

Economics 2: The World



Introduction----------------------------------------------------------------3 Section 1: International Trade

Three gains from trading internationally---------------------------------------3 Free Trade--------------------------------------------------------------------------3 Absolute and Comparative Advantage-----------------------------------------3 Protectionism----------------------------------------------------------------------4 Barriers to trade-------------------------------------------------------------------4 WTO and EU----------------------------------------------------------------------5 Section 2: International Finance

Balance of Payments and General trends in UK Trade----------------------6 Relationship between the exchange rate and the balance of payments—14 Single Currency------------------------------------------------------------------15 Effects on individuals and business of the Euro-----------------------------15 Section 3: Less Developed Countries (LDCs)

Characteristics of a LDC--------------------------------------------------------16 Current issues that face LDCs--------------------------------------------------16 The impacts of multinationals on LDCs and NICs--------------------------16 Conclusion-----------------------------------------------------------------16 References------------------------------------------------------------------17


As a member of the government of nation on the periphery of Europe, it is my obligation to illustrate the benefits of joining the EU to the Premier. In this report, I will analyze 15elements in next three parts to make a clear explanation of benefits of joining the EU.

Section 1: International Trade

Three gains from trading internationally:

To begin with, the international trade could increase world out-put. The tendency of globalization brings the firms more opportunities to gain the labor, resources, contracts and new technology. The supply and demand will be improved with the improvement of company’s productivity.

Once the supply has been improved, the goods and services were produced at lower cost and there are more and more competitions, the price of the product might fall which means consumers could get more choices and cheaper goods.

In addition, the most important gaining of international trade is it can generate economic growth. Free trade could increase sales, profit margins, and market shares and the both demand and supply level has updated. Meanwhile, the producer needs more resources, labor and capital to produce more to satisfy the global market. It direct result in improving the material market, finance market, and may decline the unemployment rate.

Free trade

Free trade is a concept that there is no barrier to goods and services exchanged between countries. Since different countries have different terrain, weather, resources and technology, the international trade would bring the goods which are more valuable than the local people produce it by themselves.

A good example for free trade is in Nov.18, 2004, Chinese President and Chilean President declared the start of the FTA negotiations. According to the agreement, the

two countries would start tariff reduction of goods trade from July 1, 2006. Tariff of products accounting for 97% of the total of the two countries would be zero in ten years. China and Chile would carry out free trade in education, science & technology, environment protection, labor, social security, IPR, investment and promotion, mineral and industry. This agreement has promoted the free trade between China and Chile successfully.

Absolute and comparative advantage

Absolute advantage refers to the ability of a particular person or a country to produce a particular good with fewer resources than another person or country. Absolute advantage is said to occur when one country can produce a good or service to pre-determined quality more cheaply than anther country. It stands contrasted with the concept of comparative advantage which refers to the ability to produce a particular good at a lower opportunity cost. Opportunity cost is defined as the cost of choosing a good or service measured in terms of the next best alternative given up. A country has a comparative advantage in producing a good if the opportunity cost of producing that good in term of other goods is lower in that country than it is in other countries. Example: Korea and Japan have following production possibilities for two commodities, mobile phones and computers; assume that all the resources owned by each country are same.

It is clear that Japan has an Absolute advantage over Korea in both commodities. But the advantage it has is much greater for mobiles. Using the same resources as Korea it can make twice as many mobile phones.

For Japan the ‘cost’ of 1 Mobile phone is 10 bales of Computers, i.e. 20000/2000

For Korea it is 15, i.e. 15000/1000

But if we look at the case of computers we will find that here for Japan the cost of a

bale of computers is one-tenth of a Mobile phone while for Korea it is one fifteenth. In terms of the output of Mobile phone foregone (opportunity cost), computer is cheaper in Korea than Japan. Korea has a Comparative advantage in computer while Japan has comparative advantage in mobile phone.


Protectionism is the economic policy of restraining trade between nations, through methods such as high tariffs on imported goods, restrictive quotas, a variety of restrictive government regulations designed to discourage imports and anti-dumping laws in an attempt to protect domestic industries in a particular nation from foreign take-over or competition.

Here are two examples of protectionism:

1: Britain imports bananas from its ex-colonies in South America while USA owns huge banana plantations in South America. In 1999 Britain refused to import bananas from South America, so the US government slapped tariffs on some British-made goods. The most serious one was a punitive tariff of 100% on Scottish wool products in order to limit the import from Britain.

2: Another example of protectionism is in January, 2009, American government settled a policy that only the American steel can be used in America. The American government tended to use this policy to reduce the loss in financial crisis and it helps the steel workers to keep their jobs. In this example, protectionism protects the domestic lower-skilled labor and domestic industries.

Barriers to trade

To protect a country’s own industries, the country which in adverse side need to find some ways to be barriers to limit the import products, usually, the two methods are—tariff and non tariffs.

Tariff is taxes or customs duties placed on foreign products to artificially raise their prices and this hopefully, suppresses domestic demand for them. This tax may be ad value, that is, a percentage of the price of the goods or specific, that is, a tax per unit of weight or physical quantity.

For example, in January 12, 2009 the Russian government raised the expropriation tariff (up to 30 percent) for the cars import in the next nine months. The import car’s price will be increased to be WP (price for the whole world) adds the tariff, since the price is increasing, the sales of the import cars must fall down. The customers might choose the Russian car instead of import cars since it is cheaper.

Non-tariff barriers traditionally have been actions such Quotas, embargoes, exchange control and import deposits. Probably the best known of these is the quota. This is a physical limitation on the quantity of import. Quota is a physical limitation on the quantity of imports which had been acknowledged by local laws. Usually the importers need to apply to pay for a license to sell goods.

For instance, Russia uses another method to limit foreign car import since 2008—to limit the quantity of import; only a few companies which have the import license could import cars and have a selling upper limit. Russia uses these methods to restrict the import quantity, and during the government limited foreign goods import, it can promote the domestic industries.

WTO and EU

In 1948, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was established by the developed countries. In 1 Jan 1995, the GATT was supplanted by a new institution, the World Trade Organization (WTO) and aims to improve trade and investment flows around the world. It is an international body seeking to promote free trade by opening markets through the elimination of import tariffs. The organization administers trade agreements, monitors international trade policy and acts as a forum for trade negotiations. The four main goals of WTO are: freeing global trade through universally lowered tariffs, imposing the same rules on all members in order to homogenize the trade process, spurring competition through lowered subsidies, and ensuring the same trade concessions for all member nations. The WTO also provides technical assistance and training for developing countries. WTO aims for equal representation among members by granting each member country "most-favored nation" status; when a member country bestows a trade privilege on another nation,

the privilege must be extended to all other member countries. Another tenet is "national treatment," which behooves countries to treat foreign imports equally with those produced domestically.

The best example for joining the WTO is the join of China in 2007, after that, China achieves lots of benefits from the decrease of tariff, limitations and the simplification of trading procedures.

