading such abstract news in the financial pages.

Q: What has the man assumed about the woman?



A. Hit the display until it unfreezes.

B. Ask the repair store to fix the calculator.

C. Borrow the tools needed to fix the calculator.

D. Figure out what is wrong with the calculator.




M: I can’t figure out what’s wrong with my calcu lator. When I hit the clear button, sometimes the display freezes. W: You should call the electronic repair store. They have all the tools necessary to fix that kind of problem.

Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?



A. Laborious.

B. Casual.

C. Extended.






M: My wife and I have our vacation planned down to the minute! We’re packing in a full week, but that’s part of the fun.

W: Really? When I’m on vacation I like to find a quiet beach and just plant myself there.

Q: What kind of vocation does the man most probably prefer?



A. Violence sports are the source of social instability.

B. Violence sports are to blame for the school bullying.

C. Violence sports serve as an escape for negative emotions.

D. Violence sports should expand the fans base in the long run.




W: Violence sports like boxing should be banned. If so, there’d be fewer wars, less violent crime and less school bullying.

M: That’s a nice argument, but these traditional sports win many people’s heart and provide an outlet for negative emotions.

Q: What does the man mean?


Section B

Directions: In Section B, you will hear two passages and a longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the question will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions are based on the following passage.


A. Finding an ideal job.

B. Helping others in trouble.

C. Wearing fashionable skirts.

D. Living in a beautiful apartment.


A. To explore psychology and philosophy.

B. To finish his paper on positive psychology.

C. To find how people can live a meaningful life.

D. To pursue happiness and get rid of depression.


A. By editing, interpreting and retelling their story.

B. By being loyal to what happens in their daily life.

C. By learning from the events of other people’s life.

D. By fully understanding how others became fulfilled.

【答案】11. B 12. C 13. A


I used to think the whole purpose of life was pursuing happiness, so I searched for ideal jobs, fashionable clothes, beautiful apartments. But instead of ever feeling fulfilled, I felt anxious.

To explore the truth, I decided to learn positive psychology. I discovered what makes people depressed is a lack of having meaning in life. By interviewing hundreds of people and reading thousands of pages of psychology and philosophy, I found the four parts of a meaningful life.

The first is belonging. Belonging comes from being in relationships where you’re valued for who you are and where you value others as well. For most people, belonging is the most essential source of meaning. The second is purpose. The key to purpose is using your strengths to serve others. The third

part is about stepping beyond yourself.

The fourth one tends to surprise people. It is storytelling, the story you tell yourself about yourself. Creating a narrative from the events of your life helps you understand how you became you. But we don’t always realize that we’re the authors of our stories and can change the way we’re telling them. Your life isn’t just a list of events. You can edit, interpret and retell your story.


What is most likely to make the speaker feel fulfilled?

Why did the speaker interview hundreds of people?

How can people tell their life story?







Questions are based on the following passage. 此处有音频,请去附件查看】


A. Wearing gloves.

B. Telling stories.

C. Taking moves.

D. Publicizing souvenirs.


A. Round edges are more time-consuming than angles in animation.

B. Animation (动画制作) is long considered to be an easy process.

C. Animators strategically simplifies the process by means of gloves.

D. Animation wins the popularity because of its fast output and accuracy.


A. Because characters in the cartoons were given a personal touch.

B. Because they distinguished the characters’ hands from the bodies.

C. Because Walt Disney pioneered the industry and others followed the suit.

D. Because Mickey Mouse and his friends wrote their signature with gloves.


A. What do glove stand for in Disney?

B. How did gloves become popular in Disney?

C. When were gloves brought into being in Disney?

D. Why do many Disney characters wear gloves?

【答案】14. A 15. C 16. B 17. D


Mickey, Minnie, Donald Duck, Pinocchio, and more Disney characters all have one thing in common—gloves. Although there are many incredible stories about Disney’s most famous characters, putting gloves on animation characters is actually a pretty logical move.

