


Let’s check how well you have learned English!

Ⅰ. How large is your vocabulary?(测下你的英语学习基本功!)1.Pronunciation and your spoken language. (牢记:语音是学好任



()1、I like my white bike.

()2、They will meet at the gate of the school at eight.

()3、Dad has made friends with many of the Canadians there. ()4、Can you see a doctor and a worker in the picture?

()5、Did you see a dog running in the street with a piece of meat in its mouth?

()6、He looked out of window and saw a lot of flowers in the garden behind the house.

()7、I hear they have worked here for nearly ten years.

()8、This Saturday the nurse is going to the farm to learn how to keep birds.

2. the following words and write them out according to the phonetics.


1、/???? _________ /????__________

/???? __________ /???? __________

2、/????? __________ ????? ___________

●???? ___________

? ●??? __________

3、/ ?????/_________ /????/________

/ ???/__________ /?◆???/_________

4、/????/ ___________ /????/ _________/???/ _________/ ??/ __________

5、/???/ ___________ / ??/ __________ /????/

__________ /????/ __________

6、/???? __________ /???? ___________

/●?◆?? __________ /●?◆?? ____________ 7、 ?????●?? _________ ????????

________ ??????? _________ ???????


8、 ????●?????____________

??????◆??? ____________


9、 ?????????_____________ ?????●?????____________

???●??? ?_______________

10、/?????/___________/ ???????/____________

/ ????◆???????/_______________

Ⅱ. Pay attention to how much you have known about English grammar.


My name is Li Hua. I was born in Dalian, Liaoning province (1) _______ February 1977. I started school in 1984 (2) _____ I was seven. I studied in Guangming Primary School (3) _____ 1984 to 1990. (4) _______ then I went to No.62 Middle School of Dalian and graduated this summer. The main subjects I (5) _____ (study) at school (6) ______ (include) Chinese, maths, English, physics, chemistry and computer. I like English and computer best and I am very good at (7) _____. Last year I won first prize in the school computer (8) _______ (compete). In my spare time I enjoy listening to popular music and (9) ______ (collect) stamps. My favorite sports are (10) ______ (swim) in summer and skating in winter.

Ⅲ. Translate the following sentences into English.(句法运用)

1. 教室里有三十名男生和25名女生。(There be )

2. 操场上有几个男生在打篮球。(There be )

3. 昨天学校门口前发生了一次交通事故。(happen )

4. 他所说的听起来有道理。(sound )

5. 小女孩能用简单的英语来表达自己的感情了。(express )


如对您有帮助,请购买打赏,谢谢您! 河北国泰物流有限公司员工入职综合能力测评 一、单项选择题(共55题每题1分共55分。在每小题的四个备选答案中,只有一项是最符合题目要求的,请选择正确答案) 1.中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会召开时间是()。 A. 2012年11月6日 B. 2012年11月7日 C. 2012年11月8日 D. 2012年11月9日 2.获得2016年夏季奥运会举办权的城市是() A.马德里 B. 里约热内卢 C 芝加哥 D.东京 3.“金砖四国”(BRIC)引用了巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国四国英文的首字母。由于该词与英语单词的砖(Brick)类似,因此被称为“金砖四国”。后来哪个国家加入,“金砖四国”的英文单词变为“BRICS”,并改称为“金砖国家”()。 A.沙特阿拉伯 B.苏丹 C.南非 D.西班牙 4. 下列关于二十四节气说法错误的是()。 A. 雨水、谷雨反映降水现象 B. 立春、春分反映季节变化 C. 惊蛰、清明反映自然物候现象 D. 小雨、芒种与农作物成熟和收成相关 5.“四书五经”中的“四书”指的是:() A.《诗经》《孟子》《孝经》《尔雅》B.《周易》《尚书》《礼记》《春秋》 C.《大学》《中庸》《论语》《孟子》D.《尚书》《周易》《论语》《孝经》 6."心比天高() A、晴雯 B、袭人 C、林黛玉 D、王熙凤 7.“但使龙城飞将在() A、霍去病 B、李广 C、廉颇 D、赵云 8.“卧薪尝胆”说的是() A、夫差 B、范蠡 C、管仲 D、勾践 9.“初出茅庐”中的“茅庐”本意是指谁的的住处() A、刘备 B、诸葛亮 C、司马光 D、司马迁 10.下列哪一战役是第二次世界大战的转折点,使德国法西斯军队被迫转入战略防御? () A.不列颠之战 B.莫斯科保卫战 C.斯大林格勒保卫战 D.空袭珍珠港 11.根据我国宪法规定,下列哪项权利属于公民的基本权利中的政治权利和自由? () A.平等权 B.言论自由 C.宗教信仰自由 D.批评、建议和检举权 12.下列关于我国国情的表述中,不正确的一项是:() A.计划生育是我国的基本国策 B.民兵是我国武装力量的组成部分 C.我国的耕地面积不足陆地面积的5% D.根据全国第六次人口普查,我国的人口已达13.7亿 13.下列关于公文知识的表述中,不正确的一项:() A.附件即附注,是公文正文的重要组成部分 B.请示应当一文一事,一般只写一个主送机关 C.不相隶属机关之间相互商洽工作、询问和答复问题可以用涵


