

Pride and Prejudice :The analysis of the characters`characteristic





Pride and Prejudice is a novel written by British writer Jane Austen .The style of this novel is easy and humor.In this novel ,she describe the life of middle class in a small town in nineteenth-century Britain,especially Mr & Mrs Bennet and their daughters.This novel mainly tell us about the main character Elizabeth and her sisters`different attitude about marriage and love.Just because of their different attitude,at last they have their own different destinies.In this article,we will analysis Elizabeth and her sisters`character and destiny.

Key Words:Elizabeth,character analysis,destiny analysis,pride,prejudice



2.Chapter ⅠElizabeth

3.Chapter ⅡJane

4.Chapter ⅢCharlotte



Pride and Prejudice is the most popular of Jane Austen`s novels,even it continues to be popular today.The novel vividly describes the 18th century British town life and the social life.The novel also arranged many interesting plots and dialogue,inspire readers interest of reading.And because of these interesting plots and dialogue,every role has its own distinctive characteristics.These different characteristics make the roles in this novel take different path.In this article,we will analysis the roles`characteristics and fortune in Pride and Prejudice.

Chapter Ⅰ Elizabeth

I n this novel,the writer focus on the second daughter of the family-----Elizabeth.Elizabeth is the main character in Pride and Prejudice,she is also an important role in British literary history.She is optimistic,smart and knowledgeable.She has high self-respect.But she also has some disadvantages.She considers that she can recognize someone`s nature from primary impression.So she prejudiced Mr.Darcy when she meet him at the ball.Mr.Darcy is very wealthiness and handsome.He is very popular in the town.Many girls are adoring him.But he is pride and indifference.He don`t care about anyone except his own families.In the first ball which he meet Elizabeth,he talk about Elizabeth with his friend Mr.Bingley and says "She is tolerable; but not handsome enough to tempt me; and I am in no humor at present to give consequence to young ladies who are slighted by other men. "Elizabeth hears this talk and it make her very awkward.She think Mr.Darcy is pride and rude.In the ball,they give each other a bad first impression.

After that ball,Elizabeth and Darcy meet many times again.Elizabeth is forthright,witty,clever and stubborn.Darcy deeply attracted by her glamour.But Elizabeth still prejudices Darcy and she hates his pride and rude.She never mind Darcy`s huge amount of property.On the other hand,Mr.Wickham`s slander to Darcy also influence Elizabeth`s opinion.So when Darcy first confesses his love to Elizabeth,Elizabeth refuses him ruthlessly.She criticisms his pride and rude in angry.About this scene,the novel describe " He spoke well, but there were feelings besides those of the heart to be detailed, and he was not more eloquent on the subject of tenderness than of pride. His sense of her inferiority-- of its being a degradation -- of the family obstacles which judgment had always opposed to inclination, were dwelt on with a warmth which seemed due to the consequence he was wounding, but was very unlikely to recommend his suit."Surely,his proud attitude enrages Elizabeth.Elizabeth refuses him and says"In such cases as this,it is,I believe,the established mode to express a sense of obligation for the sentiments avowed,however unequally they may be returned. It is natural that obligation should be felt,and if I could feel gratitude,I would now thank you. But I cannot —— I have never desired your good opinion,and you have certainly bestowed it most unwillingly. I am sorry to have occasioned pain to any one. It has been most unconsciously done,however,and I hope will be of short duration. The feelings which,you tell me,have long prevented the acknowledgment of your regard,can have little difficulty in overcoming it after this explanation. "This failure make Darcy wake up and realize his defect . He corrects his shortcomings and never pride and rude to https://www.360docs.net/doc/3018633950.html,ter,Elizabeth knows the truth of the whole matter and never believe Wickham`s lie about Darcy.She removes prejudice and misunderstanding.Gradually,she has a good impression of Darcy.In front of Lydia`s elopement,Elizabeth is very grateful for Darcy`s help.At this point,Elizabeth removes her prejudice of Darcy and loves him.

But why Elizabeth prejudiced Darcy so strongly at first?I think this is because of her character.The formation of disposition has something to do with environment.Elizabeth is born to the family of small landowners.Her parents,Mr&Mrs.Bennet,is the only old couple which describe detailedly." Mr. Bennet was so odd a mixture of quick parts,sarcastic humor,reserve,and caprice,that the experience of three and twenty years had been insufficient to make his wife understand his character. Her mind was less difficult to develop. She was a woman of mean understanding,little information,and uncertain temper. When she was discontented,she fancied herself nervous. The business of her life was to get her daughters married;its solace was visiting and news. "From here,we can know Mrs.Bennet is a superficial woman.Elizabeth always feel anxious because of mother and sister`s mean understanding.Elizabeth is different from her families.In chapter one,when Mr.Bennet estimates his five daughters,he said"They have none of them much to recommend them," replied he;"they are all silly and ignorant like other girls;but Lizzy has something more of quickness than her sisters. "From what Mr.Bennet says we know Elizabeth has some differences with her sisters.Just because of these differences,Elizabeth has a high opinion of herself and stronger self-respect.In her opinion,everyone is equal to each other,no one was born to lower than others.Just because the dissatisfaction with the class society,and he resistant to influential officials,make her dismissive to handsome and wealthy Darcy.So when Mr.Darcy acts arrogant to her,she feel very hurt.Darcy`s attitude not only hurt her self-respect,but also hurt her vanity.She doesn`t care about anyone`s position and fortune.She either can`t bear anyone from the upper ten despise her.So when Mr.Darcy court her,she says"I have never desired your good opinion, and you have certainly bestowed it most unwillingly."

