


I.Vocabulary and Structure

Directions: There are 45 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

1. Their idea is ______ to all of us and you do not need to tell us more about it.

A. apparent

B. appearing

C. approaching

D. apart

2. Please do not ______ when somebody else is talking.

A. intend

B. interpret

C. interrupt

D. invest

3 It has been about 7 years since they __________.

A. got married

B. got marry

C. get marry

D. have married

4 Everyone, as a citizen, _______do his best for the economic development of his own country.

A. would

B. might

C. should

D. had to

5 _______ breaks the law must be punished.

A. Who

B. However he

C. Whoever

D. No matter who

6 This is the air conditioner ________ we have had so much trouble.

A. at which

B. of which

C. to which

D. with which

7. _______ we know, there are 107 elements found in nature.

A. As long as

B. Just as

C. So far as

D. For all

8. There ______ not only the earth but also eight other planes in the solar system

A. are

B. were

C. is

D. was

9 Not until the mid-nineteenth century _______ achieve recognition

A. had EL Greco’s work C. did EL Greco’s work

B. EL Greco’s work D. EL Greco’s work did

10. He is one of the best players in the game, ________?

A. is he

B. doesn’t he

C. does he

D. isn’t he

11. When you go to a foreign country, you must _________yourself to the manners and customs


A. admire

B. adopt

C. adapt

D. admit

12. We regret _______ you that you are to be dismissed next week.

A. to have informed C. to inform

B. informing

D. having informed

13. There were one thousand _______ at the national entrance examinations last year.

A. applicants

B. participants

C. assistants

D. candidates

14 Plenty of hard work _______ the process.

A. accompany

B. is accompanied

C. accompanies

D. are accompanied

15 They talked in whispers, but stil l I couldn’t help but _______ their conversation.

A. overhear

B. to overhear

C. overhearing

D. overheard

16 The students expected there ________ more reviewing classes before the final test.

A. is

B. being

C. have

D. to be

17. Since it rained yesterday and the ground is still ______ today, you can not sit on the ground.

A. damp

B. moist

C. rainy

D. humid

18 But for the heavy rain, we _______.

A. would not get soaked

C. would not have got soaked B. will not get soaked

D. didn’t get soaked

19. We can’t take it for _______ that what he says is right.

A. assured

B. claimed

C. granted

D. settled

20. Every attention must be paid to him, lest he ______ that he is inferior to other guests.

A. felt

B. feel

C. would feel

D. feels


Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Nobody wants to be sick. Unfortunately our bodie s can develop problems. When we aren’t healthy, our bodies tell us. Sometimes a part of our body hurts. When a part of our body 21 , we say we have aches and pains. We can have aches and pains 22 different part of the body.

We call some simple health problems “aches.” For example, we can have a headache, a toothache, an earache, a backache 23 a stomachache. Other simple problems are not 24 aches, so we describe them in different ways. For example, we can have a sore throat, a sore leg or a sore toe.

“Pain” is another word that we use to 25 a problem. We can have a pain in the chest, a pain in the shoulder or a pain in the back. A pain is strong. Also, a pain hurts in a specific place. When aches and pains aren’t too 26 , we can buy medicine in the drugstore. Usually small aches go away quickly.

When pain is more serious, we 27 to visit the doctor (or the dentist). The doctor asks us what our symptoms (症状) are. The doctor may 28 do test or take X-rays to 29 what is wrong. Then he or she will tell us 30 .

21. A. hurt B. hurting C. hurts D. have hurt

22. A. at B. in C. on D. with

23. A. and B. as well as C. nor D. or

24. A. talked B. spoken C. seen D. called

25. A. describe B. tell C. talk D. speak

26. A. light B. serious C. series D. heavy

27. A. having B. had C. have D. has

28. A. must B. should do C. not but must D. have to

29. A. believe B. know C. talk D. say

30. A. to do what B. what to do C. what they do D. they to do what

Do you know what color an orange is? Is it orange? Not always. Some oranges are green. They can be green in 31 even if they 32 and ready to be eaten. An orange that is orange in color is 33 that has been grown in cool air. Some people who live in very 34 places have never seen orange oranges.

