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介词 preposition 助词 particle 语气助词 modal particle

谓语 predicate 谓语动词 predicate verb

处置 disposal or handle 施事词 agent 受事词 patient (用在把字句中)

主动句 active sentence 被动句 passive sentence

肯定句 positive sentence 否定句 negative sentence

反问句 rhetorical question 特指反问句 special rhetorical sentence

是非问句 general question 特指问句 special questions

选择问句 alternative question 正反问句 affirmative-negative question

祈使句 imperative sentence 陈述句 declarative sentence

感叹句 exclamatory sentence

疑问语句 interrogative moods 语体色彩 register

肯定、强调、解释、夸张语气: moods of affirmation, emphasis, explanation and exaggeration 客观 objective 主观 subjective

请求、催促、命令: request, urge, command

职责、挑衅、不耐烦:blaming, provoking, impatient