But eventually,she is wise and comes to realize her fault quickly.Especially when she sees he changes his proud and indifferent,she eliminates the misunderstanding and prejudice to him.At last,she falls in love with him and married him.

Chapter Ⅱ Jane

Jane is fine and kindly.She is the most beautiful girl in her sisters.Even though as pride as Darcy commends her that she is the most beautiful girl in the ball.Jane Austen describes her on the mouth of Elizabeth" Compliments always take you by surprise, and me never. What could be more natural than his asking you again? He could not help seeing that you were about five times as pretty as every other women in the room. No thanks to his gallantry for that. Well, he certainly is very agreeable, and I give you leave to like him. You have liked many a stupider person...you are a great deal too apt, you know, to like people in general. You never see a fault in any body. All the world are good and agreeable in your eyes. I never heard you speak ill of a human being in my life"

Jane always hide her feelings include her love to Bingley.So that Darcy can't tell wether she love Bingley.Because of this,he suggests Bingley to move out of here. These words reflect her character obviously:"Lizzy,you must not do so. You must not suspect me. It mortifies me. I assure you that I have now learnt to enjoy his conversation as an agreeable and sensible young man,without having a wish beyond it. I am perfectly satisfied,from what his manners now are,that he never had any design of engaging my affection. It is only that he is blessed with greater sweetness of address,and a stronger desire of generally pleasing,than any other man. " Fortunately,Bingley really loves her.At last,they get married and have a happy ending.

Chapter Ⅲ Charlotte

Charlotte Lucas is Elizabeth`s best friend.She is also a clever girl,like Elizabeth.So she can be friends with Elizabeth.We can see her clever from many places.

When Darcy expresses his pride and indifferent,refuses to dance with other girls,Elizabeth and others think that he is offensive and rude.But Charlotte don`t agree with them.She said"His pride... does not offend me so much as pride often does,because there is an excuse for it. One cannot wonder that so very fine a young man,with family,fortune,every thing in his favour,should think highly of himself. If I may so express it,he has a right to be proud." These words shows that she is different from others.She has her own opinion and unique view on others.She is impersonality and justice.When she confront of something or someone,she can hold her own opinion.When Jane almost lose Mr.Bingley because of her hide,Charlotte said"It may perhaps be pleasant," replied Charlotte,"to be able to impose on the public in such a case;but it is sometimes a disadvantage to be so very guarded. If a woman conceals her affection with the same skill from the object of it,she may lose the opportunity of fixing him;and it will then be but poor consolation to believe the world equally in the dark. There is so much of gratitude or vanity in almost every attachment,that it is not safe to leave any to itself. We can all begin freely —— a slight preference is natural enough;but there are very few of us who have heart enough to be really in love without encouragement. In nine cases out of ten,a woman had better show more affection than she feels. Bingley likes your sister undoubtedly;but he may never do more than like her,if she does not help him on. "Obviously,Charlotte is right,she help Jane and Bingley catch their own happiness. She keeps a realistic attitude on marriage from beginning to end.Once she said"I wish Jane success with all my heart;and if she were married to him to-morrow,I should think she had as good a chance of happiness as if she were to be studying his character for a twelvemonth. Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance. If the dispositions of the parties are ever so well known to each other,or ever so similar before-hand,it does not advance their felicity in the least. They always contrive to grow sufficiently unlike afterwards to have their share of vexation;and it is better to know as little as possible of the defects of the person with whom you are to pass your life. "In my opinion,her choice is wise in that society.Charlotte is twenty-seven years old,she is never a young girl.She isn`t like Elizabeth,she isn`t rich and beautiful.So she realize that she can`t have a marriage which full of love like Elizabeth and Darcy.She only can have a comfortable home and better material life.Therefore,when Elizabeth refuses Collins,she grab this opportunity and have a marriage without love.She knows what is important for her.So after she married Collins,she knows what to do and she have a comfortable marriage life.


Jane Austen sees human life as purposeful and believes that human beings must guide their appetites and desires through their use of reason.Human happiness is found by living a life in accordance with human dignity.Self-knowledge has a central place in the acquisition of virtue,as it is a prerequisite.






