

虹口高级中学2018 学年第一学期


Grammar and Vocabulary (17 分)

Section A

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

As a student, I get so many assignments every day. I (17) _______ _______ stay up late in order to finish all my homework. I used to complain about all this pressure (18) _______school with my classmates. We did not appreciate our teachers for their hard work. We only knew that we got a lot of homework.

After a few months, we did not complain about homework anymore (19) _______we knew that our teachers worked (20) _______ (hard) than we did. We had no right (21) _______ (complain). Sometimes, we said, “I didn’t go to bed until 2:00 o’clock last night. Now I just want to sleep.” Our teacher would answer us, “I go to bed at 1:00 a.m. every day.” Since we knew how hard teachers work, we started to appreciate them. To give our thanks, we wrote a big card to the teachers when it was teachers’ day. When they got our card, they (22) _______ (touch) because their students finally knew the teachers’ effort.

After giving the card, I realized (23)________ powerful the sentence “thank you” is. When we give our thanks to somebody, the world is full of love. I say “thank you” to my friend, classmates, teachers, and even strangers. I like to see the smiles on their faces, so (24) ________ (say) “thank you” every day is the way I make the world a better place.

Section B

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

Many trees and shrubs change color in fall. For years, scientists have worked hard to understand the changes that happen to them. They find that three factors ____25____ fall's colorful farewell — leaf pigments (色素), length of night, and weather. The timing of the color change is mainly regulated by the increasing length of night. None of the other ____26____influences, such as temperature, rainfall, food supply, are as unchanging as the ____27____increasing length of night during fall. As days grow shorter, and nights grow longer and cooler, biochemical ___28_____ in leaves begin to paint the landscape with an explosion of colors. And Nature puts on one of its most splendid ____29____ of beauty.

The timing of the color change____30____ by species. Some species in southern forests can become vividly colorful in late summer while all other species are still vigorously green. Oaks put on their colors long after other species have already shed their leaves. These differences in timing among species seem to be genetically ____31____, for a particular species, whether on a high mountain or in warmer lowlands, will change color at the same time.

However, some species are evergreen. Pines, for example, are green all the year round because they have toughened up. They have developed over the years a needle-like or scale-like foliage (绿叶植物), which is____32____ with a heavy wax coating. And the liquid inside their cells contains cold-resistant elements. So the leaves of evergreens can safely withstand (经受住) all but the most _____33___winter conditions, such as those in the Arctic.

III. Reading Comprehension

Section A (15 分)

Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

Children model themselves largely on their parents. They do so mainly through identification. Children identify with a parent when they believe they have the qualities and feelings that are___34____of that parent. The things parents do and say—and the____35___ they do and say to them—therefore strongly influence a child’s ____36___. However, parents must at all times____37___ like the type of person they want their child to become.

A parent’s actions ____38___ affect the self-image that a child forms___39____ identification Children who see mainly positive qualities in their parents will likely learn to see themselves in a ___40____way. Children who observe chiefly____41___ qualities in their parents will have

difficulty seeing positive qualities in themselves. Children may____42______ their self- image, however, as they become increasingly____43___ by peer group standards.

Isolated events, even dramatic ones, do not necessarily have a _____44___effect on a child’s behavior. Children interpret such events according to their established ___45_____and previous training. Children who know they divorce of their parent's or a parent's early____46____. But if children feel unloved, they may interpret such events as a ____47____of rejection or punishment. In the same way, all children are not influenced at all by toys and games, reading matter, and television programs. As in the case of a dramatic change in family relations, the____48____of an activity or experience depends on how the child interprets it.

34.A. informative B. characteristic C. comprehensive D. individual

35. A. gesture B. expression C. way D. extent

36. A. behavior B. words C. mood D. reactions

37. A. behave B. belong C. become D. follow

38. A. regardless B. nevertheless C. also D. anyhow

39. A. despite B. besides C. including D. through

40. A. peculiar B. positive C. particular D. similar

41. A, negative B. cheerful C. various D. complex

42. A. reconstruct B. regulate C. survive D. continue

43. A. dominated B. influenced C. controlled D. occupied

44. A. temporary B. progressive C. short-term D. permanent

45. A. performances B. attitudes C. arguments D. achievements

46. A. death B. rewards C. suggestion D. teaching

47. A. sign B. symbol C. signal D. model

48. A. result B. effect C. scale D. cause

Section B (24 分)

Directions:Read the following two passage. The passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Clarke, dressed for going out, took her handbag with her money and her key in it, pulled the door behind her to lock it and went to the Over 60s Club. She always went there on Thursdays. It was a nice outing for an old woman who lived alone.

At six o’clock she came home, let herself in and at once smelt cigarette smoke. Cigarette smoke in her house? How? Had someone got in? She checked the back door and the windows. All were locked or fastened, as usual. There was no sign of forced entry.

Over a cup of tea she wondered whether someone might have a key that fitted her front door—“a master key ”perhaps. So she stayed at home the following Thursday. Nothing happened. Was anyone watching her movements? On the Thursday after that she went out at her usual time, dressed as usual, but she didn’t go to the club. Instead she took a short cut home again, letting herself in through her garden and the back door. She settled down to wait.

It was just after four o’clock when the front door bell rang. Mrs. Clarke was making a cup of tea at the time. The bell rang again, and then she heard her letter box being pushed open. With the kettle of boiling water in her hand, she moved quietly toward the front door. A long piece of wire appeared through the letter box, and then a hand. The wire turned and caught around the knob on the door lock. Mrs. Clarke raised the kettle and poured the water over the hand. There was a shout outside, and the skin seemed to drop off the fingers like a glove. The wire fell to the floor, the hand was pulled back, and Mrs. Clarke heard the sound of running feet.

