









I. Reading Comprehension.(32分)

1. Re ad th e f o l lo wi n g arti cl e an d p arap h r ase th e u n de rlined parts:

Th e twe n ty-f i r st ce n tu r y wi l l m ar k th e e r a o f te r ti a ry an d l i f e l o n g l e a rn i n g f o r e v e r y b o dy-o r al m o s t e ve r yb o dy. Th u s the We st Re p o rt f ro m Au stral i a,e cho in g a ke y t h e m e o f th e i m m e di a te l y p r e c e di n g D e a r i n g Re p o rt i n th e U K①(Nati o n al C o m mi tte e o f In qu i ry into Hi gh er Education [NCIHE], 1997).

Th e n o ti o n o f l if e l o n g l e arn i n g h as p e r v ade d h i gh e r e ducation aroun d the world as gove rnmen ts h ave incre a si n gl y co m e to re co gn i ze a l i n k b e twe e n th e i r e du ca ti on sy ste ms an d nation al e con o mic p erf ormance. Ho we v er, poli cy rel ati ng to the actu al makin g of the lin k ne e ds de e pe r consi de ratio n. Th e de ve lo p me n t o f ke y ski l ls’has been seen in the UK as an important way in wh i ch hi ghe r e du cati on can contri b u te to e co no mi c de ve l o pm e n t, b u t i t can b e argu e d th at to fo cu s o n th e

se ski l l s re pre se n ts a n arro w an d i n su f f i ci e n t resp o n se to wh a t e m p l o y e r s-an d th e wi de r i n te r e s t-re al l y n e e d (see Stephenso n’s [1998] argument for a ‘capability’appro ach to h igh e r e du cati o n an d, m o re b ro adl y, th e di scu ssio n i n part 2o f B arn e tt [1994].Howe ver th e c o n te s te d n a tu re o f th i s asp e c t o f h i gh e r e du ca ti o n m i gh t be re so l ve d, cu rre n t di scu s si o n s h ave l e f t re l ati ve l y u n ex plo re d the b ro ade r im plicati o n s fo r cu rricu l a②a nd, in particular, for fist-cy cle provi sion.

In e a rl i e r ti m e s m an y to o k th e vi e w th a t a f i r st de gre e③ was a suffi ci ent basis for lifetime career. Th e accel erating pace of knowl edge de velopmen t h as u ndermine d th i s co n ce ptio n, an d i n cre asin g atte n ti o n i s n o w b e i n g gi ven to the p ro vi sio n of high e r degre e p rogram s an d o th e r o ppo rtun i tie s fo r p ro fe ssio n al de velo pme n t. Th i s rai se s a se ri o u s qu e sti o n: wh at f u n cti o n do e s th e first degree se rve in the context of lifelong learning? Logically, it makes no sense in today’s world to try t o pa c k f i rs t de gre e cu r ri cu l a wi t h al l th e kn o wl e dge, unde rstan din g and skill s n ee d f or the re st of a life tim e.T h e r e s i m p l y i s n o t t h e t i m e a v a i l a b l e,a n d a n y w a y cu rri cu lum-p acki ng run s th e ri sk o f su pe rf i ci al ity o f l

e ar n i n g.④ A

f i r s t de

g re e s

h o u l d,

i f th e y h av e n o t al re ady acqu i re d i t, de ve l o p i n stu de n ts th e ab i l i ty to le a rn how to le arn, as well as en han ce thei r sub

j ect-spe c i f i c e x p e rti se an d o th e r re l e van t s ki l l s. Th e o l d sayi n g i s v al i d h e re: gi vi n g i n d i vi du a l s e ach a f i sh m i gh t f e ed them for a day, bu t te achin g them the skill s o f fis hing could feed them for life.

There is a need to think of the first de gree in terms of the quality, rather th an the quantity, of stu dents’learning, In today’s world the first degree becomes m ore of a foundation qualifi catio n, upon which gradu ate s will expect to build during their lives. Some might r eact b y sayin g that to make su ch a sh ift im pli es a dil u ti o n o f ac ade m i c s tan da rd s—bu t th e co u n te r i s th a t stan dards re l ate p rim aril y to th e qu ali ty, an d n ot the quan tity, of stu dents’le arnin g.⑤The re cons trued first de gre e n e e d be n o in te ll e ctu al p o o r rel ati o n: acade m i c ri go u r c an be b u i l t i n to cu r ri cu l a o f wi de l y di f f e ri n g f o cu s. Th e s t an d ar d s m ay we l l b e di f f e re n t, bu t th e y do have to be inferior.

S o me re du ctio n i n th e vol u me o f di sci p li n e-speci f i c co nten t will re qui re an adjustmen t of thought⑥—i n parti

cu l ar, o n th e p ar t o f e m pl o y e r s an d p ro f e s si o n al b o di e s. The pro fe ssi on al accre di tati on of som e f irst de gree program s is se en by some as an essen tial con dition. Ho we ve r, t h e re se e m s n o n e ce s s ar y re a so n f o r th i s to be the case-an d it might well be to the profe ssion s’longer-te rm advan tage if fi rst degree cu rri cul a were t o pay p arti cul ar atte n ti on to de ve l opin g in gradu ate s th e abili ty to le arn to le arn,⑦ l eavin g su bse que nt p rof essional and de velopmental acti v itie s to provide the ‘t opping-up’that would cohere with the profe ssional b odies’expectations.