EU stands for European Union and is an economic union, which aims to abolish tariffs and quotas among members, common tariff and quota system, restrictions on factor movements and harmonization and unification of economic policies and institutions. It draws out regulations, monitors member states, solves disputes and problems among member states and negotiates with other countries or international organizations on the behalf of EU members. The European Union aims to promote and smooth free trade among internal European Union and initiatives for simplifying national and community rules include simpler legislation for the internal market (SLIM) and European Business Test Panel. For example, in Oct 16, 2009, EU and Korean government signed a free trade agreement of 100 billion US dollars after two years’ negotiation and EU will cancel the tariffs on imports of textile and cars from Korea in the next three years. This will promote the free trade of EU and have positive impact on the economy.

Section 2: International Finance

Balance of Payments and General trends in UK Trade

Balance of payment is the name given to the record of transactions between the residents of the country and the rest of the world over a period of time. It is a key economic statistics and UK’s Balance of Payments is comprises by the current account, the capital account, the financial account which deals with flow of direct portfolio and investments and reserve assets and the International Investment Position which shows the Stock of External Financial Assets and Liabilities. The chart below

shows the composition if Balance of Payments in 2008:

a) The current account can be divided into four categories: trade in goods, trade in service, income and current transfers. Positive net income from abroad corresponds to a current account surplus; negative net income from abroad corresponds to a current account deficit.

Here are the trade figures of recent years:

Here are the Current Account Balance Chart and the Chart of trade in Goods and services of UK in last 20 years.

The current balance has usually been in deficit over the last 30 years.The UK has recorded a current account deficit in every year since 1984. Prior to 1984, the current account recorded a surplus in 1980 to 1983. From 1984 to 1989, the current account deficit increased steadily to reach a high of 25.5 billion pounds in 1989, equivalent to -4.9 per cent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). From 1990 until 1997, the current account deficit declined to a low of 1.0 billion pounds in 1997. Between 1998 and 2006, the current account deficit widened sharply, peaking at 43.8 billion pounds in 2006. This was the highest recorded in cash terms but only equated to -3.3 per cent of

GDP. In the past two years, there has been a reduction in the current account deficit –in 2008 it currently stands at 25.1 billion, equivalent to -1.7 per cent of GDP.

It is obvious that UK had a large deficit in trade of goods in the last 30 years and the deficit becomes lager and increases greatly from 1998 to 2008 while the surplus of trade in service grows smoothly but not as markedly as the goods deficit. The trade in goods account recorded net surpluses in the years 1980 to 1982, largely as a result of growth in exports of North Sea oil. Since then however, the trade in goods account has remained in deficit. The deficit grew significantly in the late 1980s to reach a peak of 24.7 billion in 1989, before narrowing in the 1990s to levels of around 10 billion to 14 billion. In 1998 the deficit jumped by over 9 billion, and it has continued to rise since, reaching a cash record of 92.9 billion in 2008.

There are two different of Income—Direct Investment Income and Portfolio Investment Income. The Direct Investment Income means the profits earned by UK companies from overseas branches and associated company. And the Portfolio

Investment Income is the interest on bonds and dividends, held abroad by UK companies and residents.

Here are charts of income over the 10 years:

The income section has shown positive growth from 2006 to 2008 and is very much in surplus recently.

As for the current transfer, it also has two different parts:

The taxes, payments and receipts to the EU, Social Security Payments abroad, and military expenditure abroad is the Central Government Transfer. And for Other Sector Transfers, it includes receipts from the EU Social Fund, taxes on income and wealth paid by UK workers and businesses to foreign governments, insurance premiums and claims.

There is the Chart of Current transfer in last 10 years

The transfers account has shown a deficit in every year since 1960. The deficit increased steadily to reach 4.8 billion in 1990. In 1991, the deficit reduced to 1.0 billion, reflecting 2.1 billion receipts from other countries towards the UK’s cost of the first Gulf conflict. The deficit has since increased, to reach a record 13.6 billion in 2008.

b) Compared with Current Accounts, the composition of the Capital and Financial Account is more complicate.

Capital Account has two categories:

Capital transfer: It is investment grants by the government and debts which the government has agreed with the creditor do not need to be met.

Acquisition and disposal of non produced/nonfinancial assets: Purchase or sales of property by foreign embassy or patents, copyrights, trademarks, franchises and leases.

The capital account has shown strong steady surplus growth especially from the year of 2006 to 2008.

The financial account has four categories and here are the charts of the four categories over the last ten years:

According to these graphs, investment increased dramatically from the mid-1990s, reflecting the increased globalization of the world economy. Between 2000 and 2007, other investment dominated cross-border investment, primarily banking activity. In 2008 however, other investment, has recorded net disinvestment as the global financial crisis deepened leading to a reduction in loans internationally and a repatriation of deposits. In recent years, including the latest, the UK has needed to borrow from abroad to finance a continuing current account deficit, which has resulted in inward investment (UK liabilities) exceeding outward investment (UK


c) The international investment position is the balance sheet of the stock of external assets and liabilities. Between 1966 and 1994 the UK’s assets tended to exceed its liabilities, by up to a record 86.4 billion pounds in 1986. But from 1995 to 2007, the UK recorded a net liability position in every year, reaching a record 352.6 billion pounds in 2006. In 2008, the UK returned to a net asset position of 92.9 billion pounds mainly due to exchange rate effects.

The chart below indicates UK’s international investment position:

Relationship between the exchange rate and the balance of payments

The exchange rate is the price of a currency in terms of other currencies. Its effect on balance of payments will depend upon its relationship with other currencies and how its value will change. As the currency weakens (devalues) the exports will become cheaper abroad but the country has to pay more for imports but the goods and services would become internationally cheaper and lead to more goods a services being purchased. If demand remains the same then the value of goods and services to the

country will reduce and the current account balance may deteriorate. If the exchange rate rises then the country’s goods and services might suffer and demand fr om abroad could fall. If the demand remains the same however then the value of exports will rise and the current account balance should improve.

For instance, when the UK market needs to import American goods (such as corns) the exchange market in UK would be the demand of U.S dollars is larger than the supply of UK pounds. If the American markets needs import more British goods, they need to exchange more pounds in the currency market, so the both of demand of US Dollar and supply of UK Pounds is increasing, meanwhile, the exchange rate of £/$is increasing. UK pound is more valuable means the goods of UK are usually more expensive and American people need to spend more US dollars compared to the same amount of pounds. That is why the currency exchange rate is so important for the balance of payments. For example, if the exchange rate of £/$is increasing, the American business man might not choose UK goods, because of the high price.

Single Currency

European single currency Euro came to exist since 1999. There are 12 member states of EU who use Euro while UK is still not one of the members since there are both advantages and disadvantages to join it.