高中英语学业水平考试练习题 第Ⅰ卷(选择题满分75分) 第一部分单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.Learning _______ country’s language is a better way of knowing _______culture behind it. A. the; a B. a; the C. /; the D. a; / 2.My brother got up earlier than _______ this morning, as it is a special day for him. A. common B. regular C. usual D. normal 3._______ effective learners, we must have good study approaches. A. To be B. To have been C. Having been D. Being 4.Please remember nothing can be learned ______ hard work. A. by B. at C. without D. for 5.Tony is a quiet student in class _______ he is quite active in outdoor activities. A. so B. and C. or D. while 6.If you _______ the habit of smiling often, you are going to feel a lot better and be more optimistic. A. take B. show C. develop D. match 7.We’ve got no coffee. Let’s have tea _______. A. either B. however C. yet D. instead 8.The movies introduced to China won’t be popular _______ the stories are attractive. A. until B. unless C. though D. if 9.The problem of high living expenses we face today is quite similar to _______ troubling the Americans in the 1930s. A. one B. it C. this D. that 10.Sorry, I can’t return the book today. Actually, I _______ half of it. A. have covered B. am covering C. was covering D. covered 11.The No. 1 searched term for 2013 was Nelson Mandela, the former president of South Africa, _______ death caused a worldwide celebration of his life’s achievements. A. who’s B. which C. of whom D. whose 12.---Shall I pick you up at the school gate tomorrow morning


英语期末水平测试卷 英语期末水平测试卷 一、听音,排顺序。 ABC 1.twofoursix 2.penbagruler 3.singreadjump 4.eyemouthnose 5.openclosesit 二、听音,选择你所听到的.单词或句子。()1.A.bookB.look ()2.A.penB.pencil ()3.A.rulerB.rubber ()4.A.earB.eye ()5.A.Raiseyourhand. B.Putitdown. 三、听音,圈出听到的数学数字。(8分) 1)436 2)352 3)461

4)729 5)194 6)249 7)635 8)327 四、听音、补全门牌号。(5分) 1)Room14 2)Room32 3)Room53 4)Room3__ 五、圈出听到的词。(5分) 1)rulerface 2)moondoll 3)orangebicycle 4)applepear 5)leafbean ()1.readA.读B.写 ()2.danceA.唱歌B.跳舞 ()3.jumpA.跑B.跳 ()4.drawA.画B.说 ()5.Touchyourarm. A.摸一下你的头。 B.摸一下你的手臂。 ()6.Waveyourhand.A.挥一挥手。.B.挥一挥书。

()7.Icansing.A.我会唱歌。B.我会画画。 七、请对照所给单词,在方框中圈出单词。sing singoegn book hnbobook ruler rarulereface sister dhsister doll gmdolllo melon jlemelon


六年级英语水平检测题 (满分100分) 成绩: 听力部分(40分) 一、听音,选择你所听到的单词(10分): ( ) 1、 A、 afraid B、 angry C、amazing ( ) 2、 A、 taxi B、 trip C、 ship ( ) 3、 A、 pilot B、 postman C、 polic e officer ( ) 4、 A、 stop B、 slow C、 stay ( ) 5、 A、 No、57 B、 No、75 C、 No、51 二、听问句,选择恰当的答语(10分): ( ) 1、A、She should see a doctor、B、He should see a doctor、 C、You should see a doctor、 ( ) 2、A、He likes singing、B、He is happy、C、He is a postman、 ( ) 3、A、He lives in Australia、B、He works on a boat、 C、He is a coach、 ( ) 4、A、I’m going th is evening、B、I’m going to Beijing、 C、I’m going to see a film、 ( ) 5、A、Yes, he does、B、Yes, I don’t、C、No, I don’t、

