






4 邮件不专业


1 收到询盘,第一时间打开,记住第一时间,也就是你最快的时间,竭尽所能。用一分钟打开,2-3分钟,认真阅读邮件内容(一般不会太长,且比较简单,最多5分钟分析完毕)

2 回复相信大家都有自己的模板,没有的最好建立一个模版。并不断完善.我说的只是模板,然后要修改,一定要修改。记住客户需要的是唯一性,只有你认真对待他,让他觉得你为这个询盘有很认真的准备。

3 内容

1 开头,dear 加他们的名字或者其他,自己感觉

2 简单说下他的询盘we are pleased to receive your inquiry hear that you are interested in our。。。

3 简单说下自己的公司三句话2 行,Our company,名字,专业生产(老外提到的产品)and。。。(自己主打产品),然后由于什么好的质量,价格,我们的产品卖的很好,或者换成你们的优势就行(比如说,我们有多少年生产经验之类的)三句话,名字,产品,优势。

4 如果熟悉他们国家的市场,你可以说。we are glad that our product sells good in your market (不清楚就别乱说,反正写下,你们的产品非常适合他们的市场,要是新市场,就说这个市场我们正在努力开发中,我们以优异的质量和强有力的价格已经取得了一些成就,或者实在没有就说,我们很高兴,有你这样一个伙伴帮助我们开发市场。我们会给你提供最低的价格和最好的质量帮助你打开市场。。反正就是说对他们有利的话,一行--两行


5设置疑问之一,最关键的地方,最能勾引老外的地方到了。。把最小起定量降低点,价格稍微抬高点。然后就说如果你不介意,请告诉我们的你的数量或者要求,we wil try our best to give you a discount 。尽全力给他打折,前提是你得回复,吊他胃口。




再最后,再一次提醒他if you have any questions please feel free to contact me .Your prompt reply will be highly appriciated. 这个可以换的,要是有诚意的客户直接要msn,或者其他联系方式,不大有诚意的,报自己的,一般没诚意的说下自己的联系方式在下边。提示他,提醒他。






问是否接到询盘 1.是 A:hello, this is ***. may i speak to ****? B:***speaking A:i am *** from yiwu juzhi jewelry factory,i send a quote to you on ** june,have you received it? B:yes A:how you feel about our quotation,your any comment we are very appreciate. B:the price is high. A:could you tell me your target price,we will do our best effort reach your target price and guarantee high quality. A:ok,i will think about it. B:thank you very much,you can contact me any time. And I'll keep contact you too,pls be patient with me. A:thanks B:goodbye. 2.否 A:hello, this is ***. may i speak to ****? B:***speaking A:i am *** from yiwu juzhi jewelry factory,i send a quote to you on ** june,have you received it? B:sorry,i haven't received your quote A:ok,i will send the quote to you later,pls check your email.and chould you kindly tell me how you feel about our quote,i will be very appreciate. B:ok A:thanks,I'll be looking forwad to hearing from you.Good-bye. 3.客户不在 a:hello, this is ****. may i speak to ****? b:yes,one moment please. i'll get her for you. a: thank you. b: i'm sorry, she's not at her room right now. a:(有急事时要手机号码表达方法: It's urgent. Could I have her mobilephone number?) b:*********(没有) a:oh, i'll call her again. It's kind of you.bye(thanks you too,bye) 问客人是否收到货物 4.是 A:hello, this is ***. may i speak to ****? B:***speaking A:i am *** from yiwu juzhi jewelry factory,i send products to you on ** june,have you received it?