傲慢与偏见人物特点 1.伊丽莎白·班内特(Elizabeth Bennet):班内特家二小姐,二十岁,故事的主角。活泼,聪明,机智,经常由第一印象来判断别人。她对于婚姻有着和当时社会不一样的看法,认为只有爱情才能带来幸福,不肯为钱随便找个有钱人结婚。她也看不起上流社会的虚伪和做作。因为达西先生的高傲脾气,加上韦汉先生散播的谣言,对达西先生产生种种误会,对他的人格打了极低的分数。但随着时间的过去、事件的发生,伊莉莎白对达西先生的看法开始有了改变。从原来的鄙视转为满心的钦佩和感激。 2.达西先生(Mr. Darcy),全名费兹威廉·达西(Fitzwilliam Darcy):一位富有的年轻人,故事主角。他是宾利先生的好友,外表英俊且风度翩翩的绅士,个性内敛和高傲,对宾利先生打算跟不适合的女子结婚一事十分不满,同时也看不起其他人的趋炎附势。因不习惯和人打交道,所以经常表现出高高在上的姿态,引来不少的毁谤声。但被伊莉莎白拒绝求婚后,也开始反省自己的行为,改掉了高傲的脾气。在莉蒂亚一事上,给予不少的帮助,使莉蒂亚的名声没有败坏。 3.班内特先生(Mr. Bennet):一个住在英国德福郡的绅士.他已婚并育有五名女儿。但他的财产需要由男性继承,所以在他死后,他的遗产将会由和他有着差劲关系的柯林斯先生(Mr Collins)继承。班内特先生是一个温柔而体贴的人,对他的两位大女儿,珍和伊丽莎白宠爱有加。不过,他不喜欢他的妻子和三位小女儿的愚昧和不理性,经常说她们愚蠢以及嘲笑她们。对自己失败的婚姻已绝望,是个沉默而善变、幽默却善讽的人。对于妻子的愚昧,保持着冷眼旁观的态度。 4.班内特太太(Mrs. Bennet):班内特先生的太太。她人生中最关注的事,是她将来的财产和屋子将会由柯林斯先生继承。因为这件事,她非常渴望她的五个女儿能嫁得好,并尽力撮合新邻居宾利先生和其中一个女儿。她亦希望能够令其中一个女儿和柯林斯先生结婚。是个非常平庸、见识浅薄而又长舌的女人。她的生活重心在于女儿的终生大事,想利用女儿钓金龟婿。 5.珍·班内特(Jane Bennet):伊莉莎白的姊姊,班内特五姐妹中最年长的,也是公认最美丽的一个。她温柔、善解人意,但性格矜持,经常收藏自己的情感。她相信人性本善,凡事都往好处想,认为世界上没有坏人。和宾利先生一见钟情,最后排除万难结为夫妻。 6.玛莉·班内特(Mary Bennet):排行第三,性格并不讨好,是一名书呆子。她鄙视其他姊妹的兴趣,并经常希望能展视自己的音乐才华,及以警世格言来警告身边的人。 7.凯瑟林(凯蒂)·班内特(Catherine "Kitty" Bennet):排行第四,十七岁,经常跟随妹妹丽迪亚。 8.丽迪亚·班内特(Lydia Bennet):排行最小,十五岁。她非常喜欢调情,个性天真而鲁葬。最终和韦克翰私奔,在达西的大力帮助下两人才能结婚。 9.查尔斯·宾利(Charles Bingley):一个单身的有钱人,在班内特的住宅附近租了房子。达西先生的朋友。性格温和,活泼,但易受人影响,所以常被朋友牵着鼻子走。一直爱慕珍·班


《简.爱》中简.爱的人物形象分析 摘要:19世纪英国批判现实主义文学作家夏洛蒂勃朗特在《简.爱》中塑造的女主人公简.爱,是一个出身贫苦的孤儿,经过孤儿院的冷酷生活而成为家庭女教师。但她心地纯正,感情深挚,善于思考,个性倔强。敢于反抗压迫、屈辱和任何卑鄙的行为,敢于表达自己强烈的爱憎,敢于捍卫自己独立的人格和尊严。这个女性形象的塑造在英国文学史上是一个壮举,她迎合了时代的召唤,用惊人的语言,骇俗的行动证明了女人的尊严。简.爱反抗不公平的命运、保持独立自我、不甘心忍受社会的压迫,是当时妇女解放斗争的艺术楷模。本文将女主人公的形象做进一步的探讨。 关键词:简.爱,人物形象,分析,性格特征 引言 夏洛蒂·勃朗特1816年生于英国北部的一个牧师家庭。她的一生仅写了四部小说(即:《教师》、《简·爱》、《谢利》和《维莱特》,其中《教师》在她去世后才出版),但她在文学史上却有着相当重要的地位。在她的小说中,最突出的主题就是女性要求独立自主的强烈愿望。这一主题可以说在她所有的小说中都顽强地表现出来,而将女性的呼声作为小说主题,这在她之前的英国文学史上是不曾有过的——她是表现这一主题的第一人。《简·爱》是她的处女作,也是代表作,至今仍受到广大读者的欢迎。这是一部以爱情为主题的小说。小说讲述的是襁褓中父母双亡的女主人公简.爱被舅舅收养,舅舅死后,舅母一家人百般虐待她,最后将她送入慈善学校,在那里备受凌辱摧残。成年后,她被聘往桑费尔德庄园当家庭教师,与主人真诚相爱;及行婚礼,发生不测,主人被证明早已结婚,其妻因疯病被私关密室。简.爱不愿作人情妇,只身远离,流浪途中昏倒在风雨之夜,被一青年牧师圣约翰救回家,在其两个妹妹的照顾下恢复健康。牧师准备去印度传教,他认为简.爱坚强而耐苦,可以作个好帮手,就向其求婚,但遭拒绝,因为简.爱情有所钟。爱情又使她返回桑费尔德庄。这时女人已将庄园烧毁,自己也被烧死,主人抢救她时还弄成了残废,两人终于幸福地结合。此外,简.爱意外地得浪迹海外的叔父一笔遗产,同时被证明她圣约翰原是姑表兄妹。 一、简.爱的性格特点及其表现


