


Passage 1

Most people would agree that, although our age exceeds all previous ages in knowledge, there has been no corresponding increase in wisdom. But agreement (47) as soon as we attempt to define “wisdom” and consider means of promoting it.

There are several factors that (48) to wisdom. Of these I should put first a sense of proportion: the capacity to take (49) of all the important factors in a problem and to (50) to each its due weight. This has become more difficult than it used to be owing to the extent and (51) of the special knowledge required of various kinds of technicians. Suppose, for example, that you are (52) in research in scientific medicine. The work is difficult and is likely to (53) the whole of your mind. You have no time to consider the effect which your discoveries or inventions may have outside the field of medicine. You succeed (let us say) as modern medicine has succeeded, in enormously lowering the infant death-rate, not only in Europe and America, but also in Asia and Africa. This has the entirely unintended result of making the food supply (54) and lowering the standard of life in the parts of the world that have the greatest populations. To take an even more (55) example, which is in everybody's mind at the present time; you study the makeup of the atom from a disinterested(无利害关系的) desire for knowledge, and by chance place in the hands of a powerful mad man the means of destroying the human race.

Therefore ,with every increase of knowledge and skill, wisdom becomes more necessary, for every such increase augments(增强) our capacity for realizing our purposes, and therefore augments our (56) for evil ,if our purposes are unwise.

A) halts B) discount C) dramatic

D) contribute E) ceases F) account

G) attack H) attach I) inadequate

J) capacity K) engaged L) absorb

M) distribute N) complex O) complexity

Passage 2

A book like this is never the work of a single author or even a small group of authors; rather there are many people and institutions whose (47) need to be acknowledged. In the first place, we wish to thank the many scholars and sales managers who have (48) so diligently over the last 20 years to move the study of sales management out of the dark ages and into the (49) of marketing thought. We would also like to (50) the special contributions of the Marketing Science Institute, which supported much of the recent research, and especially Steve Greyser, and Diane Schmalensee for their willingness to (51) MSI's energies and resources to the study of sales management before it became a fashionable topic.

Scholars -- even those in marketing -- are sometimes not very customer-oriented, (52) when it comes to writing textbooks. We have made much effort to avoid such a heresy. (53), we offer special thanks to the more than 60 professors who (54) to our questionnaire about their attitudes toward the precious edition of this book. The information they (55) was very helpful in our effort to make the third edition a more useful book for teaching and learning.

We also thank our many students over the years for their comments and suggestions. The book is better because of their insights.

We hope we haven't forgotten anyone, and we apologize to those whose suggestions we failed to include. Needless to say, we assume full (56) for any errors or omissions in this book.

A) consequently B) apply C) responded

D) provided E) responsibility F) justified

G) finally H) labored I) mainstream

J) patience K) acknowledge L) particularly

M) commit N) efforts O) dispose

Passage 3

What does a young child's ability not to eat a marshmallow have to do with success in life? Quite a lot, as it turns out. The 4-year-old child who is able to hold out in order to receive a second treat is (47) more self-control that will serve him or her well as an adult.

This ability to control one's (48) is just one part of what is called Emotional intelligence. The children who (49) it will grow up to be better (50) and more successful. Those kids who don't have it are less likely to succeed when it comes to meeting (51) and dealing with life frustrations.

In the past, our concept of intelligence was mainly limited to the kinds of skills that enable one to do well in school. But Emotional Intelligence (52) what it means to be smart by focusing on how the mind (53) feelings

rather than ideas.

There are many ways in which an understanding of Emotional Intelligence can be very handy. It can help parents (54) their children, help solve many social problems and help corporations (55) employees. These ideas are not very controversial, but some other processes of Emotional Intelligence. For example, some scholars are offended at the idea that such a (56) and abstract idea would be reduced to a simple numerical measure in the form of an "EQ".

A) impulses B) popularizing C) demonstrating

D) display E) rectifies F) adjusted

G) challenges H) proceeds I) redefines

J) complex K) manage L) raise

M) aspects N) processes O) complaint

Passage 4

Since we are social beings, the quality of our lives(47) in large measure on our interpersonal relationships. One strength of the human condition is our possibility to give and (48) support from one another under stressful conditions. Social support makes up of the exchange of resources among people based on their interpersonal ties. Those of us with strong support systems appear better able to (49) with major life changes and daily problems. People with (50) social ties live longer and have better health than those without such ties. Studies over types of illnesses, from depression to heart disease, show that the presence of social support helps people (51) themselves against illness. The studies also show the (52) of such support makes poor health more likely. Social support cushions stress in a number of ways. First, friends, relatives and co-workers may let us know that they (53) us. When we feel accepted by others in spite of our faults and difficulties, our self-respect is (54). Second, other people often (55) us with informational support. They help us to define and understand our problems and find solutions to them. Third, we typically find social companionship supportive. Taking part in free-time activities with others helps us to meet our social needs while at the same time distracting us from our worries and troubles. Finally, other people may give us instrumental support -- money aid, material resources, and needed services -- that (56) stress by helping us resolve and deal with our problems.