49. Mrs. Clarke looked forward to Thursday because_________.

A.she worked at a club on the day

B. she had visitors on Thursday

C.she visited a club on Thursday

D. a special visitor came on Thursday

50. What does the expression “a master key" In Paragraph 3 most probably mean?

A. A key to all the doors

B. A key only to the woman’s door.

C. A key only its master can use

D. A key not everyone can use

51. On the third Thursday Mrs. Clarke went out ________.

A. because she didn’t want to miss the club again

B. to see if the thief was wandering outside

C. to the club but then changed her mind

D. in an attempt to trick the thief

52. The lock on the front door was one which_________

A.needed a piece of wire lo open it

B.could be opened from inside without a key

C.couldn’t be opened without a key

https://www.360docs.net/doc/2e7629256.html,ed a handle instead of a key


It was Thanksgiving morning and in the crowded kitchen of my small home I was busy preparing the traditional Thanksgiving turkey when the doorbell rang. I opened the front door and saw two small children in rags huddling together inside the storm door on the top step.

"Any old papers, lady?" asked one of them.

I was busy. I wanted to say "no" until I looked down at their feet. They were wearing thin little sandals, wet with heavy snow.

"Come in and I’ll make you a cup of hot cocoa."

They walked over and sat down at the table. Their wet sandals left marks upon the floor. I served them cocoa and bread with jam to fight against the cold outside. Then I went back to the kitchen and started again on my household budget.

The silence in the front room struck me. I looked in. The girl held the empty cup in her hands, looking at it. The boy asked in a flat voice, "Lady, are you rich?"

I looked at my shabby slipcovers. The girl put her cup back in its saucer carefully and said, "Your cups match your saucers." Her voice was hungry with a need that no amount of food could supply. They left after that, holding their bundles of papers against the wind. They hadn’t said "Thank you." They didn’t need to. They had reminded me that I had so much for which to be grateful. Plain blue china cups and saucers were only worth five pence. But they matched.

I tasted the potatoes and stirred the meat soup. Potatoes and brown meat soup, a roof over our heads, my man with a good steady job-these matched, too.

I moved the chairs back from the fire and cleaned the living room. The muddy prints of small

sandals were still wet upon my floor. Let them be for a while, I thought, just in case I should begin to forget how rich I am.

53. Why did the writer let the children in?

A.She showed great pity on them.

B.She had old papers to sell.

C.She wanted to invite them to her Thanksgiving feast.

D.She wanted them to see how rich she was.

54.The girl thought the writer was rich perhaps because_________.

A.she saw that the lady's room was comfortable

B.she saw the cups matched the saucers

C. the writer’s slipcovers were very new

D. the writer was preparing a big meal while she was too hungry

55.From the passage, we can infer that whether you are rich depends on __________.

A.how much money you have had

B. how you feel about your life

C. how you have helped others

D. what job your husband is doing

56. The writer left the muddy prints of small sandals on the floor for a while to_________

A. show her husband that someone had come

B.remind her that she had helped two children

C.remind her that she was very rich in the neighborhood

D.remind her how life should be

( C )

Ridgewood is a small, quiet town 20 miles from Manhattan. It is a typical suburban town, perfect for raising children away from the fast pace of the city. However, some Ridgewood kids feel as upset as if they were on the city’s busy streets. In addition to hours of homework, Ridgewood’s children are occupied with afterschool activities — from swimming to piano to religious classes.

Out of desperation one day, the town decided to schedule another activity. This one was called “Ridgewood Family Night — Ready, Set, Relax!” Instead of schedules filled with sports, music, or overtime at the office, some of the town’s 25,000 residents decided to take the night off and stay home. For a few months before Family Night, a committee of volunteers worked hard to spread the word. Younger students took “Save the Date for Me” leaflets home to their parents. The mayor issued a statement, and schools and clubs agreed to cancel homework and meetings so families could relax and be together.

The tension between a hope for a more relaxed lifestyle and the knowledge that the benchmark for success has been raised in recent years weighs heavily on the minds of the townspeople. Some parents like to recall a different kind of childhood, one without so many scheduled afterschool activities. However, these same parents feel obliged to make sure their children are prepared to survive in today’s high-pressure work environment. They are afraid that any gap in their children’s physical or intellectual development might mean they won’t be admitted to the “right” universities and won’t succeed in a more and more competitive world.

Nevertheless, it seems that Family Night worked, at least to a point. Cars moved easily around Ridgewood’s normally busy downtown streets, and stores and restaurants saw a drop in business. Some families ate supper together for the first time in months.

Initially, there was great hope of taking back their lives. But sadly, few families believe that one night will change their lives. Many are sure that they will fall back into the habit of over-scheduling their children to be overachieving adults.

57. The writer describes Ridgewood as a town where ________.

A.residents take little notice of education

B.children are stressful and over expected

C.parents are concerned about children’s safety

D.children lead a life of relaxed, ordinary rhythms

58. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about the Family Night?

A.Schools assigned no homework.

B.Fewer people ate in the restaurants.

C.The streets were less crowded.

D.People enjoyed meeting each other.

59. According to the passage, the parents in Ridgewood ________.

A.have conflicting desires about what experiences to offer their children

B.are happy with the lifestyle they have chosen for themselves and the children

C.believe that it is their duty to make a change for the stressful life style

D.are worried about their children’s lacking of big ambition

60:We may get the conclusion from the passage that ________.

A.the concept of Family Night will become a regular part of life in Ridgewood B.Ridgewood people believe the Family Night will change their way of living

C.Family Night is not as popular as people have originally thought

D.schools are worried about students being given too much free time

Section C (4 分)

Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

A. It is called the Community College Initiative Program.

B. They have the same resources as students in big cities.

C. Students attend classes and study at school.

D. They have few resources than students in big cities.

AB. And they do many hours of community service.

AC. They can deepen their own languages.

Last week, we reported about community colleges in the United States. Some educators say these two-year colleges may be a good choice for international students who have finished secondary school and want to study in America.

Today, we tell about program at some American community colleges for students from several nations. _____61_____ it lasts one year. It is for students from areas underserved in education and skills training.