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英文版傲慢与偏见 人物剖析

When Prid e Encounters Prejudice, Everything is Different Ⅰ: Jane Austen (16 December 1775 –18 July 1817), one of the most famous novelists in Britain, was born in Hampshire. She lived in the villages throughout her life. Although there were 2 suitors, she never married. She finished her first novel when she was only 21 years old. This work’s name was First Impressions (After amending, it had a new name: Pride and Prejudice). Ⅱ: Pride and Prejudice is a humorous story of love and marriage. Mr. Bennet was an English gentleman living in Hertfordshire with his wife. He had five daughters: the beautiful Jane, the clever Elizabeth, the bookish Mary, the immature Kitty and the wild Lydia. Because of the law, after the death of Mr. Bennet, their house would be inherited by a distant cousin whom they have never met. This family's future happiness and security dependent on the 5 daughters’ marriages. One day, a rich gentleman Mr. Bingley came and rented a large house in this country. His sisters and his best friend Mr. Darcy came together. Love was soon in the air for one of the 5 sisters, while another had a prejudice against Mr. Darcy. Then they experienced many things, but at last, Mr. Bingley married the oldest sister Jane, and Elizabeth overcame the prejudice and married to Mr. Darcy. It’s a happy ending. Ⅲ: Although Mr. Song said the book report should be objective,but I had to say this book touched my heart d eeply. The women written by Jane Austen still live in our world. Some like Charlotte Lucas, they choose a marriage without love just for money and a stable life. Some like Lydia, they are so frivolous and foolish that they flatter themselves that they can do anything well. Some like Mary, they are not good-looking but think themselves are the best ones. They look down every man while they are eager for a man’s love in their hearts. Some like Jane, they are kind and beautiful, but they are also reserved and feminine。They don’t have courage to fight for the love of their own but wait here in vain. And there are also some girls like innocent Ms Darcy or like vainglorious and superficially clever Bingley sisters. Of course, some girls like Elizabeth, they are clever, gentle, open-minded, and they know their own hearts. They never give in even facing a difficult situation. They are good ladies who are worth loving and cherishing. Jane Austen’s wisdom always appeals to me, which makes me smile through the whole reading.


《傲慢与偏见》人物关系介绍 1.伊丽莎白·班内特(Elizabeth Bennet):班内特家二小姐,二十岁,故事的主角。活泼,聪明,机智,经常由第一印象来判断别人。她对于婚姻有着和当时社会不一样的看法,认为只有爱情才能带来幸福,不肯为钱随便找个有钱人结婚。她也看不起上流社会的虚伪和做作。因为达西先生的高傲脾气,加上韦汉先生散播的谣言,对达西先生产生种种误会,对他的人格打了极低的分数。但随着时间的过去、事件的发生,伊莉莎白对达西先生的看法开始有了改变。从原来的鄙视转为满心的钦佩和感激。 2.达西先生(Mr. Darcy),全名费兹威廉·达西(Fitzwilliam Darcy):一位富有的年轻人,故事主角。他是宾利先生的好友,外表英俊且风度翩翩的绅士,个性内敛和高傲,对宾利先生打算跟不适合的女子结婚一事十分不满,同时也看不起其他人的趋炎附势。因不习惯和人打交道,所以经常表现出高高在上的姿态,引来不少的毁谤声。但被伊莉莎白拒绝求婚后,也开始反省自己的行为,改掉了高傲的脾气。在莉蒂亚一事上,给予不少的帮助,使莉蒂亚的名声没有败坏。 3.班内特先生(Mr. Bennet):一个住在英国德福郡的绅士.他已婚并育有五名女儿。但他的财产需要由男性继承,所以在他死后,他的遗产将会由和他有着差劲关系的柯林斯先生(Mr Collins)继承。班内特先生是一个温柔而体贴的人,对他的两位大女儿,珍和伊丽莎白宠爱有加。不过,他不喜欢他的妻子和三位小女儿的愚昧和不理性,经常说她们愚蠢以及嘲笑她们。对自己失败的婚姻已绝望,是个沉默而善变、幽默却善讽的人。对于妻子的愚昧,保持着冷眼旁观的态度。 4. 班内特太太(Mrs. Bennet):班内特先生的太太。她人生中最关注的事,是她将来的财产和屋子将会由柯林斯先生继承。因为这件事,她非常渴望她的五个女儿能嫁得好,并尽力撮合新邻居宾利先生和其中一个女儿。她亦希望能够令其中一个女儿和柯林斯先生结婚。是个非常平庸、见识浅薄而又长舌的女人。她的生活重心在于女儿的终生大事,想利用女儿钓金龟婿。 5.简·班内特(Jane Bennet):伊莉莎白的姊姊,班内特五姐妹中最年长的,也是公认最美丽的一个。她温柔、善解人意,但性格矜持,经常收藏自己的情感。她相信人性本善,凡事都往好处想,认为世界上没有坏人。和宾利先生一见钟情,最后排除万难结为夫妻。 6.玛莉·班内特(Mary Bennet):排行第三,性格并不讨好,是一名书呆子。她鄙视其他姊妹的兴趣,并经常希望能展视自己的音乐才华,及以警世格言来警告身边的人。 7. 凯瑟林(凯蒂)·班内特(Catherine "Kitty" Bennet):排行第四,十七岁,经常跟随妹妹丽