出单必看 外贸新人必看询盘回复技巧

一.询盘的回复和技巧 Ⅰ如何筛选询盘,我们可以把询盘分为七种: 1.有收件人称呼的 2.有详细产品询问的 3.有介绍自己公司背景的 4.有对工厂详细问卷的 5.有完整的公司名称、联系方式和网址的 6. Email的后缀是公司网址的 以上六种询盘比较有真实客户相,应该重点回复 7.没有称呼也没有具体产品询问,只是对公司感兴趣,标准的询问函模式 一开始要求寄送目录、价格xx样品的 只对公司产品感兴趣,要求快寄样品赶展会、赶促销,样品种类多但没有具体要求看看客户发来邮件的时间,根据时差判断客户发送邮件的时间,比如早上八九点从德国IP发送过来的邮件基本有问题。 上面说的几类询盘基本就是无效的询盘,只是为了扩大自己知名度,或者骗取点样品套个价格,时间比较紧的就不用理了。这样的客户基本是做不成生意的,即使做成也不会是大单子。时间比较充裕的可以联系下,权当练兵 Ⅱ如何回复询盘 1.及时 1),第一时间回复 2),根据时间差重点回复 港、台、日、韩、xx马上回复

xx上午11点之前回复 xx下午一点前回复 xx下午三点前回复 美国、加拿大、墨西哥及美洲、拉美国家,下午下班之前回复 3),不能回复或不能完整回复的 对由于种种原因暂时不能回复的,应尽早给客人邮件告诉他可以什么时候回复他提出的问题,而不是置之不理 对于不能完整回复的,应把可以回复的问题先告诉客人,另外告诉一个确切的日期来回复剩余的问题 2.全面完整专业 1)读完询盘有一个整体概念 国家和地区: 欧洲、美国对质量要求比较严格,可以承受较高的价格,讨厌讨价还价 印度巴基斯坦对质量基本无要求,只要价格优惠,就可能做成生意,基本每次联系都要求降价,可以承受的价格低 中东拉美对质量有一定要求,价格也比较挑剔,但可以承受比印巴略高的价格中间商和最终用户: 看对方是一个进出口公司还是一家经营此产品的批发商、分销商或者零售商产品和用途: 即使完全相同的东西,由于用途不同,价格也不同 用来焊轿车和铁壶的两块同样的焊铁价格可能差十几倍甚至几十倍 2)作答客户提出的问题


新客户的主题建议写:we want to be your supplier for xxxxx(t-shirt, polo shirt, hoody ) Dear Miss Pamela, 主题:cata. for your ref. Thank you for your inquiry. The latest cata. attached, for your ref. our MOQ is 1000pcs. The price and the delivery time depend on your qty. Would you like to tell me more about your business type? Are you professional buyer? Do you have your unique logo needed print on the chest or anywhere? You can send it to me and we will make the design for your confirm it. We can also make it by your sample and ideals. ( check quality)Dear Sirs,(询盘) We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Swedish Embassy in Beijing who have informed us that you are in the market for Textiles. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to approach you for the establishment of trade relations with you. We are a state-operated corporation, handling both the import and export of Textiles. In order to acquaint you with our business lines, we enclose a copy of our Export List covering the main items suppliable at present. Should any of the items be of interest to you, please let me know. We shall be glad to give you our lowest quotations upon receipt of your detailed requirements. In our trade with merchants of various countries, we always adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit. It is our hope to promote, by joint efforts, both trade and friendship to our mutual advantage. We look forward to receiving your enquiries soon. Yours faithfully, purchase more, discount more The more order, the lower price If you have a big order, I will give you a discount as soon as I can. Thank you for your inquiry. The price depends on your quantity, purchase more, discount more. Our quotation about this t shirt is X dollars for one unit. Do you have your unique logo needed print on the chest or anywhere? You can send it to me and we will make the design for you confirm it.


收到客户询盘时的回复: Dearsir, WeherebyacknowledgereceiptyourinquiryofXX,(products)andijustgottheinformationfromourproductiondep artment,thesestandardisavailableforus.andthenowplscheckthequotationbelow: Thespecificationyourequired: Thelength: 签名 Lookforwardyoursoonestreply, Thanksandregards 签名 针对客户的讨价还价的回复 Dearsir, Sorryformylatereply,idiscusswithourbossforalongtime,butregardingtheprice,itisnearourbottomline,yo uknowthemarketischangingeveryday,anditishardtocutmoreoncostasweneedtheproductswithbestquality.