Since 2007, about 2,100 students from sixty nations have taken part in the program. The Bureau of Educational Affairs of the United States State Department provides for their needs. Three consortia or organizations of community colleges administer the program with the Bureau of Educational Affairs. Schools across the country take part.

Syedur Rahman is project director of the Community College Consortium led by Northern Virginia Community College. He says United States community colleges offer possibilities for foreign students whose governments can not do so. He says many students in poor, rural areas do not have an equal chance to succeed. ______62____.

At the start of their stay in America, students deepen their knowledge of English, and learn about their school's surroundings. They have several fields of study to choose from, including Information Technology, Business Administration and Agriculture. Other areas open to them include the Hotel and Visitors Industries, Media and Journalism, Engineering and Health._____63______. But they also are active in other school activities. They hold internships at businesses and nonprofit organizations. Program members at Muscatine Community College in Iowa are a good example. They can complete internships at businesses from local farms to large companies.

Students also give presentations about their countries to other students, and to local communities. ______64______. At Miami Dade College in Florida this year, Community College Initiative Program students took part in the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of National Service.

V. Translation (3+3+4+4 共14 分〉

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1.老师们认为课后做大量阅读是非常必要的. (it)

2. 当说到解决这道数学难题时,Tom—头雾水。(come〉

3.到2020年,他们将在人工智能(artificial intelligence)领域取得巨大成就。(by)

4.在艺术节开幕式上,校发表了重要讲话。同学们把他的讲话看作是对自己极大地鼓励。(deliver; view )

VI. Guided Writing

Directions: Write an English composition in 100-120 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.



2 简述读书带来的生命愉悦。

2020上海中学 高一下期中数学

上海中学 2019-2020 学年高一下期中考试 一、填空题(每空3分,共30分) 1.已知点A (2,-1)在角α的终边上,则sin α=__________. 2.函数sin(2)y x π=+的最小正周期是________. 3.一个扇形半径是2,圆心角的弧度数是2,则此扇形的面积是________. 4.已知函数[]()sin (0,)f x x x π=∈和函数1()tan 2 g x x = 的图像交于A 、B 、C 三点,则△ABC 的面积为________. 5.在平面直角坐标系xoy 中,角α与角β都以x 轴正半轴为始边,它们的终边关于y 轴对称.若1sin 3 α= ,则cos()αβ-=__________.6.已知3sin()45x π-=,则sin 2x =__________.7.设(),0,x y π∈,且满足2222sin cos cos cos sin sin 1sin() x x x y x y x y -+-=+,则x y -=_____.8.我国古代数学家秦九韶在《数学九章》中记述了“三斜求积术”,用现代式子表示即为:在△ABC 中,A ∠、B ∠、C ∠的对边分别是a 、b 、,c 则△ABC 的面积 S =.根据此公式,若cos (3)cos 0a B b c A ++=,且2222a b c +-=,则△ABC 的面积为_______. 9.若函数()2sin(2)1()6f x x a a R π=++-∈在区间0,2π?????? 上有两个不同的零点12,x x ,则12x x a +-的取值范围是__________. 10.已知函数sin ()cos m f ααα-=在(0,2 π上单调递减,则实数m 的取值范围是________.二、选择题(每题4分,共24分) 1.已知cos ,(1,1),(,)2k k π ααπ=∈-∈,则sin()πα+=() A. B. C. D.1k -

2018 2019年上海市市西中学高一上英语期中试卷含答案

2018-2019年上海市市西中学高一上英语期中试卷(含答案) Ⅱ. Grammar and V ocabulary Section A Grammar Part A Directions:After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. One night about nine o'clock, Dr. Eyck had a phone call from Dr. Haydon at the hospital in Clens Falls. Dr. Eyck was asked to go there at once to operate ___17___ a very sick boy who shot himself while playing with a gun. Dr. Eyck was soon on his way to Clens Falls. It was 60 miles away. And it ___18___(snow)heavily in the city. He thought he ___19___ get there before 12 o'clock. A few minutes later, the doctor ___20___(stop)by a man in an old black coat. Gun in hand, the man ordered the doctor ___21___(get)out. Then he drove the car down the road, leaving the doctor in the ___22___(fall)snow while playing with a gun. It was two o'clock in the morning ___23___ the doctor arrived at the hospital in Clens Falls. Dr. Haydon told him that the boy ___24___(die)an hour before. When they walked by the door of the hospital waiting room, there sat the man in the old black coat with his head in his hands. “Mr. Cunningham,”said Dr. Haydon to the man, “This is Dr. Eyck. He is the surgeon who came all the way from Albany to save your boy.” Part B Directions:For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that makes the sentence grammatically correct. 25. ______ onto the top of Mount Tai, and you'll see a beautiful landscape---a sea of clouds. A. Climbing B. To climb C. Climb D. If you climb 26. Additionally, China's total expressway coverage reached 136,400 kilometers by the end of 2017, ranking first in the world, covering 97 percent of cities with _____ population of 200,000 or above. A. the B. a C. her


上海市上海中学高一数学上学期期中试卷(含解析) 一、选择题(本大题共4小题) 1.已知集合,则中元素的个数为 A. 9 B. 8 C. 5 D. 4 【答案】A 【解析】 分析:根据枚举法,确定圆及其内部整点个数. 详解:, 当时,; 当时,; 当时,; 所以共有9个,选A. 点睛:本题考查集合与元素关系,点与圆位置关系,考查学生对概念理解与识别. 2.已知实数x,y,则“”是“”的() A. 充要条件 B. 充分而不必要条件 C. 必要而不充分条件 D. 既不充分也不必要条件 【答案】B 【解析】 【分析】 找出与所表示的区域,再根据小范围推大范围可得结果. 【详解】表示的区域是以为顶点的正方形及内部, 表示的区域是以为圆心,1为半径的圆及内部, 正方形是圆的内接正方形, ,推不出, “”是“”的充分而不必要条件. 故选:B. 【点睛】本题主要考查充分条件和必要条件的判断,考查了不等式组表示的区域,考查了推理能力,属于中档题. 3.设,,且,则()