The short answer as to why so many characters wear gloves is that animation is an intensive process. It takes time and accuracy to create the characters you know and love. Animators wanted to make their job a touch easier and faster with a few techniques. One of these strategies was using round edges instead of angles, according to Vox. So this also meant simplifying features, such as hands, to make the animation process quicker.

Still, in the age of black and white cartoons, separating characters’ round-edge hands from their black bodies was hard. Gloves were an easy way to make their hands stand out. In fact, Walt Disney might have been the first to put gloves on his characters in The Opry House, starring Mickey Mouse,

per Vox. Once animation moved away from black and white, Mickey and his friends kept their signature white gloves.

Besides keeping the animation simple, Walt Disney told his biographer, Bob Thomas, t hat the gloves exist for another reason: to humanize the mouse. “We didn’t want him to have mouse hands because he was supposed to be more human,” Disney told Thomas in 1957, according to the New York Times. Questions:

What is the common feature of Disney characters?

What can we conclude from the animation process?

Why gloves enjoyed great popularity in black and white cartoons?

What does the speaker mainly talk about?









Questions are based on the following passage.


A. He has kept the healthy habit for a long time.

B. He goes to the gym accompanied by his girlfriend

C. He used to have the dream of becoming a muscular man.

D. His old clothes look tight on him due to physical exercise.


A. It’s quite practical.

B. It’s quite impressive.

C. It’s really rewarding.

D. It’s a little extreme.


A. Ryan still kept the intensity of workout during Christmas.

B. Ryan invested a lot of money in his outfits to look fashionable.

C. Ryan has kicked the caffeine habit because of unhealthy ingredients.

D. Speaking of fitness, what Ryan says is not in line with what he does. 【答案】18. D 19. D 20. C


W: Oh my gosh, Ryan, is that you? I hardly recognized you! Wow, you look so different!

M: Hey Alice. Yeah, I've been working out pretty hard lately. I go to the gym every day to work out with my personal trainer, Hans.

W: Uh yeah I can tell. I mean, your shirt barely fits you anymore because your muscles are so big.

M: That’s a really good body figure, ha?

W: Yeah, but why not get yourself some new clothes?

M: Well. I've been spending all my money on my personal trainer and gym fees so I didn't have any money left over to buy new clothes.

W: Are you sure you aren't overdoing it?

M: Nope! You see I am now in a fantastic shape, and I like it.

W: Well, I'm interested to hear more, but first I want to get a latte. What kind of coffee do you want?

M: No coffee for me! That's way too much sugar, fat, and cream.

W: Are you kidding me? I remember you were a coffee addict. Now we're meeting at a coffee shop, and you don't want any coffee? What about juice?

M: No thanks.

W: Well. It's one thing to maintain a healthy diet, but that sounds a little crazy. M: You know, I have to stay on my fitness plan.

W: Ryan, I totally support you getting in shape, but I think exercise is best done neither too little nor too much.

M: Oh yeah, I totally agree. For example, I usually do at least two workouts at the gym per day, but on Christmas I only did one because it was a holiday. W: Well let me ask you a question. Do you have time to date your girlfriend when you have to spend all your time at the gym working out?

M: Don't worry! Once I find a girlfriend, I'll stop working out.

W: Well, Ryan, I am very jealous of whatever lucky lady finds you.

M: Aha, I take that as a compliment.


What can we learn about Ryan?

What does the women think of Rya n’s fitness plan?

What shocked the woman according to the passage?







II. Grammar and Vocabulary

Section A

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word,

fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Can Indoor Plants Really Purify the Air?

Plants are very important to human life. Through photosynthesis (光合作用), they transform carbon dioxide into fresh oxygen. They ___21___(assume) to remove toxins from the air we breathe—but is this true?

One famous NASA experiment, published in 1989, has found indoor plants can clean the air by removing pollutants ___22___(cause) cancer. Later research has found soil micro-organisms in the potted plant also ___23___(play) a part in cleaning indoor air.