Oranges can be eaten in many 35 . Some people eat them 36 sugar. Others put salt on them. Lots of people eat them 37 . some people 38 an orange in their hands to eat it. Some people use 39 to help them peel (剥皮) and eat an orange. Many people use a spoon. Some people made a 40 hole in one end of an orange and suck out the juice. Oranges are often squeezed (挤榨) to make orange juice to drink.

Not all oranges end up as food or drink. There is one country where people cut orange in half and use them to scrub(擦洗) the floor.

31. A. the color B. colors C. coloring D. color

32. A. ripe B. big C. heavy D. soft

33. A. the one B. one C. all D. each

34. A. cool B. cold C. hot D. warm

35. A. colors B. parts C. ways D. sides

36. A. using B. for C. by D. with

37. A. whole B. full C. all D. plain

38. A. hold B. seize C. grasp D. catch

39. A. knife and fork B. a knife and fork C. knife or fork D. knife and a fork

40. A. big B. deep C. small D. thorough

III.Reading Comprehension

Directions:There are five reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose one best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Passage One

It must have been about two in the morning when I returned home. I tried to wake up my wife by ringing the door-bell, but she was fast asleep, so I got a ladder from the shed in the garden, put it against the wall, and began climbing towards the bedroom window. I was almost there when a sarcastic voice below said, “I don’t think the windows need cleaning at this time of the night.” I looked down and nearly fell off the ladder when I saw a policeman. I immediately regretted acting in the way I did, but I sai d, “I enjoy cleaning windows at night.”

“So do I,” answered the policeman in the same tone. “Excuse my interrupting you. I hate to interrupt a man when he’s busy working, but would you mind coming with me to the station?”

“Well, I’d prefer to stay here,”I said. “You see, I’ve forgotten my key.”

“Your what?” he called.

“My key,” I shouted.

Fortunately, the shouting woke up my wife who opened the window just as the policeman had started to climb towards me.

41. The policeman _______.

A believed the writer was going to clean the windows

B suspected that the writer was a thief

C arrested the writer

D interrupted the writer when he was busy working

42. The story would not have happened if the writer________.

A hadn’t been rude

B hadn’t fallen off the ladder

C had remembered his key

D hadn’t shouted at the policeman

43. What does the policeman mean when he says “I don’t think the windows need cleaning

at this time of the night?”

A He is joking with the writer.

B He is giving advice to the writer.

C He is laughing at the writer.

D He is warning the writer.

44. What kind of person do you think the policeman is?

A He is a humorous man.

B He is an irresponsible man.

C He is a sarcastic man.

D He is a handsome man.

45. What do you think will happen in the end?

A The writer is taken to the police office.

B The writer’s wife will explain the situation to the policeman.

C The man will be angry at his wife.

D The writer’s wife will be angry at the policeman.

Passage Two

Pablo Ruiz Picasso was the favorite child of his family. He was the only boy among great many girl cousins. That was enough to make him important, but his father loved him especially, because he knew his son was going to be an artist. Pablo knew the word for pencil even before he could say Mamma and Papa. When he was small he spent hours by himself making delightful little drawings of animals and people. If his mother sent him out to play in the square, he went on drawing in the dust under the trees. One of his favorite models was his younger sister, Lola.

Don Jose Ruiz, Pablo’s father, was director of the museum at Malaga in southern Spain. He earned only a small salary, but there was not much work to do and he was able to practice his hobby, which was painting pigeons. Don Jose loved pigeons very much. He painted them dead or alive in ones and twos and in dozens. Sometimes he painted them on paper, cut them out and stuck them on to canvas; sometimes he stuck real feathers on to his pictures. He knew a great deal about the technique of painting and he taught it all to Pablo.

46. Picasso’s father loved him particularly, because ______.

A he was their only child

B he was a boy

C he was going to be important

D he was going to be a painter

47. When Pablo was a little boy, he ______.

A used to play in the square

B would spend hours drawing pictures

C was fond of playing with pigeons

D often enjoyed taking a walk with his sister

48. What did little Pablo draw most?

A The square he was playing in.

B Trees.

C Pigeons.

D His younger sister, Lola.