A strategi c visio n for highe r educatio n in the next mil lennium requires more th an a m utte ring o f the man tra o f l if el on g le arn i ng. M aki ng l ife l on g le arni n g ‘wo rk de m an ds a su st ai n e d co m mi tm en t to f i tti n g to ge th e r t he pieces of th e multidimen sio nal jigsaw who se compo n e n ts i n cl u de edu cati o n al pu rp o se s, v al u e s an d p racti c alitie s. Academi cs are among th e people who ought to relish this jigsaw’s challenge.

Whippi er-sn app e r: an in sign ificant, e sp. yo ung, person who appears impertinent.


①re pe ati n g th e m ai n su bj e ct of re ce n t De ari ng Re po rt in the UK

②Di s cu s si o n o f th e p re se n t ti m e pay s n o a tte n ti o n to th e e x ami n ati on o f th e de e p e r i m pli e d me an i ng an d f u n cti o n o f co u rse s, n o m at te r h o w p e o p l e h a ve de al t with the probl em that higher education serve s as skil l training.

③bachelor’s degree

④To o m an y co urse s m ay le ad to th e re sul t th at stu de n ts o n l y ge t th e su rf ace m e an in g o f stu di e s in ste ad o

f explorin

g deep.

⑤th e argu men t is th at stan dards sho ul d rathe r base o n the excellency of students’l earning than on the qu antity of course s they have attended to

⑥Pe o ple ne e d to adju st the i r th ou gh t to de crease th e amount and content of courses.

⑦i f co u r se s w e r e de s i gn e d t o t e a ch t h e g r a du a te s h o w to l e arn du rin g th e bach el o r’s de gre e stu dy, i t wo u l d be h el p fu l to th e pro f e ssion s f ro m th e lo ng-te rm perspe cti ve

II. Re ad th e fo l lowin g passage an d an swe r the foll owi ng questions:(28分)

W h e n th at Gran d o l d M an of Vi cto ri an, W i l l i am Evart Gl a d sto n e, w as i n h i s 85t h y e a r,h e was ste e ri n g th e s econd home-rul e bill foe Irel an d throu gh a re calci tran t parl iamen t an d going home to tran sl ate th e odes of Ho race at ni gh t, When Ron al d Re agan re ache d the ten de r age of 73, he was f igh tin g his se cond p re si den ti al election campaign. Alan Green span, the world’s most su cce ssf ul cen tral ban ke r, i s al so 73. Poli tics an d e co n o m i c s a re pl ai n l y j o bs th at th e o l d can do w e l l. Th e y are not alone. The boardroom s of the world’s big c o m p an i e s a re f u l l o f n o n-e x e cu ti ve s age s, te l l i n g wh i p persn apper 40-somethings how to run their firms.①Why, then, are so few of the rich world’s older folk i n e mplo y m en t? Th e y l i ve lo n ge r an d e n jo y b ette r h e a l th th an th ei r pare n ts di d. Mo st j o b s h ave be co me le s s phy sically de manding; mo st people in late middle ag e a re w e l l se n si bl y, i s n o h a r d e r th an t r ai n i n g th e yo u n g. B u t th e f i gu re s sh o w an1960, m e n co u l d e x p e ct to spend 50 of their 68 years of life in paid work. T oday, the y are l i kel y to wo rk fo r o nl y 38 of th ei r 76 years. Fewer tha n two-thi rds of men in their late 50a and early 60s ate in the rich world’s labour f orce, by

the time the y celebrate thei r 55t h bi rth day, m ore th an h al f of Eu ro pe’s m e n h ave g o n e h om e to tran sl ate Horace.②

For most, that is something to celebrate. Ne ver be fore have so m an y people been abl e to loo k forward to s o m an y y e a r s o f h e al th y l e i su r e. T wo-th i r ds o f p e o p l e say th at the y l ike b eing re tire d an d have no desire t o go back to work. There are grandchildren to enjoy, forei gn coun trie s to vi si t, boo ks to re ad and golf gam e s to pl a y.Th e p l e a su re s o f o l d age l e s s e x p e n si ve, a nd more widely available, th an ever before.③Silver-hai red lining

The bi g que sti o n is whe the r all of this reti rem ent i s v oluntary. It is worth askin g for its own sake; in a libe ral socie ty, the old, too, should be free to cho ose. Bu t, in addi tion, the stampe de to re tire has con sequen ce s n o t m e re l y f o r th e o l d th e m s e l v e s. An d i t i s o f te n being encourage d by perverse public policy.

W i de spre ad an d e arl y re ti rem ent wi ll in cre asi n gl y aff e c t the lives of everyone else, for two reasons. The first i s a f am i l i ar on e: as th e sh are o f o l d f o l k in th e p o pu l ati o n ri se s, so wi ll th e bu rde n on th e yo ung o f p a

yin g fo r thei r pension s and he alth care. Th e se con d is less discu ssed: the ri se of the grey-he aded l e isu red c lass h as con sequence s for e con omic growth, be cau se o f its impact on the supply of labour and of capital. Many go ve rnme nts, thei r eye s focuse d on the impact t h at f u tu re pen sio n s cl ai m s wi l l h ave o n p u bl i c f i n an ce s, h ave e m ba rke d o n re f o rm s bu t n o t al ways r e f o rm s th at fi ve pe nsio ners a free r ch oice.For the ir e ye s are al so trai n e d i n th e sh o rte r te r m, o n hi gh un em p l o ym e nt.④Go vernmen ts, e speci al ly in weste rn Euro pe, are p r essin g mo re pe ople to re ti re e arly, on the mi staken vi ew that thi s wil l provi de jobs f or the young, even as they try to trim pensioners’entitlements in order to re du ce th e bu rde n on pu b li c fin an ce s. Th i s i s u nf o rgi v ab l e f ro m a l i be ral p o i n t o f vi e w. I t i s al so f o o l i sh f r om the perspective of public policy.