三、听对话, 判断正“T”误“F” (10分): ( ) 1、 Mike should see a doctor in the morning、 ( ) 2、 My mother works near the sea、 ( ) 3、 My brother is a postman、 ( ) 4、 Peter likes doing Kung fu and swimming、 ( ) 5、 We are going to Beijing next Tuesday、 四、听录音, 把下列句子补充完整(10分): 1、 The is behind to the science museum、 2、 My uncle is a 、 3、 He likes helping people、 She wants to be a 、 4、 5、—What are you going to do tonight? —I’m going to 、 笔试部分(60分) 五.找出下列每组单词中不属于同一类的选项(10分): ( ) 1、 A、 foot B、 train C、 plane D、 subway ( ) 2、 A、 newspaper B、 bookstore C、 magazine ( ) 3、 A、 police officer B、 father C、 pilot D、 worker ( ) 4、 A、 angry B、 sad C、 happy D 、 wear ( ) 5、 A、 teaches B、 tomatoes C、 watches D、 reads


行政职业能力测试题及答案(五十三)推荐阅读:行测答题技巧 |事业单位考试题库 |2013事业单位招聘 第一部分言语理解与表达 1.考试夺走了大部分孩子的童年,剥夺了他们的自尊,在他们身上灌输一种一辈子 ______与学习有关的任何东西的情绪,在他们心中形成一种对所有成年人深深的不信任感,而这种不信任感完全是成年人______。 依次填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是()。 A.厌恶咎由自取 B.抵制自食其果 C.害怕罪有应得 D.怀疑自作自受 第二部分数量关系 2.小李从甲地翻过山顶到达乙地一共行了2 3.5千米,用了6.5小时。他上山时每小时走3千米,下山时每小时走5千米,若小李用相同的上山、下山速度由乙地返回甲地,要用()小时。 A.7 B.5.5 C.4.5 D.6 第三部分判断推理 3.所谓近因效应,指的是在交往过程中最近一次接触给人留下的印象对社会知觉的影响作用。近因效应使我们仅仅根据人的一时一事去评价一个人或人际关系,割裂了历史与现实、现象与本质的关系,妨碍我们客观地、历史地看待人和客观事实。 下列各项中.体现出近因效应的一项是()。 A.小万最近一个月节食减肥瘦了十多斤,许多同事朋友都误以为他生了重病 B.张三和李四可谓不打不相识,互相熟悉后却成了无话不说的好朋友 C.小王和老王初次见面时表现得十分拘谨,因此在老王眼中小王就是个腼腆内向的孩子 D.甲对乙一直关怀备至.可是却因最近一次“得罪”了乙,就遭到乙的痛恨 第四部分资料分析 2007年,全国研究与试验发展(R&D)经费总支出为3710.2亿元,增长23.5%,研究与试验发展(R&D)经费投入强度(与国内生产总值之比)为1.49%。按研究与试验发展人员(全时工作量)计算的人均经费支出为21.4万元,比上年增加l.4万元。


英语能力考试试卷 (中级3) 第1部分:词汇选项(第1-15题,每题l分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1. I don’t want to get married because I don’t want any commitments. A. responsibilities B. housework C. worries D. duty 2. She speaks with a pronounced French accent. A. strongly marked B. thinly disguised C. surprisingly strange D. shortly sight 3. By some fluke the judges passed over the obvious choices and chose her. A. success B. accident C. breeze D. crash 4. The widow gave a plaintive wail at the graveside. A. sad B. hysteric C. lonely D. happy 5. We mustn’t let things fester. A. remain the same B. change for the better C. become worse D. get older 6. The university conferred an honorary degree on him. A. created B. gave C. received D. accepted 7. We fought with tooth and nail to get our plans accepted. A. teeth and fists B. great force or determination C. biting and hitting D. ideas and thoughts 8. Personally, I do not have any animosity against him. A. hatred B. hospitality C. sympathy D. thought 9. This kind of plants is indigenous, and cannot be found in other areas. A. new B. local C. fragile D. logical 10. Of the ten board members, only one dissented. A. disagreed B. agreed C. refused D. received 11. The ability to speak several languages was among his attainments. A. merits B. achievements C. virtues D. success 12. I didn’t know anything about any of the books so my choice was quite arbitrary. A. based on facts B. based on reason C. based on chance or personal opinion D. based on personality