Butwetreasureourfirstcooperation,soweallowyoua2%discount,thisisthebesticandoforyou. Ihopethatifyouhavethewilltocooperate,plsdon’tjustfocusontheprice,themostimport antisthequality,it hink. Ifyouanycomments,plsletmeknow. Thanksandregards Angela Angela ves,sothatwemakespecialanddivideplanandscheduleforeachclient. Atthesametimewecanimproveourserviceaccordingtothem,ifth ere’ssomefaultandinourworks. Soplstakeafewtimetotellmesomeadviceonourbusiness.ok?thanksverymuch. 针对报价了不回复的 Dearsirormadam, Hopeyoustillrememberme,isentyouquotationforXX(products)onXX(date),wellmaybeyouareverybusy,andiunderstand. Ireviewyourwebsitverycarefully,andhavemuchintereststomakeastartforourcooperation,toprovidethebestspecialservice.


每天我们收到不少询盘,但是往往回复过去就如泥牛入海,客户也不回复。既然客户有意向给你询盘,为什么他不回复呢,值得我们思考和探索。 大致原因如下 1只是为了探寻价格,暂时无购买意向 2收到很多回复,不能一一回复 3回复的内容不能对客户形成很好的吸引力 4 邮件不专业 所以抛开客户因素,我们努力把自己做得最好,最有吸引力,减少不必要的损失,尽量让客户和我们沟通交流,相信我们会做的很好。我简单分享一下我的意见,个人愚见仅供参考 1 收到询盘,第一时间打开,记住第一时间,也就是你最快的时间,竭尽所能。用一分钟打开,2-3分钟,认真阅读邮件内容(一般不会太长,且比较简单,最多5分钟分析完毕) 2 回复相信大家都有自己的模板,没有的最好建立一个模版。并不断完善.我说的只是模板,然后要修改,一定要修改。记住客户需要的是唯一性,只有你认真对待他,让他觉得你为这个询盘有很认真的准备。 3 内容 1 开头,dear 加他们的名字或者其他,自己感觉 2 简单说下他的询盘we are pleased to receive your inquiry hear that you are interested in our。。。 3 简单说下自己的公司三句话2 行,Our company,名字,专业生产(老外提到的产品)and。。。(自己主打产品),然后由于什么好的质量,价格,我们的产品卖的很好,或者换成你们的优势就行(比如说,我们有多少年生产经验之类的)三句话,名字,产品,优势。 4 如果熟悉他们国家的市场,你可以说。we are glad that our product sells good in your market (不清楚就别乱说,反正写下,你们的产品非常适合他们的市场,要是新市场,就说这个市场我们正在努力开发中,我们以优异的质量和强有力的价格已经取得了一些成就,或者实在没有就说,我们很高兴,有你这样一个伙伴帮助我们开发市场。我们会给你提供最低的价格和最好的质量帮助你打开市场。。反正就是说对他们有利的话,一行--两行 4然后简要介绍一下客户提到的产品,最小起订量,大概因素,一定要主打的,你们的优势,每个公司又是肯定不一样。如果价格觉得有竞争力,报一个价格,你们的最小起定量(也可以转化成优势的,降低MOQ),大概的运输方式,支付方式,这个根据客户的询盘来考虑报与不报。要是人家实在咱实在,人家玩虚的,咱也玩虚,但要写的很实在,表现出很真诚。大概一个完整的报价方式,一最有竞争力的形式表达。一个内容一行,简单明了。 5设置疑问之一,最关键的地方,最能勾引老外的地方到了。。把最小起定量降低点,价格稍微抬高点。然后就说如果你不介意,请告诉我们的你的数量或者要求,we wil try our best to give you a discount 。尽全力给他打折,前提是你得回复,吊他胃口。 6疑问之二然后推荐产品,一定要有比较,有比较才能够分量,老外要的是普通产品,推荐一下新产品(主要推优势,简单描述)如果你感兴趣,并不介意的话我下一次给你做个报价。他要新的,咱推同类的或者稍微普通的把那些价格降低,这个价格稍微抬高,因为他对新产品不了解,所以报个旧产品或者普通的产品,让他知道优势和市场,然后感觉这个价格也不高,记住旧产品普通产品千万别报高,要不然就勾引不到了。总之要形成对比。形成价格或者性能,质量反差。有的老外很聪明,他想买一种产品,他会让你报另一种产品的价格。这样咱正好给他,他会更有意向,正中圈套。不过价格一定要记清楚了,不能太高,也不能太低,市场好的,价格中等偏上,不好的偏下。。有时候可以用低价吸引,有时候可以用高价吸引(呵呵,没听说过吧,现在有的人的心理就是这样,价格太低,他会嫌你质量不好)具体情况具体分析