The she er si ze of the baby-boo m gene ration th at start s to te ach re ti re me n t age o ve r th e co min g decade m e ans th at there will be a simple, but huge imbalan ce: t oo few people in work, paying taxe s and pen si on cont ri bu ti o n s; to o m an y i n re ti re m e n t, drawi n g o n p e n si o n s an d ru n n i n g u p h e al th co sts.In th at case, t h e m ai n

a l t e r n a t i v e s w i l l

b e t o r e n e ge o n t h e p e n s i o n s t h a t wo rke rs tho u gh t th e y h ad bee n pro mi se d, o r to rai se t a x e s.I t w o u l d b e f a r b e t t e r f o r t h e h e a l t h o f e

c o n o mie s if m u ch ol de r peo pl e wen t on workin g i n ste ad.Q u i te sm al l r i se s i n th e age s at wh i ch p e o p l e re ti re h a ve l arge effe cts.⑤As long as older fol k stay in the jo b marke t, the y pay taxes (helpi ng one side of the fisc al bal an ce) an

d draw

e i th e r n o p e n si o n, o r a sm al l e r one(helping the other).




1.1 基础英语考研真题分析





词汇方面,通过基础英语课、阅读课和其他途径认知词汇达1000 0-12000个;且能正确而熟练地使用其中的5000-6000个及其最常用的搭配。














Anyone who has a sore throat should from alcohol.

A. detain

B. abstain

C. sustain

D. pertain

个别院校(如对外经济贸易大学)有时句子中会留2~4个空白,酷似GRE的sen te nce completion,不同的是GRE是填2个空,而外经贸要求填2~4个。如:

Li te ratu re m ay ______ an d in fo rm, en te rtain, e x pre ss pe rso n al j o y o r,re f l e ct re l i gi o u s de vo ti o n, gl o r i f y a n ation o r h ero, o r ______ a parti cular p oin t of vi ew—wh ether it ______ political, soci al, or aesthe tic.

A. inspire; love; describe; is

B. instruct: pain; advo cate; be

C. convince; hatred; re veal; we re

D. alert; pleasu re; explain; has been


Don’t be callous to the sufferin g of others.

A. apatheti c

B. curious

C. sensiti ve

D. supercilious


a thing that is changeable: (答案为variable)。



A. calm

B. penetrative

C. dilapidated

D. illegible

E. exclusive



A. unlikely

B. uncomfortabl e

C. unrepen tan t

D. unseemly

E. unattracti ve





______ , he might have re tired before the end.

A. Didn’t he enjoy the concert

B. Has he not enjoyed the concert

C. Were he not enjoy the concert

D. Had he not enjoyed the concert


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2016年北京外国语大学翻译硕士MTI试题真题及答案 各位考研的同学们,大家好!我是才思的一名学员,现在已经顺利的考上研究生,今天和大家分享一下这个专业的真题,方便大家准备考研,希望给大家一定的帮助。 百科写作标准答案 一、名词解释 鲧(gǔn)鲧,姓姬,字熙。黄帝的后代,昌意之孙,姬颛顼之子,姒文命(大禹)之父。 三吏唐朝诗人杜甫的三首诗:《石壕吏》、《新安吏》、《潼关吏》。 佛教四大名山即山西五台山、浙江普陀山、四川峨眉山、安徽九华山,分别供奉文殊菩萨、观音菩萨、普贤菩萨、地藏菩萨。有“金五台、银普陀、铜峨眉、铁九华”之称。四大名山随着佛教的传入,自汉代开始建寺庙,修道场,延续至清末。 明清之际三大思想家即李贽、黄宗羲、顾炎武。李贽主张是非标准依照时代变化而变化,反对以孔子的是非为标准;认为穿衣吃饭就是“人伦物理”,人不能脱离基本的物质生活去空谈仁义道德。黄宗羲提出了“天下为主,君为客”的民主思想,这就是他对儒家思想的批判。顾炎武倡导经世致用。 五代五代十国,一般又简称“五代”。唐朝灭亡之后,在中原地区相继出现了后梁、后唐、后晋、后汉和后周五个朝代以及割据于西蜀、江南、岭南和河