At firstly, the single currency reduces the exchange rate uncertainty because people don't have to convert money from one currency to another when purchase goods. Meanwhile, using the single currency will increase foreign investment such as direct inward investment since the reduction of uncertainty. Then it may produce a great transparency. Whether people buy or sell goods, consumers can compare price in a single currency. It will help to decrease the scope for price discriminations and create pressure to lower the price. Moreover, it could maintain interest rate lower and the commitment to low inflation should allow economies to operate with lower cost.


A country may lose the independent monetary policy if it joins the single currency. The single currency forces a country to forgo an independent monetary policy. After the single currency has been used, the country's monetary policy will determined by the supranational central bank and not by the domestic central bank. This is why the theory of optimal currency areas emphasizes the importance of flexible prices, labor mobility and fiscal transfers. Flexible prices and labor mobility become more important when a currency union exists; governments have an incentive to make markets work more efficiently.

Besides, there are also political costs to the country. If the government loses control over monetary policy to the supranational central bank, politicians are limited to using fiscal policy to influence economy.

Effects on individuals and business of the Euro

As for the individuals,they can get lower prices and higher quality goods and services when they have more choices due to increased competition among companies through the Euro zones; they can measure the good price through Europe and choose the best one. In addition, single currency reduces the transaction costs of traveling in Europe. Individuals could travel more frequently than past since it is more convenient and cheaper. People do not need to concern the exchange rate and commission fee when visiting the other countries in Europe.

As for the business, people could avoid the exchange rate risk and traders do not need to waste time and cost on purchasing foreign currencies. Moreover, the business market could be expanded there are more opportunities.

Section 3: Less Developed Countries (LDCs) Characteristics of a LDC

Less Devel oped Countries (LDCs) mainly exist in Asia and Africa. Most LDCs’ subsistence is agriculture. The land of LDCs is very ineffectively used and is very low


The World As I See It - Albert Einstein - How strange is the lot of us mortals! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose be knows not, though he sometimes thinks he senses it. But without deeper reflection one knows from daily life that one exists for other people-first of all for those upon whose smiles and well-being our own happiness is wholly dependent, and then for the many, unknown to us, to whose destinies we are bound by the ties of sympathy. A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men,living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving. I am strongly drawn to a frugal life and am often oppressively aware that I am engrossing an undue amount of the labor of my fellow-men. I regard class distinctions as unjustified and, in the last resort, based on force. I also believe that a simple and unassuming life is good for everybody, physically and mentally. I do not at all believe in human freedom in the philosophical sense. Everybody acts not only under external compulsion but also in accordance with inner necessity. Schopenhauer‘s saying, "A man can do what he wants,but not want what he wants," has been a very real inspiration to me since my youth; it has been a continual consolation in the face of life‘s hardships, my own and others‘, and an unfailing well-spring of tolerance. This realization mercifully mitigates the easily paralyzing sense of responsibility and prevents us from taking ourselves and other people all too seriously; it is conducive to a view of life which, in particular, gives humor its due. To inquire after the meaning or object of one‘s own existence or that of all creatures has always seemed to me absurd from an objective point of view. And yet everybody has certain ideals which determine the direction of his endeavors and his judgments. In this sense I have never looked upon ease and happiness as ends in themselves-this ethical basis I call the ideal of a pigsty. The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been Kindness, Beauty, and Truth. Without the sense of kinship with men of like mind, without the occupation with the objective world,the eternally unattainable in the field of art and scientific endeavors, life would have seemed


2012-2013学年闵行区初三语文一模卷 一、文言文(42分) (一)默写(18分) 1.了却君王天下事,。(辛弃疾《破阵子·为陈同甫赋壮词以寄之》) 2.向来枉费推移力,。(朱熹《观书有感》) 3. ,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马。(马致远《天净沙·秋思》) 4.草枯鹰眼疾,。(王维《观猎》) 5. ,出则无敌国外患者,国恒亡。(孟子《生于忧患,死于安乐》) 6. ,佳木秀而繁阴……(欧阳修《醉翁亭记》) (二)阅读下面词,7-8题(4分) 诉衷情 当年万里觅封侯,匹马戍梁州。关河梦断何处,尘暗旧貂裘。 胡未灭,鬓先秋,泪空流。此生谁料,心在天山,身老沧洲。 7.上阕写了当年和现今两个场景,各表现了词人的、的心情。(2分) 8.下列理解不正确的一项是()(2分) A.“当年万里”是作者对往日军旅生活的回忆。 B.“泪空流”写出了对自己功名未成的不满与失望。 C.“心在天山”和“身老沧洲”构成强烈对比。 D.这首词悲壮处见沉郁,愤懑却不悲沉,感人至深。 (三)阅读下列文章,回答9-11题(8分) 予观夫巴陵胜状,在洞庭一湖。衔远山,吞长江,浩浩汤汤,横无际涯;朝晖夕阴,气象万千。此则岳阳楼之大观也,前人之述备矣。然则北通巫峡,南极潇湘,迁客骚人,多会于此,览物之情,得无异乎? 若夫霪雨霏霏,连月不开;阴风怒号,浊浪排空;日星隐曜,山岳潜形;商旅不行,樯倾楫摧;薄暮冥冥,虎啸猿啼。登斯楼也,则有去国怀乡,忧谗畏讥,满目萧然,感极而悲者矣。 至若春和景明,波澜不惊,上下天光,一碧万顷;沙鸥翔集,锦鳞游泳,岸芷汀兰,郁郁青青。而或长烟一空,皓月千里,浮光跃金,静影沉璧。渔歌互答,此乐何极!登斯楼也,则有心旷神怡,宠辱偕忘,把酒临风,其喜洋洋者矣。 嗟夫!予尝求古仁人之心,或异二者之为,何哉?不以物喜,不以己悲。居庙堂之高则忧其民,处江湖之远则忧其君。是进亦忧,退亦忧。然则何时而乐耶?其必曰:“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”乎。噫!微斯人,吾谁与归? 9.上文节选自课文《》,作者是(人名)。(2分) 10.用现代汉语翻译下列句子,注意加点字的含义。(3分) 予尝求古仁人之心,或异二者之.为


( 语文教案 ) 学校:_________________________ 年级:_________________________ 教师:_________________________ 教案设计 / 精品文档 / 文字可改 三年级语文:《春天的雨点》说 课稿(参考文本) Chinese is known as the "Mother of Encyclopedias", which is the best interpretation of it, so learning Chinese is very important.