A) absence B) denial C) value

D) strengthened E) evolves F) provide

G) reduces H) depends I) got

J) receive K) acknowledge L) deal

M) strong N) guard O) defend

Passage 5

As the world excitedly greeted Snuppy, the first cloned dog, commentators celebrated our cleverness. Many feel proud that our age is marked by technological (47)

But an article in British newspaper The Observer recently said true innovation has (48) from our society.

The writer was Peter Watson, author of the book “Ideas--A History from Fire to Freud”. Watson began: “The year 2005 can't begin to compete with 1905 in terms of (49) innovations.”

“Writing a history of ideas over the past three years, I have been (50) time and again by the fact that, contrary to what we tell ourselves all the time--on TV, in newspapers and magazines, in (51) and in government propaganda--our present world is nowhere near as (52) and innovative as it thinks it is, certainly in comparison with past ages.”

“Yes, we are dazzled by mobile phones, cameras, digital TV, and the www, by laser-guided surgery and bombs, by DNA fingerprinting, and now by cloning. These are not (53) things but do they change the way we think in important--in fundamental--directions?”

Watson quo tes Richard Southern, Oxford University historian, who died last year: “Southern thought the most interesting times in history were 1050-1250 and 1750-1950.”

“Each of these periods transformed our? understanding of ourselves (54)”.

“But what great id eas or transformations have been (55) in the half-century since 1957” Watson asked, pointing out that except for a few innovations such as the Internet, most scientific research (56) modifies previous studies.

A)rarely B) introduced C) merely

D) intimate E) distributed F) important

G) advances H) statistics I) radically

J) struck K) disappeared L) small

M) interesting N) advertising O) pessimistic

Passage 6

There is a popular belief among parents that schools are no longer interested in spelling. This is, however, a (47) .No school I have taught in has ever ignored spelling or considered it (48) as a basic skill. There are, however, (49) different ideas about how to teach it, or how much priority it must be given over general language development and writing ability.

If spelling becomes the only focal point of his teacher?s interest, clearly a bright child will be likely to "play safe", this is to say, to avoid using words he is not sure of. He will tend to write only words within his spelling range, choosing to avoid (50) language. That?s why teachers often (51) the early use of dictionaries and pay attention to content rather than technical ability. In this way, students will be able to (52) their ideas more freely.

I was once shocked to read on the bottom of a sensitive piece of writing about a personal experience: "This work is (53)! There are far too many spelling errors and your writing is illegible." It may have been a sharp (54) of the pupil's technical abilities in writing, but it was also a sad reflection on the teacher who had (55) to read the essay, which contained some beautiful expressions of the child's deep feelings. The teacher was not wrong to draw attention to the errors, but if his priorities had centred on the child's ideas, an expression of his disappointment with the presentation would have given the pupil more (56) to seek improvement.

A) unimportant B) omitted C) specifically

D) encourage E) adventurous F) withdrawn

G) vastly H) terrible I) motivation

J) reaction K) criticism L) indicate

M) express N) misunderstanding O) resistant

Passage 7

Looking back on my childhood, I am convinced that naturalists are born and not made. Although we were all brought up in the same way, my brothers and sisters soon (47) their pressed flowers and insects. Unlike them, I had no ear for music and languages. I was not an (48) reader and I could not do mental arithmetic.

Before World War I we spent our summer holidays in Hungary. I have only the (49) memory of the house we lived in and of my room, and my toys. But I do have a crystal-clear memory of the dogs, the farm animals, the local birds, and above all, the insects.

I am a naturalist, not a scientist. I have a strong love of the natural world and my (50) had led me into varied investigations. I love discussing my (51) topics and enjoy burning the midnight oil while reading about other people's observations and (52). Then something happens that brings these observations together in my conscious mind. Suddenly you fancy you see the answer to the riddle, because it all seems to fit (53) together. This has resulted in my publishing 300 papers and books, which some might (54) with the title of scientific research.

But curiosity, a keen eye, a good memory and enjoyment of the animal and plant world do not make a scientist. A scientist requires not only (55) but hard training, determination and a goal. A scientist, up to a point, can be made. A naturalist is born. If you can (56) the two, you get the best of both worlds.

A) combine B) connect C) self-discipline

D) enthusiasm E) regulations F) discoveries

G) dim H) eventually I) abandoned

J) honor K) disposed L) modest

M) favorite N) early O) perfectly

Passage 8

The decline in moral standards—which has long concerned social analysts—has at last captured the attention of average Americans. And Jean Bethke Elshtain, for one, is glad.

The fact that ordinary citizens are now starting to think seriously about the nation's moral climate, says this ethics (伦理学) professor at the University of Chicago, is reason to hope that new ideas will (47) forward to improve it.