A. B. C. D. 以上都不能恒成立 【答案】A 【解析】 【分析】 利用反证法可证得,进而由可得解. 【详解】利用反证法: 只需证明, 假设, 则: 所以:, 但是, 故:,,. 所以:与矛盾. 所以:假设错误, 故:, 所以:, 故选:A. 【点睛】本题考查的知识要点:反证法的应用,关系式的恒等变换,主要考查学生的运算能力和转化能力,属于中档题型. 4.对二次函数(为非零常数),四位同学分别给出下列结论,其中有且仅有一个结 论是错误的,则错误的结论是() A. 是的零点 B. 1是的极值点 C. 3是的极值 D. 点在曲线上 【答案】A 【解析】 若选项A错误时,选项B、C、D正确,,因为是的极值点,是的极值,所以,即,解得:,因为点在曲线上,所


微信号:JW2215874840或ross950715或Soulzbb 上海中学 2019-2020 学年高一下期中考试 一、填空题(每空3分,共30分) 1.已知点A (2,-1)在角α的终边上,则sin α=__________. 2.函数sin(2)y x π=+的最小正周期是________. 3.一个扇形半径是2,圆心角的弧度数是2,则此扇形的面积是________. 4.已知函数[]()sin (0,)f x x x π=∈和函数1()tan 2 g x x = 的图像交于A 、B 、C 三点,则△ABC 的面积为________. 5.在平面直角坐标系xoy 中,角α与角β都以x 轴正半轴为始边,它们的终边关于y 轴对称.若1sin 3 α= ,则cos()αβ-=__________.6.已知3sin()45x π-=,则sin 2x =__________.7.设(),0,x y π∈,且满足2222sin cos cos cos sin sin 1sin() x x x y x y x y -+-=+,则x y -=_____.8.我国古代数学家秦九韶在《数学九章》中记述了“三斜求积术”,用现代式子表示即为:在△ABC 中,A ∠、B ∠、C ∠的对边分别是a 、b 、,c 则△ABC 的面积 S =.根据此公式,若cos (3)cos 0a B b c A ++=,且2222a b c +-=,则△ABC 的面积为_______. 9.若函数()2sin(2)1()6f x x a a R π=++-∈在区间0,2π?????? 上有两个不同的零点12,x x ,则12x x a +-的取值范围是__________. 10.已知函数sin ()cos m f ααα-=在(0,2 π上单调递减,则实数m 的取值范围是________.二、选择题(每题4分,共24分) 1.已知cos ,(1,1),(,)2k k πααπ=∈-∈,则sin()πα+=( ) A. C. D.1k -


2018-2019学年上海市上海中学高一下期中考试数学试题 一、单选题 1.若则在 A.第一象限B.第二象限C.第三象限D.第四象限 【答案】D 【解析】根据三角函数值在各个象限的正负,判断出角的终边所在的象限. 【详解】 由于,故角为第一、第四象限角.由于,故角为第二、第四象限角.所以角为第四象限角.故选D. 【点睛】 本小题主要考查三角函数值在各个象限的正负值,根据正切值和余弦值同时满足的象限得出正确选项. 2.函数的部分图像如图,则可以取的一组值是 A.B. C.D. 【答案】C 【解析】试题分析:∵,∴,,又由得. 3.在△ABC中,分别为三个内角A、B、C的对边,若则△ABC的形状是A.等腰三角形B.直角三角形 C.等腰直角三角形D.等腰或直角三角形 【答案】D 【解析】利用正弦定理化简得:,再利用二倍角公式整理得: ,解三角方程即可得解。 【详解】

由正弦定理化简得:, 整理得:,所以 又,所以或. 所以或. 故选:D 【点睛】 本题主要考查了正弦定理及三角恒等变换,还考查了正弦的二倍角公式及三角函数的性质,属于中档题。 二、填空题 4.函数的最小正周期是_________. 【答案】 【解析】直接由周期公式得解。 【详解】 函数的最小正周期是: 故填: 【点睛】 本题主要考查了的周期公式,属于基础题。 5.已知点P在角的终边上,则_______. 【答案】0 【解析】求出到原点的距离,利用三角函数定义得解。 【详解】 设到原点的距离,则 所以,, 所以 【点睛】 本题主要考查了三角函数定义,考查计算能力,属于基础题。 6.已知扇形的周长为10 cm,面积为4 cm2,则扇形的圆心角α的弧度数为__________.


上海市徐汇中学2018-2019学年高一物理下学期期中试题 一、单项选择题 1.匀速圆周运动是一种( ) A. 匀速运动 B. 匀加速运动 C. 匀加速曲线运动 D. 变加速曲线运动 【答案】D 【解析】 匀速圆周运动加速度始终指向圆心,方向时刻在变化,加速度是变化的,是变加速曲线运动,故D 正确,ABC 错误。 2.由于地球自转,地球表面上的物体都随地球一起作匀速圆周运动,将地球视为球体,如图所示, a 、b 两处物体运动的( ) A. 线速度相同 B. 角速度相同 C. 线速度不同,且v a >v b D. 角速度不同,且 a < b 【答案】B 【解析】 a 、 b 两处物体随地球自转一起作匀速圆周运动,则a b ωω=,又因为两者转动的半径a b r r <,据v r ω=可得:a b v v <。 故B 项正确。 点睛:同轴传动:被动轮和主动轮的中心在同一根转轴上,主动轮转动使轴转动进而带动从动轮转动,两轮等转速及角速度。皮带传动:两转轮在同一平面上,皮带绷紧与两轮相切,主动轮转动使皮带动进而使从动轮转动,两轮边缘线速度相等。