49. Pablo’s father painted a lot because ______.

A he had plenty of time

B he did not have much money

C he looked after the museum

D he liked pigeons

50. Drawing pigeons was Don Jose’s ______.

A work

B leisure-time activity

C regular business

D way to earn a living

Passage Three

You have been badly injured in a car accident. It is necessary to give you a blood transfusion. However, special care must be taken in selecting new blood for you. If the blood is too different from your own, the transfusion could kill you.

There are four basic types of blood: A, B, AB, and O. A simple test can show a person’s blood type. Everybody is born with one of these four types of blood. Blood type, like hair color and height, is inherited from parents.

Because of substances contained in each type, the four groups must be transfused carefully. Basically, A and B cannot be mixed. A and B cannot receive AB, but AB may receive A or B. O can be given to any other group, and, hence, it is often called the universal giver. For the opposite reason, AB is sometimes called the universal receiver. However, because so many reactions can happen in transfusions, patients usually receive salt or plasma until their blood can be matched as exactly as possible in the blood bank of a hospital. In this way, it is possible to avoid any bad reactions to the transfusion.

There is a relationship between your blood type and your nationality. Among Europeans and people of European ancestry, about 42 percent have type A while 45 percent have type O. The rarest is type AB. Other races have different percentages. For example, some American Indian groups have nearly 100 percent type O.

51. A good title for this selection is ______.

A Getting Blood and Plasma

B Special Blood Colors

C Universal Giver and Receiver

D Human Blood Types

52. The author suggests that the rarest blood type be _____ among Europeans.





53. People with type A blood can receive _______.




D all the above

54. If you need a transfusion, the best and safest blood for you is _____.

A type A

B type AB

C exactly the same type as yours

D a mixture of salt, plasma, and type O

55. According to the passage, a person’s blood type is decided by _______.

A his parents

B his nationality

C his hair color

D his height

Passage Four

Women’s fashions tend to change more rapidly than men’s. In the early 1900s all women wore their skirts down to the ankle. Today, skirt length varies from floor-length to ten inches above the knee. Women’s shores have also gone through all sorts of changes in the last seventy years. For example, boots for women were very common at the beginning of this century. Then, several years later, they were not considered fashionable. Today they are back in style again in all colors, lengths and materials. In fact, today’s women can wear all types of clothes—even T-shirts and shorts on almost any occasion. While there are some rapid changes in women’s clothing which remained pretty much the same until a couple of years ago, most men still wear the traditional suit, jacket, shirt and tie although there have been more changes about their clothing in color, pattern and variety than in the past.

56. Nowadays women wear ______.

A longer skirts than those women used to wear at the beginning of the this century

B both longer skirts and short skirts

C shorter skirts

D the same as in the early 1900s

57. Today, women think that long boots are ______.

A fashionable

B unfashionable

C more fit than short ones

D acceptable

58. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A Great changes have taken place in men’s clothing recently.

B Men’s clothing has not changed much.

C Men’s fashion changed as rapidly as women’s.

D Men never wear jackets and ties at all.

59. Men’s clothes are more colorful than _____.

A women’s

B they used to be

C traditional shirts

D ties

60. What does the author imply by “today’s women can wear all types of clothes”?

A Women were not allowed to wear clothes in the old days.

B Women were not allowed to wear T-shirts and shorts in the old days.

C Women have a wider choice of clothes now.

D Women can wear men’s clothes now.

IV. Translation

61.Finally, aw method was discovered of producing artificial rubber which is in

many ways superior and in some ways inferior (劣的)to natural rubber.

Artificial rubber is produced in factories by a complicated chemical process. It is

usually cheaper than natural rubber.

62.Because noise is unavoidable in a complex, industrial society, we are

constantly responding in the same ways that we would respond to danger.

63.This meant that the value of currencies(货币)would now be determined

by the markets instead of individual governments.

64.…if enough warning is given, steps can be taken to limit the destruction and

suffering that following a bad EL Nino.

V. Writing

Directions: For this part, you are supposed to write a letter in about 100-120 words based on the following situation. Remember to write it clearly.