外贸英语:询盘范文(7) 回复询盘,量大折价 We are pleased to receive your letter of 5 July and enclose our catalogue and price list. Also by separate post we are sending you the samples of our products. Our catalogue contains items and their specifications of our supplies. Through comparing our prices with those of other suppliers, you will appreciate the moderate prices of ours. For a total purchase of not less than 100,000 and not more than 200,000 American dollars, we would allow a discount of 10% and for a purchase larger than 200,000 American dollars, we would allow a 20% special discount. 很高兴收到贵公司7月5日来函。现寄上产品目录与价目表。同时另封寄去样品,请查收。 所寄产品目录包括本公司产品的品名、规格。与其他厂商的价格比较,我方的报价定会使贵方满意。 凡总定购量超过100,000美元但不足200,000美元者,我方将给予10% 的折扣;凡总定购量超过200,000美元者,我方将给予20%的折扣。


几种外贸开发信英文模板(部分对你有帮助!选择适合自己的。) 1.主动跟新买家建立联糸 ① No.1 Dear friend, How are you doing Xiamen Top Point trading here, exporting antique furniture with good quality and low prise in China. E-catalog is a part of our antique furnitures for your reference (354.1KB) . Should you have any questions, pls don't hesitate to contact me. Thanks and best regard, No.2 How are you doing This is Rogen from Xiamen Top Point Enterprise Co., Ltd. Exporting antique furniture with good quality and low price in China. Enclosed is a small part of our products for your reference, call or email me let's talk details. ② Dear friend, How are you doing Long time there is no news from you, this is Rogen from Xiamen Top Point Enterprise Co.,Ltd. We are one of professional wooden furniture manufacturer from China, enclosed is some of our products for your reference, pls kindly check and let me know if you are interested in any items, meanwhile your any OEM order is warmly welcome. We look forward to receiving your any enquires soon. ③ Dear Mr. Jones: How are you doing this is Rogen from Xiamen Top Point Enterprise Co.,Ltd. (I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, We have received your letter of 9th April showing your interest in our complete product information.) We understand from your information posted on https://www.360docs.net/doc/3213709135.html, that you are in the market for furniture. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products, can cooperate with you is my pleasure. We are a joint venture specializing in the manufacture and export of furniture. Our brand is xxxx, a famous Chinese brand. we have enclosed our catalog(随函附我方目录), which introduces our company in detail and covers the main products we supply at present. You may also visit our online company introduction at which includes our latest product line. Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know. We will be happy to give you a quotation(报价单)upon receipt of(一收到)your detailed requirements. The quality of ours is as good as that of many other suppliers,while our prices are not high as theirs. We are always improving our design and patterns to confirm to the world market.