三年级语文:《春天的雨点》说课稿(参考 文本) 一、教材分析 《春天的雨点》是义务教材第八册第四单元的一篇写人记叙文。文章记叙了乌汉娜老师为上课走神的学生达丽玛补课并护送她回家的事,赞扬了乌汉娜老师关心爱护这位学生的祟高的职业道德。全文按事情的发展顺序分两条思路写。一为达丽玛“走神”——“知错后悔”——“发誓”——“专心”。二为乌汉娜老师“发现”、“补课”——“放心”——“护送”。两者互为因果,相辅相成。文章对乌汉娜老师这个主要人物,主要是通过外在行为、语言、神态的描述,她的思想认识、心理活动没有提及。 再从整个单元来看,抓住重点词句,理解课文内容是单元的阅读训练重点。阅读教学以培养学生的独立阅读能力和良好的阅读习

惯为要义,阅读能力的核心是培养语感能力。语感能力的形成从根本上说,不是通过教师传授获得的,而是学生自己在一定的情境下,借助他人帮助,利用学习资源,通过意义建构的方式习得的。所以在课堂上为学生创设一定的情境,可以更好的唤起学生的情感体验,培养学生对语言文字的感悟能力。《春天的雨点》这篇课文是一篇充满浓浓师生情的课文。“情”是课文的灵魂,如何让学生通过语言文字去感悟这种师生情呢?我想,通过创设情境,领悟课文情感是一种方法。我对本课第二课时的教学做了如下的设想。 二、教学目标: 1、学会9个生字;读写“补课、竭力”等词语,理解“竭力、发誓”等词语的意思。 2、学会运用读书记号学习课文的方法。 3 、能根据课后作业第3题的提示,给课文分段。 4、懂得学习要专心致志,感受教师对学生的关心和爱护。 课时安排:2课时 第一课时:按课后习题要求一自学课文,做读书记号,学习部

四年级下册语文试题--课内阅读专项练习 人教部编版(含答案)

课内阅读专项练习 一、阅读课内片段完成练习。 天窗(节选) 夏天阵雨来了时,孩子们顶喜欢在雨里跑跳,仰着脸看闪电,然而大人们偏就不许“到屋里来啊!”随着木板窗的关闭,孩子们也就被关在地洞似的屋里了。这时候,小小的天窗是你唯一的慰藉。 从那小小的玻璃,你会看见雨脚在那里卜落卜落跳,你会看见带子似的闪电一瞥;你想象到这雨,这风,这雷,这电,怎样猛厉地扫荡了这世界,你想象它们的威力比你在露天真实感到的要大十倍百倍。小小的天窗会使你的想象锐利起来。 1.用“”画出孩子们看到了什么,用“”画出孩子们想象到了什么。 2.比较下面两个句子,哪句写得好?为什么? ①从那小小的玻璃,你会看见雨脚在那里卜落卜落跳,你会看见带子似的闪 电一瞥。 ②透过那小小的玻璃,你会看见雨点在那里跳,你会看见闪电从空中划过。 3.这风雨雷电会怎样猛厉地扫荡世界呢?描述一下你想象中的情景。 4.“这时候,小小的天窗是你唯一的慰藉。”你是怎么理解这句话的? 在你无奈、不快乐的时候,什么是你的慰藉?请你写一写。 二、阅读课内片段,完成练习。 猫(节选)

猫的性格实在有些古怪。 说它老实吧,它的确有时候很乖。它会找个暖和的地方,成天睡大觉,无忧无虑,什么事也不过问。可是,它决定要出去玩玩,就会出走一天一夜,任凭谁怎么呼唤,它也不肯回来。说它贪玩吧,的确是啊,要不怎么会一天一夜不回家呢?可是,它听到老鼠的一点儿响动,又是多么尽职。它屏息凝视,一连就是几个钟头,非把老鼠等出来不可! 它要是高兴,能比谁都温柔可亲:用身子蹭你的腿,把脖伸出来让你给它抓痒,或是在你写作的时候,跳上桌来,在稿纸上踩印几朵小梅花。它还会丰富多腔地叫唤,长短不同,粗细各异,变化多端。在不叫的时候,它还会咕噜咕噜地给自己解闷。这可都凭它的高兴。它若是不高兴啊,无论谁说多少好话,它也一声不出,连半朵小梅花也不肯印在稿纸上。 1.根据选文内容填一填,画一画 (1)《猫》的作者是。本册我们还学过他的《》。(2)请用“”画出选段的中心句。选文分别是从猫在时、时以及时和时的表现来体现它的古怪的。(3)“小梅花”指的是。作者这样写的好处是 2.读下面的句子,你体会到了什么?写下来。 它屏息凝视,一连就是几个钟头,非把老鼠等出来不可! 3.作者为什么能把猫写得栩栩如生?至少从两个角度写一写。 三、阅读课内片段,完成练习。 宝葫芦的秘密(节选) 不管张三也好,李四也好,一得到了这个宝葫芦,可就幸福极了,要什么有什么。张三想:“我要吃水蜜桃。”立刻就有一盘水蜜桃。李四希望有一条大花狗,


我也是义和团 ——在美国公共教育会议上的讲话 [美]马克·吐温 我想,要我到这里来讲话,并不是因为把我看作是一位教育专家。如果是那样,就会显得在你们方面缺少卓越的判断,并且仿佛是要提醒我别忘了我自己的弱点。 我坐在这里思忖着,终于想到了我所以被邀请到这里来,是有两个原因。一个原因是让我这个曾在大洋之上飘流的不幸的旅客懂得一点你们这个团体的性质与规模,让我懂得,世界上除了我以外,还有别的一些人正在做有益于社会的事,从而对我有所启迪。另一个原因是你们之所以邀请我,是为了通过对照来告诉我,教育如果得法,会有多大的成效。 尊敬的主席先生刚才说,曾在巴黎博览会上获得赞扬的有关学校的图片已经送往俄国,俄国政府对此深表感谢——这对我来说,倒是非常诧异的事。因为还只是在一个钟点以前,我在报上读到一段新闻,一开头便说:“俄国准备实行节约”。我倒是没有料到会有这样的事。我当即想,要是俄国实行了节约,能把眼下派到满洲去的3万军队召回国,让他们在和平生活中安居乐业,那对俄国来说是多大的好事。 我还想,这也是德国应该毫不拖延地干的事,法国以及其他在中国派有军队的国家都该跟着干。 为什么不让中国摆脱那些外国人,他们尽在她的土地上捣乱。如果他们都能回到老家去,中国这个国家将是中国人多么美好的地方啊!既然我们并不准许中国人到我们这儿来,我愿郑重声明:让中国人自己去决定,哪些人可以到他们那里去,那便是谢天谢地的事。 外国人不需要中国人,中国人也不需要外国人。在这一点上,我任何时候都是和义和团站在一起的。义和团是爱国者。他们爱自己的国家胜过爱别的民族的国家,我祝愿他们成功。义和团主张要把我们赶出他们的国家。我也是义和团。因为我也主张把他们赶出我们的国家。 我把俄国的电讯再看了一下,这样,我对世界和平的梦想便消失了。电讯上说,保持军队所需的巨额费用使得节约非实行不可,因而政府决定,为了维持这个军队,便必须削减公立学校的经费。而我们则认为,国家的伟大来自公立学校。 试看历史怎样在全世界范围内重演,这是多么奇怪。我记得,当我还是密西西比河上一个小孩子的时候,曾有同样的事发生过。有一个镇子也主张停办公立学校,因为那太费钱了。有一位老农站出来说了话,说他们要是把学校停办的话,他们不会省下什么钱。因为每关闭一所学校,就得多修造一座监狱。