东等地的十几个政权,合称五代十国。“五代”更偏向于这五个位于中原的王朝,正统史学家们一般称五代为中央王朝。五代并不是一个指朝代,而是指介于唐宋之间的一个特殊的历史时期。 颜柳颜是颜真卿,柳是柳公权;二人与欧阳询均为唐代楷书大家,常与元代赵孟頫并称:颜柳赵欧。 本草纲目该书由明朝伟大的医药学家李时珍(1518—1593)为修改古代医书中的错误、对本草学进行的全面整理,前后历时29年。书中载有药物1892种,包括新药374种,收集药方11096个,还绘制了1160幅精美的插图。全书共190余万字,分52卷,16部、60类。 古代 四大发明四大发明是指中国古代对世界具有重大影响的四种发明,即造纸术、指南针、火药、活字印刷术。此一说法最早由英国汉学家李约瑟提出并为后来许多中国的历史学家所继承,普遍认为这四种发明对中国古代的政治、经济、文化的发展产生了巨大的推动作用,且这些发明经由各种途径传至西方,对世界文明发展也产生了很大影响。 四大文明古国指古代文明的发源地中国、古印度、古埃及和古巴比伦。 中国古代三大工程万里长城、京杭大运河、新疆坎儿井。 地球日世界地球日(World Earth Day)即每年的4月22日,是一项世界性的环境保护活动。该活动最初在1970年的美国由盖洛德·尼尔森和丹尼斯·海斯发起,随后影响越来越大。2009年第63届联合国大会决议将每年的4月22日定为“世界地球日”,活动旨在唤起人类爱护地球、保护家园的意识,促进资源开发与环境保护的协调发展,进而改善地球的整体环境。中国从20世纪90年


北京外国语大学英汉同声传译(试题和答案)2004年考研试题研究生入学考试试题考研真题 北京外国语大学。 2004年硕士研究生入学考试。 英汉同声传译专业试卷。 Ⅰ. 将下列单句译成汉语(25分)。 1)In the first half of this year, China’s GDP grew by 8.2%--despite the SARS virus. Electricity demand rose by 15% in the same period, led by power-hungry industries such as steel and aluminum.。 2) China, anxious about capital flight and proud of its economic sovereignty, will not be browbeaten into floating the yuan by hectoring Americans.。 3) Power stations tend to be built far from cities, and to be surr ounded by idle “buffer” land. It is suggested that greenhouses could be built no this land with the exhaust from the power station pumped in go supply the heat they need. Such greenhouses could be used to grow fruit, vegetables and flowers cheaply.。 4) Out of all the unbecoming parts of drug addiction, the search for clean needles is particularly ghastly. Dirty needles account for a third of all reported AIDS cases: they also explain why half of all long-term addicts get hepatitis C.。 5) The fight over farm trade at the WTO ministerial meeting in the Mexican city of Cancun boils down to how far the rich world cuts tariffs on agricultural goods and dismantles its vast — 1/3 — — 1/3 —


北外考研英语笔译(MTI笔译)备考经验整理分享 一、翻译基础 考试结构:15个英译汉短语、15个汉译英短语、一篇英译汉、一篇汉译英时间:3小时 单词是基础,用到的词汇书汇总: 1.刘毅10000词 2.新东方的专八词汇 3.新东方的《中高级口译考试词汇必备》 4.平时练习翻译中不认识的单词 【另外单词是永远记不完的,但是你遇到不会的,就要立马记下了,并反复记忆,后来你会发现,再遇到翻译时,你不会的单词变的少了。还有一点需要提醒大家的就是,一定要反复地回过头来复习你遇到的生词,有计划的复习,循环往复,这样才有效果,并且要积累一些高级词汇,不要一看到重要,就想到important,一看到好,就想到good之类的,要有高级替换词】30个短语翻译 北外出题紧跟潮流热点,比如今年考的“NASA”,bitcoin就是往年考过的,“Paparazzi”也很简单,ladygaga有首歌名就是这个,ALS则是今年流行的IcebucketChallenge相关,还有十八届四中全会,如果你看了政府工作报告,一定不陌生。当然,也有比较生僻的。备考方法: 1、中国日报英语点津上的新词新译,北外的好多题都是出自其中。把英语点津上的词语翻译专门整理打印出来,按照计划每天复习一点。一定要坚持每天看,并且要多看几遍,因为一遍是根本不能全部记住。

2、还有就是政府工作报告,这个推荐大家去背诵,不单单是短语, 对段落翻译也很有用,比如今年的“量化宽松政策”就是出自政府工作报告,“十八届四中全会”也是。 4、卢敏出的《笔译二级三级通用的词汇》和ChinaDaily出的一本书《最新汉英特色词汇词典》 (短语这部分范围广,需要每天积累,并不断复习。忘记,再背诵, 再忘记,再复习背诵,反复进行。另外,我建议:如果你觉得自己有些短 语背诵的差不多了的话,别掉以轻心,下笔写一下,或许你会发现自己记 得并不是那么牢固,每个短语只有一分,大小写错误,少了S,统统都是 没有分了,所以一定要记得准确,虽然是30分,但是也不要太过于担心,因为有些短语翻译在段落中也可以用的,或者在段落翻译的时候,也学习 了短语翻译,这些都是相通的。平时多注意积累,看到一些热词就要想想 用英语怎么翻译,比如北外出的经济适用男、屌丝、打酱油,这些都是我 们平时生活中很熟悉的,但是用英语怎么表达?多留心,多积累,看到热 词新词,就要问问自己用英语怎么说) 篇章翻译 总体来说:英译汉相对汉译英来说是简单的。 北外出题的方向偏向政治经济,而汉译英有出过类似于政府工作报告 之类的,也有出过散文小品之类的,比如之前出过关于“道”的,今年又 出了“心”的,恻隐之心,礼义廉耻。备考方法: 1、首先是要掌握翻译技巧。 推荐一本书《12天突破英汉翻译》(其实本来我一看书名,并不感 兴趣,因为市面上太多某某天某某,这种根本不可信,但是这本书中讲的