询盘回复 无明确目标动机询盘、收集情报动机询盘邮件回复例子: Sample 1 Dear Mr. Amir, Many thanks for your inquiry dated(of) XXXX from https://www.360docs.net/doc/3213709135.html,. In order to let us make more correct quotation accordingly, please kindly tell us the exact model number you prefer after checking our website of https://www.360docs.net/doc/3213709135.html,. Besides, to help us offer the best price, please also introduce your company as many details as you can. Such as your company foundation time, how many workers, major product lines, company website and last year's sales turnover if possible. More details better price. Waiting for your early reply. Best Regards Amy Sample 2 Dear Mr. Naresh, So glad receiving your enquiry for our Barbies' collection from https://www.360docs.net/doc/3213709135.html, dated XXX. Thanks a lot. We are a leading manufacturer in children’s wear in China and our products have been exported to customers all over the world such as ****. The Barbies Collection is the most popular style in our factory, selling fast. However, detailed price list for the skirts and long pants will be sent to you based on your specific further product description such as color, specification, special design requirement etc. Please check the following styles photo which should be suitable for your Indian market and tell us more requirements on the exact skirts and long pants. Please do not hesitate to contact us if any question and we are waiting for your reply. Best regards,

Enquiry from customer 询盘回复范文

如何有效的回复询盘 Enquiry from customer Dear Supplier, Season Greetings! We are currently looking to expand our product line including memory foam mattresses and pillows. I need the price and specifications of this product, please send me more details. I will come to China next month.In the meantime,I would like to collect as much information as possible on pattern and specifications. Looking forward to your quick reply. Best Regards! Ananyev Smekhov Purchases/Corporate services DROBEX LTD 309517, Russia, Belgorodskaya obl., Stary Oskol, mkr. Veseny, 12B, room 24 309517 Stary Oskol RUSSIA Tel.: +7-4725450767 Reply to above

Dear Ananyev Smekhov, We are glad to know that you will expand your business line on memory foam mattress &memory foam pillow.Believe we can serve you better and better in near future. First,Please refer to the attachments for your reference. It is great that you will come to China for business.Please kindly arrange your schedule to visit our factory.We hope we can have a close talk face to face.Then we could show you our production lines and sample room. We Are confident that it will make our cooperation smoothly. When your visit schedule is available,please kindly let me know. Best Regards, Water Notes, 1.客户计划拓展业务,对公司的产品标示感兴趣或者看好公司产品的前景,表示要访问中国,并且要来参观工厂。 2.针对这样的询盘,主要是分析客户的目的和需求,抓住重点词和主要意思,比如“Expand,Collate price and specification”.根据获取的信息,有步骤、有的放矢地回复邮件。 3.在邮件中,对客户表示出诚意、细致。同时展示出公司主要的实力,以增加客户对公司的了解,增强合作的信心。


外贸 B2B 询盘回复技巧 提出问题,解决问题 ! 使用电子商务平台洽谈外贸业务,大家遇到的共同问题是什么 ? 1、我回复了买家,为什么买家不理我 ? 分析原因: 1 邮件客人并没有收到 ! 解析:现在有很多国内的厂家,商人,用的邮箱地址仍然是免费的邮箱,甚至是数字邮箱 (163, https://www.360docs.net/doc/3213709135.html,? 为后缀的邮箱这类邮箱地址很容易被国外客人的邮件服务器辨别为垃圾邮箱, 还没有等到客人收到你的回盘信息, 客人的服务器已经将你所发送的邮件直接退回或者删除, 客人自然不会回复给你, 因为他根本就不曾收到邮件 ! 解决:用国际通用的邮箱如 https://www.360docs.net/doc/3213709135.html, , https://www.360docs.net/doc/3213709135.html, , https://www.360docs.net/doc/3213709135.html, 这类免费邮箱,比较好,不容易被分析为垃圾邮件 ! 另外可用公司名购买的企业邮箱, 以公司名为后缀的邮箱和客人联络的, 这个不是免费使用,通常是做了公司网页后,送的公司邮箱,每年是要收费的。同样, 这个以公司名后缀的邮箱也一定要找相关公司做邮箱的“双向解析” 。这样,你所发送的邮件才会被客人的邮箱服务器通过,客人才会顺利收到邮件 ! 2 邮件中有病毒 解析:大家有没有每天查杀计算机内的病毒呢 ? 试想,如果客人收到一封你的邮件, 但你的邮件中带有病毒并被客人的杀毒软件 所查出,客人会看邮件,还是直接删除邮件呢 ? 这个问题是很显然的。 解决:解决办法很简单, 就是定时定点对你的计算机进行彻底查毒,保证自己所发邮件是不带任何病毒及木马程序。