最新北师大版三年级语文下册第一二单元测试题及答案 第1~2单元达标测试卷 亲情春天的脚步 时间:90分钟满分:100分 基础达标我会做 一、字词积累。(26分) 1.给加点字选择正确的读音,画“____”。(6分) 懂.得(dǒn dǒng)漆.黑(xīqī)跌.倒(diēshī) 沉醉.(zuìzhuì) 建筑.(gǒng zhù) 仿佛.(fófú) 2.请用“√”标出带点字的正确读音。(6分) (1)这件事我们要先调.(diào tiáo)查,然后才能进行调.(diào tiáo) 解。 (2)妈妈用抹.(māmǒ)布把芳芳在桌子上涂抹.(māmǒ)的东西擦 干净了。 (3)那个蒙.(ménɡměnɡ)古族人是我的启蒙.(ménɡměnɡ)老师。3.看拼音,写词语。(8分) 4.选择合适的词语填空。(6分)

渴望愿望希望 (1)成为一名海军一直是我心底的(),因此我的风筝是一顶 水兵帽。 (2)达丽玛多像一只()飞出笼子的小鸟。 (3)我真()爸爸早点回来。 飘扬飘舞飘洒 (4)补课完毕,她才看到窗外正()着细细的雨丝。 (5)五星红旗在空中迎风()。 (6)几片黄叶在秋风中自由自在地()。 二、句子训练。(6分) 1.乌罕娜老师的伞被一个外地的兽医借走了。(改为“把”字句) ________________________________________________________ 2.看见老师出来了,达丽玛的笑脸像绽开的花朵。(仿写比喻句) ________________________________________________________ 3.妈妈一下子搂住冬冬,激动地说:“这是我收到的最好的生日礼物。”(仿写句子,前面写人物动作,后面写人物说的话) ________________________________________________________ 综合训练我能行 三、语言感悟。(10分) 1.我能把有关春天的四字词语补充完整。(8分) 春回()()春意()()()()春色 春光()() 鸟()花() 莺()燕()


我的世界观8.28 何为世界观?字典上说“人们对世界的总的根本看法叫做世界观” 而在我的理解当中,所谓世界观则包括人和社会两个方面,即人生观和世界观以及其所延伸出的价值观。这样,世界观便有了较大的内涵,一是对自身价值的看法;二是自身对社会价值的看法。 世界之大,无所不有,由于人们的社会地位不同,观察问题的角度不同,形成不同的世界观。 一个人,只有清楚的看清自己的境界,理智决断,不断追求,方能实现其自身价值、社会价值。就拿自身实际见闻说起,曾有过多少小伙伴,初中乃至小学辍学,在不顾自身能力限制的情况下盲目追随社会潮流:吸烟、异装打扮、超前消费等。他们逐步迷失在现代社会,估计早已谈不上什么价值,也许他们所追求的只有金钱。在这个充满拜金主义的社会中,人们渐渐失去理性的思考和人性的光辉,或成为一台追逐金钱的机器,冷酷而又无情。当自身都已麻木时,我们何谈理想,何谈价值? 曾和一位朋友谈及社会。我们都一致的认为现代青年生活的过于安逸,在复杂的国际局势下迷惘、无动于衷。国防,这个被现代青年逐渐冷淡了的词汇,在我们的眼中却凸显的格外重要。他们口口声声的说“国防离我们过于遥远,经济才是最重要的,谈国防可以说是荒唐!”可是你们可否思考过,没有国,何谈家?一个国家若没有强大的国防实力,又如何能为经济的发展创造安全、稳定的环境?如果国家面临着危险,我们怎么发展经济?还有人会说:“这是解放军的使命,我们只是学生,和我们无关!”可是你又是否想过,解放军是在履行服兵役义务的普通人。倘若大家都有此等错误观念,不必怪我悲观,中华民族的崛起之梦也许就会付诸东流。这应该是十分危险的。五千年泱泱大国千万不要因为国民素质的低下而崩溃。我们永远不能忘记落后就要挨打的民族惨痛教训。我可能有点杞人忧天,但我却时刻感受到国家给与我的使命、国家此时的危险、民族复兴面临的危险。新时代青年若还不惊醒,我想我们民族已经敲响了面临覆灭的警钟。 事实表明,在未明确世界观的情况下,我们难以成功。 我的世界观则是十分明确且直观的,我把人生观和社会观结合在一起,即:人,生为社会。我清楚的感受到一个理性社会对我的需要;亿万民众对我的需要;一个崛起中的东方雄狮对我的需要。对!人,生为社会,理想社会。也就是说于国于家有望。 面对复杂的国际环境,我们需要明确祖国所处的危急局势,关心国防、国事,明确世界观,确定一个可以让自己终身奋斗的目标。当然,我们不能只说不练。 我还和高中同学探讨过一个十分纠结的问题“当今世界,是更应该锋芒毕露呢,还是更应该韬光养晦?我曾顽固的坚持韬光养晦,当然这不能说明我是不理智的。这应该归结到我国奉行的韬光养晦的思想。但就目前来看,韬光养晦并不完全正确。就当前帝国主义势力的亚太新战略来说,我国适时的锋芒毕露,展示肌肉是完全可行的,理智的,已显示我国坚决捍卫主权完整的决心。过去的我也曾固守旧思想,而在今后,我将适时的锋芒毕露,既然胜利者只有一个,那么他为何不能是我?! 可能小小年纪谈论人生是没有资格的,但理想的天空是广阔的,人生的价值也是多样的。在事实的国情面前,我甘愿做一个默默地科技工作者,让中国创造打遍世界! 但使泪尽徒然,碑文完美有谁看,隐居山水之间誓与浮名散。


