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小学六年级英语上册Unit5备课教案一、教学要求 1、四会单词和

词组:holiday、 last 、early、 meet、 before、 did、 taste、pull up、 milk 、cook及其中动词的过去式。 2、句型What ( else) did you do….? We / I …. 3、三会单词和词组: farm 、carrot、fun 、camp、 National Day film、 cow、 pick、 wonderful 、volleyball、 mountain 4、三会日常交际用语: Did you like the film? It was a funny cartoon. We all like it very much. Were there any fruit trees on the farm? There were apple trees, orange trees and pear trees. 5、能听读、辨认字母组合igh在单词中的

读音 6、会诵读歌谣 Last week 二、单元教材分析 1、本单元主要

围绕谈论“过去所做的事情”这个话题展开各项活动。对小学生来说,这一课他们将面临以下难点: a 正确掌握动词过去式的三种读音; b 正确理解一般过去时的意义; c 较熟练的运用本单元所学内容。在教学的呈现环节中,教师要特别注意身边资源的利用,选择真实、自然的情景,得体、流畅的语言帮助学生理解。在操练和运用环节,教师应结合学生的生活实际,创设各种较为真实并生动活泼的情境,培养学生用英语做事情和用英语进行交流的能力。

Unit 5(第1课时)一、教学内容 B Look read and learn /C Ask and answer / F Do a survey 二、教学目标 1、能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词、词组 last 、did、 taste、 pull up、milk 、cook、及其中动词的过去式。 2、能听懂、会说、会读单词volleyball、farm、cow、carrot、pick 3、正确理解一般过去时的意义,掌握一

般过去时的结构,能正确读出规则动词过去式的读音。 4、掌握句型What ( else) did you do ….?和日常交际用语Did you ……? 三、教学重点 1、能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词、词组 last 、did、taste、 pull up、milk 、cook、及其中动词的过去式。 2、正确理解一般过去时的意义,掌握一般过去时的结构,能正确读出规则动词过去式的读音。 3、掌握句型What ( else) did you do ….?和日

常交际用语Did you ……? 四、教学难点 1、规则动词过去式的读音。 2、正确地理解过去时,并学会用过去时描述过去发生的事。五、

教学准备 1、教具准备 1)B部分农场活动的图片及词组。 2)桔子和胡萝卜的实物。 3) 本课时的多媒体课件。 4) 调查表和学生的大头贴 5)板书:写好课题、日期和句型 What do you usually do on Sundays? What else do you do? 六、教学过程 Step 1 Free talk and revision 1 What date is/was it today/ yesterday/ last Sunday?

2 What do you usually do on Sundays? 事先板书好 What else do you do?

3 Let’s play a game, OK? Listen and act. Touch your nose. (your mouth, ears, eyes, head) OK, stop here. You did very well just now.

Step 2 Presentation and practice 1出示单词卡:did (do 的过去式) 快速领读 2 Do you like to drink milk and eat eggs ? 生答(略) Me, too. And I like to collect eggs and milk cows. 学习词组:collect eggs 、milk cows 3 (出示桔子)Look, what ‘s this? It’s an orange. 4 (出示胡萝卜)And this is a carrot.(跟读) Please taste them. (出示图片) taste. Is it nice? 生答(略) I like to eat carrots and oranges, and I like to pick oranges and pull up carrots. (出示图片 pull up carrots, pick oranges, taste oranges and carrots ,cook nice food, water flowers) 5 Look and read(看看说说). Listen, repeat and act (听听、边说边做动作). 6 Where can we do these things? In the city or on the farm? 生答 On the farm. (指课题,领读生词farm) Step 3 Ask and answer 1Last Sunday my friends and I visited a farm.(课件呈现B部分图)What did we do on the farm? Let me tell you. We milked cows, picked oranges, cooked nice food ,pulled up carrots , watered trees and flowers ,collected eggs and tasted oranges. 2 领读动词的过去式,要求发音准确 milked picked cooked pulled up watered collected tasted 3 Now you are these boys and girls , what did you do last Sunday? Can you tell me? 换板书What did you do last Sunday? What else did you do? 在学生讲的过程中,发现问题及时纠正 4 Why do we use “ed”here? Let’s watch “knowledge window”. 在英语表达中,过去的“做”