3 发送的时间有时差,及客户看邮件的时间 ! 解析:很多做外贸人员认为,一旦收到 ? 询盘 ? 就马上回复,认为及时尽早的回复,客人一定会对此满意和赞赏并会有所回复 ! 这样做是对的, 但忽略了很重要的一点, 除了亚洲一部分国家及澳洲地区国家, 绝大部分客户和中国是有时差的。就算你马上回复了客人, 客人也会在他上班的时间才能看到邮件。而且客人所发的 ? 询 盘 ? , 肯定也不会只有你一个人回复, 肯定有大把的供应商相争回复, 这样, 最早回复的邮件按照邮箱的排列的顺序被沉到了最底层。如果客人在上面的邮件中找到感兴趣的供应商, 就根本不会看最底层你的邮件 ! 解决:了解客人当地的时差及上班时间, 按照客人的上班时间发送,这个,只需要简单的邮件定时发送就可以办到 ! 另外一点, 我觉得非常好,就是按照客人的上班时间,在线和客人联系 ! 比如欧洲等国家和中国的时差为 -6到 -8个小时,那么当我们在下午 3-4点的时候正是客人上班的时间,这样下午和客人发邮件, 极有可能收到客人的回复, 收到客人回复后立即也回复, 或者能在 Trademanger? 或者 MSN 上能和客人在线及时沟通,这样也是最好的沟通方法。 4 客人休假及发邮件的密度 解析:除了及时和客人联系外, 还要了解客人所在地的法定节假日或者休息时 间 ! 有过多国家的客人是很遵守作息时间的,一旦休息或者放假,是绝不做事的 ! 所以了解客人的放假时间也是很重要的。 你所发送的邮件密度也非常重要, 如果密度过高, 每天至少三封, 这样很有可能被客人被认为是骚扰或者垃圾邮箱而将你加入黑名单。 解决:讲师提出的最好的邮件密度为:第 1天 -第 2天 -第 6天 -第 13天 -第 28天-每隔 1个月 ! 就是,一开始发送后,第二天没回复再追加一封,再没回复过 4天,就是第 6天再追加一次,如果再没回复就是再过一个星期再发, 再过半个月再发, 然后每个月定时发送 ! 当然,发送的内容千万不要一样,标题也要经常变换。不要放弃任何


催促下单,库存不多 Dear X, Thank you for your inquiry. Yes, we have this item in stock. How many doyou want? Right now, we only have X lots of the X color left. Since they arevery popular, the product has a high risk of selling out soon. Please place yourorder as soon as possible. Thank you! Best regards, (name) 回应买家砍价 Dear x, Thank you for your interests in my item. I am sorry but we can’t offer you that lowprice you asked for. We feel that the price listed is reasonable and has beencarefully calculated and leaves me limited profit already. However, we’d like to offer you somediscounts on bulk purchases. If your order is more than X pieces, we will giveyou a discount of xx% off. Please let me know for any furtherquestions. Thanks. Sincerely, (name)