Words for reference: convenience, travel, cost, traffic jam, pollution, fuel

Family Cars in China



2018年成人高考专升本英语模拟卷 第1卷(选择题,共125分) I.Phonetics ( 5 points) Directions:In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and iden-tify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answerby blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. A. penalty B. moment C. quarrel D. absent 2. A. sympathy B. material C. courage D. analysis 3. A. starvation B. suggestion C. satisfaction D. situation 4. A. donkey B. turkey C. money D. obey 5. A. revise B. consist C. advertise D. visit Ⅱ. Vocabulary and Structure ( 15 points ) Directions : There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 6. Jonathan and Joe left the house to go for__ after supper.() A. walk B. the walk C. wallks D. a walk 7. He pointed at the new car and asked, "___ is it? Have you ever seen it before?"() A. Why B. Where C. Who D. Whose 8. My father asked __ to help with his work.() A. I and Tom B. Tom and me C. me and Tom D. Tom and I 9. Nowadays little knowledge __ to be a dangerous thing.() A. seem B. seemed C. does seem D. do seem 10. If their marketing team succeeds, they __ their profits by 20 percent.() A. will increase B. would be increasing C. will have increased D. would have been increasing 11. You'd better take these documents with you __ you need them for the meeting.() A. unless B. in case C. until D. so that 12. I haven' t been to a pop festival before and Mike hasn' t __() A. too B. as well C. neither D. either 13.__ is known to the world, Mark Twain was a great American writer.() A. As B. Once C. That D. It 14. John complained to the bookseller that there were several pages______ in the dictionary.() A. lacking B. losing C. missing D. dropping 15. Not until the game had begun __ at the sports ground.() A. should he have arrived B. would he have arrived C. did he arrive D. had he arrived 16. Moviegoers know that many special effects are created by computers, they often don' tknow is that these scenes still require a lot of work.() A. That B. Whom C. What D. How 17. The president is to give a formal __ at the opening ceremony.() A. speech B. debate C. discussion D. argument 18. When I am confronted with such questions, my mind goes __, and I can hardly remember myown date of

专升本英语模拟试题 6范文

模拟试题(六) Part I Vocabulary and Structure (30 %) Directions: Each of the following sentences is incomplete and followed by four choices marked A), B), C) and D), choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. 1. Bob tried in vain to trick his little brother _________ some money from their mother's purse. A. to steal B. to stealing C. into steal D. into stealing 2. I was ________ to find his article on such an ________ topic so _________ . A. surprised, excited, bored B. surprising, exciting, boring C. surprised, exciting, boring D. surprising, excited, bored 3. It was in 1777 ________Vermont, threatened with invasion, declared itself an independent commonwealth. A. when B. that C. in which D. which 4. a professor of physics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Edward Charles Pickering established the first physics laboratory in the United States. A. While B. Being C. Although D. He was 5. He didn't and so he failed the examination. A. work enough hard B. work hard enough C. hard work enough D. hard enough work 6. The two boys had so in common that they soon became good friends. A. little B. few C. much D. many 7. As fuel prices rose, bus companies raised their fares and . A. so did the airlines B. nor did the airlines C. so the airlines did D. nor the airlines did 8. mainly for the invention of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell devoted his life to helping the deaf. A. He is remembered B. To remember C. While remembering D. Though remembered 9. If Dorothy had not been badly hurt in a car accident, in last month's marathon race. A. she would participate B. she might participate C. she would have participated D. she must have participated 10. James Joyce's novels are difficult to understand and impossible into another language. A .to translate B. for translation C. to translate it D. being translated 11. Sports help to build character and competitiveness. A. cultivate B. accomplish C. assist D. restore 12. The breakdowns of the computer has caused serious delays in our work. A. continuous B. continued C. continuing D. continual 13. At such a time of crisis, we must try to all differences of party or class and stick together. A. set forth B. set back C. set down D. set aside 14.I have told her on occasions that George is not a man to be trusted. A. ridiculous B. numerous C. sentimental D. alternative 15. The renewal of the debate was anticipated but its was not. A. intensity B. tension C. degree D. sensitivity 16. While the doctors analyzed the patient's condition, his family waited outside in