3.匀速圆周运动中,线速度v 、角速度ω、周期T 、半径R 之间的关系,正确的是( ) A. ω=vR B. ω=2πT C. v =ωR D. 1 T ω = 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】根据角速度定义: 2t T θ πω= = 线速度定义: 2s R v t T π= = 可知: v R ω= v R ω= 2T π ω = A .ω=vR ,与分析不符,故A 错误; B .ω=2πT ,与分析不符,故B 错误; C .v =ωR ,与分析相符,故C 正确; D .1 T ω =,与分析不符,故D 错误。 4.如图所示,弹簧振子在B 、C 两点间做无摩擦的往复运动,O 是振子的平衡位置.则振子( ) A. 从B 向O 运动过程中速度一直变小 B. 从O 向C 运动过程中速度一直变小 C. 从B 经过O 向C 运动过程中速度一直变小 D. 从C 经过O 向B 运动过程中速度一直变小 【答案】B 【解析】


上海市2018-2019学年上南中学高一上学期数学期中考试 数学学科 试卷 命题人:数学命题组 一、填空题(每小题3分,共36分) 1.满足条件{}{}11,2,3B ??的集合B 有____________个 2.已知集合{}1A x x =≤,集合{}B x x a =≥,且A B R = ,则a 的取值范围为_____ 3.原命题P 为“若3x ≠且4x ≠,则27120x x -+≠”,则P 的逆否命题为_________ 4.已知函数()()() 200x x f x x x ?>?=?-≤??,则()()2f f -的值为____________ 5.若1x >,则11 x x +-的最小值是_________________ 6.若函数()[]()3,,11f x x b x a a =+∈<是奇函数,则a b +的值为____________ 7.不等式11x ≤的解集为_______________ 8.已知()(),f x g x 分别是定义在R 上的偶函数和奇函数,且()()321f x g x x x -=++,则()()11f g +=______________ 9.已知集合{}{} 21,A y y x B x y x ==+==,则A B = ______________ 10.已知函数()()2f x x g x x ==-,则和函数()()f x g x +=________ 11.已知命题P :“1a ≠或2b ≠”,Q :“3a b +≠”,则P 是Q 成立的____________ 12.定义:关于x 的不等式(),0x A B A R B -<∈>的解集称为A 的B 邻域。若3a b +-的a b +的邻域是()3,3-,则22a b +的最小值为______________ 二、选择题(每小题3分,共12分) 13.设a b m R ∈、、,则“ma mb =”是“a b =”的( ) A.充分非必要条件 B.必要非充分条件 C.充要条件 D.既非充分又非必要条件 14.下列四组函数中,表示同一个函数的是( ) A.()()2,f x x g x == B.()()f x g x C.()(),f x x g x = D.()()21,11 x f x g x x x -==-+


向明中学高一期中数学试卷 2020.06 一. 填空题 1. 求值:cos(arcsin0)= 2. 在等差数列{}n a 中,411a =-,68a =-,则8a = 3. 函数()tan()4 f x x π =- 的单调增区间是 4. 已知α是第四象限角,3 cos 5 α=,则tan2α= 5. 已知1 sin 3 α=,[0,2]απ∈,则α= (用反三角函数表示) 6. 函数()f x = 的定义域是 7. 函数2()sin cos 2f x x x =+-的值域是 8. 已知是等差数列{}n a ,n S 表示前n 项和,371115a a a ++=,则13S = 9. 化简 23cot( )cos()sin(2)2tan()sec()(1cos ) 2 π θθπθπ θπθθ-?-?-=+?-?- 10. 已知数列{}n a 的通项公式为12 n n mn m a -+=(* n ∈N ),若数列{}n a 是递减数列, 则实数m 的取值范围是 11. 已知数列{}n a ,n ∏表示前n 项之积,13a =,21a =,11n n n a a a +-=?(2n ≥), 则2011∏= 12. 已知等差数列{}n a 的公差(0,]d π∈,数列{}n b 满足sin()n n b a =,集合{|,n S x x b == *}n ∈N ,若12 a π = ,集合S 中恰好有两个元素,则d = 二. 选择题 13.“6 k π απ= +(k ∈Z )”是“1 cos22 α= ”的( ) A. 充分不必要条件 B. 必要不充分条件 C. 充分必要条件 D. 既不充分也不必要条件 14. 函数)4y x π =- 的图像可以由)4 y x π =+的图像( )个单位得到 A. 向左平移 2π B. 向右平移2π C. 向左平移4π D. 向右平移4 π


徐汇中学2018学年高一年级第二学期期中考试物理试卷 一、单项选择题 1.匀速圆周运动是一种( ) A. 匀速运动 B. 匀加速运动 C. 匀加速曲线运动 D. 变加速曲线运动 【答案】D 匀速圆周运动加速度始终指向圆心,方向时刻在变化,加速度是变化的,是变加速曲线运动,故D 正确,ABC 错误。 2.由于地球自转,地球表面上的物体都随地球一起作匀速圆周运动,将地球视为球体,如图所示, a 、b 两处物体运动的( ) A. 线速度相同 B. 角速度相同 C. 线速度不同,且v a >v b D. 角速度不同,且ωa <ωb 【答案】B a 、 b 两处物体随地球自转一起作匀速圆周运动,则a b ωω=,又因为两者转动的半径a b r r <,据v r ω=可得:a b v v <。 故B 项正确。 点睛:同轴传动:被动轮和主动轮的中心在同一根转轴上,主动轮转动使轴转动进而带动从动轮转动,两轮等转速及角速度。皮带传动:两转轮在同一平面上,皮带绷紧与两轮相切,主动轮转动使皮带动进而使从动轮转动,两轮边缘线速度相等。