初中英语作文:人物性格分析 Different people have different characters. If we want to get along well with others, we had better learn their characters, so that we won’t step on landmines. For example, when we meet a person who is patient, we can show our opinions slowly. But when we meet a hot temper person, we had better express our opinions as soon as possible and get away from him when he loses his temper. If we meet a person who is more bark than bite, we take the measure of sticking. In a word, different people will accept different ways for communication. Analyzing personal characters help people get a good harvest in interpersonal communication. 不同的人性格不一样。如果我们想要与他人好好相处,我们最好了解一下他们的性格,这样我们才不会踩到地雷。例如,当我们遇到一个有耐心的人,我们可以慢慢地表达自己的想法。但当我们遇到一个脾气暴躁的人,我们应该尽快地表达自己的想法,并在他发脾气的时候远离他。如果我们遇到的是一个刀子嘴豆腐心的人,我们应该采取死缠烂打的措施。总之,不同的人会接受不一样的沟通方式。人物性格分析有助于人们在人际交往中取得好成就。 ————来源网络搜集整理,仅供个人学习查参考


人物分析论文大纲怎么写 关于人物分析论文大纲怎么写,下面文章告诉你。 小说中的人物描写是为表现人物性格,揭示作品主题思想服务的。阅读时只有了 解了人物描写的方法和作用,把握人物性格特点,才能深刻理解文章的思想内容。在 写作人物分析论文之前需要拟定大纲,接下来我们就来看看人物分析论文大纲怎么写。 拟订写作提纲。 拟订写作提纲是论文写作的开始。提纲是论文的雏形,通过它把论文的主要观点 和结构用文字固定、明确下来,使论文构思更完善,起到组织材料、思考缜密、防止 遗漏的作用。在提纲的拟订的过程中,要完成下面几项工作。 (1)明确文章的中心论点和分论点。 中心论点也叫总论点。它是作者将要在文章中阐述的核心观点。文章里的全部材 料都是为它服务的。中心论点在文章中就像血脉一样贯通全篇。但是,要想把中心论 点阐述得具体、切实,就得分解成若干个分论点。分解中心论点的根据一定要明确、 统一,前后一致。分解出的分论点,既要有紧密的内在联系,又要有外在的序列形式。每个分论点都是中心论点的构成部分,几个分论点的综合就是中心论点。全文就是根 据分论点的序列展开的。 (2)安排分论点的的序列。 明确了有几个分论点以后,要把它们排列起来。安排时,要根据中心论点的需要 和分论点的内在关系作全面分析。可以分成几个方面一一论述,也可以由主到次,由 大到小,由轻到重地论述。这也就是前面所讲的两种情况,并列关系和递进关系。 (3)材料对号入座。 把将要写到文章里的材料,根据分论点的需要分组,属于同一分论点的材料放在 一组。有几个分论点,就有几组材料。到撰写时,写到哪个分论点,就自然用到哪个 材料。 进行了上述工作之后,要形成具体的写作提纲。常用的提纲类型有两种: 第一,列项式提纲:粗线条地搭起全文的框架。用简洁、概括的词组、句子、材 料序号,把中心论点、分论点、材料一一排开,制成一个草图。例如论文“浅析学生掌 握几何概念过程中的思维障碍及其对策”的列项式提纲如下: 分析产生障碍的原因,探讨排除障碍的方法(中心论点)