散文阅读专题 徐州中考模拟预测语文密卷 (五)阅读下文,完成18-21题。(17分) 把自己变成一朵花,香给这个世界看 林清玄 ①有时会在晚上去逛花市. ②夜里九点以后,花贩会将店里的花整理一遍,把一些盛开着的,不会再有顾客挑选的花放在方形的天竹篮推到屋外,准备丢弃了。 ③多年以前,我没有多余的钱买花,就在晚上去挑选竹篮中的残花,那虽然是已被丢弃的,看起来都还很美,尤其是它们正好开在高峰,显得格外辉煌。在竹篮里随意翻翻就会找到一大把,带回家插在花瓶里,自己看了也非常欢喜。 ④从竹篮里拾来的花,至少可以插一两天,甚至有开到四五天的。每当我把花一一插进瓶里, 会兴起这样的遐想:花的生命原本短暂,它若有知,知道临谢前几天还被热爱着,应该感叹不枉一生,能毫无遗憾地凋谢 ⑤花的盛放是那么美丽,但凋落时也有一种难言之美。在清冷的寒夜,我坐在案前,看到花瓣纷纷落下,无声地辞枝,以一种优雅的姿势飘散,安静地俯在桌边。那颤抖离枝的花瓣时而给我是一瓣耳朵的错觉,仿佛在倾听着远处土地的呼唤,闻着它熟悉的田园声息。那还留在枝上的花则是眼睛一样、努力张开,深情地看着人间,那深情的最后一瞥真是令人惆怅。 ⑥每一朵花都是安静地来到这个世界, 又沉默离开.若是我们倾听,在安静中仿佛有深 思,而在沉默里也有美丽的雄辩 ..。 ⑦许久没有晚上去花市了,最近去过一-次,竟捡回几十朵花,那捡来的花与买回的花感觉不同,由于不花钱反而觉得每一朵都是无价的。尤其是将谢未谢,更显得楚楚可怜,比起含苞时的精神抖擞也自有一番风姿。 ⑧说花是无价的,可能只有卖花的人反对。花虽是有形之物,却往往是无形的象征,莲之清净、梅之坚贞、兰之高贵、菊之微骨、牡丹之富贵、百合之闲逸,乃至玫瑰里的爱情、康乃馨中的母爱都是高洁而不能以金钱衡量的。 ⑨花所以无价,是花有无求的品格。如果我们送人一颗钻石,里面的情感就不易纯粹,因为没有人会白送人钻石的;如果是送一朵玫瑰,它就很难掺进一丝杂质,由于它的纯粹,钻石在它面前就显得又俗又胖了。 ⑩花的威力真是不小,但花的因缘更令人怀想。民间有一种说法,说世上有三种行业是前世修来的,就是卖花、卖香、卖伞。因为卖花是纯善的行业,买花的人不是供养佛菩萨,就是与人结善缘,即使自己放置案前也能调养身心。卖香、卖伞也都是纯善的行业,如果不是前世的因缘,哪里有福分经营这么好的行业呢?


我的世界观 "How strange is the lot of us mortals! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he knows not, though hesometimes thinks he senses it. But without deeper reflection one knows from daily life that one exists for other people -- first of all for those upon whose smiles and well-being our own happiness is wholly dependent, and then for the many, unknown to us, to whose destinies we are bound by the ties of sympathy. A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving... "I have never looked upon ease and happiness as ends in themselves -- this critical basis I call the ideal of a pigsty. The ideals that have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been Kindness, Beauty, and Truth. Without the sense of kinship with men of like mind, without the occupation with the objective world, the eternally unattainable in the field of art and scientific endeavors, life would have seemed empty to me. The trite objects of human efforts -- possessions, outward success, luxury -- have always seemed to me contemptible.


春天的雨点阅读答案 禾苗是需要雨露滋润的,孩子是需要老师的关爱和教诲才能成长的。本文讲的就是一个老师关心爱护学生的故事。阅读本文时,要认真地体会反映人物情感和文章中心的句子。 达丽玛坐在教室的板凳上,圆溜溜的一双眼睛正望着老师乌汉娜,但是她的心正和春风一起,游荡到大草原上去了。达丽玛,这个问题你来回答。乌汉娜从四十二双眼睛里,发现了达丽玛这双走了神的眼睛。达丽玛站起来,无法回答,脸羞得红红的。放学后,你到办公室来,我给你补这堂课。达丽玛坐下来,竭力忍住,才没让眼泪掉下来。 孩子们活蹦乱跳地背着书包放学了,达丽玛低着头走进了办公室。乌汉娜让达丽玛坐在自己身边,像是对着四十二位学生,又开始讲课了。达丽玛望着老师(严厉严肃)的面容,认真的表情,心里发誓:上课再也不能让心跑向大草原了。她把老师的每一句话都印在心里&& 补课完毕,她才看见窗外(飘洒飘扬)着细细的春雨。 老师,下雨了达丽玛惊奇地问。你没看见闪电吗没听见雷声吗乌汉娜问。达丽玛摇摇头。你什么都没听见乌汉娜又问。老师,我只听见您给我讲课了。是呀,她只听到老师沙哑的嗓音,只看到老师发干的嘴唇,哪注意到闪电、雷声乌汉娜忘记了一切疲劳,压抑住心头的激动:哦,达丽玛&&你会学好,我放心了&& 二十一岁的乌汉娜解开蒙古袍衣襟,把十岁的达丽玛搂在身旁,在绵绵春雨中,送孩子回到家,然后扭身走了。达丽玛摸着自己干干的衣服,依在门前(深情深沉)地望着老师的背影在细雨朦胧中远去&&春天的雨点,落在草原上,草原上正萌发着蓬勃的(生气生机)。春天的雨点儿,仿佛也落在达丽玛心里。 思考练习 1.划去文章中括号里不恰当的词语。 2.用仿佛写一句话。 仿佛____________________________________ 3.把文章分成三段,在段尾用‖表示,并概括出第一、二段的段意。 第一段__________________________________ 第二段__________________________________ 4.本文有一句话既点了题,又点出了文章的中心思想,在原文中用__________画出来。 5.文章是从哪些方面写乌汉娜老师关心爱护学生达丽玛的


最新苏教版三年级下册语文短文阅读专项提升练习及答案 一、类文阅读 活字印刷术 活字印刷术是一种古代印刷方法,是中国古代劳动人民经过长期实践和研究才发明的。先制成单字的阳文反文字模,然后按照稿件把单字挑选出来,排列在字盘内,涂墨印刷,印完后再将字模拆出,留待下次排印时再次使用。 活字印刷术的发明是印刷史上一次伟大的技术革命。北宋庆历年间(1041—1048),中国的毕昇发明的泥活字,标志着活字印刷术的诞生。他是世界上第一个活字印刷术发明人,比德国人约翰内斯·古腾堡的活字印刷术早约400年。元代王祯成功创制木活字,又发明了转轮排字。明代中期,铜活字在江苏南京、无锡、苏州等地得到较多的应用。 1.(找中心句)短文第1自然段是围绕“_________________”这句话来写的。第2自然段是围绕“_________________”这句话来写的。 2.(提取信息)根据短文内容,将活字印刷术的流程图补充完整。 制成______→按稿______→排列______→涂墨______→印完______→留待 ______ 3.(理解词语)结合上下文,用自己的话说说加点词语的意思。 (1)中国的毕昇发明的泥活字,标志着活字印刷术的诞生 ..。 “诞生”的意思是________________。 (2)元代王祯成功创制 ..木活字,又发明了转轮排字。 “创制”的意思是_______________________。 4.(品读句子)读下面的句子,体会作者是如何把意思表达得更准确、更有说服力的。 他是世界上第一个活字印刷术发明人,比德国人约翰内斯·古腾堡的活字印刷术早约400年。 后半句用______和______的方法对前半句进行______说明,说明毕昇是当之无愧的_______________。