3.匀速圆周运动中,线速度v 、角速度ω、周期T 、半径R 之间的关系,正确的是( ) A. ω=vR B. ω=2πT C. v =ωR D. 1T ω= 【答案】C 【详解】根据角速度定义: 2t T θπ ω== 线速度定义: 2s R v t T π== 可知: v R ω= v R ω= 2T π ω= A .ω=vR ,与分析不符,故A 错误; B .ω=2πT ,与分析不符,故B 错误; C .v =ωR ,与分析相符,故C 正确; D .1 T ω=,与分析不符,故D 错误。 4.如图所示,弹簧振子在B 、C 两点间做无摩擦的往复运动,O 是振子的平衡位置.则振子( ) A. 从B 向O 运动过程中速度一直变小 B. 从O 向C 运动过程中速度一直变小 C. 从B 经过O 向C 运动过程中速度一直变小 D. 从C 经过O 向B 运动过程中速度一直变小 【答案】B


上海中学高一语文期中考试题 (该试卷已被收入华东师范大学出版社出版的<<名校名卷>>) 一、基础知识(20分) 1.下列词语没有错别字的一组是( B ) A.琢磨肇事者自负赢亏隐约其辞 B.融洽必需品徇私舞弊三令五申 C.馈赠圆舞曲忠贞不渝申张正义 D.敲诈座右铭记忆犹新阴谋鬼计 2.下列词语中加点的字注音全对的一项是( D ) A. 省.(xing3)悟麻痹.(b4i) 没.(mei2)齿不忘 B.蜕.(tui4)化纤.(qjan1)维莘莘 ..(xin1)宰学子 C.憧.(chong1)憬窠臼.(jiou4)长吁.(xu1)短叹 D.隽.(juan4)永吭.(keng1)声顿开茅塞.(se4)3.下列短语都属于同类的一项是( C ) A.北京烤鸭古城西安上海申花麻辣豆腐 B.关心集体用心读书宣传群众欢呼胜利 C.文史哲老中青工农兵读写说 D.写清楚跑得快喝饮料睡安稳 4.下列标点使用无误的一项是( A ) A.诗比别类文学较谨严,较纯粹,较精微。 B.荔枝的肉大多数白色半透明,说它“莹白如冰雪,”完全正确。 C.树的动,显出小屋的静,树的高大,显出小屋的小巧。 D.有的石头像莲花瓣;有的像大象;有的像老人;有的像卧虎。 5.下列各项中,对带点词词类判断正确的一项是( D ) A.这种景致,使.我们感得一种壮美的趣味。(介词) B.小路一旁的几段空隙,像是特为.月光留下的。(动词) C.树色一例 ..是阴阳的。(名词) D.要知在艰难的国运中建造国家,亦.是人生最有趣味的事……(副词)6.对下列句中划线部分所属句子成份的判别有误的一项是( B ) A我们不妨借此把炼字的道理研究一番。(补语) B.花丛中,两棵高大的古树,树叶繁茂。(谓语) C.他研究这两种语法的强弱不同。(宾语) D.在文字上推敲,骨子里实在是在思想感情上推敲。(主语)7对下列复句的关系判别正确的一项是( B ) A比较,既可以从词的意义入手,也可以从词的用法和语体风格入手。(因


上海中学2018学年第一学期期中考试 物理试题 高一班 学号 姓名 成绩 (试题中未加说明处,重力加速度取210m/s g =) 一、单项选择题(每题3分,共15分) 1.用网球拍打击飞过来的网球,这过程中( ) A .球先对拍有冲击力,之后拍对球产生作用力 B .球对拍的冲击力和拍对球的作用力同时产生 C .拍对球的作用力大于球撞击球拍的力 D .拍对球的作用力小于球撞击球拍的力 2.关于位移和路程以下说法正确的是( ) A .质点位移的大小就是路程 B .位移的大小和方向与参照系的选择无关 C .质点做单向直线运动时,位移大小等于路程 D .一段时间的初末时刻比较,若质点位移等于零,就表明物体始终处于静止状态 3.一个物体在地面上某一高处以大小为0v 的速度竖直向上抛出,落地时的速度大小为v ,若空气阻力不计,则( ) A .它运动最高点离地面的高度为() 220/2v v g + B .它运动最高点离地面的高度为() 220/2v v g - C .它抛出时距离地面的高度为() 22 0/2v v g + D .它抛出时距离地面的高度为() 220/2v v g - 4.一质点沿直线作加速度逐渐减小的加速运动,它初速度为5m/s ,经过10s ,速度达到10m/s 。则这段时间内质点的位移S 的大小为( ) A .50m S < B .100m S > C .75m 100m S << D .50m 75m S << 5.雨滴由静止开始自由下落时,落地时的速度为v ,所用的时间为t 。若同样的雨滴下落时遇到水平方向吹来的风(不计空气阻力),下列说法中正确的是( ) A .它下落时间大于t B .风速越大,它下落的时间越长


虹口高级中学2018 学年第一学期 高一年级英语学科期中考试 Grammar and Vocabulary (17 分) Section A Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. As a student, I get so many assignments every day. I (17) _______ _______ stay up late in order to finish all my homework. I used to complain about all this pressure (18) _______school with my classmates. We did not appreciate our teachers for their hard work. We only knew that we got a lot of homework. After a few months, we did not complain about homework anymore (19) _______we knew that our teachers worked (20) _______ (hard) than we did. We had no right (21) _______ (complain). Sometimes, we said, “I didn’t go to bed until 2:00 o’clock last night. Now I just want to sleep.” Our teacher would answer us, “I go to bed at 1:00 a.m. every day.” Since we knew how hard teachers work, we started to appreciate them. To give our thanks, we wrote a big card to the teachers when it was teachers’ day. When they got our card, they (22) _______ (touch) because their students finally knew the teachers’ effort. After giving the card, I realized (23)________ powerful the sentence “thank you” is. When we give our thanks to somebody, the world is full of love. I say “thank you” to my friend, classmates, teachers, and even strangers. I like to see the smiles on their faces, so (24) ________ (say) “thank you” every day is the way I make the world a better place. Section B Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.