性格分析: 女主人公伊丽莎白聪敏机智,有胆识,有远见,有很强的自尊心,并善于思考问题。就当时一个待字闺中的小姐来讲,这是难能可贵的。正是由于这种品质,才使她在爱情问题上有独立的主见,并导致她与达西组成美满的家庭 赏析篇: 奥斯丁在这部小说中通过班纳特五个女儿对待终身大事的不同处理,表现出乡镇中产阶级家庭出身的少女对婚姻爱情问题的不同态度,从而反映了作者本人的婚姻观:为了财产、金钱和地位而结婚是错误的;而结婚不考虑上述因素也是愚蠢的。因此,她既反对为金钱而结婚,也反对把婚姻当儿戏。她强调理想婚姻的重要性,并把男女双方感情作为缔结理想婚姻的基石。书中的女主人公伊丽莎白出身于小地主家庭,为富豪子弟达西所热爱。达西不顾门第和财富的差距,向她求婚,却遭到拒绝。伊丽莎白对他的误会和偏见是一个原因,但主要的是她讨厌他的傲慢。因为达西的这种傲慢实际上是地位差异的反映,只要存在这种傲慢,他与伊丽莎白之间就不可能有共同的思想感情,也不可能有理想的婚姻。以后伊丽莎白亲眼观察了达西的为人处世和一系列所作所为,特别是看到他改变了过去那种骄傲自负的神态,消除了对他的误会和偏见,从而与他缔结了美满姻缘。伊丽莎白对达西先后几次求婚的不同态度,实际上反映了女性对人格独立和平等权利的追求。这是伊丽莎白这一人物形象的进步意义。从小说看,伊丽莎白聪敏机智,有胆识,有远见,有很强的自尊心,并善于思考问题。就当时一个待字闺中的小姐来讲,这是难能可贵的。正是由于这种品质,才使她在爱情问题上有独立的主见,并导致她与达西组成美满的家庭。 在《傲慢与偏见》中,奥斯丁还写了伊丽莎白的几个姐妹和女友的婚事,这些都是陪衬,用来与女主人公理想的婚姻相对照。如夏绿蒂和柯林斯尽管婚后过着舒适的物质生活,但他们之间没有爱情,这种婚姻实际上是掩盖在华丽外衣下的社会悲剧。 奥斯丁的小说尽管题材比较狭窄,故事相当平淡,但是她善于在日常平凡事物中塑造鲜明的人物形象,不论是伊丽莎白、达西那种作者认为值得肯定的人物,还是魏克翰、柯林斯这类遭到讽刺挖苦的对象,都写得真实动人。同时,奥斯丁的语言是经过锤炼的,她在对话艺术上讲究幽默、讽刺,常以风趣诙谐的语言来烘托人物的性格特征。这种艺术创新使她的作品具有自己的特色。 内容篇: 全书的主要情节是围绕在拥有五个千金女儿的班耐特一家人,虽然他们一家人家境并不是非常富有,也无任何显赫的社会地位,但班耐特太太却处心积虑想替五个女儿寻找到和上流社会的贵族联婚的机会,而美丽而善良的大女儿琴恩,和机智勇敢的二女儿莉琪,她们置身在整个附庸风雅、贵气逼人的上流生活圈中,仍执著面对自我,并勇於维护自尊,却也因而丧失了对真爱的判断和实情的追求,以致忽视了优柔温文的宾格利和恃才傲物的达希,在扑朔迷离的形势中所表现出的难得挚情。 然而就在重重误解、心机、成见与持续华丽表面生活的遮掩下,挡不住的爱情仍如结晶的璞玉一般,终究不能不脱颖而出,傲慢与偏见的人性两貌,在种种环环相扣的冲突中清晰的突出,作者以她圆润、敏锐、幽默而细致的笔触,十足荡气回肠的描绘这一群人的恩怨爱恨。 此书另一特色就是所有主人翁活动性,以达希为例,他是个不受人喜爱的傲慢男人,他向来亦不屑周围肤浅的人际关系,此种僵化的对立就在他终於为莉琪动心的那一刻起了剧变,他


中南大学 CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY 高等教育自学考试英语专业毕业论文 题目从人物性格特点浅析《德伯家的苔丝》题目类别文学 单位或学校中南林业科技大学外国语学院 完成时间 2012年3月

Analysis of Tess of the D’Urbervilles in the Light of characteristic by Su Xiaojuan (010*********) March 2012 Central South University of Forestry and Technology

Acknowledgements The accomplishment of my dissertation owes greatly to all the professors who have taught me in the three years at Central South University of Forestry and Technology. I would like to take this chance to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Lu Guoqiu for her patience and guidance for this thesis .She has provided me with instructive guidance and constructive suggestions. I am also grateful to many of my good friends and classmates for their comments and support. It is just because of the contributions of these people, whether mentioned or not, that thesis is able to be completed. To every one of them, I give my most sincere thanks.


高等教育自学考试本科 毕业论文(设计)题目:浅析苔丝人物形象分析 专业:英语教育 学生姓名:王丽珍 准考证号: 216714100021 指导教师:郭晓华 二零一五年四月十日

目录 摘要 (1) 引言 (1) 一、苔丝的纯洁与资产阶级的虚伪 (2) 二、苔丝的善良与宗教的伪善和法律的不公 (3) 三、苔丝的悲剧和自我道德意识 (4) 四、结论 (5) 参考文献 (6)

