

1. ()One of the clauses in

a coordinate sentence is subordinate to the other.

答案:F(It is incorporated

in the other clause.)

8. ) Left ear advantage

proves that the left side of

the brain is specialized for language and that it is where

language centers reside.答案:F (The right side of the brain is specialized for language.)

10. ) Generally speaking, the standard language is more effective in expressing ideas than any other dialect coexisting with it.

答案:F (Dialects are more effective sometimes.)

3. ()The ultimate objective

of language is to create grammatically well formed sentences.答案:F(The goal is

to serve communication.)

4. ()There is only one

major type of syntactic movement, i.e., NP

movement. 答案:F(There are

also WHmovement and AUXmovement.)

5.) Phonetics deals with

how sounds are put

together and used to

convey meaning.答案:F (Phonetics studies the

phonic medium of

language ,all the sounds

in the languages.)

7. ) One advantage of componential analysis is that by specifying the semantic features of certain words, it will be possible to show how these words are related in

collocation.答案:F (It will not be possible.)

8. ) The critical period hypothesis proposed by

the neurobiologist Eric Lenneberg believes that

there exists a critical

age for the acquisition

of the first language

after which language cannot be acquired or

learned any more.答案:F

(Language can be

learned at any stage.)

9. ) The most dramatic

morphological loss concerns the

loss of gender markings only.

答案:F(The most dramatic loss

concerns the loss of affixes.)

1. ()Modern linguistics

is mostly descriptive, but

sometimes prescriptive.

答案:F(It is always


5. ()An acronym is a

shortened form of a word

or phrase which represents

the complete form.答案:

F(No,it is composed of the

first letters of a group

of words.)

7. ()Most English words are

closed categories because the

number of the lexical items in

these categories is fixed and

no new members are allowed for,

so they are known as major lexical

categories.答案:F(Most English

words are not closed categories.)

2. ()Language acquisition and language

learning are believed to refer

to the same process.

答案:F(No,language acquisition refers

to children’s development of their

first language.)

4. ()Free morphemes are the same as

bound morphemes.答案:F(Free

morphemes are independent units of

meaning and can be used freely all

By themselves.)

6. ()A coordinate sentence

contains two clauses which

hold unequal status, that is,

with one subordinating the other.

答案:F(One clause is incorporated

into another.)

2. ()The root

of a word is

the smallest

meaningful unit

of language. 答


is the smallest



4. ()The language system provides

all specifics of one’s world view.

答案:F(No,it does not.)

8. ()In English and many other

languages, the subject usually

follows the verb and the direct

object usually precedes the verb.

答案:F(The verb follows the


9. ) Blending is a process of

combining two or more words

into one lexical unit.答

案:F(No,it is not.)

3. ()Phonology is defined as the

study of the phonic medium of

language; it is concerned with

all the sounds that occur in

the world’s languages.

答案:F(Phonology is interested in

the system of sounds of a

particular language.)

5. ()Semantic

shift is the

same as

semantic change.



change refers

to the change

of meaning of

a word.)

7. ()The location of one of

the suprasegmental features in

English —stress does

distinguish meaning.答案:T

8. ) Words are the smallest

unit of language that can

not be broken down into even

smaller components.答案:F

1. ()In English and many other

languages, the subject usually

follows the verb and the direct

object usually precedes the verb.

答案:F(The verb follows the









the same




e. 答








e of


7. ()Research findings have shown that language processing centers

are situated in a single area of the left hemisphere.

答案:F(They are situated in several areas.)

8. ()It is the property of arbitrariness that provides speakers with an opportunity to

talk about a wide range of

things, free from barriers

caused by separation in time

and place.

答案:F(Arbitrariness does not have the property.)

9. ) The angular gyrus is supposed

to be crucial for commanding

of the syntax system of one’s language.

答案:F(The angular gyrus is not.)1. ()Distinctive features are the same

to any language. 答案:F(They are not the same.)

3. ()Some languages have ways of referring to some entity, some

languages don’t. 答案:F(They all have ways of referring to entity.) 5. ()A scientific

study of language is

based on what the

linguist thinks. 答案:

F(It is based on

scientific study of

language.) 7. ) Morphology is divided

into three subbranches: inflectional morphology, lexical morphology and derivational morphology.