大学英语(B) 模拟试题二 第一部分:交际用语(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 此部分共有10个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳项,并用铅笔将答题卡上的相应字母图黑。 1. — What can I do for you? — ___________. A. One kilo of pork, please B. No, you don’t have to C. Thanks D. Excuse me. I'm busy 答案:[ A ] 问话是典型的商业服务用语,说明这是在商店,所以买东西是逻辑的回答。 2. — Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the super market? __ ___________. A. Don't ask that B. Go straight and turn left on the first red light C. No, I can't say that D. No, you're driving too fast 答案:[ B ] 问话是问路,所以回答是指路。 3. — Oh, sorry to bother you. __ ___________. A. That's Okay B. No, you can't C. That's good D. Oh, I don't know 答案: [ A ] 对方表示道歉,回答“无所谓”,表示接受。 4. — Please help yourself to the seafood. — ___________. A. No, I can't B. Sorry, I can't help C. Oh, I like the crabs D. Thank you for your help 答案:[ C ] help yourself to 是饭桌上让菜的用语。回答“喜欢螃蟹”符合逻辑。 5. — We’re having a party tonight. Would you like to join us? — ___________. A. I’m sorry B. Of course not C. No, I can't D. I’d love to, but I have an appointment 答案:[ D ] 拒绝邀请时先表示可以接受,然后讲明拒绝的理由。 6. — How was your trip to Australia? __ ___________. A. It was wonderful indeed B. I went there alone C. Very well D. Believe it or not 答案:[ A ] 回答整个旅行如何时用it 表示这次旅行。 7. — David injured his leg playing football yesterday. — Really? ______? A. Who did that B. What's wrong with him C. How did that happen D. Why was that 答案:[ C ] 这一回答比较符合答话的逻辑。 8. — Good morning, Dr Johnson's office. Can I help you? — _______________________. A. Speaking, please B. I'd like to make an appointment, please C. Yes, go on D. No, you can't 答案:[ B ] 问话是接电话的用语,回答时要讲明为什么打电话来。 9. — Oh, I'm sorry. But I promise I'll be more careful next time. — _______________________. A. It's nothing B. Oh, never mind. It doesn't matter C. Thank you D. There are no questions 答案:[ B ] 回答对方的道歉,用“ never mind” 表示接受。 10. — Could I use your dictionary for a moment? — _______________________.


模拟试题二 1 C Section B(每题1分) 6 C , Section C(每题1分) . 11. before Christmas . 13. a wife 14 11 O’clock 、train PartII Structure SectionA (每题分) 16 D 19 A SectionB(每题】分).: elected 29. exist 32. pleased 33 to hear 34.(should)beset 35. taking Part III Reading Comprehension Taskl(每题2分) 36. B 38 D 40 D Task 2(每题2分) 41. D 44 A Task 3(每题1分) 46. (the) Arthritis Foundation 48 individuals 49. fill out or fax Task5(每题1分) 56. sightseeing and destination 57. travel-related 58. 59. hotels and tickets 60. Hong Kong PartIV Translation ----English to Chinese 61. BCAD 62. ADCB 63. CBDA 65.评分时将段落分成5部分,每部分2分;给总的印象分2分。(本题12分) 参考译文:精明的消费者在接触到具有高质量标准的商店或餐馆时,都能领会到它的价值和心满意足。为此,香港旅游团发展局推出了“优质旅游服务”计划。这个计划使旅客很容易便能找到信得过的商店和餐馆。旅客只要寻找具有这种重要资质的商店和餐馆明显地挂有“优质旅游服务”的标志就万无一失了。 Part V Writing Dear Sir or Madam, My name is Li Lin. I learn from the newspaper that your company is recruiting an accountant. I think I’m the right person for the position because I graduated from Shanghai Lixing, accounting College majoring in accounting in 2003. And I’ve been working as an accountant in a company since then. Thanks to my study in the famous college, I performed very well there and gained rich experience in my field. Although I have been working in the company, I’d like to take the opportunity to have a change. I’m very much interest in your company and hoping one day I can