苔丝的人物形象分析 ———其悲剧的必然性 摘要英国著名作家托玛斯.哈代最伟大的小说《德伯家的苔丝》描写的是贫穷的农家女子苔丝的悲剧性命运。造成小说主人公苔丝悲剧的原因历来为人们所关注。本文将从社会的角度解读苔丝的悲剧。本文认为苔丝的悲剧是在宗法制社会的毁灭与资本主义社会的胜利这一历史演变过程中形成的。苔丝的悲剧是一个纯洁、善良的女子被资产阶级腐朽的伦理道德、伪善的宗教以及不公正的法律制度所毁灭的悲剧;而苔丝自身的资产阶级道德与宗教道德意识也在一定程度上造成了自己的悲剧。此外,苔丝的悲剧还有其它方面的因素。就苔丝本人而言,其源自农家女孩纯洁天性的种种选择往往成为与资本主义社会相违背的超越行为,这种对社会现实的超越导致了苔丝的悲剧。 关键词苔丝形象分析悲剧 Abstract:Tess of the D'urbervilles, the greatest novel of British famous writer Thomas Hardy, describes the misfortune of a poor peasant girl Tess, the cause of which has always been the concern of people. This passage will inquire into the cause of her tragedy from a social point of view. In this passage, we can know the tragedy of Tess takes shape from a social developing procession, in which the traditional society exterminated and the bourgeois society had a victory. Tess's death is a typical representative of the misfortune of the peasants because of the bourgeo is invading. Her miserable life reflects all kinds of sufferings of the impoverished peasants who have to turn workers. Besides, Her tragedy still lies in some other factors. Considering Tess herself, as a pure girl of the peasant nature, her choices go beyond bougeois society, which naturally leads to her tragedy. Key words:Tess;image Analysis;tragedy


Title: Why Scarlett was gone with the wind? Outline: 1. The Virtues and Defects in Scarlett’s Character 1.1 Virtues 1.1.1 Rebellion against Social Restrictions Scarlett O’Hara behaves quite differently from the women in the southern American society in that period. Female, at that time, are taught to be gentle and elegant. They not only should be forced to obey all the conversations that a gentlewoman should know, but also wait for men’s appreciation and love passively. Even in love, they could not tell anybody their own ideas. While Scarlett hates the so-called traditional regulation. Instead, she wants to be herself: She shows her indifference for the affected manners: ―I’m tired of everlastingly being unnatural and never doing anything I want to do. I’m tired of acting like I don’t eat more than a bird, and walking when I want to run and saying I feel faint after a waltz, when I could dance for two days and never get tired. I’m tired of saying someday I’m going to do and say everything I want to do and say, and if people don’t lik e it, I don’t care.‖ She will not confine herself nor live below men, she dresses up beautifully and wants to handle men around her and loves to be the focus of men. At that time, marriage is planed by parents and daughters have no choices but to accept parents’ arrangement. When Scarlett is young, her father wants her to marry one of the twins who will give their family a big house,a broader orchard garden. But she is brave to pursue her love and happiness actively, when she falls in love with Ashley, she confesses to him and gets ready to elope with him.Her emotion is so powerful that she tries her best to make him feel and understand her love. Unlike other girls who have a little food graciously at the party only to catch men. Scarlett never let herself be hunger. She just wants to be herself and ignores the public scold. In a men’s world, women are not allowed to have their own job. On the contrary, she becomes stronger and has her own business after the Civil War. In order to protect her family and servants, she manage to preserve Tara by any kind of means. Besides, she takes charge of a sawmill successfully,emploies prisoners to save money and even runs business with Yankees. She lives her own free life throughout her life no matter how hard living is or what people talk about her. Her amazing deeds surprise people in the world and proves that women could also do business as sagacious as men.


Pride and Prejudice :The analysis of the characters`characteristic 姓名:王艺铭 班级:英翻一班 学号:100114050131

Abstract: Pride and Prejudice is a novel written by British writer Jane Austen .The style of this novel is easy and humor.In this novel ,she describe the life of middle class in a small town in nineteenth-century Britain,especially Mr & Mrs Bennet and their daughters.This novel mainly tell us about the main character Elizabeth and her sisters`different attitude about marriage and love.Just because of their different attitude,at last they have their own different destinies.In this article,we will analysis Elizabeth and her sisters`character and destiny. Key Words:Elizabeth,character analysis,destiny analysis,pride,prejudice

英语论文 《傲慢与偏见》中伊丽莎白人物性格分析

"Pride and prejudice" Elizabeth characters analysis 《傲慢与偏见》中伊丽莎白人物性格分析Keywords: Social environment Marriage is love The:"Pride and prejudice" is Jane Austen's early, but also she has made the masterpiece of writing characteristics. She is in daily life, with the female's discriminating and exquisite, humorous and witty style represents a series of vivid female images, especially for novel heroine Elizabeth successfully molded reflects the Austin in matters of marriage values. "Pride and prejudice" durable minerals-each root cause is perhaps the most interested in "best skills and create a" : people. One, Elizabeth successfully molded image 1, the heroine Elizabeth life and social environment "Pride and prejudice" described the 18th century at the beginning of the 19th century British women, regardless of in the economic and social or family status, social rank in male attachment, marriage system of equal pay. Like Elizabeth such a middle-class origins and property of low intellectual women, want to get a decent life and status, the only way is to marry a good man. Anyhow, the marriage is seeking economic security and social status. 2, Elizabeth's marriage The center is a smart Elizabeth, frank, the thought is agile, humorous and educated young lady.