答案:F(Morphology is divided into two subbranches:inflectional and derivational.)




【2015内蒙古呼和浩特】 D As we know, all living things have to eat food. For a man, a tiger, a fish, a bird, or even a worm, food is necessary. Generally speaking, all living things are sure to die without food. In every part of the world, many different kinds of animals share living places and live in communities (群落) together. They are connected in a food chain (链). Within a food chain, some living things are producers and some are consumers (消费者). Plants are producers because they use sunlight, soil and other things to make their own food. Animals are consumers because they have to eat other animals or plants. There are four different kinds of consumers in the animal kingdom. A carnivore is an animal that only eats other animals. An herbivore is an animal that only eats plants. An omnivore is an animal that eats both plants and animals. A scavenger is an animal that eats dead animals. Look at the picture. It is an example of a food chain. The food chain shows the order that animals eat each other in a community. In the picture, you can see what animal or plant is food for another animal. See? A leaf is food for a grasshopper, which then becomes food for a hungry mouse. The mouse is food for a snake. The snake is eaten by an eagle. In this way, all of these animals are connected. 根据上文内容判断正( T ) 误( F ) 51. The main idea of the passage is “Four kinds of consumers”. 腐生动物”. 52. The underlined word “ scavenger” means in Chinese “ 53. The food for a mouse according to the picture is a grasshopper. 54. All kinds of animals share their living places with others. 55. There are some living things which don’t need to eat food. 51. F52. T 53. T 54. F55. F 【2015四川成都】八.阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子正误。正确的涂A。错误的涂B。 We are collecting more news for our school English newspaper. Would you like to be reporters for it? Here are two pieces from the news page. The best runner We had a sports day at school yesterday. Last year’s best runner, Li Yu, only won the second prize in the 800-meter race. Instead, Yang Liu from Class two came first by two seconds. Next year the race is going to be more interesting! Who will be the best runner? I wonder. Good bye, Mr. White! Our English teacher, Mr. White, has fisnished his two years’ teaching at our school and will leave next month. Mr. White is an excellent teacher and he’s always friendly to us. We’ll never forget his lively and interesting teaching. We are lucky to be his students. We thank him for all his hard work and wish him a good journey home. We will miss you, Mr. White! 71. You are welcome to be reporters for our school English newspaper. 72. Li Yu won the second prize in the 800-meter race yesterday. 73. Yang Liu was the best runner last year. 74. Mr. White will teach us English for two years at our school. 75. We’ll always remember Mr. White’s lively and interesting teaching. 76. D 71.A 72.A 73.B


物理化学试题之一 一、选择题(每题2分,共50分,将唯一的答案填进括号内) 1. 下列公式中只适用于理想气体的是1 A. ΔU=Q V B. W=nRTln(p 2/p 1)(用到了pv=nRT) C. ΔU=dT C m ,V T T 2 1? D. ΔH=ΔU+p ΔV 2. ΔH 是体系的什么 A. 反应热 B. 吸收的热量 C. 焓的变化 D. 生成热 3. 2000K 时反应CO(g)+1/2O 2(g)=CO 2(g)的K p 为 6.443,则在同温度下反应为2CO 2(g)=2CO(g)+O 2(g)的K p 应为 A. 1/6.443 B. (6.443)1/2 C. (1/6.443)2 D. 1/(6.443)1/2 4. 固态的NH 4HS 放入一抽空的容器中,并达到化学平衡,其组分数、独立组分数、相数及自由度分别是 A. 1,1,1,2 B. 1,1,3,0 C. 3,1,2,1 D. 3,2,2,2 5. 下列各量称做化学势的是 A. i j n ,V ,S i )n ( ≠?μ? B. i j n ,V ,T i )n p (≠?? C. i j n ,p ,T i )n (≠?μ? D. i j n ,V ,S i )n U (≠?? 6. A 和B 能形成理想溶液。已知在100℃时纯液体A 的饱和蒸汽压为133.3kPa, 纯液体B 的饱和蒸汽压为66.7 kPa, 当A 和B 的二元溶液中A 的摩尔分数为0.5时,与溶液平衡的蒸气中A 的摩尔分数是 A. 1 B. 0.75 C. 0.667 D. 0.5 7. 理想气体的真空自由膨胀,哪个函数不变? A. ΔS=0 B. V=0 C. ΔG=0 D. ΔH=0 7. D ( ) 8. A 、B 两组分的气液平衡T-x 图上,有一最低恒沸点,恒沸物组成为x A =0.7。现有一组成为x A =0.5的AB 液体混合物,将其精馏可得到 A. 纯A 和恒沸混合物 B. 纯B 和恒沸混合物 C. 只得恒沸混合物 D. 得纯A 和纯B 8. B