回复客户询盘英语 May I have an idea of your prices? 可以了解一下你们的价格吗? Can you give me an indication of price? 你能给我一个估价吗? Please let us know your lowest possible prices for the relevant goods. 请告知你们有关商品的最低价。 If your prices are favorable, I can place the order right away. 如果你们的价格优惠,我们可以马上订货。 When can I have your firm C.I.F. prices, Mr. Li? 李先生,什么时候能得到你们到岸价的实盘? We'd rather have you quote us F.O.B.prices. 我们希望你们报离岸价格。 Would you tell us your best prices C.I.F. Humburg for the chairs. 请告诉你方椅子到汉堡到岸价的最低价格。 Words and Phrases favorable 优惠的 firm price 实价,实盘 Will you please tell the quantity you require so as to enable us to sort out the offers? 为了便于我方报价,可以告诉我们你们所要的数量吗? We'd like to know what you can offer as well as your sales conditions. 我们想了解你们能供应什么,以及你们的销售条件。 How long does it usually take you to make delivery? 你们通常要多久才能交货? Could you make prompt delivery? 可以即期交货吗? Would you accept delivery spread over a period of time? 不知你们能不能接受在一段时间里分批交货? Could you tell me which kind of payment terms you'll choose? 能否告知你们将采用哪种付款方式? Will you please tell us the earliest possible date you can make shipment? 你能否告知我们最早船期吗? Do you take special orders? 你们接受特殊订货吗? Could you please send us a catalog of your rubber boots together with terms of payment? 你能给我们寄来一份胶靴的目录,连同告诉我们付款方式吗? He inquired about the varieties, specifications and price, and so on and so forth.他询问了品种、花色和价格等情况。 We have inquired of Manager Zhang about the varieties, quality and price of tea. 我们向张经理询问了茶叶的品种、质量、价格等问题。 Words and Phrases sales conditions 销售条件 to make delivery 交货 to make prompt-delivery 即期交货 payment terms 付款方式 special orders 特殊订货


询盘回复最全版 收到询盘后 1.收到HPL询盘 Dear friend, Thanks for your enquiry about our products. Now could you tell me your more information you need?then I quota you soon base on your details . 1.Do you need laminate compact board or chemical board? As you know, laminate board don't have chemical-resistant speciality. 2. Which size and the thickness is? Looking forward to hearing from you. Best regards with thanks. Sammul 2.收到Locker询盘 Hi friend, How are you? Thanks very much for your inquiry of our HPL fireproof locker. This is Sammul from Shenzhen Fumeihua Decorative Materials Co.,Ltd, which is a professional manufacturer of HPL fireproof locker. The price is according to open area computation, so I have some questions need to confirm with you, please help, thanks in advance. 1). What color do you want?


外贸英语:外贸回信报价范文(英文) 作为中国的外贸员,我想写的最多的外贸信函莫过于回信并报价,原因大家都知道——因为中国是世界工厂。此文就是一篇比较规范的回信。 复函与报价(Replies and Quotations) Macer S.A 24th November 20## Foshan Sweethome Installations Ltd. 2 Xiyue Street Foshan, Guangdong China Dear sirs, In reply to your letter of 21st Novermber, We have pleasure in enclosing a detailed quotation for bathroom showers. Besides those advertised in the Builers' Joural, our illustrated catalogue also encolsed shows various types of bathroom fittings and the sizes available. Most types can be supplied from stock. 45-60 days should be allowed for delivery of those marked with an asterisk. Building contractors in Hong Kong and Taiwan have found our equipment easy to install and attractive in apperance. Naturally all parts are replacable. and our quotation includes prices of spare parts. We can allow a 2% discount on all orders of US$6,000 in value and overf, and a 3%on orders exceeding US$20,000. Any orders you place with us will be processed promptly. yours faithfully. Francesco Marani Sales Manager Encl.2 Via S.Lorenzo, 24/a Castellon Spain Tel:(964) 560001 Fax (964) 560002 英语口语培训https://www.360docs.net/doc/3213709135.html,/