《新编大学英语-3下》期末考试模拟卷(2) I.选择填空(30%) 1. When a territorial animal or bird intrudes on the territory of another creature of the same species, the later will only perform some hostile gestures to warn_______ the intruder. A) out B) back C) off D) away 2. The university is trying to make more accommodations __________ for students. A) similar B) possible C) likely D) available 3. Jack left the job ____.after 10 years because he was beginning to feel________. A) trapped B) appealed C) valued D) structured 4. I declared that by the next class meeting I was going to ______ my job and end my engagement. A) quit B) give up C) abandon D) go away with 5. _________, old people appreciate being independent. A) Judging from B) In my opinion C) Now that D) regardless of 6. Arthur has some strange ideas, but on this occasion I’m ________ to agree with him. A)incline B) inclining C) inclined D) to incline 7. A good manager should _________ the health and happiness of his employees. A) concern in B) concern for C) be concerned with D) be concerning about 8._______many women of her age, she struggled to find a balance between her career and her children. A)Like B) Alike C) Similar D) Same 9. No characteristic is caused ________ by either environment or genes, A) approximately B) exclusively C) separately D) actually 10. Entering the room, I found my father _______ at the desk and _______ something A. seat …write B. seated …wrote C. seated …writing D. seating … writing II.阅读理解(30%) (I) We're supposed to start work at nine,but I often come in later because I have to take my children to school first, but then I stay a bit later.Of course,if I've got an early meeting or if I've got to be in count first thing in the morning,my wife has to take the kids to school.We're supposed to work a 40-hour week,but I think most people actually work more than that.We're supposed to dress smartly,particularly if we have contact with clients,so I always wear a suit and tie to work.Female lawyers aren't allowed to wear trousers or ever dark tights.They have to wear knee-length skirts-no minis.The secretaries can wear tailored trousers,but no jeans.A weekly dress-down day was introduced last month--it's an idea from America,where everybody comes into work in casual dress on a Friday.Personally,I have no desire to come into work wearing jeans and a T-shirt.I like to make a difference between work and home,and I can wear casual clothes at home.I think people should dress smartly for work-it gives a good impression.Smoking,eating and drinking are strictly forbidden in the office.There's a non-smoking cafeteria downstairs,and smokers have t go outside.Personally,I thing smoking ought to be banned in all public place. 11. Why is the man often late for work? A)Because he has trouble getting to sleep at night. B)Because he has to drive a long way to get to work. C)Because he has to take his children to school first. D)Becauseit’s the rush hour and the traffic is very heavy. 12. When can office workers come to work in casual dress?


专升本英语模拟试题 Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure Section A Vocabulary 1. People are ______ (like) to have more confidence in a company if they know something about it. 2. Although I do not share his religious ______ (believe), I respect him. 3. The fresh seaside air is ______(profit) to her recovery. 4. It is known that computers can help to raise ______(efficient). 5. The ______(complain) department was crowded with angry customers. 6. Many a student ______(ask) the same questions by the teacher in yesterday’s class. 7. She found the atmosphere of the college enormously ______(excite). 8. This suit is rather dirty now. It’s been some time since it ______(wash). 9. It was ______(reluctant) that Susan agreed to help. 10. Everything would be all right if he ______(be) here. Section B Structure 11. Weather ______, we’ll start our journey tomorrow. A. is permitting B. permitting C. is permitted D. being permitting 12. The residents, ______ had been damaged by the flood, were given help by the Red Cross. A. all whose homes B. all their homes C. all of whose homes D. all of their homes 13. My new shoes cost me $20. The price was ______ that of the last pair I bought a month ago. A. more than twice B. twice as much as C. as twice D. as much as twice 14. Since the mountain is white, it ______ last night. A. must be snowed B. must snow C. must have snowed D. must have been snowed 15. ______, he would feel exhausted after a whole day’s work. A. As strong is he B. As he is strong C. Strong if he is D. Strong as he is 16. ______ a certain doubt among the students as to the necessity of the work. A. There had B. They had C. There existed D. It existed 17. You mustn’t delay ______ the medicine over. A. to send B. send C. sent D. sending 18. An old friend from abroad, ______ I was expecting to stay with, telephoned me. A. that B. whom C. who D. which 19. Judges must be independent ______ political pressure. A. to B. of C. under D. on 20. I, not you, ______ to blame. A. are B. is C. am D. be Part 2 Reading Comprehension Task 1 About 70 million Americans are trying to lose weight. That is almost 1 out of