小学语文标准教材 六年级语文:春天的雨点(教学 实录) People need to communicate and communicate with each other, and language is the bridge of human communication and the link. 学校:______________________ 班级:______________________ 科目:______________________ 教师:______________________

--- 专业教学设计系列下载即可用 --- 六年级语文:春天的雨点(教学实录) 一、教学目标 1、学会运用读书记号学习课文的方法。 2、学会12个生字,理解21个词语的意思。 3、懂得学习要专心致志,感受教师对学生的关心和爱护。 二、教学重点与难点 1、运用读书记号阅读课文。 2、理解课文中描写人物语言、行动和心理的词句。三、教学过程(一)、古诗导入 1、大家都已学过了《春晓》,我们再来一起背一下好吗? 2、揭示课题,古往今来,赞美春天、春雨的诗篇举不胜举。今天,我们学习的这篇课文,赞美的是什么呢?(二)、自学课文,并检查自学情况

自学课文要求: 1、自由朗读课文,按课后习题1的要求做读书记号。 2、联系上下文或运用工具学习生字新词。 3、想想课文主要写了谁的什么事。 检查自学情况: 1、出示生字新词,让学生自由地读读,议议,记记。 师点拨重点:唇(chǘn),不能读成chén (晨)竭(念jié,不念jí) 2、提出不理解的词句,酌情处理。 3、课文主要写了谁?她们之间发生了什么事? (三)、给课文分段 我们在第七册已经学过了好几种给课文分段的方法,还记得吗? 请自选一种分段方法给课文分段 1,按事情发展顺序给课文分段,2 按时间变换顺序给课文分段, 3 按地点变换顺序给课文分段,


我的世界观 前言: 世界观是什么?世界观,一般有两种含义,一种是广义的世界观,它有时也被称为“宇宙观”,它包括人们对自然界和人类社会的总体的和根本的看法;一种是狭义的世界观,它一般指人们对人类社会特有的总体的和根本的看法。由于人们的社会地位不同,观察问题的角度不同,形成不同的世界观。那我的世界观是什么样的呢? 正文: 曾经在网上看到一篇文章,作者关于他的人生观和价值观做了如下陈述: 1、幸福依赖两个因素:肉体的健康与灵魂的宁静——后者更甚于前者。 2、人生的目的是追求幸福,则保持身体健康与灵魂宁静即为人生的基本目的。 3、让人生变得更简单,因为你的目标很简单,身体健康与灵魂宁静——身体健康有赖于经常锻炼,灵魂宁静有赖于相信真理、相信真善美。 4、既然相信真理与真善美,则无须做作、无须牵强、无须虚伪、无须为难、无须担惊受怕,可以坦然、可以自然、可以自由自在。还是简单。 5、简单与责任感不冲突。责任感是强调人的主观态度要科学、客观,还是真理与真善美。 6、对别人一定要心存善念,对别人一定要和颜悦色,对别人一定要顾及其当下的感受,对别人一定要宽容,对别人一定要理解;但一定不能要求别人这样对待自己。这就是双赢理念。 7、无条件的信任他人,这是唯一的赢得他人信任的方式,尽管我并不刻意需要别人的任何信任;无论何时、无论何地,都要不容置疑的信赖自己。 8、相信人生有时就是处在矛盾、波折、不如意、晦暗,甚至重大的挫折、打击与痛苦的际遇的阶段——这就是人生,没有这些点缀的人生是不完整的人生。 9、凡事总会有代价。代价越大,获得越大,大凡如此。 10、爱一个人不能以成败而论。爱一个人是自己成熟的唯一途径,不会付出、不愿付出的人无法经由爱而成熟。付出的是你的心。你的心怎样,你的爱大抵就会怎样。 11、坦然自若地活着。天不会塌下来,地球不会停止转动。没有人会妨碍你,选择是你自己的——千万别为自己的选择为难。 12、自己渴求的往往就是自己所缺少的。但需要让自己安静一会,考虑一下自己现在成天忙碌的是否就是自己所渴求的,是否是自己所缺少的 13、经常问自己活着是为什么。尽管生不带来,死不带去,尽管生命就是一场能量衍化的短暂旅程、生活就是能量衍化形式的堆砌,活着必须为什么。 14、不要轻易尝试改变他人,尝试着尊重他人——他们一般愿意成为你所尊重的人,而非你所设定的对象。 15、越熟悉的人越容易疏忽。经常和家人、朋友、同事打电话、聊天、吃饭,不需要主题。 16、包容很重要。不需设定功利性的目标说服自己;只是希望自己不要因为他人身上短暂存在的某些天真的不成熟而错过对他好的机会。爱一个人比什么都重要。


2019-2020学年度部编语文九(上)第4-5-6单元测试卷 时间:150分钟满分:150分(其中卷面书写占5分) 一、积累运用(35分) 1.阅读下面文字,按要求作答。(6分) 2018年11月,“伟大的变革——庆祝改革开放40周年大型展览”在国家博物馆开幕。这一展览让世界看到了中国改革开放以来发生的【甲】(A.天翻地覆 B.时过境迁)的变化。40年众志成chéng【①】(A.城 B.诚),40年砥砺奋进,40年春风化雨,中国人民用双手书写了国家和民族发展的【乙】(A.壮阔 B.壮丽)史诗。展览共安排了6个展区,着.【②】(A. zh áo B. zhuó)力强化前后对比、突出横向对照,突出展示了改革开放40年来人民群众生产生活发生的伟大变迁,集中展现了中华民族从的伟大成就。 (1)请为文中①处选择正确的汉字,为②处的加点字选择正确的读音,只填序号。 (2)请为文中甲处、乙处选择符合语境的词语,只填序号。 (3)填入文中横线处的短语最恰当的一项是() A.富起来、强起来到站起来 B.强起来、站起来到富起来 C.站起来、富起来到强起来 2.阅读下面语段,回答问题。(4分) 人生中有成功就有失败。笑对失败,你会收获别样的人生。失败是人生的熔炉,它可以把人烤死,也可以把人变得坚强自信。面对失败时的心态尤为重要。若是你不战自败,那你就彻底陷入失败的沼泽中了。此时,你输给的不是别人,而是自己。雨打梨花,飘零落地,但落花不会因为你的多愁善感而重上枝头;__________________失败是一道靓丽的风景线,是经受夭折的玫瑰。遭受台风的花园尽管使人无奈,但它却有无限的幽香。 (1)语段中画波浪线的句子有语病,请将修改后的句子写在下面。 (2)请仿照画横线句子的句式,再写一句话。 ___________________________________________________________________________________ ________ 3.给下列句子排序,最合理的一项是( )(3分) ①但无疑我们都能体悟得到荡漾于整部作品中的悲悯情怀。 ②这种看似平常实则并不简单的生活,我们的时代未必经历过。 ③《草房子》是一个美好的所在,它让读者想起浪漫、温馨、遥远。 ④在人际关系日趋疏远的当今世界中,这种情怀显得弥足珍贵,格外感人。 ⑤当翻开这本小说时,我们确实会被这样一种气息所笼罩。 ⑥作者以优美的文笔,描绘了已经离我们远去的小学生活。 A.⑥②①④⑤③B.③⑤⑥②①④C.③④⑤⑥②① D.③⑥②①④⑤ 4.阅读下面的文字,完成18-20题。(10分) 【材料一】图书作为最传统、最广泛、最普遍的文化载体和沟通桥梁,可以让各国读者更完整、更真实地了解和认识中国。2004年,作为中国出版“走出去”的一项重要政策,国家启动“中国图书对外推广计划”。 2004-2017年中国图书版权贸易情况一览表 【材料二】(1)第70届法兰克福国际书展数据显示,优秀类型小说更容易越过文化差异的藩篱,刘慈欣科幻小说的未来体验,金庸武侠小说的快意恩仇等,是全球读者都热爱的阅读体验。 (2)英译版金庸小说在英国上架不到一个月的时间里加印七次,成了现象级畅销书。金庸小说兼具“独特性”和“普遍性”———独特在于关乎中国文化传统中的困惑和关怀,普遍在于对人性的观察和刻画。这使得语言和文化的差异无法阻止金庸小说的传播。(摘编自《金庸小说带动中国文学“走出去”》) (3)刘慈欣先后荣获“雨果奖”、“克拉克奖”等殊荣,高水平的作品翻译功不可没。《三体》的英文版翻译者刘宇昆也是一位获奖科幻小说作家。读者评价“本书的英文读起来不可思议的好,流畅得如同我想象中的中文原著一样”。(摘编自《刘慈欣获克拉克奖,这个奖可能比任何奖都