Based on this research, some scientists say house plants are effective natural air purifiers, and the bigger and leafier the plant, the better. The amount of leaf surface area influences the rate of air purification. ___24___, however, say the evidence that plants can effectively accomplish this feat (功绩) is far from conclusive.

“There are no definitive studies to show that having indoor plants can significantly increase the air quality in your home,” ___25___Luz Claudio, a pr ofessor of environmental medicine and public health. “There’s no question ___26___plants are capable of removing volatile (易挥发的) chemical toxins from the air under laboratory conditions,” says Claudio. But in your home or office space, the notion that putting a few plants together can purify your air doesn’t have much hard science ___27___(back) it up.

Most research efforts to date, including the NASA study, placed indoor plants in small, ___28___(seal) environments to assess how much air-purifying power th ey have. “But those studies aren’t really applicable to what happens in a house. In many cases, the air in your home completely turns over—that is, exchanges places with outdoor air—once every hour. In

most instances, air exchange with the outside has a ___29___(great) effect on indoor air quality than plants.” says Stanley Kays, a professor of horticulture (园艺学).

Disappointed ____30____many people may be by what Kays said, the professor also made it clear that he believes house plants are beneficial. Studies have shown plants can knock out stress and make people feel happier. More research shows spending time around nature has a positive effect on a person’s mood and energy levels.

【答案】21. are assumed

22. causing

23. play 24. Others

25. according to

26. that 27. to back

28. sealed 29. greater

30. as





考查一般现在时的被动语态。句意:它们被认为可以清除我们呼吸的空气中的毒素——但这是真的吗?分析句子可知,本句为一般现在时,主语They与assume为被动。故填are assumed。





考查一般现在时。句意:后来的研究发现盆栽植物中的土壤微生物也在净化室内空气中发挥着作用。分析句子可知,本句为一般现在时,主语为soil micro-organisms,所以谓语用复数形式。故填play。


考查代词。句意:然而,其他人认为,植物能够有效地完成这一壮举的证据还远没有定论。由前文的“some scientists”可知,本空为others。someothers“一些……另一些……”。故填Others。


考查介词短语。句意:据环境医学和公共卫生教授Luz Claudio所说:“目前还没有明确的研究表明室内种植植物能显著提高家中的空气质量。”according to表示“根据”,通常是指根据别人或别处,而不能根据自己,所以其后不能接表示第一人称的代词(如me, us),同时也很少接表示第二人称的代词(you),但用于第三人称(如him, her, Jim, Mary, the doctor等)则属正常用法。故填according to。【26题详解】



考查动词不定式。句意:但在你的家里或办公室里,把一些植物放在一起可以净化空气的想法并没有多少支持的科学依据。分析句子可知,本句为动词不定式作作后置定语。故填to back。







考查部分倒装句。句意:尽管许多人可能对Kays所说的话感到失望,但这位教授也明确表示,他相信室内植物是有益处的。分析句子可知,本句为as“尽管”引导的不完全倒装句。其形式为:形容词+as +主语+动词。故填 as。


一、名词+as / though+主语+动词

King as he was, he was unhappy. 他虽是国王,但他并不幸福。

二、形容词+as / though+主语+动词

Successful as he is, he is not proud. 他虽然成功,但不骄傲。

三、副词+as / though+主语+动词

Much as I like Paris, I couldn’t live there. 尽管我喜欢巴黎,但我不能住在那里。

四、动词原形+as / though+主语+动词

Object as you may, I’ll go. 纵使你反对,我也要去。

五、分词+as / though+主语+动词

Raining hard as it is, I’m going out for a walk. 虽然正在下着大雨,我还是要出去散步。

分析小题10的句子可知,本句为as“尽管”引导的不完全倒装句。其形式为:形容词+as +主语+动词。故填as。

Section B

Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each

word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

Smart Homes Around the Corner

Internet-connected lights, locks and laundry machines are close to becoming everyday household items, thanks in part to voice-activated speakers such as Amazon’s Echo and Google Home.