2008年4月统考模拟试题二 第一部分:交际英语(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 此部分共有10个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并用铅笔将答题卡上的相应字母涂黑。 1. --Can you turn down the radio, please? -- _________. A. Oh, I know B. I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was that loud C. I'll keep it down next time D. Please forgive me 2. -- Hello, I'd like to speak to Mark, please. -- _________. A. Yes, I'm Mark B. This is Mark speaking C. It's me here D. This is me 3. --Can I give you a hand. It seems pretty heavy. -- _________. A. It's none of your business B. Sorry, I don't know you C. Thanks, I can manage that D. No, it's not heavy 4. --I'd like to make a reservation for two days. My name is Wang Ming-Ming. -- _________. A. Single room or double room B. You're too late for the room C. We don't have any room D. Our hotel is very expensive 5. -- Would you fill in this registration form? _________? -- I don't know how to do that. A. What should I write B. It's too difficult. C. Where is the form D. Would you please help me 6. --Look, would you like to go out tomorrow evening? --________. My parents are coming to see me. A. I'm afraid I can't tomorrow evening B. I don't like to go out with you C. I have no time tomorrow evening D. I won't go out with you 7. --Do you mind turning off the TV? I'm studying for the exam.


(专科起点升本科) 英语备考试题库 一、词汇与语法知识 练习(一) 1.Is the Changjiang River river in the world? A. the third longest B. the third longer C. the three longest D. the three longer 2.We must not to know when we do not know. A. intend B. prevent C. prepare D. pretend 3.Only in this way the foreign language well. A.can we learn B.can learn we C.should we learn D.we can learn 4.He wished he more about the subject, so he could talk about it. A.had known B.knew C.would know D.knows 5.Is this book you borrowed from the library last week? A.that B.×C.the one D.which 6. The professor last week will give us a report this Saturday afternoon. A. returning B. returned C. who returned D. having returned 7. About of the workers in that steel works are young people. A. third fifths B. three fives C. three fifths D. three fifth 8. After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced ________ in 2001 as the year before. A. as twice many machines B. twice many as machines C. twice as many machines D. as many machines twice 9. Because the man's gift was too expensive, the girl to accept it. A. rejected B. denied C. refused D. unwilling 10. —Why are you looking pleased? —Oh, I've just had a job _______ A. offered B. offering C. to offer D. being offered 11.wants the book may have it. A. Anyone B. Someone C. Those D. Whoever


《大学英语》模拟试题二 班级姓名学号 I. Choose the best choice with ABCD (1’ ×10=10’) 1.On yesterday interview, he didn’t make a(n) ______at all; what’s the matter with him? A. apology B. appearance C. difference D. change 2. —How much farther shall we have to go? —Another five miles until we reach the mountain__________. . A. at a distance B. in a distance C. at distance D. in the distance 3. The discovery of new evidence led to___________. A. the thief having caught B. catch the thief C. the thief being caught D. the thief to be caught 4. Smallpox, a kind of disease, has now died ___________. . A. out B. away C. off D. down 5. — Why were you not at the concert last night? — I ______ a close game between Seattle Sonnies and Miami Bucks. A. watched B. was watching C. have watched D. had watched 6. —No wonder you caught a cold. You_________out last night without a coat. —I know how silly I was. A. shouldn’t have gone B. mustn’t have gone C. couldn’t have gone D. mightn’t have gone 7. __________you don’t like him is none of my business. A. What B. Who C. That D. Whether 8. As________ rule, apples are sold by_________weight and eggs by_______dozen. A. a; 不填;the B. a; the; the C. a; a; the D. the; 不填;不填 9. I was so familiar with her that I recognized her voice ________I picked up the phone. A. the moment B. after C. before D. while 10.Which do you enjoy _____ your weekend, swimming or fishing? A. spending B. being spent C. spend D. to spend II. Reading Comprehension (2’×15=30’) Read the passage and complete each of the statements that follow. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. Passage One Sylvester and I are watching television advertisements because we need information for a class research project. We have to discuss what is true and what is not true in television advertising, and so we are looking for examples of untruthful television commercials. The question we are asking is, "Is the commercial true to life, or does it offer an unreal picture of the product?" Sylvester is keeping track of the falsehoods, and he already has quite a long list. He says that all housewives seem to live in lovely homes, dress beautifully, and love their household chores, they smile and boast about floor cleaners and proudly display their dirty laundry, dusty tabletops, and unclean ovens. In addition, he has never seen men doing housework. Sylvester thinks that this view of family life is filled with distortions. I am keeping track of the people who appear in the advertisements. I have found handsome men chasing after the All-American Girl, and they are always recommending brand X toothpaste