【2015内蒙古呼和浩特】D As we know, all living things have to eat food. For a man, a tiger, a fish, a bird, or even a worm, food is necessary. Generally speaking, all living things are sure to die without food. In every part of the world, many different kinds of animals share living places and live in communities (群落) together. They are connected in a food chain (链). Within a food chain, some living things are producers and some are consumers (消费者). Plants are producers because they use sunlight, soil and other things to make their own food. Animals are consumers because they have to eat other animals or plants. There are four different kinds of consumers in the animal kingdom. A carnivore is an animal that only eats other animals. An herbivore is an animal that only eats plants. An omnivore is an animal that eats both plants and animals. A scavenger is an animal that eats dead animals. Look at the picture. It is an example of a food chain. The food chain shows the order that animals eat each other in a community. In the picture, you can see what animal or plant is food for another animal. See? A leaf is food for a grasshopper, which then becomes food for a hungry mouse. The mouse is food for a snake. The snake is eaten by an eagle. In this way, all of these animals are connected. 根据上文内容判断正( T ) 误( F ) 51. The main idea of the passage is “Four kinds of consumers”. 52. The underlined word “scavenger” means in Chinese “腐生动物”. 53. The food for a mouse according to the picture is a grasshopper. 54. All kinds of animals share their living places with others. 55. There are some living things which don’t need to eat food. 51. F52. T 53. T 54. F55. F 【2015四川成都】八.阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子正误。正确的涂A。错误的涂B。 We are collecting more news for our school English newspaper. Would you like to be 71. You are welcome to be reporters for our school English newspaper. 72. Li Yu won the second prize in the 800-meter race yesterday. 73. Yang Liu was the best runner last year. 74. Mr. White will teach us English for two years at our school. 75. We’ll always remember Mr. White’s lively and interesting teaching. 76. D 71.A 72.A 73.B