2020年考研北京外国语大学初试 611 基础英语回忆版

1. 英语改错30分难度系数中等,个人感觉很注重考察短语搭配,还有连词介词的使用。 2.四篇阅读 前两篇为单项选择 第三篇T and F 第四篇六选五 阅读文章应该是来自经济学人等报刊,幸运的是今年的第三篇阅读是我考前刚刚读过的,考场上有点小开心,把原文附上: Masters of the universe Forget Gordon Gekko. Computers increasingly call the shots in financial markets The job of capital markets is to process information so that savings flow to the best projects and firms. That makes high finance sound simple; in reality it is dynamic and intoxicating. It reflects a changing world. Today’s markets, for instance, are grappling with a trade war and low interest rates. But it also reflects changes within finance, which constantly reinvents itself in a perpetual struggle to gain a competitive edge. As our Briefing reports, the latest revolution is in full swing. Machines are taking control of investing—not just the humdrum buying and selling of securities, but also the commanding heights of monitoring the economy and allocating capital. Funds run by computers that follow rules set by humans account for 35% of America’s stock market, 60% of institutional equity assets and 60% of trading activity. New artificial-intelligence programs are also writing their own investing rules, in ways their human masters only partly understand. Industries from pizza-delivery to Hollywood are being changed by technology, but finance is unique because it can exert voting power over firms, redistribute wealth and cause mayhem in the economy. Because it deals in huge sums, finance has always had the cash to adopt breakthroughs early. The first transatlantic cable, completed in 1866, carried cotton prices between Liverpool and New York. Wall Street analysts were early devotees of spreadsheet software, such as Excel, in the 1980s. Since then, computers have conquered swathes of the financial industry. First to go w as the chore of “executing” buy and sell orders. Visit a trading floor today and you will hear the hum of servers, not the roar of traders. High-frequency trading exploits tiny differences in the prices of similar securities, using a barrage of transactions. In the past decade computers have graduated to running portfolios. Exchange-traded funds (ETFS) and mutual funds automatically track in dices of shares and bonds. Last month these vehicles had $4.3trn invested in American equities, exceeding the sums actively run by humans for the first time. A strategy known as smart-beta isolates a statistical characteristic —volatility, say—and loads up on securities that exhibit it. An elite of quantitative hedge funds, most of them on America’s east coast, uses comp lex black-box mathematics to invest some $1trn. As machines prove themselves in equities and derivatives, they are growing in debt markets, too. All the while, computers are gaining autonomy. Software programs using AI devise their own strategies without needing human guidance. Some hedge funders are skeptical about AI but, as processing power grows, so do its abilities. And consider the flow of information, the lifeblood of markets. Human fund managers read reports and meet firms under strict insider-trading and disclosure laws. These are designed to control what is in the public


2016年北京外国语大学翻译硕士MTI基础二外答案详解 各位考研的同学们,大家好!我是才思的一名学员,现在已经顺利的考上研究生,今天和大家分享一下这个专业的真题,方便大家准备考研,希望给大家一定的帮助。第1卷:基础英语 Part 1: Fill in the Blanks. (20 POINTS) 01. There is much ____ that Dickens was acknowledged among the lower classes as a friend of the poor man. (evident) 02. The frequent tavern scenes in Thackeray assume their significance ____ in relation to the question of gender and the gentleman. (precision) 03. The redefined category of the gentleman in the nineteenth-century infused class with virtue, providing for ____ and difference a moral argument that was nevertheless finally elusive. (distinctive) 04. He ____ himself by his knowledge, his ability to apply it, and his willingness to act on it. (differ) 05. The feelings the figures allow him to experience ____ their narrative and moral justification. (constituent) 06. In the most famous of the ____ tales, for instance, “The Tale of the Spaniard,”Alonzo de Monqada tells the story of his own incarceration at the hands of


