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effect n. 结果, 效果
have an effect 有效果 have no effect 没有效果
have effect on 对...有效果
The advice has no effect on me.
effective adj. 高效的,有效果的
ancient history n. 古代史, <口>家喻户晓的故事
trouble n. 麻烦
Have trouble with sb./sth.与……有摩擦 Have trouble in doing sth.做某事有困难、麻烦 他做作业时有困难
He has trouble in doing his homework. v. 麻烦,找麻烦 Why trouble yourself? Don’t trouble the trouble until the trouble troubles you! 永远不要自寻烦恼 =Let sleeping dogs lie.不要自找麻烦
The reason why he was late was traffic jam. The days/time when I spend with them is happy.
The boy who/whom// I believe in/trust is Tom.
【New words and expressions】
steak [steik] n. 牛排
牛排几分熟: well done : 全熟
Well done!【口语】干得漂亮 medium [ˈmidiəm] : 半生半熟的 adj.中间的, 中等的, 半生熟的 rare : 几乎是生的
Biblioteka Baidu
ancient adj. 古代的, 古老的 古埃及 ancient Egypt [ˈi:dʒɪpt]
Text Explanation
1、Jasper White is one of those rare people who believe in ancient myths. one of +名词/代词 其中之一(of后面的名词必须是 复数,但与这个结构连用的动词必须是单数) One of your friends is waiting for you now. 如果在定语从句中出现了one of作为先行词, 它后边 的关系代词指代的是后面的复数名词;如果在 one of前面还有一修饰词 (the) only,那么后边的关系代词 将指代one这个词, 才作单数看 He is the only one of those rare people who believes in ancient myths.
Myth—Medusa (神话故事)
美杜莎曾是一位美丽的 2 少女,一头乌黑的头发使她 容光照人。 但是她胆敢跟战争女神雅典 娜比美,女神将她的卷发变 成嘶嘶作响的毒蛇。 她变成了一头面目可憎的怪 物,任何有生命的东西只要 看到她就立刻变成石头。
Gorgon Medusa
Gorgon n.
rare adj. 罕见的 ancient adj. 古代的,古老的 myth n. 神话故事 trouble n. 麻烦 effect n. 结果,效果 Medusa n. 美杜莎(古希腊神话中3位蛇发
女怪这一) Gorgon n. (古希腊神话)3位蛇发女怪之 一(凡见其貌者都会变成石头)
【语法强练专讲】 (which, that, who, whom, 第13讲 复合句(共82张 whose) 定语从句:在主从复合句中,充当主句的某一成分 (主语、宾语、表语、状语)的定语的主谓结构叫 定语从句。简单来说,就是一句话做定语。 关系代词可以有五个概念 : 1.代人的, 做主语或宾语who, 只做宾语的whom 2.代物的, 做主语或宾语 which 3.代人的也可以代物的 做主语或宾语 that 4.whose其代表的东西由其在句子中的成分决定( 不一定指人) 5 指时间用when The boat whose name is... ☞ P136练习
The pen with which I write/do my homework
(with) is black.
The boy who runs (the )fastest is my brother.
The city where I was born is Zhumadian. The city in which I was born is Zhumadian.
Lesson 28
No parking
The boy who is called Tom is my friend. The boy whose name is Tom is my friend.
The pen which/that// I use to do my homework is
rare adj. rarity [ˈreərɪti:] n. 珍稀鸟类 a rare bird rare animal 稀有动物 It is rare for sb. to do sth. Jay很少迟到。 It is rare for Jay to be late.
Waiter: How would you like your steak to be cooked?
Exersise (在需要的地方填上who, which, that或whose) which/thatI/ play are football 1 The only games ______ and tennis. 2 He is the only student __________ that/who understands English well. 3 He is a writer whose ______ books are seldom read. 4 This is the hotel at which ______ we are staying. / which/that 5 Is this the money ______ you lost? 6 That is the horse which ___________ /that won the race. 7 He is the sort of person ______ everyone /who/whom/that admires.