六年级英语暑期期末测试题 一、 听录音,圈出你所听到的字母组合。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 二、听录音,圈出与你听到的内容相符的图片。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 四、下面5个小对话,在与对话内容相符的图片下面打“√” ,不相符的图片下打“×” 1. 2. 3. ( ) ( ) ( ) 4. 5. ( ) ( ) 五、写出下列单词。 1、火车 2、飞机 3、步行 4、交通灯 5、等待 6.电影院 7.书店 8.右转 9.北 10.自行车 六、找出一个不同类的词 ( )1. A. on foot B. by bike C. by train D. by a car ( )2. A. stop B. wait C. bus D. go bad HJK srt mnl AHGK

( )3. A. Canada B. England C. the USA D. Chinese ( )4. A. library B. school C. bookstore D. subway ( )5. A. yellow B. rule C. red D. Green ( ) 6. A. library B. hospital C. cinema D. party. ( ) 7. A. north B. party C. south D. east ( ) 8. A. wait B. bus C. train D. bike ( )9. A. museum B. post office C. music D. library ( )10. A. plane B. cinema C.bike D. bus 七.单选 ()1. A: How do you go to the USA? B:I go ____ A. on foot B. by bike C. by bus D. by plane ()2. Remember the traffic rules. ___at a yellow light. A. stop B. wait C. go D. go straight ()3. How can I get to _______park? A. Zhongshan B. the Zhongshan C. a Zhongshan ()4. Is it far _______here? A. for B. of C. from ( ) 5. How do you go to school? I often go to school_____ foot. A. by B. on C. in ( ) 6. Go straight for two minutes. Then ________ left. A. go B. turn C. on ( ) 7. If you want to buy some books, you can go to the ______. A. book shop B. shoe shop C. post office ()8. You see a red light, You must ______. A. go B. wait C. stop ()9当询问对方上学用什么交通工具时,应该问: A、How old are you? B、How do you go to school? ()10、当对方说谢谢的时候,你应该怎么回答: A、You're welcome. B、No,thanks. 四、情景会话。选出合适的句子将序号填在划线处,完成对话。 Amy: Excuse me. Where is the post office? Mike: I'm sorry. I am new here. You can ask the policeman. Amy: Thank you all the same. Amy: ___________. Can you tell me the way to the post office? Policeman: ___________. You can see the hospital. Amy: And then? Policeman: It's ___________ the hospital. Amy: Oh, I see. ___________ Policeman: __________ 五、从A栏选出B栏的正确答语 ( )1.How can I go to the ZhongShan Park? A.No,it’s not far. ( )2.Can I go on foot? B.You can go by bus ( )3.Where is the library? C. It’s near the post office. ( )4.Is it far from here? D. You are welcome.


销售人员能力测试题及答案 完成时间:60分钟答题人: 一、职业素质、修养(每题10分,共40分) 1、优秀的销售人员应该具备什么样的优良服务素质? 1、以诚为本 2、善待客户——百问不厌,百陪不厌 3、高度的挫折忍受力 4、建立职业荣誉感 5、对工作充满激情 6、团队合作精神 2、优秀的销售人员应该具备什么样的素质与能力? 1、积极的人生态度6、灵活的应变能力 2、持久力7、有熟练的社交能力 3、敏锐的洞察力8、语言表达能力高超,简洁扼要 4、服务意识强烈9、自我控制能力 5、挖掘需求的能力10、丰富的业余知识,了解其他楼盘的价格、设计、 配套、相比优劣势,以及房地产的基本知识。 11、服饰的基本要求12、帮助精神 3、地产销售人员具备什么样的品质? 1敬业2韧性3勇气热情、真诚、有感染力4真实、有可靠性 5尊重客户6客观、果断、有智慧、有想像力7克服懒惰、苛刻、过于争论、不耐心 4、地产销售人员工作前后的工作安排是什么的? 1提前5分钟到场 2要整理好好的心情 3对镜看自己的仪表 4上班前要有一个静思的过程 5做好每一天的业务统计 6客户资料要自己记录清楚 7每天工作日志一定要做好,做全 二、专业知识(每题10分,共40分) 1、什么是房地产?什么是房地产业?两者之间的区别是什么? 房地产:房屋建筑及其建筑地块所组成的有机整体。