成语使用正误巧判断 判断成语使用正确与否只靠死记硬背是不行的,可以采用一些灵活的方法,很多问题将会迎刃而解。 一、关键词语判断法 现在我们见到的很多成语中的关键词语的含义和在文言文中见到的是相同的,在遇到这些成语的时候,如果能够用在文言文中见到的实词的含义来解释成语中的关键词,含义就很容易判断出来。如: 例1 初春的校园,篝火晚会上,同学们陶醉在这春意阑珊的氛围中,有的在唱,有的在跳,有的在说笑……欢乐围绕在每个人的身边。 例2 这件事对我无异于晴天霹雳——一块珍藏多件价值连城的璧玉,顷刻变成一块一文不名的瓦片。 例3 他心爱的书籍,经过再三处理,还是没有地方放置,只能堆在地上或塞在床下,生活的屈辱和窘困,无出其右。 例4 “五一”国际劳动节已经临近,三车间研制的2461号新产品仍然屡试不爽。为此,所有的工程技术人员食不甘味,夜以继日,勤奋攻关,争取三天内完成这一科研项目。 例1中“春意阑珊”的“阑珊”是零落稀少的意思,含有将尽、衰落的意味,如在辛弃疾的《青玉案?元夕》中有“蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处”。所以春意阑珊应为春天将要过去的意思,而例1中说的是初春的校园,显然不合语境。 同样例2中“一文不名”里的“名”是“占有”的意思,所以“一文不名”为一文钱也没有的意思,形容很穷。例3中“无出其右”中的“右”是关键词,古时尚右,以右为尊,引申为高贵、重要,因此“无出其右”即为没有比他更高贵、重要。而例4中“屡试不爽”的“爽”的意思为差错,“屡试不爽”即屡次试验都没有差错。这样的意思用于上述三句中显然都是错误的。 这样的成语在现代汉语中还有很多,如“危言危行”的“危”是“正直”的意思,“不足为训”的“训”是“准则、典范”,“久假不归”的“假”是“借”的意思,“不以为然”的“然”是“对的”意思。掌握了这样的关键词,成语在句中使用正误也就一目了然了。 二、成语故事还原法 很多成语的出处都是一个很吸引人的故事,或者是历史人物的传奇经历,或者是寓言故事中的巧妙隐射,或者是经典作品中的精彩材料,了解这些故事,也就掌握了这些成语的含义和用法。 如这样几个成语: 例5 不少为官者,不是为官一任,造福一方,而是追求个人享受,一饭千金。 例6 为了应付高考,老师越教越细,学生越学越碎,其结果是肢解了一篇篇美文,长此以往,学生自然目无全牛,见一斑而不见全豹。 例7 苏联专家全部撤走回国后,中国人民因人成事,自力更生,奋发图强,1964年终于取得第一颗原子弹爆炸试验的成功。 例8 周末,我和同桌一起去攀岩,虽然崖壁陡峭,我们仍然摩肩接踵,奋力攀登。 例5中的“一饭千金”是说韩信功封楚王后,回到故乡,设法找到了当年那位给他饭吃的漂絮大娘,对她谢了又谢,送给她一千金作为报答。因此“一饭千金”比喻受恩厚报。知道这个故事,成语的含义也就没有任何困难了。 例6中的“目无全牛”相对来说大家要熟悉一些,故事来源于《庖丁解牛》,比喻技术熟练到了得心应手的境地。例7中“因人成事”则是说毛遂跟随平原君到楚国请求楚国出兵和赵国一起对付秦国,楚王不肯,随同的其他十九位门客束手无策,只有毛遂据理力争,


部编版小学语文四年级下册期中学情检测 积累运用 一、读拼音,写词语。(8分) qīng tíng lǜ lǐng wèi jiè yān mò ()()()() suì dào zī tài jiàn kāng mǐn jié ()()()() 二、给加点字选择正确读音,在下面打“√”。(3分) 1.鹅便昂首大叫,似乎责备人们供.(gōng gòng)养不周。这时我们便替它添饭,并且站着侍.(shì sì)候。 2.在落日的余晖.(huī hún)中,天空出现了一片绮.(qí qǐ)丽的晚霞。 3.晓彤在黄浦.(bǔ pǔ)江边吟诵了一首刘禹.(yǔ yù)锡的诗作。 三、给下列句子中的加点字选择怡当的解释,将序号填在后面的括号里。(4分) 1.“详”:A.细密,完备,跟“略”相对 B.清楚地知道 C.说明,细说 (1)我只知道他过来跟老师说了几句话,具体内容不详.。() (2)妈妈说要跟我详.细谈一谈周末外出的事。() 2.“伏”:A.趴,脸向下,体前屈 B.低下去 C.隐藏 (1)蝙蝠是昼伏.夜出的动物。() (2)爸爸每天都伏.案工作到很晚。() 四、下列句子中的加点词语不能用括号中的词语替换的一项是()(2分) A.说到恐龙,人们往往想到凶猛的霸王龙或者笨重 ..(沉重)、迟钝的马门溪龙。 B.所有的绿集中 ..(聚集)起来,挤在一起,重叠在一起,静静地交叉在一起。 C.青、红的瓜,碧绿的藤和叶,构成 ..(组成)了一道别有风趣的装饰。 五、把词语补充完整,并完成练习。(11分) 天()地()点睛()() ()()不安变化()() 无能()()()()欲聋 1.请你仿照画线词语写出两个带有反义词的四字词语:、 。 2.选词填空。 (1)第一次独自站在舞台中央进行演奏,周围传来的掌声,他有点儿。 (2)天空中的云,时而像一匹奔腾的骏马,时而又像一头威武的狮子。 六、根据要求完成句子练习。(6分) 1.(名校期末真题)“鹅吃饭时,非有一个人侍候不可,真是架子十足!”对这句话理解正确的是()(2分) A.鹅很高傲,它不需要有人侍候。 B.鹅很高傲,它要有人侍候。 C.鹅架子十足,讨厌有人侍候。 D.鹅架子十足,有时吃饭需要人侍候。 2.下列选项中与“‘嫦娥四号’这次成功的探月活动,成为我国航天事业的又一座里程碑”一句意思相同的是()(2分)