But the challenge is not to be (48). Materialism and individualism in American society are the biggest obstacles. “The thought that …I'm in it for me? has become deeply rooted in the national consciousness,” Ms. Elshtain says.

Some of this can be (49) to the disintegration of traditional communities, in which neighbors (50) out for one another, she says. With today's greater mobility and with so many couples working, those bonds have been (51), replaced by a greater emphasis on self.

In a 1996 poll of Americans, loss of morality (52) the list of the biggest problems facing the U.S. And Elshtain says the public is correct to sense that; Data show that Americans are (53) with problems unheard of in the 1950s, such as classroom violence and a high rate of births to unmarried mothers. The desire for a higher moral standard is not a lament (挽歌) for some nonexistent “golden age” , Elshtain says, nor is it a wishful (一厢情愿的) longing for a time that (54) opportunities to women and minorities. Most people, in fact, favor the (55) of prejudice.

Moral decline will not be (56) until people find ways to counter the materialism in society, she says. “Slowly, you recognize that the things that matter are those that can't be bought.”

A) strengthened B) weakened C) contributed

D) attributed E) look F) come

G) underestimated H) topped I) struggling

J) concedes K) denies L) lessening

M) reversed N) disagrees O) overestimated

Passage 9

If our society ever needed a reading renaissance (复兴), it's now. The National Endowment for the Arts released “Reading at Risk” last year, a study showing that adult reading (47) have dropped 10 percentage points in the past decade, with the steepes t drop among those 18 to 24. “Only one half of young people read a book of any kind in 2002. We set the bar almost on the ground. If you read one short story in a teen-ager magazine, that would have (48),” laments a director of research and analysis. He (49) the loss of readers to the booming world of technology, which attracts would-be leisure readers to E-mail, IM chats, and video games and leaves them with no time to cope with a novel.

“These new forms of media undoubtedly have some benefits,” says Steve n Johnson, author of Everything Bad Is Good for You. Video games (50) problem-solving skills; TV shows promote mental gymnastics by (51) viewers to follow complex story lines. But books offer experience that can't be gained from these other sources, from (52) vocabulary to stretching the imagination. “If they're not reading at all,” says Johnson, “that's a huge problem.”

In fact, fewer kids are reading for pleasure. According to data (53) last week from the National Center for Educational Statistic?s long-term trend assessment, the number of 17-year-olds who reported never or hardly ever reading for fun (54) from 9 percent in 1984 to 19 percent in 2004. At the same time, the (55) of 17 year-olds who read daily dropped from 31 to 22.

This slow but steady retreat from books has not yet taken a toll on reading ability. Scores for the nation's youth have (56) constant over the past two decades (with an encouraging upswing among 9-year-olds). But given the strong apparent correlation between pleasure reading and reading skills, this means poorly for the future.

A). percent B).remained C). rose

D). rates E)percentage F)counted

G). relieved H). present I). believing

J). released K). forcing L). improve

M). styles N). building O). attributes


语文选词填空题专项训练 应试技巧 技巧1:拿捏词义的轻重 近义词虽然表达的意思是相近的,但在表现事物的某种特征或程度上,往往有轻重之别。我们辨析时就要注意区别。 例如:“损坏”“毁坏”“破坏”其表现的程度就层层升级,依次加重。再如:“陌生”与“生疏”,两个词都有“不熟悉”的意思。但“陌生”表示对一个人或事物因初次接触而不熟悉;“生疏”则可表示对一个人或事物以前熟悉或曾经有过接触,因相隔时间长变得不熟悉了,或者因接触时间不长次数不多所以不熟悉。 技巧2:限定词义的范围 有些近义词虽指同一事物,但所指范围却有大有小,这种分别也是辨析近义词的一个标准。例如:“边疆”“边境”“边界”范围是越来越小。“边疆”指远离中心的地方,靠近国界的领土,范围大,同时这个概念比较抽象;“边境”指靠近国界的地方,范围较小,同时这个概念比较具体。“边界”仅指一条界限,范围最小。再如:“年纪”与“年龄”。“年纪”专指人的年龄,词义范围小,“年龄”指人或动物植物已生存的年数,词义范围大。如:(1)校园里的两棵银杏树,看上去它们的年龄足有千年。(2)你这把年纪还带头干活,我们这些年青人哪敢怠慢?这里的例(1)的“年龄”就不能换成“年纪”。 技巧3:揣摩词义侧重 有些近义词虽指意义相似,但由于词素构成不同往往所指的侧重点不同,使用就有所不同。 例如:“景色”与“景点”,“景色”侧重指景象、情景。“景点”侧重指景物的地点。再如:“诡辩”与“狡辩”都指无理强辩,但“诡辩”着重在“诡”,即欺诈、怪异,“诡辩”就是用欺诈的手段,奇怪的言辞,似是而非的论证来为自己的谬论辩护。“狡辩”着重在“狡”,即不老实,耍花招,“狡辩”是歪曲事实,狡猾的为自己的错误言行辩解。 技巧4:分清词性和语法功能 近义词一般词性相同,但也有词性不同或不完全相同的。 例如“诞生”与“诞辰”,前者为动词,后者为名词,词性不同,用法自然就不同了。也有因词性不同,句法功能也就不同,如“突然”(形容词,作状、谓、定语),“猛然”(副词,作状语)。再如:“申明”与“声明”,“申明”动词,陈述说明,含有解释、分辩的意思,在句中一般作谓语;“声明”,动词兼名词,当众宣布、公开表明立场态度或说明情况,在句中作谓语,也可作宾语。如:2005年2月10日下午3时,朝鲜外务省突然发表——,鉴于美国丝毫没有改变对朝敌视政策,朝决定无限期中止参加六方会谈,并采取措施进一步扩充核武库。此句中需要一个名词性的词语,应该填“声明”。 技巧5:语感与第一印象 选词填空题还考察我们的日常词汇和语言积累,许多固定搭配或者约定俗成说法,凭借语感即可做出答案。考生在考场上一定要相信自己的积累,不要耗费两大量时间迂回于一道试题。此外,有些词语习惯搭配我们也需要注意,这些就是考察我们的词语积累了。 技巧6:找准对象 近义词在实际运用时,使用对象也有区别。主要是谈话人或陈述对象所处的地位不同而使用的词语不同。例如:“爱戴”与“爱护”都可一用于人,但“爱戴”只用于下对上,“爱护“用与同志之间或上对下,有时还用于物。如“爱护公物”。如“他是一个深受群众爱戴