房地产业:进行房地产投资、开发、经营、管理、服务的行业,属于第三产业。 两者之间的区别是:房地产业属于第三产业。 2、房地产有那些方面的特性? 1、房地产位置的固定性 2、房地产地域的差别性 3、房地产的高值耐久性 4、房地产的保值增值性 3、房地产业有那些方面的特征? 1基础性2先导性3对金融的依赖性 4高回报性5高风险性 4、房地产行业与建筑业的关系是什么? 区别: 建筑业是物质生产部门,属于第二产业;房地产业因为兼有经营、生产、管理、服务等多种性质,属于第三产业。 联系: 业务对象均是房地产,一般来讲,从事房地产开发和经营的企业和组织称为开发商;从事房屋建设和设备安装的企业称为建筑商和承包商。 三、名词解释(每题2分,共10分) 1、土地使用权出让金 是指通过有偿、有期限出让方式取得土地使用权的受让者按合同规定的期限一次或分次提前支付的整个使用期限的地租。 2、国有土地使用权的划拨 是指县级以上人民政府依法批准的,在土地使用者交纳补偿、安置等费用以后,将土地使用权无偿交付给土地使用者的行为。 3、商品房权属登记 指房地产行政主管部门代表政府对房屋所有权以及由上述权利产生的抵押权、典权等房屋他项权利登记,并依法确认房屋产权归属关系的行为。 4、用地红线 是指城市规划主管部门批准的建设用地范围的界线。 5、熟地 指经过系统性的组织,开发的土地,经过三通一平或七通一平的土地。 四、计算公式(每题2分,10 分) (建筑基底的总面积÷建筑用地面积)×100% 1、建筑密度= 2、绿地率=(绿化用地面积÷总占地面积)×100% 3、公摊率=(公摊面积÷建筑面积)×100% 4、使用率=又名得房率=(套内面积÷建筑面积)×100%


1996 年同等学历人员申请硕士学位英语水平全国统一考试试题 Paper One 试卷一 (1996.6 A 卷 ) Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes, 15 points) 略 Part II Vocabulary (10 minutes, 10 points) Directions: In each question, decide which of the four choices given will suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Mark out choice on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 16. It was felt that the lacked the _____ t o pursue a difficult task to the very end. A. petition B. engagement C. commitment D. qualification 17. He does nothing that ____ the interests of the collective. A. runs for B. runs against C. runs over D. runs into 18. Though he views himself as a realist, Cetron says that his findings make him very about future. A. optimistic B. sympathetic C. objective D. precautions 19. In such a changing and complex society, formerly simply solutions informational needs become . most your to

英语水平测试卷 Test Paper 2

English Starting Test Part One Write down your answers or choose the correct option in blanks. I Each sentence has an underlined word or phrase. Choose one of the words or phrase which best keeps the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlined word or phrase. Put a ring of a, b, c or d.选出与划线的词或词组最相近的答案。 1.We all thought that the way our host greeted us was very curious. a. strange b. inquisitive c. pleasant d. amusing 2.The ground on which the church stands has always been regarded as scared. a. serious b. holy c. religious d. saintly 3.‘It’s been a privilege to meet you, sir, ’ the young man said to the artist as he was leaving. a. a pleasure b. an ambition c. an honour d. a sad occasion 4.George is very proud of his new status in the company. a.stutue b. office c. state d. professional position 5.Very few people are prepared to sacrifice their own comfort for the good of other people. a. lend b. burn c. kill d. give up II Read the text. Then use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space. We have done the first as an example.阅读短文,仿照给出的例子,然后用所给词的正确形式填空。 In our local museum and art gallery there is a full- length (LONG) portrait of a lady standing in a typically (CLASSIC) pose, although she is quite clearly not Greek or Roman, but a (PROSPER) English woman of the eighteenth century. She looks extremely (GRACE) and some might even describe her as a (GOD), although I wouldn’t myself. What is particularly (INTEREST) about this picture is that it tells us things about the period that (ARCHAEOLOGY), with all their digging and exploration, can’t. This lady is (BEAUTY) dressed in clothes typical of the 1750s, but the (DISCOVER) here has nothing to do with fashion, but with an aspect of (CIVIL) which we often do not discuss, namely (DRAIN) – because behind her, through the large window, can be seen piles of clay pipes waiting to be laid in trenches which are being dug in the lawn beyond. III Read the article first and write down your answers to the questions after each item.阅读下面文章,并在每个问题后作答。 Amazing Coincidences ‘I never used to believe in coincidences,’says Tom Greenaway. ‘I’m not normally credulous or gullible, but there was something strange about an experience I had recently. I was late leaving for work and was just about to get into my car when my wife called me. My boss wanted me to drop into another office on the way to work to pick up some important papers. The call only delayed me by five minutes, but it was enough. When I reached the office block to collect the papers, there wasn’t much of it left. There had been an enormous explosion of some kind and