翻译基础 1. 毅10000 词,还有新的专八词汇,新的《中高级口译考试词汇必备》 卢敏出的《笔译二级三级通用的词汇》和ChinaDaily 出的一本书《最新汉英特色词汇词典》《12 天突破英汉翻译》三笔的配套训练培基的散文我也有练过15 篇政府工作报告这个我还是建议大家背下来 2. 《培基散文》《高级英汉翻译教程(叶子南)》《英汉翻译简明教程(庄绎传)》Chinadaily 英语 点津 经济学人&ECO中文网金融时报&其中文网政府工作报告英语文摘 TIME 热词新语翻译 3. 外语教学与研究的《二级笔译》,庄译传的《英汉翻译简明教程》,叶子南的《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》。 4. 说到词汇互译,我虽然记过很多词条——《中国日报的最新汉英特色词汇词典》、历年政府工作报告、整理版的财经科技词汇100 多页、中国日报手机报、还有英语点津上的新词热词,但是!后来发现背的东西基本没怎么考到过。 Pinkham 的《中式英语之鉴》 喜欢长栓老师的书,练了一本《理解与表达·汉英翻译案例讲评》 5. 《非文学理论翻译与实践》《中式英语之鉴》《高级英汉翻译理论实践》《名校全真试题精解(英汉互译)》(星火英语的,北外主编的)还有二笔的教材 6. 大学那本《汉语写作与百科知识》、《中高级口译口试词汇》、《最新中国特色词汇》、二笔词汇翻译。还有其他学校真题中考到的词组翻译也要重视,新词主要就是看英语点津的新闻热词、流行新语、新词新译模块。前期可以在网页上看,但九月后最好把每天的都打印出来认真看,我当时是跟同学分工,一人复制一个月的,全打出来看了。要随时关注我国特色的新词,手机软件,微博,微信可以尽可能多关注些学习(如英文巴士、人民日报、CNN、中国文摘、外媒翻译学习、译尤未尽等是二三笔中的政经类,书中有些基本翻译技巧,适合初级看。英语文摘,周刊,CNN。还有其他学校真题 长栓老师的那篇给考研者的建议长栓的《非文学翻译》中国文化类,个人比较喜欢全国MTI 系列教材《高级汉英翻译》,里面有关于老子、孔子哲学思想类的,还有关于中国茶文化、介绍日晷什么的。还有《每天读点中国文化》 7. 《中国文化要略》《中国文化概论》《不可不知的3000 个文化常识》 8. 二笔三笔教材及练习册英汉翻译教程(培基)高级英汉翻译理论与实践(叶子南)非文学翻译理论与 实践.2 版(长栓)英汉翻译简明教程(庄绎传)中式英语之鉴(John Pinkham )高级汉英语篇翻译. 修订版(居祖纯)


英汉互译考研全国名校英汉互译2021考研 真题分析 第1章英汉互译考研真题分析 一般来说,英汉互译是全国各院校英语专业研究生入学考试常考的科目或者是考试科目中的常考内容,从“试题来源详细目录”中68所院校的考试科目就可以看出,除了“翻译理论与实践”、“翻译与写作”、“英语翻译基础”等考试科目必考英译汉或者汉译英,基础英语、英语综合水平测试、综合英语等必考科目的试题中都考英译汉或者汉译英的内容,也就是说,大多数的英语专业(包括英美文学、外国语言学及应用语言学等专业)都要考英语翻译的内容,因此,英汉互译对于报考英语专业的考生来说就显得非常重要! 英汉互译是许多学生得分不理想的考试内容,特别是一些著名院校(如北京外国语大学、上海外国语大学等)英语专业研究生入学考试的英汉互译试题就充分体现了名校的高水平,其难度超出专业八级的翻译标准,甚至高于全国外语翻译证书一级笔译考试的要求。但对于各个院校来说,英语专业历年考研翻译试题的选材特点、考试侧重点和难度都存在差异,下面对全国68所院校英语专业研究生入学考试的英汉互译试题进行分析,以便读者更好地选择院校和考试科目。需要说明的一点就是:由于院校自主命题,院校的考试科目和翻译题型不是一成不变,一些院校年份较早的考试科目现在已不再考查,但其翻译试题依然有很好的参考价值,因此,本书也会对这些考试科目进行分析。 1.1 全国68所院校英汉互译试题分析 北京地区

1.北京大学 翻译部分的试题来自英语语言文学专业考试科目“专业能力”和翻译硕士专业学位考试科目“英语翻译基础”。“专业能力”翻译部分为英译汉和汉译英的篇章或段落翻译,各占50分。英译汉多考的是十七、十八世纪的文章,尤其是富含哲理的文章,如培根的《论婚姻》,汉译英多以文言文为主,如《出师表》等,以及现代著名散文,如《秋夜》、《荷塘月色》等这一类文学色彩浓、思想性比较深刻而且语言优雅的散文。英译汉和汉译英两部分对考生的要求都很高,不仅要译出原文的思想,还要尽量使译文的风格与笔调与原文保持一致,比较注重考查考生的语言功底和文学修养水平。 “英语翻译基础”是全日制翻译硕士专业学位研究生入学考试的基础课考试科目,有国家颁布的统一的考试大纲,大纲要求“英语翻译基础”考生具备一定中外文化,以及政治、经济、法律等方面的背景知识,考试内容为术语、缩略语或专有名词的词语翻译(各占15分)和英汉互译的段落或篇章翻译(各占60分)。如北大2013年“英语翻译基础”便考到“CIA、heresy、fiscal policy、三K党、戴维营”等词汇翻译,英译汉篇章翻译内容是关于苏联解体后东欧国家的形势和发展趋势。需要注意的是,北大一向注重人文,散文、文言文等其他院校翻译硕士翻译试题中一般很少出现的题材,考生一定不能忽视。 由于“英语翻译基础”有明确的考试大纲要求,其出题形式和分值较为固定,所以对于下面考查该科目的高校不再一一分析说明。 2.中国人民大学 人大外语学院2008年取消了外国语言学及应用语言学专业,并对所设置的各个专业的研究方向进行了细化,英语语言文学分为英美文学、英语语言学英语教学、翻