选词填空技巧教案 一、选词填空的练习分析 二、选词填空的常考知识点 三、选词填空的技巧 一、选词填空的例题练习分析 Bob and David are good friends, but they like to joke on each other sometimes. One day they went to London for their holidays. They went to the (1)___________and bought their tickets. When the train arrived, Bob got on the train first, but he dropped his (2)_______________ on the platform(站台)without knowing it. David was behind him and quickly (3) _________it up. Without saying a word to his friends, he put it in his (4)_______After they had been in the (5) _________for a little while, they saw the conductor(列车员)coming along, shouting,“ Ticket, please!” Bob(6)__________ for his and of course he couldn’t find it.“ Oh, dear, I can’t (7)__________ my ticket, David.” he said. “Have another look, Bob; it must be (8)___________”said David.“No, I can’t find it anywhere. What shall I do ?”“Perhaps you’d better hide under the(9)___________so that the conductor won’t see you.”So Bob crawled(爬)under the seat and lay there quietly. Soon the conductor stood in front of David.“Ticket, please.” he said.David handed him (10) __________tickets and said, “This is mine. The other is my friend’s. He prefers to travel under the seat.” 1,2,4,5,9根据上下文意思填名词。3,6,7,8根据上下文意思填入动词,并注意动词的形式及语态。10考数词。 二、选词填空的常考知识点 1、名词 新课程标准要求初中毕业生要掌握1500-1600个单词,200-300个词组和短语;名词需要注意单复数 2、动词 动词的时态及语态。动词的时态:一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在进行时、现在完成时、过去进行时、过去完成时、过去将来时。动词的语态(动词的主动语态及被动语态)。 3、数词:基数词和序数词的转化(结合语境提示例如one,the other可推出two tickets) 4、副词(结合语境) 5、介词(固定搭配) 6、代词:(人称代词主格、宾格的转化;人称代词、形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词的转化);固定搭配:each of(每个)


选词填空特点: 1. 近义词辨析不多, 2. 固定搭配不多 3. 词性辨析比较容易 选词填空难点: 1. 词性可能会变。 2. 错一题,可能会错两题。 选词填空与完型填空的异同: 相同点:都要上下文做题 不同点:选词填空要先判断词性,而完型填空不用判断词性,4个待选项词性基本一致。 解题步骤 1)阅读选项,词性分类 仍然要“先题后文在定位”,但这里“先题”不是要找关键词,而是要先对15个选项“辨性” 仔细阅读选项,根据词性把每个单词进行分类归纳。如名词、动词、形容词、副词、介词、连词各有几个选项。动词归类要细分为v,ved, ving。因为一个空可以填动词,但填原形还是过去式还是ing形式要自己根据语法判断。 2)细读首句,抓住中心 首先要抓住文章首句,迅速找到文章的主题词或主题。和完型填空一样,一般文章第一句不设空格,以便让读者知道本文的相关主题词或主题。 3)瞻前顾后,谨慎选择 根据文章前后的语法关系判断应填入的词性,大大缩小选择范围。当一个空可以填入好几个相同词性的词时,则根据上下文逻辑意义;如果均能说得通时,要注意近义辨析。或留到最