阅读理解判断正误 In a small mountain village there was a rich farmer. Everyone knew he was very mean(吝啬的)and greedy(贪婪的), and no one wanted to work for him. One day he said, “I’ll give three meals and five dollars if anyone does a day’s work for me.” On the first two days no one turned up. Early in the morning on the third day a poor man came to work for him. This man was more interested in the meals than the money. “You can have your breakfast,” said the rich farmer. The poor man had a very small breakfast. The rich man said, “Now you can go on with your lunch. This will save us a lot of time.”“The man greed and ate a small one. After lunch the farmer said, “How about having your supper as well?” “Why not? It’s good!” answered the man. Then he had his supper. This was again a small one. When it was over, the farmer looked very pleased and said, “Now you can do a long day’s work.” “I never work after supper!” said the man as he stood up to leave. 1.The rich man wanted someone to do some work for him. 2.On eh first two days nobody came. 3.The rich farmer gave the poor man three meals one after another. 4.In fact the rich man was not mean and greedy at all. 5.The poor man did a lot of work after supper.


中国人民大学2000年研究生入学考试试题之三十七招生专业:语言学与应用语言学,汉语言文字学考试科目:语言学概论 一、解释概念(每题3分,共15分) 共振峰互补分布内部屈折 组合关系粘着语 二、简答题(每题5分,共15分) l、简述语法意义和词汇意义的联系和区别? 2、一种方言成为基础方言应具备哪些条件? 3、什么是语言的规范化?三、论述题(70分) 1、为什么说语言是人类特有的交际工具? (10分) 2、语言的接触对语言的发展会产生怎样的影响? (15分) 3、我国境内的语言分属哪几个语系?汉藏语系语言的主要特点是什么? (15分) 4、音位的系统性表现在哪些方面?请以普通话为例说明.(15分) 5、什么是语法范畴?汉语有没有语法范畴,请谈谈您的看法,并说明理由.(15分) 中国人民大学2001年研究生入考试试题之二十六招生专业:语言学及应用语言学、汉语言文字学考试科目:语言学概论 一、解释概念(每题3分,共有15分) 1、非音质音位 2、单纯词 3、洋泾浜语 4、人称 5、书面语 二、简答题(每题5分,共20分) 1、简述语言与言语的联系和区别。 2、汉语在吸收外来语汇成分方面具有哪些特点? 3、什么是语法规则? 4、简述文字的发展阶段。 三、分析判断题;(每题5分,共20分) 判断下列说法的正误,并说明理由。 1、英语/P/音位和汉语普通话/P/音位不是对等的. 2、词义和要领有密不可分的联系,不表现概念的词义是没有的。 3、语言符号具有任意性的特点,但复合符号的组合不是任意的。 4、根据“词是造句的时候能够独立运用的最小语法单位”这一定义,判断下面对词的切分哪个正确。 A老友欢聚着,能吃的都吃了。 B老友欢聚着,能吃的都吃了。 C老友欢聚着,能吃的都吃了。 D老友欢聚着,能吃的都吃了。 E老友欢聚着,能吃的都吃了。 四、论述题(第1小题15分,其他各题每题10分,共45分) 1、怎样进行义素分析?请结合实例对这种分析方法的价值和局限性作出评价。 2、什么是区别特征,汉语普通话中有哪些语音特征是区别特征,为什么? 3、什么是组合的递归性?举例说明语法组合规则的递归性。 4、怎样看待语言内部因素在语言发展演变过程中所起的作用? 中国人民大学2002年研究生入学考试试题之十四招生专业:语言学及应用语言学汉语言文字学 考试科目:语言学概论试题:


一、判断正误题,(正确的用字母“A”表示,错误的用字母“B”表示。每小 题1分,共计20分。其他答题形式不得分) ( A )1. Excel 2000 中的工作簿是工作表的集合。 ( B )2. 在Windows 的资源管理器中不能查看磁盘的剩余空间。 ( A )3. 在用Word编辑文本时,若要删除文本区中某段文本的内容,可选取该段文本,再按Delete键。 ( A )4. Excel是一种表格式数据综合管理与分析系统。 ( B )5. 在Excel中,图表一旦建立,其标题的字体、字形是不可改变的。( B )6. “写字板”中没有插入/改写状态,它只能以插入方式来输入文字。( B )7. 在汉字系统中,我国国标汉字一律是按拼音顺序排列的。 ( A )8. 大小为3.5英寸的软盘,其一个角上设有写保护口。当滑动保护片将其盖住时,软盘就被写保护了。 ( B )9. (WORD文字处理)WORD进行打印预览时,只能一页一页的看。 ( A )10. 在Excel 2000 中进行单元格复制时,无论单元格是什么内容,复制出来的内容与原单元格总是完全一致的。 ( B )11. 若一台微机感染了病毒,只要删除所有带毒文件,就能消除所有病毒.。 ( B )12. 汇编语言和机器语言都属于低级语言,之所以称为低级语言是因为用它们编写的程序可以被计算机直接识别执行。 ( B )13. 软盘的读写速度比硬盘快。 ( B )14. 计算机中的字符,一般采用ASCII码编码方案。若已知“B”的ASCII 码值为42H,则可能推断出“K”的ASCII码值为51H。 ( A )15. Word的“自动更正”功能仅可替换文字,不可替换图像。 ( A )16. 高级语言程序有两种工作方式:编译方式和解释方式。 ( A )17. 在Windows的资源管理器中,利用[文件]菜单中的[重命名]既可以对文件改名, 也可以对子目录改名。 ( A )18. 文档窗口最大化后将占满整个桌面。 ( A )19. 同一软盘中不允许出现同名文件。

五年级英语期中测试 阅读理解 判断正误

期中测试阅读理解判断正误,用“T”表示正确,“F”表示错误 We have a new foreign (外国的) teacher this year. She comes from Canada. During the first lesson, she gave us a brief self-introduction. We are surprised to know that she’s only 22 years old. She said she took a year off her university and came here for her major and tuition. It is very common in her country. She’s been doing a project (课题) about how people learn English as a second language (外语) for a year. And the teaching trip in China will help her to do her project better. We all feel lucky because she gives us various ways of learning English and it’s our first time to know that learning English is o funny. ( ) 1. The new English teacher is from Canada. ( ) 2. She’s an experienced graduate teacher. ( ) 3. She’s doing a project about animals. ( ) 4. She will be in China for 2 years. ( ) 5. We are happy to learn with her. 小练笔 My teacher Who is your favourite teacher? Can you introduce her to us? You should write at least five sentences. You can start with “My favourite teacher is …. She or he is…” ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________


