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中科院考博英语短语表abandon oneself to 限于,沉湎于(某种情感)

with abandon 放任,无拘无束

can’t abide 无法容忍

abide by遵守

to the best of one’s ability 尽自己所能

keep abreast of 和。。。齐头并进

absent from 缺席

in the abstract 理论上

in abundance 多,富足

have access to 可以得到,接近

by accident 偶然

of one’s own accord 自愿地,自动地

in accord with 和。。。一致

with one accord 一致地

of no account 不重要

on account of 因为,由于

on no account 决不

take account of 考虑

take… into account 把。。。考虑进去

be (get) accustomed to …习惯于。。。

act on 作用于,影响

act up 捣蛋;出毛病

in the act of 正在。。时

out of action 不起作用

take action 采取行动;提出诉讼;开始起作用

adapt to 适应

add up 加起来

add up to 合计

in addition 另外

in addition to 除了。。。之外

adjust to 调整

in advance 提前

have the advantage over 胜过,优于

take advantage of 利用

to advantage 有利于

in the aggregate 总共,作为总体

agree on 取得一致

agree to 同意,接受

agree with 赞同,同意

ahead of 提前

aim at 目标是,企图;瞄准

by air 坐飞机in the air 在空中,悬而未决

clear the air 消除误会

off the air 停止播放

on the air 播放

up in the air 尚未决定

on the alert 保持警觉

above all / after all /all in all/ at all/in all/ not at all/ all over all but 几乎;除。。。之外都

in alliance with 与。。。联盟

allow for 考虑到

make allowance(s) for 考虑到,顾及;体谅,体贴leave alone 听其自然,不管

let alone 更不用说

all along 始终

along with 与。。。一起

by analogy 用类推的方法

in the final/last analysis 归根结底

angle for 谋取,寻求

anything but 除。。。以外任何事物,根本不

anything like 多少有点像

for anything 无论如何

apart from 除去

appeal to 呼吁;吸引;上诉,申诉;启发,激发

to all appearances 从一切外表迹象来看

apply to 应用;申请

on approval 试用

approve of 赞成,同意

as for/to 至于

as it is 照现状

as it were可以说,在一定程度上

aside from 除。。。之外

ask after sb 问候

ask for 要求,找人

assert oneself 坚持自己的主张,表现坚定

attach to 与。。。有关

avail oneself of 利用(机会,提议)

of no avail 没有用

on (the/an) average 平均

be/stand awe of 对。。。敬畏

back and forth =to and fro 来来回回

back down/off 放弃,让步

(in) back of…在。。。后面,在。。。背后

back out 退出

back up 支持;后退,倒车

bail out 保释;帮助(某人)脱离困境

behind one’s back 背地里,私下里

turn one’s back on 背对;背弃,抛弃

know…backward(s) 对。。。极其熟悉

go from bad to worse 每况愈下

badly off 拮据,贫穷;境况不好

be badly off for sth 短缺

in the balance 悬而未决,未定的

off balance 失去平衡

behind bars 在狱中

bargain for/on(常与否定词连用) 预料到,料想到

drive a hard bargain 杀价,迫使对方接受苛刻条件

barge in闯入,插嘴,打岔

on the basis that 在。。。基础上

keep/hold sth. at bay 不让(敌人)接近;防止(问题恶化)bear down on sb/sth 冲向,咄咄逼近;压住

bear on/upon 有关,涉及

bear sb/sth out 证实

bear up 挺住,不气馁

bear with 容忍,忍受

have a bearing on 对。。。有影响

beat down 砸开;(阳光)强烈照射

beat it 滚开,走开

beat up 痛打,狠揍

become of 发生于,使遭遇

beg off 反悔,推辞(已答应的事),恳求免除(某种义务)

in behalf of sb/ in sb’s behalf 为帮助某人

on behalf of sb/ on sb’s behalf 代表某人;因为某人;为帮助某人bring into being 使出现,使存在

come into being 出现,形成,成立

beyond belief 难以置信

bend over backward 竭尽全力

for the benefit of 为了

beside oneself (情绪)失控

at best 充其量,至多

get/have the best of sth战胜

better off 情况更好,生活更优裕

for the better 好转

get/have the better of 战胜,在。。。中占上风

in between 在。。。之间

fill the bill 符合要求,适合需要

a bird in (the) hand is worth two in the bush 一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林kill two birds with one stone 一箭双雕

by birth 血统上

bit by bit 一点一点地