六年级英语学业水平测试卷 2011年小学六年级英语学业水平测试卷 (完卷时间60分钟,满分100分,超量给题10分) 一、单项选择(每题2分,共10分) ( )1. —A: ay I e in? B: ___________. A. e in, please. B. N e in. . yu’re wele. ( )2、hat’s the weather like tday? ---______________. A. I like luds. B. It’s windy . Tday is Sunday ( )3、She is talking t her friend ______her phne is ringing. A. And B. but . with ()4、It’s ging t_ ht _ Sunday A / at B be , n be , in ( )5 、I sing sngs, but I d Taiiquan. A. an’t an’t B. an an’t . an an 二、选词填空.把方框内的词填在横线上(每空2分,共10分) rad ate played wathed wn

Daing and Sin went t a baseball gae in Aeria .They ________ their biyles .Then they _______ the gae . They saw their favurite tea . Their tea ___ very well and they ___ .Daing and Sin ________ ht dgs and drank las .It was a great gae ! 三、看图选择正确的单词或短语,请将序号填在括号内。(每空2分,共10分) 11、 12、 13、 14、 15、 A、play hess B、ballns 、physis D、afraid E、spaeship 11、() 12、() 13、() 14、() 15、() 四、连词成句。(每题2分,共10分) 16. e,speak,ging t,are, hinese (.. ) 17.study, are, t, yu, what ,ging (.? ) 18. in Harbin, It’s, snw, ging , t (..) 19.I, an, write , yur friend , t ( ? ) 20. d,yu , d , what , n Thanksgiving Day(.?) 五、情景对话( 方框中选择适当的句子,并把序号填在横线上,每空2分,共10分) A: Gd ning ada . hat an I d fr yu? B: I want t buy a dress fr y daughter.


职业能力测试真题及答案 而且创业成功与否,还与个人的性格、能力和想法有着莫大的关系。 下面是收集整理关于职业能力测试的资料,希望大家喜欢。 职业能力测试篇一测试题目:如果你看中了朋友的包包,直到回家也念念不忘,你会怎样处理这种恋物单思病?A.四处探听,偷偷买,不让朋友看见B.按捺想拥有的欲望,忘了那个东西C.直接问朋友要到哪里买 D.想办法跟好朋友要来测试结果:A.四处探听,偷偷买,不让朋友看见你很注意小节,不愿失礼,所以待人处事十分客气,却会让人觉得有点矫枉过正,假假的,反倒适得其反。 其实放松一点,不要那么拘谨,才能和朋友更亲近没有隔阂。 B.按捺想拥有的欲望,忘了那个东西就你而言,生活单纯是最重要的事。 你希望能平静度日,不要和是是非非有任何瓜葛。 如果有人故意来招惹你,你也会伪装成一根木头,让別人的挑拨丝毫不起作用。 即使你內心翻江倒海,外表给人的感觉仍然是心如止水。 C.直接问朋友要到哪里买你总是大大咧咧的沒有心机,也不会去设想別人的心情,有时敏感的人会对你产生误解,不过你的粗神经很少有感觉,还是我行我素,依直觉行事。 渐渐大家就会知道那是你的本性而习惯适应。

