北京中医药大学远程教育 英语2 作业4

北京中医药大学远程教育 英语2 作业4
北京中医药大学远程教育 英语2 作业4



1.He acted both tragic and comic parts, but he was ______ in comedy. [1分] D. at his best

2.She put salt into her cup of tea ______. [1分] D.by mistake

3.I don't think you need take it too seriously. He ______ funny. [1分] C.was just being

4.After practicing for one month, I ______ the conclusion that I didn't really fancy civil engineering.

[1分] B.came to

5.The military life agreed ______ Marcel. [1分] D. with

6.The writing class was conducted _____ a twice-a-week basis. [1分] D.on

7.The pen ______ well. [1分] A. writes

8.The lady came to ask for______ eggs. [1分] D.a few more

9.Many people still try every means possible to take______ of the free state medical care system. [1

分] D.advantage

10.Joyce wondered if the fortune-teller was ______. [1分] B.on the level

11.It was ______ that his faith in the Government was severely shaken. [1分] C.evident

12.Although only in his twenties, he was already ______ bald. [1分] C.growing

13.It's no use arguing with him and so we left him______ in the front room. [1分] D.shouting

14.All the books in the resources room of the English Department are arranged in alphabetic ______. [1

分] C.order

15.I didn't expect him to ______ his intention. [1分] D. reveal

16.What day does that magazine _______? [1分] https://www.360docs.net/doc/3214251744.html,e out

17.Of the French symbolists I have never had any _____ or accurate knowledge. [1分] A. detailed

18.After failing four times, I ______ passed my driving test. [1分] C.eventually

19._____ at Harvard, with his first year there, he began again to write poetry for the first in a dozen

years. [1分] C.Busy as he was

20.Please stay _______. [1分] B.seated

21.We can rely on him to carry out this mission, for his judgment is always _____. [1分] B.sound

22.For five miles ________ the road was bordered with apple orchards. [1分] C. on end

23.The scientists _____ the fossils closely to determine their age. [1分] D. approached

24.The students and graduates ______ to raise money when the gym burned down. [1分] B.joined forces

25.The house is furnished ______; there is nothing showy or cheap in it. [1分] A.in style

26.Do you ______ taking these goods without paying for them? [1分] C. admit to

27.Nothing delighted the small boy more than to ______ his mother's handbag. [1分] D.turn out

28.In history, past and present, those who start an aggressive war all come to a bad _____. [1分] B.end

29.He couldn't resist the ______ to steal the jewel. [1分] C. temptation

30.He ______ me with neglecting my duty. [1分] B. charged

31.They were very disappointed when their son _______ bottom in the exam. [1分] A. came out

32.Joan was the only girl who wore a formal dress at the party, and she felt ______. [1分] D.out of place

33.We are both looking forward _______ next week. [1分] C. to going on vacation

34.The nurse _____ his pain by giving him a cooling drink. [1分] B. relieved

35.The newspaper states that prices of all farm products are expected to go ______ soon. [1分] A.down

36.Peter took up the rear, armed with a large hammer _____ emergencies. [1分] B. in case of

37.In a _____ of self-pity, he cried over his poor childhood. [1分] A. burst

38.During the inspection I said something that I now wish I could ______. [1分] B. unsay

39.May I have the ______ of dancing with you? [1分] B. pleasure

40.It's _______ that he will succeed. [1分] D. highly likely

41.She gave her seven-year-old son 20 dollars for the ______ of his schoolbooks. [1分] C. purchase

42.Can you give me _____ was left? [1分] A. all that

43.I intended to have my daughters ______ in England. [1分] D. educated

44.This will _____ a good opportunity for them to exchange their experience. [1分] D. provide

45.She was speaking to a crowd when she _____ someone called her behind. [1分] C. heard

46.Just give me five minutes to ______; I'm covered in oil. [1分] A. clean myself up

47.None of his arguments seemed to me to _______. [1分] C.hold water

48.______ is money to him when he is dying. [1分] A.what good

49.______ he may be, he will be happy. [1分] B. Whatever

50.Consumers should do ______ than simply complain about the poor quality of goods. [1分] A.far more