后,等范围缩小到最小时再轻松收尾。即传统阅读所说的,首遍不行无所谓,文章看完再收尾。 解题技巧 1)首先要辨性(辨别词性) a. 不认识的单词看词缀(见后面附表) b. 认识的单词要注意词性的单一性和多样性 比如:must,most均可做名词do the most you can c. 动词归类要细分为v,ved, ving。因为一个空可以填动词,但填原形还是过去式还是ing 形式要自己根据语法判断。甚至动词分词形式还可以做定语。 2)一个单词有多个词性时,要在不同分类中都标出。 3)如果选项中出现一组近义词或反义词时,往往有一个是干扰选项,它注重考察的是词汇的精确理解,要求考生分析清楚其细微的区别。 4)如何判断原文空缺处所需单词的词性: ①动词: a)前后都是名词短语,中间一般为动词(时态看前后文)。 b) 一个句子有且只有一个谓语动词 c)一个完整的句子之后再跟逗号,后面一般是非谓语动词短语。 ②名词: a. 名词主要做主语、宾语。


七年级英语上册选词填空经典题型带答案(word) 一、七年级英语上册选词填空专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.根据对话内容,从所给的六个单词中选出五个补全对话。 B: Hi, John. Not bad. How are you today? A: Fine, thanks. ________ are you going? B: I'm going to the library to return some books. A: I see. By the way, ________ to take your umbrella with you. The recent weather is quite strange. B: Right, thank you. I will take it. I hear that it's going to show ________ tonight. A: Oh, my god! Then it will be quite ________. B. We need to wear more clothes. And we can make ________. A: Yes, it's interesting. 【答案】 E;A;B;C;F 【解析】【分析】A. remember记住;B. heavily大量地;C. cold寒冷的;D. strongly猛烈地; E. Where在那里;F. snowmen雪人。 (1)句意:你要去哪里?根据I'm going to the library to return some books.可知上一句是问对方要去哪里,故答案是E。 (2)句意:记着带上雨伞。根据The recent weather is quite strange.可知天气反复无常,记着带雨伞,故答案是A。 (3)句意:今天晚上会有一场大雪。一般说明雨雪下得大使用heavily,故答案是B。(4)句意:那么一定会相当冷。根据We need to wear more clothes.可知,前一句说的是天气相当冷,故答案是C。 (5)句意:我们可以堆雪人。make snowmen,堆雪人,固定短语,故答案是F。 【点评】考查选词填空,考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章,字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍,检查验证。 2.从方框中选择恰当的短语补全句子。 (2)I think ________ is good for our health. (3)I only want to eat ________ for lunch today. (4)Can you ________ me ________ my Maths homework? (5)Lily often says "Good night" to her parents before she ________. (6)She wants to ________ the cinema in five minutes. 【答案】(1)get up (2)doing morning exercises


、根据语境,在括号里填上适当的词语 倾诉倾吐 1.他把这些烦心事一直埋在心底,不愿意向任何人( )。 2.这两个许久不见的好朋友正在( )对对方的思念。 静谧宁静 3这一声凄凉的狗叫身,打破了夜晚的( )。 4.我又躺在田野里,在无限的( )中,忘了世界。 二、把下列词语补充完整,抖根据语境填上合适的词语。 百折( )( ) 立( )顶( ) ( )不安( ) 蹒跚( )( ) 可( )一( ) ( )落石( ) 悬崖( )( ) 攀( )越( ) ( )来入( ) 1.完成这项工作,需要我们有( )的毅力。 2.因为自己的错误导致班级荣誉受损,她整天( )。 三、先连线,再选词填空 心惊自受 流连肉跳 十指忘返 自作连心 1.惊险的极限挑战活动令人( ),勇敢的挑战者却是镇定自若。 2.即使孩子不小心磕破了皮,母亲都会很心痛,毕竟( )。

四、在括号里填入适当的词语,并选两个词造句 ( )的地球( )的怀抱 ( )的生活( )的海洋 ( )的枪口( )的丛林 造句:______________________________ 造句:______________________________ 五、选择最恰当的动词填入句中 1.考人把饼干丁很小心地放在湖边的围栏上,退开一步,( )起嘴向鸣群呼唤。(嘟搓) 2.当我们不得不去收起遗像的时候,海鸥们像炸了营似的朝遗像( )过来。(扑飞) 3只见松鼠像粒子弹似的从里头( )了出来,跳到了大柜顶上。(蹿跑) 4.一只大狐狸正( )着秋田狗大摇大摆地走过来,它嘴里叼着一只哆哆嗦嗦的鸡。(朝冲) 六、根据语境填入恰当的成语。 1.苏州园林的设计,可谓是( ). 2.西安是一座( )的城市,历史为它注入了活力。 3中国许多名句流传至今,( )。 4.今天的交响乐既欢快又动听,真是( )啊! 参考答案 一、倾吐倾诉宁静静谧 二、不回地天寝席学步见斑水出峭壁山岭频梦百折不回寝不安席 四、脆弱温暖幸福枯竭冰冷茂密 家如同一个温暖的怀抱可以治愈你受的伤痛。