导游翻译研究方向 英语专业考研、研究生:翻译研究、翻译学方向:主要研究中西翻译理论,翻译史,口、笔译技巧,对名家名著的翻译作品进行赏析,并从中、外文化的不同角度进行对比研究。介绍、就业前景和方向、招生院校介绍。 英语专业考研究生:导游翻译研究方向介绍,包括招生院校、所学课程、研究内容、就业方向和前景等简介。 开设学校:西安外国语大学(旅游学院开设)。 研究内容:培养能够将“导游”与“翻译”合二为一,能够掌握导游技能并且具有专业翻译才能的复合型国际通用旅游人才。 就业方向:学生就业以涉外导游为主,在各大旅行社都非常受欢迎,目前专业的旅游翻译人才市场缺口非常大。 所学课程:概论、导游翻译形式及其作用、导游翻译语言符号、导游翻译行为特征和手段、导游翻译语言环境、导游翻译语言交流与沟通、导游翻译语言传通、导游翻译语言表达、导游翻译语言艺术、导游翻译语言能力培训。 英语专业考研、英语专业研究生:计算语言学方向 英语专业研究生:计算语言学方向:研究包括传统和理论语言学的许多分支以及词典学、语言哲学、分析哲学、逻辑学、文本处理、数据库存取、口头与书面语言的处理等领域。包括就业前景、所学课程、研究内容、招生院校的简介。 开设学校:上海交通大学、广东外语外贸大学等。 研究内容:研究包括传统和理论语言学的许多分支以及词典学、语言哲学、分析哲学、逻辑学、文本处理、数据库存取、口头与书面语言的处理等领域。 就业方向:计算机行业、软件开发公司等。 所学课程:计算语言学概论、词类自动标注、基于上下文无关文法的句法分析、统计句法分析、搭配的统计分析、机器翻译概述、自然语言处理、数理语言学、机器翻译研究等。


北京外国语大学翻译硕士考研真题汇总 与答案解析 一、英语翻译基础 英汉短语互译: Bogor Goals FTAAP zero-sum game ALS NASA genomic variation ozone depletion sinology bitcoin UNCED paparazzi amino acid digital divide existentialism silver-spoon kids 十八届四中全会 亚太经合组织 互联互通 量化宽松 公使衔参赞 埃博拉病毒 自闭症 防空识别区 负面清单 房产税 专利技术 和而不同 地沟油 真人秀 逆袭 二、篇章翻译 今年篇章翻译由以前的四篇改为了两篇,我也破天荒第一次翻译前打了草稿。 英译汉是一篇有关里约环境会议的,说实话我词汇量不行,看着也有点儿晕。 汉译英是刘梦溪写的有关孟子精神和现代社会的文章,很多文言文,比如什么礼义廉耻、国之四端之类。其实明白中文的意思翻译倒也不是特别难。

汉语写作与百科知识: 一、名词解释 尼罗河 战略伙伴关系 四大菩萨 十字军 中亚五国 日心说 元素周期律 丝绸之路经济带 金字塔 APEC 金砖四国 九大行星 三省六部的“六部” 《牡丹亭》 东盟 IS(就是伊斯兰国) 南北战争 二十八宿 《俄狄浦斯王》 三一律 “新寓言”派 《菊与刀》 北约 苏辛 《说文解字》 二、应用文写作 应用文是根据自己经历的某件事写一则消息,是新闻体裁的一种 三、大作文 大作文给一段材料,写一个人从火车上丢了一个鞋子,然后马上扔了另一个,说这只鞋留着也没用,有人捡到没准还能穿。然后以“让失去变的可爱”为题写一篇作文。 本文系统介绍北京外国语大学翻译硕士考研难度,北京外国语大学翻译硕士就业,北京外国语大学翻译硕士考研辅导,北京外国语大学翻译硕士考研参考书,北京外国语大学翻译硕士专业课五大方面的问题,凯程北京外国语大学翻译硕士老师给大家详细讲解。特别申明,以下信息绝对准确,凯程就是王牌的北京外国语大学翻译硕士考研机构! 五、北京外国语大学翻译硕士考研初试参考书是什么 北京外国语大学翻译硕士参考书很多人都不清楚,这里凯程北京外国语大学翻译硕士王牌老师给大家整理出来了,以供参考: 英语方向: 1、Bassnett,Susan.《翻译研究》Translation Studies,外教社,2004. 2、Gentzler,Edwin.《当代翻译理论(第二版修订本)》Contemporary Translation Theories,


2022年北京外国语大学611英语基础测试考研真题和答案2022年北京外国语大学《611英语基础测试》考研全套内容简介 •北京外国语大学《611英语基础测试(技能)》历年考研真题及详解•全国名校基础英语考研真题详解 说明:本部分收录了本科目近年考研真题,提供了答案及详解,并对常考知识点进行了归纳整理。此外提供了相关院校考研真题,以供参考。 2.教材教辅 •2022年考研基础英语专用教材 •2022年基础英语考研题库 说明:以上为基础英语科目配套的辅导资料。英语基础测试(技能)考查的知识点与基础英语基本一致。 •

