


Name: age: 20

Address: Nationality: China

Marital status: single nationality: Han

Height: 150 cm body weight:

Job search intention

Job: webpage design / production / art:

Work experience: 3

Job type: practice date available: at any time

Salary requirements: 1000--1500 hope that the working area: Guangzhou

Work experience

Suning Appliance (Guangzhou) start-stop date: xx-10 ~ xx-5

Company nature: Sino-foreign joint venture industry: Service Industry

Position: customer service

Job description: assist the logistics department work background let me strengthen the munication with customers and coordination ability, but also improve the ability to deal with problems, work conscientiously, hard-working, be praised.

Education background

University one is graduated from Guangzhou industry Technician College: Guangdong University of Business

Education: college degree: Graduation Date: xx-07

Professional: Electronic Commerce and financial management professional two:

Foreign language: English Cantonese: good

Other foreign language ability:

Chinese: good

Ability to work and other specialty

My major courses: basic aounting, financial aounting, intermediate financial aounting, industrial aounting, electronic merce, economics, management science, Chinese taxation, statistics, applied English writing. Familiar with office software: software, aounting puterization, webpage making, Fhotoshop, Dreawearn.

Self assessment

I am cheerful work seriously, responsible, patient, mental agility, can bear hardships and stand hard work. I participated in the student in the school, and won the "outstanding student cadres", also joined the teaching

assistant group, to assist teachers in school management order and attendance records. Once in the educational assistant group to assist the chairman hold contests and served as the moderator, and won the "outstanding director" title. Young represents a passionate and energetic, hoping to learn more knowledge and experience in the future.