51.I am sure you'd be the first to be sorry if anything was to ______ him. [1分] B. happen to

52.His chief difficulty ______ people ignorant of Jeans machinations [1分] B. lies in keeping

53.It was thought ______. [1分] B.of as impossible

54.The plan has ______ various problems. [1分] D.given rise to

55.It does help when a father does his ______ at home. [1分] C.duty

56.I remember ________ for the job, but I forgot the exact amount. [1分] B.being paid

57.He broke _____ to clear his throat and then went on with his speech. [1分] C. off

58.It was this spirit which ______ the darkest moments of the war. [1分] D.pulled them through

59.The drowning of Maurience had ______ last May. [1分] A. occurred

60.He is very ______ his children and permits them few privileges. [1分] C.hard on


大学英语(三)(19000003) > 课程作业> 复查测验:2012年下半年大学英语三第二次作业 复查测验:2012年下半年大学英语三第二次作业 用户2012秋入学专升本 已提交12-10-17 下午11:22 名称2012年下半年大学英语三第二次作业 状态已完成 分数得94 分,满分100 分 说明 问题1得3 分,满分3 分 一、交际英语(每题3分,共30分) 1、- Good-bye for now. - _________ 所选答案: C. See you. 问题2得3 分,满分3 分 2、- How do I get to the cinema? - _________ 所选答案: D. Go down this street and turn left. 问题3得3 分,满分3 分 3、— Hi, Tom, how's everything with you? — , and how are you? 所选答案: B. Hm, not too bad. 问题4得3 分,满分3 分 4、- Wow! This is a marvelous room! I've never known you're so artistic.

- ______ 所选答案: C. Thanks for your compliments. 问题5得3 分,满分3 分 5、–How was your trip to London, Jane? – _____________________ 所选答案: A. Oh, wonderful indeed. 问题6得3 分,满分3 分 6、–Oh, sorry to bother you. –__________________. 所选答案: A. That’s Okay. 问题7得3 分,满分3 分 7、--Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the post office? -- _____________. 所选答案: D. Sorry, but I am a stranger here myself 问题8得3 分,满分3 分 8、- Could you help me with my physics, please? - ________ 所选答案: D. Sorry I can't. I have to go to a meeting right now. 问题9得3 分,满分3 分 9、-- Congratulations! You won the first prize in today's speech contest. -- ________ 所选答案: C. Thank you. 问题10得3 分,满分3 分 10、- Do you mind my smoking here? - _______


一、完形填空(共1道小题,共50.0分) 1.Once, three fishes lived in a pond. One evening, some ___1___ passed by the pond and saw the fishes. “This pond is full of fish”, they told each other __2___. “We have never fished here before. We must come back tomorrow morning with our ___3___ and catch these fish!” So saying, the fishermen left. When the eldest of the three fishes ___4___ this, he was troubled. He called the other fishes together and said, “Did you hear ___5___ the fishermen said? We must leave this pond at once. The fishermen will return tomorrow and kill us all!” The second of the three fishes agreed. “You are right”, he said. “We must leave the pond.” But the ____6___ fish laughed. “You are worrying without reason”, he said. “We have lived in this pond all our lives, and no fisherman has ever come here. Why should these men return? I am not going ___7____ - my luck will keep me safe.” The eldest of the fishes left the pond that ___8____ evening with his entire family. The second fish saw the fishermen ____9___ in the distance early next morning and left the pond at once with all his family. The third fish refused to leave even then. The fishermen ____10___and caught all the fish left in the pond. The third fish's luck did not help him - he too was caught and killed. (232字) a. A.fishersman B.fisherman C.fishermans D.fishermen 学生答案: D; 标准答 案: D b. A.excitedly B.excited C.excite D.exciting