上海中学2017-2018学年上学期高一期中数学卷 一、填空题 1.设集合{}0,2,4,6,8,10A =,{}4,8B =,则A C B =___________ 2.已知集合{}2A x x =<,{}1,0,1,2,3B =-,则A B =___________ 3“若1x =且1y =,则2x y +=”的逆否命题是____________ 4.若22 1 1()f x x x x +=+,则(3)f =___________ 5.不等式9x x >的解是___________ 6.若不等式2(1)0ax a x a +++<对一切x R ∈恒成立,则a 的取值范围是___________ 7.不等式2(3)30x --<的解是____________ 8.已知集合{}68A x x =-≤≤,{}B x x m =≤,若A B B ≠且A B ≠?,则m 的取值范围是_____________ 9.不等式1 ()()25a x y x y ++≥对任意正实数,x y 恒成立,则正实数a 的最小值为_________ 10.设0,0a b >>,且45ab a b =++,则ab 的最小值为____________ 11.已知二次函数22()42(2)21f x x p x p p =----+,若在区间[1,1]-内至少存在一个实数c ,使()0f c >,则实数p 的取值范围是_____________ 12.已知0a >,0b >,2a b +=,则22 21 a b a b +++的最小值为___________ 二、选择题 13..不等式x x x <的解集是( ) (A ){}01x x << (B ){}11x x -<< (C ){}011x x x <<<-或 (D ){} 101x x x -<<>或


上海市金山中学2020-2021学年高一上学期期中考试化学试 题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单选题 1.19世纪初,某科学家提出了原子学说,他认为物质由原子组成,原子不能被创造,也不能被毁灭,在化学反应中不能再分,这个科学家是 ( ) A.汤姆生B.道尔顿C.卢瑟福D.波尔Mg中24的描述,正确的是 2.对24 12 A.镁元素的近似相对原子质量是24 Mg原子的相对原子质量是24 B.24 12 Mg原子的近似相对原子质量是24 C.24 12 D.镁元素的相对原子质量是24 3.对于不同元素的原子,下列说法正确的是 A.质子数一定不等B.中子数一定不等 C.核外电子数一定相等D.质量数一定不等 4.下列各组微粒中,核外电子排布相同的是 A.F-、C1-、Na+B.Na+、Mg 2+、A13+ C.S2-、C1-、Na+D.O2-、S2-、C1- 5.下列表达式不正确的是 A.O2―的电子式:B.S2―的结构示意图 C.Mg2+的电子式:Mg2+D.钙原子的电子式: 6.微粒A和B具有相同的质子数,而电子总数不同,则关于微粒A和B的下列说法中,正确的是 A.是同种元素的两种不同原子B.如果A带有电荷,B也一定带有电荷C.A、B可能是两种不同分子D.如果A是中性微粒,则B一定带有电荷 7.将13.5gCuCl2样品(混有一种杂质)与足量的AgNO3溶液反应,得到28g沉淀,则混有的杂质可能是

A .NaCl B .CaCl 2 C .BaCl 2 D .AlCl 3 8.为了除去粗盐中的2+2+24Ca Mg SO 、、及泥沙,可将粗盐溶于水,然后进行下列五 项操作,正确的操作顺序是( ) ①过滤②加过量的NaOH 溶液③加适量的HCl ④加过量的Na 2CO 3溶液⑤加过量的BaCl 2溶液 A .①④②⑤③ B .④①②⑤③ C .⑤②④③① D .②⑤④①③ 9.第四层为最外层时,该电子层最多容纳的电子数目是 A .2个 B .8个 C .18个 D .32个 10.下列微粒中,是阳离子的是 A .A B .B C .C D .D 11.在标准状况下,下列气体含有的分子数最多的是( ) A .36.5g HCl B .22.4 L O 2 C .4g H 2 D .0.5mol SO 2 12.铜有两种天然同位素63Cu 和65Cu ,铜元素的近似相对原子质量为63.5,则63Cu 原子所占的质量百分比是 A .74.4% B .75% C .25% D .20% 13.设N A 表示阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列说法正确的是 A .N A 个氧气分子与N A 个氖气分子的质量比是4∶5 B .17gOH -与19gH 3O +所含电子数不相等 C .14g 14C 和12g 12C 所含的中子数相等 D .标准状况下,11.2LCO 2与常温常压下8.5gNH 3所含分子数相等 14.把质量分数为14%的KOH 溶液蒸发掉100克水后变为80毫升质量分数为28%的KOH 溶液,则此溶液的物质的量浓度为 A .6.00mol /L B .6.25mol /L C .3.50mol /L D .7.00mol /L


上海中学2017-2018学年高一上学期期中考试数学试卷 一、填空题 1.设集合A ={0,2,4,6,8,10},B ={4,8},则?A B =________. 2.已知集合A ={x||x|<2},B ={?1,0,1,2,3},则A ∩B =________. 3.“若x =1且y =1,则x +y =2”的逆否命题是________________. 4.若f (x + x 1)=x 2+21x ,则f (3)=________. 5.不等式x >x 9的解是________. 6.若不等式ax 2+(a +1)x +a <0对一切x ∈R 恒成立,则a 的取值范围是________. 7.不等式(x ?3)2 ?22)3(-x ?3<0的解是________. 8.已知集合A ={x|?6≤x ≤8},B ={x|x ≤m},若A ∪B ≠B 且A ∩B ≠?,则m 的取值范围是________. 9.不等式(x +y )(x 1+y a )≥25对任意正实数x ,y 恒成立,则正实数a 的最小值为________. 10.设a >0, b >0,且ab =a +4b +5,则ab 的最小值为________. 11.对于二次函数f (x )=4x 2?2(p ?2)x ?2p 2 ?p +1,若在区间[?1,1]内至少存在一个数c 使得f (c )>0,则实数p 的取值范围是________. 12.已知a ,b 为正实数,且a +b =2,则a a 22++1 2 +b b 的最小值为_________. 二、选择题 13.不等x|x|<x 的解集是( ) A 、{x|0<x <1} B 、{x|?1<x <1} C 、{x|0<x <1}或{x|x <?1}, D 、{x|?1<x <0,x >1} 14.若A ?B ,A ?C ,B ={0,1,2,3,4,5,6},C ={0,2,4,6,8,10},则这样的A 的个数为( ) A 、4 B 、15 C 、16 D 、32 15.不等式ax 2+bx +1>0的解集是(? 21,31),则a ?b =( ) A 、?7 B 、7 C 、?5 D 、5 16.已知函数f (x )=x 2+bx ,则“b <0”是“f (f (x ))的最小值与f (x )的最小值相 等”的( ) A 、充分不必要条件 B 、必要不充分条件 C 、充分必要条件