The market has witnessed increasing sales of lights that turn off when you say “good night,” smart locks that let in your friends before you get home, and other smart-home gadgets (小配件). Smart speakers and their digital assistants also have been growing in ___31___. From your couch, you can ask these smart assistants to play your favorite music, check the weather, order pizza or___32___flights.

While the devices are still relatively expensive—you can get six ___33___light bulbs for the price of a single smart one—___34___is likely to pick up further as prices fall in the future.

Moreover, the more people use such speakers, it turns out, the more things they want them to do. In some cases, that leads ___35___to other smart gadgets for the home. People who own an Echo are___36___more likely to install other smart gadgets, said David Limp, Amazon’s senior vice president of devices and services. “They don’t start by rewiring the whole hom e. They start with a switch.” That switch, known as a smart plug, can make any appliance

remote-controllable by cutting or___37___its power—just ask an assistant to turn it off or on.

U.S. sales of smart speakers have more than tripled (增至三倍) to nearly 25 million in 2020, as shown by a CTA (Commodity Trading Advisors) ___38___. They’re expected to grow further this year, to about 36 million, as Apple’s HomePod joins the competition.

Smart-home products such as lights and security cameras are lagging behind, but they have been catching up. “We’re still in the early stages,” said Jeff Patton, a smart-home executive at General Electric. “While the gadgets aren’t yet ___39___” he said, “average people are much more aware of them”.

Alex Hawkinson, CEO of Samsung’s Smart Things smart-home business, said that about half of his new customers are coming because of smart speakers “____40____a lot of excitement.” Once people get their first smart product, such as a smart plug, they are likely to buy more, market researchers say. They also tell friends and neighbors about them, and might buy some as gifts. 【答案】31. B 32. K

33. C 34. H

35. A 36. J

37. F 38. G

39. I 40. E


这是一篇新闻报道。随着语音 AI 设备和数字助理越来越受欢迎,全球智能家居的时代即将到来。







考查名词。句意:尽管这些设备仍然相对昂贵——你可以用一个智能灯泡的价格买到6个普通灯泡——但随着未来价格的下降,需求可能会进一步上升。由“as prices fall in the future”可知,随着未来价格的下降。需求可能会进一步上升。demand“需求”为名词,作is的主语。故C选项正确。


考查形容词。句意:尽管这些设备仍然相对昂贵——你可以用一个智能灯泡的价格买到6个普通灯泡——但随着未来价格的下降,需求可能会进一步上升。由“While the devices are still relatively expensive”可知,这些设备很昂贵,你可以用一个智能灯泡的价格买到6个普通灯泡。regular“常规的;通常的”为形容词,修饰名词bulbs。故H选项正确。




考查副词。句意:亚马逊负责设备和服务的高级副总裁DavidLimp说,拥有Echo 的用户肯定更愿意安装其他智能设备。definitely“明确地,肯定”为副词,修饰形容词likely,表示拥有Echo的用户肯定更愿意安装其他智能设备。故J选项正确。




考查名词。句意:根据CTA的估计,在2020年,美国的智能扬声器销量增长了三倍多,达到近2500万台。由“U.S. sales of smart speakers have more than tripled (增至三倍) to nearly 25 million in 2020”可知,在2020年,美国的智能扬声器销量增长了三倍多,达到近2500万台。这个数据来自于CTA 的估计,所以estimate“估计”符合语境。故G选项正确。





III. Reading Comprehension Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

Children’s books are filled with fantastic friendships between huma ns and beasts. From a young age, we learn that if a tiger comes for tea we should expect it to eat all our sandwiches, and if a Peruvian bear___41___for lunch we had better have some marmalade (柑橘酱) in the cupboard.

In this fantasy world, we can coexist peacefully with large mammals. ___42___, in real life, young people are having fewer wild interactions than