【揭秘奉献】2012上海中考英语新题型精练(共9套)2012年上海中考英语题型已确定,词汇与语法部分新增选词填空题,根据文章意思,选择方框中最恰当的词语,不需要进行词性转换。但也增加不少难度,首先需要读懂文章,才能选择最正确的词,以下为2012年上海中考英语新题型选词填空专项练习,供学生学习参考。 2012年上海中考英语新题型专项练习——选词填空1 destroy(毁坏) whole cities. First, it is not a 1 .________ idea to build houses along lines where 2. ________ of the earth's plates(板块) join together. Second, if you think there 3. ________ be an earthquake, it is better to build houses on rocks , not on 4. ________. Third, you must make the houses as 5. ________ as possible. Weak buildings will fall down in an earthquake, but strong ones may 6. ________ Scientists are 7. ________ that one day an even bigger earthquake will hit the part around San Francisco(旧金山) . They call it " The Big One ". However, people today are still building more 8. ________ . The population in and around San Francisco is 9. ________ ten times more than it was in 1906. This means that 10. ________ there is another earthquake, a great many houses and buildings will be destroyed. 参考答案: 1.good 2.two 3.may 4.sand 5.strong 6.stayup 7.afraid 8.houses 9.now 10.if 2012年上海中考英语新题型专项练习——选词填空2 forget, bring,mend,beside,luck,pick,same,differently, I ,every , stop,each Mr. Brown had an umbrella shop in a small town. People sometimes 1 ________ him


1. alter v. 改变,改动,变更 2. burst vi. n. 突然发生,爆裂 3. dispose vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理(of) 4. blast n. 爆炸;气流vi. 炸,炸掉 5. consume v. 消耗,耗尽 6. split v. 劈开;割裂;分裂a.裂开的 7. spit v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃 8. spill v. 溢出,溅出,倒出 9. slip v. 滑动,滑落;忽略 10. slide v. 滑动,滑落n. 滑动;滑面;幻灯片 11. bacteria n. 细菌 12. breed n. 种,品种v. 繁殖,产仔 13. budget n. 预算v. 编预算,作安排 14. candidate n. 候选人 15. campus n. 校园 16. liberal a. 慷慨的;丰富的;自由的 17. transform v. 转变,变革;变换 18. transmit v. 传播,播送;传递

19. transplant v. 移植 20. transport vat. 运输,运送n. 运输,运输工具 21. shift v. 转移;转动;转变 22. vary v. 变化,改变;使多样化 23. vanish vi. 消灭,不见 24. swallow v. 吞下,咽下n. 燕子 25. suspicion n. 怀疑,疑心 26. suspicious a. 怀疑的,可疑的 27. mild a. 温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的 28. tender a. 温柔的;脆弱的 29. nuisance n. 损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事物) 30. insignificant a. 无意义的,无足轻重的;无价值的 31. accelerate vt. 加速,促进 32. absolute a. 绝对的,无条件的;完全的 33. boundary n. 分界线,边界 34. brake n. 刹车,制动器v. 刹住(车) 35. catalog n. 目录(册) v. 编目 36. vague a. 模糊的,不明确的


高考英语选词填空复习 选词填空的考点 1) 词汇方面:以实词为即名词、动词、形容词、副词 2) 语法方面:考察词性之间关系和句子结构分析能力 3) 逻辑方面:考察上下文联系 选词填空的解题步骤 第一步:整理选项classify the options 我们应该根据词性把选项中的每个单词进行分类归纳标,标出它们的词性。 标注词性时注意的问题 1. 不认识的单词看词缀(更多后缀请看拓展1) 考察:-ive ___________________________________________ -ate ___________________________________________ -acy ___________________________________________ -dom ___________________________________________ -ship ___________________________________________ -some ___________________________________________ 名词-ly ___________________________________________ -dom ___________________________________________ -wards ___________________________________________ (形容词)-ly ___________________________________________ -ic, ics ___________________________________________ 【keys】 -ive adj 后缀 -ate v. 后缀;表示“成为……,处理,作用” separate, operate, indicate -acy n. 后缀;表示"性质,状态,境遇" democracy, accuracy, diplomacy