周四辨析成语使用正误 1.下列各句中加点成语的使用,全都不正确的一项是( ) ①李先生学富五车,是本行的泰山北斗,他八面玲珑 ....,在各领域也都有深入的研究,能应邀莅临讲学,真是我们的荣幸,大家掌声欢迎! ②政府也好,社会也罢,不能对诸般就业现象背后的制度性的缺位问题置若罔闻 ....,而是应该主动作为,让大学生都能找到自己的位置。 ③陈先生刚到美国不久,在高速路上被警方拦截,缴纳罚款一千美元,他感慨地说,如果对 美国的交通规则胸有成 ...竹,就不至于遭受这么大损失。 ④《嘭嘭嘭》一出版就畅销不衰,儿童文学作家童喜喜也因此晋升到专业作家队伍里,而这 部10万字的作品,是她用6天时间一气呵成 ....的。 ⑤如果政府采取限制措施,粗放型产业会受到巨大影响,其不合格产品都将付诸东流 ....,所以有远见的企业早早就实施了引进人才、提升技术的策略。 ⑥近些年,家装市场呈现出一片繁荣景象,但家装行业准入门槛低,难免鱼龙混杂 ....,卷款跑路的情况时有发生,给很多家庭带来了不少损失。 A.①③④B.①③⑤ C.②⑤⑥D.②④⑥ 2.下列各句中加点成语的使用,全都不正确的一项是( ) ①“风清则气正,气正则心齐”,作风问题关系人心向背 ....,关系事业成败,新形势、新任务对基层党组织作风建设提出了更高要求。 ②这种名贵的兰花原产地是欧洲,以前国内是绝无仅有 ....的,直到二十年前才有植物学家从欧洲引进种苗,利用温室育活了第一株。 ③“不少硕士生、博士生写出的论文,竟然不通文墨 ....。”老教授对当前高校科研中存在的基础不牢、急功近利现象十分忧虑。 ④第十届“新厦门人”集体婚礼在工人体育馆拉开帷幕,在亲朋好友的见证下,100对新人 义结金兰 ....,共同发出爱的誓言。 ⑤作为公诉人,我们不能简单地等米下锅 ....,要加强与公安机关的配合,提升办案合力,对于 关键性证据,亲自收集、复核。 ⑥王鹏和王毅分别创业,公司都做到了一定规模;而现在,王鹏的公司蒸蒸日上,王毅却因 遇人不淑 ....,公司快要倒闭了。 A.①③⑥B.②③④ C.①④⑥D.②⑤⑥ 3.下列各句中加点成语的使用,全都不正确的一项是( )


TRUE FALSE 例1原文:A species becomes extinct when the last individual dies. 题目:A species is said to be extinct when only one individual exists. 例2原文:It has been successfully used in the United States to provide input into resource exploitation decisions and assist wildlife managers and there is now enormous potential for using population viability to assist wildlife management in Australia’s forest. 原文:PV A has been used in Australia for many years. 例3原文:Booking in advance is strongly recommended as all Daybreak tours are subject to demand. Subject to availability, stand by ticket can be purchased from the driver. 题目:Tickets must be bought in advance from an authorized Daybreak agent. 例4原文:Since the Winter Games began, 55 out of 56 gold medals in the men’s Nordic skiing events have been won by competitors from Scandinavians or the former Soviet Union. 题目:Only Scandinavians have won gold medals in the men’s Winter Olympics. 例5原文:But generally winter sports were felt to be too specialized. 题目:The Antwerp Games proved that winter sports were too specialized. 例6原文:Another theory is that world temperature increases are upsetting the breeding cycles of frogs. 题目:It is a fact that frogs’breeding cycles are upset by world increases in temperature. 例7原文:Frogs are sometimes poisonous. 题目:Frogs are usually poisonous. 例8原文:Without a qualification from a reputable school or university, it is unlikely to find a good job. 题目:It is impossible to get a good job without a qualification from a respected institution. 例9原文:The Internet has often been criticized by the media as a hazardous tool in the hands of young computer users. 题目:The media has often criticized the Internet because it is dangerous.


初三英语阅读判断正 误练习

A poor boy lived in a small town.He sold goods from door to door to pay for school.One day,he had only one cent left,and he was hungry.He decided that he would ask for a meal at the next house.However,when a young woman opened the door,the boy was shy,so he just asked for some water.The woman knew he was hungry,so she brought him a large glass of milk.He drank it slowly,and then asked,“How much should I pay for it?”“You won't pay for it.My mother has told me that i t is good to help the people who are in trouble.” She replied.The boy said,“Then I thank you from my heart.” As the boy left that house,he felt stronger.He knew he had many things to do. Many years later,the young woman became ill.The local doctors couldn't save her.People had to send her to a big city.When the doctor knew who the woman was,he was excited and tried his best to save her life.He succeeded.The woman needed to pay for the medical bill.The doctor learned that she couldn't afford it.So he wrote something down on the medical bill.The woman read the bill,“You have paid it with a glass of milk.” 1.The poor boy sold goods from door to door because ____. A.he had no money left B.he needed money to buy some food C.he wanted to raise money for Project Hope D.he had to make money for his school 2.Why was the young woman sent to a hospital in a big city?____ A.Because she was seriously ill. B.Because she had lots of money. C.Because she wanted to visit the doctor. D.Because she knew the poor boy worked there. 3.From the passage we can know the doctor(the poor boy) ____. A.let the young woman pay for the bill B.was always thankful for the young woman's kindness C.didn't remember the young woman D.failed to save the young woman's life 4.Which of the following sentences is true?____ A.The young woman had a bad mother. B.The poor boy asked for some money. C.The young woman and her mother were both kind to others. D.The poor boy became a famous engineer when he grew up. 5.What's the best title(标题) for the article?____ A.A Kind Mother B.A Lovely Young Woman C.A Poor Boy D.A Glass of MilkDABCD



