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倒装句 inverted sentences 省略句 elliptical 疑问句 interrogative sentences 感叹句 exclamatory sentences

被动句 passive sentences


语气句 subjunctive sentences 同义句 synonymous sentences 委婉句 euphemisms 强调句 emphasis 叙述句 narrative sentences 说明句 expository

sentences 人物描写句 descriptive sentences of people

动作描写句: descriptive sentences of actions 环境描写句 descriptive sentences of environment 日常口语句 sentences for everyday talk 实用情景句

sentences of actual situations 课堂教学句 sentences of classroom teaching 名人语句

quotations 格言句 maxims 谚语句 proverbs 状语 adverbial 补语 complement 宾语 object 宾语补助语 objective complement

表语 predicative 主语 subject 谓语 predicate 谓语动词 finite verb 非谓语动词 non-finite verb 情态动词 modal verb

原因 cause 结果 effect 解释 explanation

动词时态 verb tenses

现在完成进行时 present perfect continuous (tense)

限定性定语从句 restrictive attributive clause

非限定性定语从句 non-restrictive attributive clause

宾语从句 object clause 壮语从句 adverbial clause 主语从句 subject clause 表语从句

predicative clause 同位语从句 appositive clause

双重复合句 double complex sentences

多重复合句 multiple complex sentences

插入语 parenthesis

IT 引导的句子 IT sentences


要 名词 noun 动词 verb 形容词 adjective 数词 numeral 代词 pronoun 介 词 preposition

副 词 adverb 连 词 conjunction

冠 词 article 感叹词 interjection 结构: structure 简单句 simple sentences 并列句 compound sentences

复合句 complex sentences

陈述句 statement sentences 祈使句 imperative sentences 否定句 negative sentences sentences 歧义句 ambiguous sentences

疑难句 difficult sentences

并列 coordination 选择 alternative 转折 transition 对比 contrast 议论句 argumentative sentences

一般现在时 simple present (tense) 一般过去时 simple past (tense) 过去将来时 future (tense) in the past 过去完成时 past perfect (tense) 现在进行时 present

continuous (tense) 将来进行时 future

continuous (tense) 一般将来时 simple future (tense) 现在完成

时 present perfect (tense) 将来完成时 future

perfect (tense) 过去进行时 past continuous (tense)

主句 main clause 从句 subordinate clause

THERE 引导句 THERE sentences

省略名词 omission of noun

全部否 定 complete negation 部分否 定 partial

否定句 negative sentences 肯定句 affirmative sentences 主格 subjective case 宾格 objective case 所有格 possessive case 单数与复数 singular and plural 语序 word order

不定式 infinitive

主动的 active 抽

象的 abstract 典故 allusion

动名词 gerund 现在分词 present participle 被动的 passive 语态 voice 标点符号 punctuation mark 具体的 concrete 名言 saying

语气 mood 习语 idiom 俚语 slang 外来语 foreign word 行话 直接引语 direct speech 间接引语 indirect speech 命题 proposition

课堂教学句 sentences of classroom teaching

开始上课 beginning of the class 我们开始吧 Let ' s start/ Let

' s begin now 让我们开始上课 Let ' s begin our lesson.

今天我们上新课,先学生词,然后读课文 We are going to have a new lesson today. We ' ll learn the new words first. Then we ' ll read the text.

我们先学课文,然后提问。如果还有时间,就进行听写 First

we 'll study the text, then I ' ll ask you some questions. If time permits, we ' ll have a short dictation.

今天的课这样上: 先讲课文, 然后用替换词做句型练习二。 最后做一些书面练习。 Today, the class will be conducted in this way: First we

'll go over the text. Then we ' ll do pattern drill II with the substitutes. And finally we 'll do some written exercises. 我们今天要全面复习我们所学过的东西 Today we ' ll have a general review of what we have learned so far.

我们把昨天学的内容温习一下 We ' ll go over a little of what we did yesterday.

教学用语 Teaching

昨天我们讲到第 45 页的第三行,今天我们接着讲 Yesterday we went as far as the third line on page 45. Today we ' ll go on with the text.

我们接着昨天的讲 Let ' s start from where we left off yesterday. 我记得我们还有三段课文未讲,我希望今天能把这课讲完

I remember we have three

paragraphs to do. I hope I can wind up the lesson today. 今天我们上新课,请把书翻到第 20 页 Today we are taking up a new lesson. Please turn to page 20.

我们先读词汇表。苏桌,请你读生词 We shall take the word list first. Su Zhuo, please read the new words.

今天我们讲课文 Today we 'll go over the text. 这篇课文时由一个短篇小说改写的 This text is

adapted from a short story. 我给你们讲一下作者的生平 I 'll tell you something about the author ' s life.

现在我把第 20 页上的课文读一遍 Now I ' ll read the text on page 20. 现在我把课文给大家读一

判断句 statements 列举句 enumeration 比较句 comparison 让步句 concession 一般疑问句 general question 选择

疑问句 alternative question 陈述式

疑问句 declarative question

特殊疑问句 special question 反意疑问句 disjunctive question 省略疑问句 elliptical question 一般否 定 general negation

negation 双重否定 double negation