2009—2010学年度(下)第一次质量测试 九年级语文试卷 选词填空专项训练 考试时间:8分钟试卷满分:30分 请选出依次填入下列各句横线中的词语最恰当的一组,将答案写在下面的表格中。 1.(1)在激烈的决赛中,我乒乓健儿经过艰苦拼搏,终于了对方的攻势,获得了冠军。 (2)不法商人以次充好,用假货来利益,这是法律所不允许的。 (3)社会治安的问题引起了人大代表和政协委员的,他们将会在“两会”上提出提案,以便更好地解决。 A.遏止谋取关注B.遏制谋取关心 C.遏止牟取关心D.遏制牟取关注 2.(1)近几年来,他们了不少资料,向美国读者介绍中华移民遭受歧视和虐待的详情。 (2)这类事件,十年前有它,现在可没听说过。 (3)一本只有几十页的小书,居然附有两页纸的表,这实在让人深思。 A.收集允许勘误B.搜集容许勘误 C.收集容许刊误D.搜集允许刊误 3.(1)他跟着大队跑近前线,炮声越来越响了,清脆的枪声也渐渐地清楚了,淡淡的白烟也了,心头反而一步步平静下来…… (2)我离开仙台之后,就多年没有照过相,又因为状况也无聊,说起来无非使他失望,便连信也怕敢写了。经过的年月一多,话更无从说起,所以虽然有时想写信,却又下笔。 (3)好风景固然可以打动人心,但若得几个情投意合的人,相与其间,那才真有味儿;这时候风景觉得更好。 A.看见难以徘徊B.望见难以徜徉 C.望见不能徜徉D.看见不能徘徊 4.(1)当你于深山美景时,轻舟已过十六弯。 (2)我国在城市中施行了向困难居民发放最低生活金的制度。 (3)如今人们都在人才“高消费”:文学硕士当迎宾小姐,副教授当殡仪馆领班……难道我们真的是人才过剩了吗? A.沉湎保障赞叹B.沉醉保障惊叹


选词填空专练 [A] 阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺,每词限用一次。 [ask, when, sand, final, leave, run, hard, feeling, expect, fail ] A few weeks ago, I visited Sydney, a perfect place to surf. I knew I couldn't (1)_____ it without going surfing myself. I booked a group surf lesson (2)_____ I was in Byron Bay. Byron Bay is a really popular place for professional surfers to go! We first (3)_____ to learn how to read the sea conditions and what to (4)_____ in the water. Then we did a warm-up by (5)_____ along the beach. Next, it was time to learn how to stand on the surfboard. We did it on the (6)_____. After a lot of practice, we were ready to go out into the sea and try it out on the water. I have to say, surfing is much (7)_____ than it looks. When you watch people from the beach, they make it look so easy! I (8)_____ many times to stand up. Then one of the coaches came to help me and held my board steady (平稳的). (9)_____ I learned how to do that and by the end of the lesson I had managed to “walk on water”. It was a prett y amazing (10)_____ and I felt so proud of myself! [B] 阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺,每词限用一次。 [somewhere, change, food, hard, thick, grow, another, way, little, until] Winter is cold in some places. Many plants do not (1)_____ during the winter. Some plants even die. Snow and ice may cover the ground, so it can be (2)_____ for animals to find food during the winter. Animals get through the time in many (3)_____. Birds and butterflies can fly. Many of them leave their homes for (4)_____ warm. Then they come home next spring. We call this migration, which is a good way to avoid the cold. (5)_____ good way to avoid the cold is to sleep through it. Many animals hide


历年四级真题选词填空词汇大全 【1】 result 结果;发生;由…而造成determining 下决心;做出决定involves 包含;涉及;专心于limited 有限的,受限的significant 重要的,有意义的gravely 严肃地,庄重地range 范围;排列complained 抱怨;述说relieved 放心的,解除respect 尊重 issue 问题,发行prompting 暗示,推动,驱使seriously 认真地,严肃地specialize 专门从事magnificent 壮丽的,伟大的【2】 victims 牺牲者,受害者 forward 前进的,向前的technology 科技 especially 尤其的,主要的 role 作用,地位 entire 全部的 respectively 各自的,各地的cooperative 合作的 projects 工程,项目comprehensive 广泛的,综合的offers 提议,提供assuming 如果 information 信息 acting 代理的 images 影响,映像 【3】accomplish 完成,达到advanced 先进的,高等的balloon 气球 claim 声称;断言constantly 不断地,时常的declare 宣布;声明interview 接见;面试;采访limited 限制,受限的manufacture 制造,生产moments 瞬间,片刻news 新闻 reduced 减少的;使变弱regret 后悔,遗憾 scary 使人惊慌的 totally 完全,整个地【4】 abundant 大量的,充足的characters 性格,品质communicating 传达,表明;通讯completely 完全地,完整地derive 得到,源于diversity 多样化;差异escape 逃跑,逃脱establishing 建立;确定narrow 狭隘的;限制naturally 自然地,合理地personnel 全体员工;人员properly 适当的 respect 尊重 widen 放宽,加宽 【5】 closer 靠近的 painful 痛苦的 daily 每日