高一(上)期中数学试卷 一、选择题(本大题共4小题,共12.0分) 1. 下列命题中正确的有( ) ①很小的实数可以构成集合; ②集合{y|y =x 2?1}与集合{(x,y)|y =x 2?1}是同一个集合; ③集合{(x,y)|xy ≤0,x ,y ∈R}是指第二和第四象限内的点集; A. 0个 B. 1个 C. 2个 D. 3个 2. 设x >0,y >0,下列不等式中等号能成立的有( ) ①(x +1 x )(y +1 y )≥4;②(x +y)(1 x +1 y )≥4;2√x 2+5 ≥4;④x +y √xy ≥4; A. 1个 B. 2个 C. 3个 D. 4个 3. 集合A ={x|{ x(x +2)>0 |x|<1 },集合B ={x|x+1|x?3|>0},则x ∈A 是x ∈B 的( ) A. 充分不必要条件 B. 必要不充分条件 C. 充分必要条件 D. 既不充分也不必要条件 4. 使关于x 的不等式x 2?3(t ?1)x +2t(t ?3)≥0恒成立的实数t( ) A. 不存在 B. 有且仅有一个 C. 有不止一个的有限个 D. 无穷多个 二、填空题(本大题共10小题,共30.0分) 5. 已知集合U ={?1,0,2,3},A ={0,3},则?U A =______. 6. 若关于x 的不等式|x +a|


上海中学2016学年第一学期期末考试数学试卷 2017.1 一. 填空题 1. 函数2 ()lg(31)f x x =+的定义域为 2. 函数2()f x x =(1x ≥)的反函数为1()f x -= 3. 若幂函数()f x 的图像经过点1(27,)9 ,则该函数解析式为()f x = 4. 若对任意不等于1的正数a ,函数2 ()3x f x a +=-的图像都过点P ,则点P 的坐标是 5. 已知2()f x ax bx =+是定义在[3,2]a a -上的偶函数,那么a = ,b = 6. 方程224log (1)log (1)5x x +++=的解为 8. 已知()f x 是定义在R 上的奇函数,当0x <时,2()f x x x =+,则函数()f x 的解析式 为()f x = 9. 函数2 |65| 0.3x x y -+=的单调增区间为 10. 设函数()y f x =存在反函数1()f x -,若满足1 ()()f x f x -=恒成立,则称()f x 为“自 反函数”,如函数()f x x =,()g x b x =-,()k h x x = (0k ≠)等都是“自反函数”,试写 出一个不同于上述例子的“自反函数”y = 二. 选择题

13. 已知3()1f x ax bx =++(0ab ≠),若(2017)f k =,则(2017)f -=( ) A. k B. k - C. 1k - D. 2k - 14. 定义在R 上的函数()y f x =在区间(,2)-∞上是增函数,且函数(2)y f x =+的图像关 于直线1x =对称,则( ) A. (1)(5)f f < B. (1)(5)f f > C. (1)(5)f f = D. (0)(5)f f = 15. 汽车的“燃油效率”是指汽车每消耗1升汽油行使的里程,下图描述了甲、乙、丙三辆 汽车在不同速度下得燃油效率情况,下列叙述中正确的是( ) A. 消耗1升汽油,乙车最多可行使5千米 B. 以相同速度行使相同路程,三辆车中,甲车消耗汽油最多 C. 甲车以80千米/小时的速度行使1小时,消耗10升汽油 D. 某城市机动车最高限速80千米/小时,相同条件下,在该市用丙车比用乙车更省油 A. [3,3)- B. (3,3]- C. (,3)-∞ D. (3,)-+∞ 三. 解答题 17. 在平面直角坐标系中,作出下列函数的图像; (1)13 y x = ; (2)|| 1()12 x y =-; 18. 已知集合22 6{|310330,}x x D x x R +=-?+≤∈,求函数2 ()log 2 x f x =? (x D ∈)的值域;


【全国百强校】上海市上海中学2018-2019学年高 一上学期期中考试数学试题 学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________ 一、单选题 1. 已知集合,则中元素的个数为 () A.9 B.8 C.5 D.4 2. 若,则“”是“”的() A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件 C.充分必要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件 3. 设,,且,则() A.B. C.D.以上都不能恒成立 4. 对二次函数(为非零整数),四位同学分别给出下列结论,其中有且仅有一个结 论是错误的,则错误的结论是() A.是的零点B.1是的极值点 C.3是的极值D.点在曲线上 二、填空题 5. 已知集合,用列举法表示集合______. 6. 设集合,集合,则______.

7. 能说明“若a﹥b,则”为假命题的一组a,b的值依次为_________. 8. 集合,,若,则a的取值范围是 ______. 9. 命题若,则都为零的逆否命题是_______. 10. 设,是方程的两个实根,则“且”是“, 均大于1”的___条件. 11. 某班有50名学生报名参加A、B两项比赛,参加A项的有30人,参加B项的有33人,且A、B都不参加的同学比A、B都参加的同学的三分之一多一人,则只参加A项,没有参加B项的学生有__人 12. 已知不等式的解集是,则不等式 的解集是_________. 13. 已知正数x、y、z满足,则的最小值为______. 14. 如关于x的不等式对任意恒成立,则a的取值范围为___. 15. 已知函数,.若方程恰有4个互异的实数根,则实数的取值范围为__________. 16. 定义表示,,,中的最小值, 表示,,,中的最大值则对任意的,, 的值为______.