一、两大类型判断题有两大类题型:一种是 TRUE / FALSE/ NOT GIVEN ,另一种是YES/ NO/ NOT GIVEN 。两者的出题方法和指令有所不同。前者的提问方式是Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage X? 而后者的提问方式是Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in Reading Passage X? 虽然一类考查的是考生对于文章信息的理解,一类是考查对作者观点的把握,可是这两种题型从解题方法上来说是几乎完全一致的。除了在答题的时候需要特别注意题型之外,考生在复习备考的时候,基本不用注意这两种题型的差别。 二、顺序原则从剑桥真题以及考生的实际考 试体验,几乎所有的判断题都是严格遵守“顺序原则”的,也就是说题目的顺序与文章的顺序是一致的。 三、只考细节判断题属于细节题,因此几乎不

需要考生对上下文的理解并进行推断,同时考生亦不能根据自己的背景知识直接判断。 简单地说来,考生解题的关键不是对文章大意的把握,而是找到与题目相关的原文,根据原文的信息进行解题。 四、同义转换和所有的雅思阅读细节题一样, 判断题的题目都是基于原文,与原文形成同义转换(paraphrasing) 的关系。同义转换包括同义句型转换和同义词转换两种类别。 下面我们一起来看一下判断题的解题步骤和技巧 一、浏览文章 阅读文章的标题、副标题、小标题、图片,了解文章的大致内容和结构。对于文章主题的把握有助于判断题的解题。 二、阅读题目,划出定位词


1,职业能力的提高需要通过哪些途径(A)①培养实践意识,②参加活动课程,③参与职业实践,④研究职业能力理论 A. ①②③ B. ①②④ C. ①③④ D. ②③④ 2,在人际风格沟通过程中,我们依据一个人在沟通过程中的情感流露的多少,以及沟通过程中做决策的速度是否果断,把我们在工作和生活中遇到的所有的人可分为四种不同的类型。即:分析型、和蔼型、表达型和支配型。在决策的过程中果断性非常的弱,感情流露也非常的少,说话非常罗嗦,问了许多细节仍然不做决定。这种类型的人属于: A A. 分析型 B. 和蔼型 C. 表达型 D. 支配型 3,关于创新能力的培养,下列说法正确的是: D A. 培养创新能力,我们首先要热爱生活,注意关注我们的生活,因为只有源于生活的东西才是最有生命力的东西。 B. 培养创新能力,就要放开自己的思想,培养自己广泛的兴趣,发散自己的思维,练习多角度去思考问题。 C. 创新,没有丰富的生活体验不行,没有艺术的概括表现也不行。 D. 以上说法都正确。 4,关于创造性思维,以下表述正确的是: D A. 人类思维的高级过程,是人类意识发展水平的标志。 B. 与常规性思维相对的思维方式。 C. 以新颖独创的方法解决问题的思维过程。 D. 以上说法都正确。 5,鸟不会被自己的双脚绊住,人则会被自己的舌头拖累。“说”是沟通的最主要的方式,在沟通过程中起着关键性作用。“说”的类型主要有三种:社交谈话、感性谈话、知性谈话。传递资讯。像一场乒乓球比赛,你来我往,是一种双向沟通。这种谈话属于: C A. 社交谈话 B. 感性谈话 C. 知性谈话 D. 以上说法都不是。 6,判断下列说法是否正确:良好的沟通常常被错误地解释为沟通双方达成协议,而不是准确理解信息的意义。良好的沟通应该是每个人都充分理解了对方的观点和见解。 A A. 正确 B. 错误 7,关于如何培养我们的创新能力,下列说法正确的是:D