2. Slow, yet, group, many, go, mother, have, sing, make, kill, if, they, talk, be, hear, Whales live in the sea, but they 1_________ fish. They are mammals. The baby whales drink milk from the 2________body. Every spring 3_________of whales swim hundreds of kilometers to warm places to have their babies. Each mother whales 4_________to the same place every year. The mothers take very good care of 5_______. The whales 6_______ to each other with a high noise, it sounds like 7______. This “talking” can 8_________ for 9_________ than 300 kilometres. 10_____ people kill over a hundred whales a day. They kill them 11_____ many things. 12_______ them is a modern business. The whales dies very 13________ in great pain. More and more whales are killed by people , even the mothers and babies. 14___________ the things goes on like this, there will be no young whales to grow up and no mother whales to 15________ more babies. 1. aren’t 2. mothers’ 3. groups 4. goes 5. their 6. talk 7. singing 8. be heard 9. more 10. Yet 11. to make 12 Killing 13. slowly 14. If 15. have 词语填空(共15小题,计15分) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文通顺、正确、连贯(每个单词限用 一次)。 Job live if clean they neighbor be hour have which favor as owner However part-time Many American youngsters earn their allowance by doing odd jobs for their neighbors. Babysitting is one of the common of these . Most couples do not have maids or relatives with them, and they need


2010中考英语综合填空专练 ( A ) 根据句子的意思,从方框中选择恰当的单词并用其正确的形式填空,每空一词。 1.The _____ on the ground are still alive. 2.Tom's parents are very _____ to Tom's classmates. 3.Liu Xiang is _____ as a sporting hero in the world. 4.The family which has _____ children is easier to live. 5.Her eyes were _____ with tears when she got the bad news. 6.A serious traffic accident _____ at the second crossing of the street last night. 7.You'd better _____ the cold meat before you eat. 8.They _____ from London to New York last week. 9.You have to _____ him to finish the work by noon. 10.All the _____ are interested in Chinese culture. ( B ) 1.More and more sporting _____ have appeared recently. 2.You are _____ if you don't accept others' correct ideas.


篇章词汇理解配套练习 Passage 1 Most people would agree that, although our age exceeds all previous ages in knowledge, there has been no corresponding increase in wisdom. But agreement (47) as soon as we attempt to define “wisdom” and consider means of promoting it. There are several factors that (48) to wisdom. Of these I should put first a sense of proportion: the capacity to take (49) of all the important factors in a problem and to (50) to each its due weight. This has become more difficult than it used to be owing to the extent and (51) of the special knowledge required of various kinds of technicians. Suppose, for example, that you are (52) in research in scientific medicine. The work is difficult and is likely to (53) the whole of your mind. You have no time to consider the effect which your discoveries or inventions may have outside the field of medicine. You succeed (let us say) as modern medicine has succeeded, in enormously lowering the infant death-rate, not only in Europe and America, but also in Asia and Africa. This has the entirely unintended result of making the food supply (54) and lowering the standard of life in the parts of the world that have the greatest populations. To take an even more (55) example, which is in everybody's mind at the present time; you study the makeup of the atom from a disinterested(无利害关系的) desire for knowledge, and by chance place in the hands of a powerful mad man the means of destroying the human race. Therefore ,with every increase of knowledge and skill, wisdom becomes more necessary, for every such increase augments(增强) our capacity for realizing our purposes, and therefore augments our (56) for evil ,if our purposes are unwise. A) halts B) discount C) dramatic D) contribute E) ceases F) account G) attack H) attach I) inadequate J) capacity K) engaged L) absorb M) distribute N) complex O) complexity Passage 2 A book like this is never the work of a single author or even a small group of authors; rather there are many people and institutions whose (47) need to be acknowledged. In the first place, we wish to thank the many scholars and sales managers who have (48) so diligently over the last 20 years to move the study of sales management out of the dark ages and into the (49) of marketing thought. We would also like to (50) the special contributions of the Marketing Science Institute, which supported much of the recent research, and especially Steve Greyser, and Diane Schmalensee for their willingness to (51) MSI's energies and resources to the study of sales management before it became a fashionable topic. Scholars -- even those in marketing -- are sometimes not very customer-oriented, (52) when it comes to writing textbooks. We have made much effort to avoid such a heresy. (53), we offer special thanks to the more than 60 professors who (54) to our questionnaire about their attitudes toward the precious edition of this book. The information they (55) was very helpful in our effort to make the third edition a more useful book for teaching and learning. We also thank our many students over the years for their comments and suggestions. The book is better because of their insights. We hope we haven't forgotten anyone, and we apologize to those whose suggestions we failed to include. Needless to say, we assume full (56) for any errors or omissions in this book. A) consequently B) apply C) responded D) provided E) responsibility F) justified G) finally H) labored I) mainstream J) patience K) acknowledge L) particularly M) commit N) efforts O) dispose Passage 3 What does a young child's ability not to eat a marshmallow have to do with success in life? Quite a lot, as it turns out. The 4-year-old child who is able to hold out in order to receive a second treat is (47) more self-control that will serve him or her well as an adult. This ability to control one's (48) is just one part of what is called Emotional intelligence. The children who (49) it will grow up to be better (50) and more successful. Those kids who don't have it are less likely to succeed when it comes to meeting (51) and dealing with life frustrations. In the past, our concept of intelligence was mainly limited to the kinds of skills that enable one to do well in school. But Emotional Intelligence (52) what it means to be smart by focusing on how the mind (53) feelings