《我的世界观》读后感 爱因斯坦,作为一位科学界的巨人,他的世界观必定与常人有所不同,不同在哪里,他的精神世界是如何的,我带着满腔好奇心阅读了这篇文章。 只看了第一段,我便想起这篇文章曾出现在中学课本中,再次细读,还是发现所获匪浅。爱因斯坦说,人是为别人而活的,也许就是吧,我们每个人在毫不知情的情况下来到这世界,受到亲人的教导,努力成为他们期望中的那种人,我们总是在乎他人对我们的评价,看法,成为不为他人所厌恶的人。而他之后的一句话:“我每天上百次地提醒自己:我的精神生活和物质生活都依靠别人(包括活着的人和死去的人)的劳动,我必须尽力以同样的分量来报偿我所领受了的和至今还在领受的东西。”却反映出这位巨人对于全人类所怀有的一种高尚和弥足珍贵的责任和使命感,生命不应该只是贪婪的获取,还应回馈以同样多的东西,甚至更多,只有这样,全人类才能不断前进。现代社会很多人在小有成就时就忘乎所以,爱慕虚荣,而爱因斯坦,在已是成就辉煌,蜚声中外时却始终不改简单朴素的生活理念,并且厌恶社会上的等级划分,认为每个人都应是平等的,这一点也是值得称道的。 当他谈到理想时,他说他从不把安逸和快乐当成生活的目的,并认为那是猪栏的理想,他的理想是追求真,善,美。只有在对他们的追求之路中,他才会不感到空虚。正是在这崇高的理想的引导下,他才能创造一个又一个科学界的真果,铸就他不平凡的一生。 爱因斯坦说他自己是个孤独的旅客,但这只是表面上的,而他的内心却是与社会紧密倚靠在一起的,他有强烈的社会正义和责任感,关注于全人类的命运走向,他理想的树就要求他排除外界的纷扰,保持内心的冷静和淡定,使他的思维免受他人的左右而失去正确的判断,这并不是对社会的冷漠无视。 他在文章中还着重强调了他的政治理想,对于人民民主的向往,使每个人都受到应有的尊重,而不让任何人成为崇拜的偶像,因为那是十分危险的,很可能因为他的个人原因,而导致民众的不幸,如战争。他厌恶非正义的战争,谴责非正义的战争,厌恶导致战争的军事制度。他希望人们生活在和平的氛围中。这是我们每一个人所想往的。 如果问起是什么使爱因斯坦在科学研究中不断突破,硕果累累,恐怕是对真正艺术和科学的强烈的好奇心,其中的神秘感驱动着他向真理不断靠近,解开未知的面纱。好奇心!对世界不灭的好奇心,多少人已经失去它,多少人正离它越来越远。在当下积极倡导科技创新之时,我们所缺的就包括好奇心,没有好奇心,何来创新。所以,我们每个人不应失去金子般的好奇心,而要对世界保持敏锐的直觉,用心感受周边的任何事物,于细微中发现大的新天地。


练习1、 一、按要求填空。(3分) 学校有“金、杨、王、张、孙、胡、费、高、徐”几位老师,按音序表中的顺序排列,排在最前的应是______老师,排在最后的是______老师,排在第五位的是_____老师。 二、字词句部分。 1、补充词语。(12分) 心悦()服腾云()雾喜出()外身()其境深情厚()寸草春()()然而生不()而同雪中送()死而后()()学步气()吁吁 2、选出加点词语在句中的意思。(5分) ①、久别重逢,同学们显得格外亲热。() ②、卡车装不下,我们格外找了一辆大车。() 备选答案:①格子以外②额外、另外③超乎寻常④规格、格式 ③、这孩子大大的眼睛,看上去怪精神的。() ④、雷锋精神永远激励着我们每一个少先队员。() ⑤、我们要领会这次会议的精神。() 备选答案:①宗旨、主要的意义②活跃、有生气。③人的思想④指人的意识、思维活动和一般心理状态 3、根据句子的意思,用“望”字写七个词语,再分别填入句中括号里。(不能重复。)(7分) ①五位壮士屹立在狼牙山顶峰,()着群众和部队主力远去的方向。 ②对未来,他充满了()。 ③家里虽穷,但他非常()读书。 ④实现四个现代化,是全国人民的共同()。 ⑤我们要珍惜幸福的学习生活,决不辜负党对我们的() ⑥旧社会,劳动人民的生活没有()。 ⑦去北海公园过队日,是我们()已久的一项活动。 4、用“——”画出下列各组中不是同一类的词语。(4分) ①足球排球棒球气球网球 ②武断勇敢坚强坚定机智 ③曲艺电影歌舞报纸戏剧 ④四川云南广州江苏西藏 5、按要求写句子。(4分) ①用一个比喻句写出老师育人的辛苦。 _________________________________________________________ ②小草出土。(写成拟人句) _________________________________________________________ 6、下列各句不是病句的,请打“√”,是病句的请在原句上修改。(5分) ①万里长城、赵州桥、黄河都是我国古代的伟大工程。( ) ②语文对我很感兴趣,所以上语文课我总是特别用心。( ) ③通过一个学期的不懈努力,使我的学习成绩有了很大的提高。( ) ④自然老师带我们到野外采集了许多植物和昆虫标本。( )