D.想办法跟好朋友要来你应该很受欢迎,无论同事、朋友、亲戚都愿意接近你,正是有这种好交情,你常常会得到贵人帮忙,人际交往的尴尬不化自解,职场上当然是无往不利。 不过还是要努力充实自己,免得把好运都用完了,将来还是要靠实力养活自己。 (完) 你骨子里十分依赖他人,也正因为这样,使你拥有平易近人的性格,具有协调能力的你很容易就融入团体中。 选B的人下一页更多精彩“职业能力测试你非常在意他人的看法。 虽然你也很想拥有独立自主的坚强个性,而且凡事也尽量表现出一副潇洒样子,但是再遇到问题时,你还是习惯先去征询别人的意见,虽然对方说什么你不见得会照样去做。 你的逻辑是,多听,多问并不会少块肉,给别人一个面子,也是给自己增加一些人际关系,何乐而不为呢?选C的人你有着过人的领导能力,而且这种能力再团体中越发容易凸现出来,但是要绝对小心,别太嚣张。 你做事干脆,不喜欢依赖他人,热爱自己,拥有自己独特的风格。 另外,根据统计,将闹钟放的愈远愈不容易亲近。 (完)职业能力测试篇三自主创业你的失败率多高?测试开始:题目:一个女孩在散步途中,发现一家新开的面包店。 面包店里里最吸引她的是奶油泡芙。


新概念英语第二册综合水平测试题(一) 一、选择填空。(15%) 1、―When do you usually every morning ? ―At 6:30 and then have breakfast . A. get up B. get on C. get together D. get along 2、―Have you ever been to Nanjing ? ―Yes . I there last summer . A. go B. went C. have been D. will go 3、― your classroom every day ? ―Yes. It is. A. Was ,cleaned B. Will , be cleaned C. Is ,cleaned D. Has ,been cleaned 4. ―Must I finish the book in this week? ―No, you needn’t. A.to be read B.to read C.being read D.reading 5. ―Have you decided for you holiday? ―To Dr. Sun’s Mausoleum. A.where to go B.when to go C.how to go D.who to go 6.―Which of the twins will succeed? ―The one works harder, I think. A.whom B.who C.which D. whose 7. ―You went to the cinema last night, didn’t. you? ― . I was at home. A.Yes, I do B.No, I don’t C.No, I didn’t D.Yes , I did. 8. ―Is here? ―No, jack has asked for leave. A.anybody B.somebody C.everybody D.nobody 9. ―Tom is taller than Tim but not so tall as Bob. Which of them is ? ―Bob, of course. A.tall B.taller C.tallest D.the tallest 10.―He bought English book not Chinese one. A.a, a B.the ,a C.a ,an D.an ,a 11.― useful information it is for me! A.What B.What a C.What an D.How 12.―Grandma a bad cold since last Saturday. A.has got B.has taken C.has had D.has caught 13.― Andrew his Japanese textbook yet?


学业水平考试模拟测试卷(一) (时间:90分钟满分:100分) Ⅰ.情景交际(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 阅读下列简短对话,从A、B、C和D中选出最佳答案,将对话补全。 1.—Every day there is always so much work to do. I think I'm going to be driven mad. —________.It's going to be all right. A.No way B.Go ahead C.Keep cool D.Never mind 解析:句意为:——工作总是这么多,我都快疯了。——保持冷静。一切都会过去的。Keep cool“保持冷静,有话好好说”,符合句意。No way“没门”;Go ahead“着手做某事,尽管去做”;Never mind“不必担心”。 答案:C 2.—This film is really moving! —________!You've described exactly what I felt about the film. A.That's it B.Well done C.Cheers D.Nonsense 解析:句意为:——这部电影真感人!——是啊!你说出了我对这部电影的感觉。That's it“就是这样”;Well done“干得好”;Cheers“干杯”;Nonsense“胡说八道”。 答案:A 3.—Would you mind my opening the window to let in some fresh air? —________! A.Come on B.Take care C.Go ahead D.Hold on 解析:句意为:——你介意我打开窗户让新鲜空气进来吗?——打开吧。Go ahead意为“干吧,做吧,继续吧”,表示准许或鼓励某人做某事,符合语境。Come on“快点”,表示催促的语气;Take care“当心,小心”;Hold on“稍等”。 答案:C 4.—What a wonderful dinner.That's very kind of you. —________. A.Thanks a lot B.It's my pleasure C.With pleasure D.Not really 解析:That's very kind of you.表示“你真是太好了”,是对别人的感谢用语。Thanks