小说人物形象分析教案 小说人物形象分析教案 学习目标: 1、掌握小说中人物描写的常见方法; 2、记忆人物形象分析题型做题方法、答题步骤; 3、运用所学方法概括人物形象、性格。 学习重难点: 1、掌握小说中人物描写的常见方法、人物形象分析题型做题方法、答题步骤; 2、运用所学方法概括人物形象、性格。 学习方法: 讲授法、对话法、实践法 课时安排: 1课时 教学过程: 一、导入 小说是我们非常喜闻乐见的一种文学形式。无论是古典的四大名著、经典的武侠小说,还是网络上让人欲罢不能的更新玄幻、言情,那些栩栩如生、性格鲜明的人物都深深地吸引着我们。但是,喜欢看不等于喜欢选择小说阅读题,因为小说的人物形象、主旨太难把握了!今天,我们一起来尝试揭开小说人物脸上那层面纱,看看它到底是怎样的一个人。 二、展示学习目标。(考纲) 重点探究 三、小说中塑造人物形象的方法探究。 1. 活动一:假如你是一位小说家,如果以班主任为原型来塑造人物,你将如何来塑造? 正面描写: (1)肖像描写(2)神态描写(3)动作描写(4)语言描写(5)心理描写 2. 活动二:欣赏视频片段,视频中的华妃是一个什么样的人?导演是怎样表现出来的? 侧面描写: 故事情节的烘托(2)周围人物的衬托(3)环境描写的烘托 四、小说中人物形象题型探究。 1. 高考中小说人物形象考查题型。 结合全文,简要分析人物形象。 XXX是一个怎样的人物? XXX有哪些优秀的品质? 分析小说对人物进行描写的具体方法及其作用。 2. 探究小说人物形象题型的做题方法及答题步骤。 例一、 烛心李丰春 乔迁新居,还没收拾完毕,突然停电了,室内一片漆黑。 笃、笃、笃,小薇刚摸到蜡烛和火柴,门外便传来了敲门声。 打开门一看,原来是一个小男孩,仰着小脸,背着手:阿姨,你家有蜡烛吗? 怎么?刚搬进来第一天就支使孩子来借东西!真是欺负新来的,这怎么行?今天借给他家蜡烛,说不定明天又来借葱、蒜之类的。不,不行!小薇的脑筋急速地着。 哎呀,真不巧,阿姨刚搬来,也没有蜡烛。说完就准备关门。



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最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 商务合同中的语篇衔接分析 2 An Analysis of the Problems on Chinese Early Childhood Education 3 论《傲慢与偏见》中婚姻选择的经济动因 4 On the Female Image in The Oval Portrait 5 从消费心理学角度谈汽车品牌名称的翻译 6 论《呼啸山庄》中的象征主义运用 7 伊恩.麦克尤恩作品《赎罪》中的成长主题探析 8 Three Discriminations to Little Black American Girls in The Bluest Eye 9 从麦琪的礼物中折射出欧亨利对已故妻子的爱 10 论《德伯维尔家的苔丝》中的环境描写----从视觉和听学的角度 11 论中美家庭教育的差异 12 外语学习中学习动机的影响 13 创世神话与民族特性—《旧约》与中国古代民间传说 14 英语演讲语篇中的parallelism及其汉译策略—以奥巴马就职演说稿为例 15 论《教授的房子》中圣彼得教授对自我的追求 16 The Analysis of the Tragic Fate of Tess in Tess of The D'Urbervilles 17 英语教学中非言语交流与跨文化交际中能力的培养 18 分析《嘉莉妹妹》中赫斯渥的人物形象 19 从《阿甘正传》看美国青年文化 20 A Paralysed Wilderness—The Appreciation and Analysis of Symbols in Araby 21 男女二元等级对立的颠覆--《奥兰多》之女性主义解读 22 文化差异对英语阅读的影响 23 高中英语任务型语法教学初探 24 Existentialism in Pride and Prejudice 25 从"龙"一词的文化内涵看汉英文化的差异 26 归化和异化策略在《红楼梦》文化负载词翻译中的应用 27 试析海明威《丧钟为谁而鸣》中的人物形象 28 女性社会价值的深情呼唤—小说《到灯塔去》中拉姆齐夫人和莉丽人物形象的对比研究 29 音意兼译—外来词中译之首选法 30 论《呼啸山庄》中男女主人公对真爱的追求 31 欧亨利与马克吐温的讽刺对比——以短篇小说为例 32 浅谈涉外谈判礼仪的重要性 33 试论班扬《天路历程》中基督徒的精神历程 34 广告语的特点及其翻译技巧 35 A Probe into Charles Dickens’ Family Values Reflected in A Christmas Carol 36 《理智与情感》中的婚姻 37 从原型批评理论来看<<哈利波特>>系列小说中的人物原型 38 《看不见的人》的主人公形象解析 39 A Study on Problems and Strategies in Phonetic Teaching of Spoken English in JEFC 40 李白《静夜思》六种英译本的对比研究 41 浅析英汉颜色词的文化内涵及翻译 42 The differences on advertising translations under the Chinese and Western cultures