试看部分内容 2000年北京外国语大学611基础英语考研真题及详解 I. Reading Comprehension.(32分) 1. Re ad th e f o l lo wi n g arti cl e an d p arap h r ase th e u n de rlined parts: Th e twe n ty-f i r st ce n tu r y wi l l m ar k th e e r a o f te r ti a ry an d l i f e l o n g l e a rn i n g f o r e v e r y b o dy-o r al m o s t e ve r yb o dy. Th u s the We st Re p o rt f ro m Au stral i a,e cho in g a ke y t h e m e o f th e i m m e di a te l y p r e c e di n g D e a r i n g Re p o rt i n th e U K①(Nati o n al C o m mi tte e o f In qu i ry into Hi gh er Education [NCIHE], 1997). Th e n o ti o n o f l if e l o n g l e arn i n g h as p e r v ade d h i gh e r e ducation aroun d the world as gove rnmen ts h ave incre a si n gl y co m e to re co gn i ze a l i n k b e twe e n th e i r e du ca ti on sy ste ms an d nation al e con o mic p erf ormance. Ho we v er, poli cy rel ati ng to the actu al makin g of the lin k ne e ds de e pe r consi de ratio n. Th e de ve lo p me n t o f ke y ski l ls’has been seen in the UK as an important way in wh i ch hi ghe r e du cati on can contri b u te to e co no mi c de ve l o pm e n t, b u t i t can b e argu e d th at to fo cu s o n th e


[考研类试卷]2014年北京外国语大学英语翻译基础真题试 卷.doc [考研类试卷]2014年北京外国语大学英语翻译基础真题试卷英译汉 1 UNDP 2 OECD countries 3 bailout loans 4 EBITA 5 venture capital 6 telepresence 7 carbon footprint 8 forensic medicine 9 key encryption technology 10 United Arab Emirates 11 extradition treaty 12 seismic monitoring 13 procrastination 14 flip phone 15 Mack Daddy 汉译英 16 大部制 17 石油输出国组织 18 生物圈 19 涨停板 20 浮动汇率 21 计划免疫 22 学生减负 23 通识教育 24 B超

25 自媒体 26 土地承载能力 27 小产权房 28 土豪 29 胶原蛋白 30 经济适用男 英译汉 31 Never before had the world such a tremendous scientific-technical potential, such a capacity to generate wealth and well-being. Authentic technological wonders that have made any place in the world to be always close with regard to distances and communications have not been capable of bringing well-being for everybody, but only for a meager 15% living in the countries of the North. The abysm between North and South is now so huge, that the unsustainability of the current economic order and the blindness of the people who try to justify continuing to enjoy opulence and waste, are evident. The great possibilities that a globalization of solidarity and true cooperation could bring to all people in the world through the scientific-technical wonders, have been reduced by the neo-liberal model to this grotesque caricature full of exploitation and social injustice. We were asked to be ultraliberal in trade and to lift any barrier, which may obstruct the imports coming from the North, but the oral champions of free trade actually are the champions in the praxis of protectionism. The North spends one billion dollars a day in practicing what has been banned from doing, that is, subsidizing inefficient products. Today, vis-6-vis the obvious failure of neoliberalism and the great threat that the International Economic Order represents for the South, it is necessary to retake the Spirit of the South by forming an alliance


2022.12 二、阅读 A Morrissey believes that variety is not only the spice of life—it’s the foundation of a healthful diet. Diets which are based on one or two foods are not only virtually impossible to keep up the strength, they can be very harmful, she says, because nutrients aren’t supplied in sufficient amounts or balance. According to Morrissey, trying to find a diet that can cure your illnesses, or make you she says, and we believe that vitamins are some kind of magic cure to replace food. “We need carbohy drates, protein and fat—they are like the wood in the fireplace. The vitamins and minerals are like the match, the spark, for the fuel,” she explains. “We need them all, but in a very different proportions. And if the fuel isn’t there, the spark is useless.” 12.From the paragraph we know that working women . B. do not share the same views with registered dietitians C. are busy and not interested in cooking D. are likely to eat healthfully 13.Orange juice is different from orange drink in that . A.it contains only a small percentage of real juice B.it is natural, nutritious and prepared from real oranges C.it is largely orangecolored sugar water D.it produces nothing but calories 14.In Paragraph 4, “a fruitless search” means . A.an effort with no results B.a search for a diet without fruits C.a research on fruitless diet D.a diet serving as medicine 15.Many women take it for granted, according to passage that . A.a balanced diet can result in being fat


2015年北京外国语大学英语翻译基础真题试卷(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 词语翻译 2. 英汉互译 词语翻译 英译汉 1.Bogor Goals 正确答案:茂物目标 2.FTAAP 正确答案:亚太自由贸易区(Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific) 3.zero-sum game 正确答案:零和博弈,零和游戏 4.ALS 正确答案:渐冻人症,肌萎缩侧索硬化症(amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) 5.NASA 正确答案:(美国)国家航空和航天局(National Aeronautics and Space Administration) 6.genomic variation 正确答案:基因组变异 7.ozone depletion 正确答案:臭氧损耗 8.sinology 正确答案:汉学 9.bitcoin

正确答案:比特币 10.UNCED 正确答案:联合国环境与发展会议(United Nations Conference on Environment and Development) 11.paparazzi 正确答案:狗仔队 12.amino acid 正确答案:氨基酸 13.digital divide 正确答案:数字鸿沟 14.existentialism 正确答案:存在主义 15.silver-spoon kids 正确答案:富二代;富家子弟 汉译英 16.十八届四中全会 正确答案:the Forth Plenary Session of Eighteenth CPC Central Committee 17.亚太经合组织 正确答案:Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC) 18.互联互通 正确答案:connectivity 19.量化宽松政策 正确答案:quantitative easing