2012大学英语第二次作业 第一部分:交际用语(共10小题;每小题3分,满分30分) 此部分共有5个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A、B、 C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 1. — Could I borrow your car for a few days? — 所选答案: C. Sure, here your are. Enjoy your journey. 问题 2 得 3 分,满分 3 分 2. — Thank you for inviting me. — ______________ 所选答案: C. Thank you for coming. 问题 3 得 3 分,满分 3 分 3. —May I see your tickets, please? — ______________ 所选答案: C. Sure. 问题 4 得 3 分,满分 3 分 4. — Please help yourself to the seafood. —__________ 所选答案: D. Thanks, but I don't like the seafood. 问题 5 得 3 分,满分 3 分 5. — Can you go to the concert with us this evening? —__________ 所选答案: B. I'd love to, but I'm busy tonight. 问题 6 得 3 分,满分 3 分 6. — Congratulations! Y ou won the first prize in today's speech contest. —__________ 所选答案: C. Thank you. 问题7 得0 分,满分 3 分 7.—I had a really good weekend at my uncle’s. — _______. 所选答案: C. It’s a pleasure 问题8 得 3 分,满分 3 分 8.— Susan, will you please go and empty that drawer? — _______? 所选答案: A. What for 问题9 得 3 分,满分 3 分 9— What do you want to do next? We have half an hour until the basketball game. — _________.Whatever you want to do is fine with me. 所选答案: B. It’s up to you 问题10 得 3 分,满分 3 分 10.— How about putting some pictures into the report? — ________ A picture is worth a thousand words.

英语听力教程 第三版 学生用书2 单词

Kindergarten: a school or class for young children, usually four to six years old, that prepares them for Nursery school: a school for very young children, usually 3 to 5 years of age Coo: speak gently and lovely wedding: the act or ceremony of becoming married Bride: a woman who has just been married or is about to be married relationship: Pick up: stop for and take or bring(person) along with one a romantic or sexual involvement Stability: steadiness, the state of being not likely to separate, break down or fall apart Discipline: strict control to enforce obedience; punishment / control, train, punish Lenient: merciful, not severe in disciplining, punishing, judging, ect. Spare the rod, spoil the child: a child who is not punished will become undisciplined and unruly. Harsh: unpleasant, unkind, cruel or more severe than is necessary Foldaway: that can be folded together for easy storage.Detached: not connected, separate Blind: anything that keeps out light, as a window shade or shutter. Estate: landed property; individually owned piece of land containing a residence. Sink:any of various basins, as in a kitchen or laundry, connected with a drainpipe and usually, with Appliance: a device or machine for performing a specific task, esp. one that is worked mechanically Property: a building or area of land, or both together Mortgage: an agreement that allows you to borrow money from or similar organization, Tenant: a person who pays rent for the use of land or a building Counselor: someone who is paid to listen to people’s problems and provide support and advice. Make the grade: succeed; reach the necessary standard quit: stop (doing something) and leave Goody-goody: a person who likes to appear faultless in behavior so as to please others, not because Emblazon: decorate something with a design, a symbol or words so that people will notice it easily Go to pieces: lose the ability to think or act clearly because of fear, sorrow, ect. Potter about: do things or move without hurrying, especially when you are doing something that Plough through: make slow progress through something difficult or boring especially a book Small hours: the early morning hours just after midnight.Regulate: make work at a certain speed Well-rounded: complete; well-planned for proper balance Abstruse:deep; hard to understand Compulsory: required; obligatory; that must be done Be cut out for: be fitted for; be suited for Burn one’s bridges: destroy all means of going back, so that one must go forward Segregation: separation; isolation; the policy or practice of compelling racial groups or people of Dispel: scatter or drive away; cause to disappear Cohort: a group of people who share a common feature or aspect of behavior High-flyer: a person who has the desire and the ability to be very successful in their job or their Flunk: fail to reach the required standard in (an exam, test, or course of study) Career: the general course of a person’s working life. Client: a person who buys goods or services Personnel: the department of a company or organization that deals with its employees when they need Make a fortune: earn a great amount of money, possessions, etc. Torture: severe pain or suffering caused in the mind or body Shift: a group of workers who take turns with one or more other groups Teamwork: the ability of a group of people to work together effectively Survey: a general examination or study (of conditions, opinions, etc.), especially carried out by Cross-section: a part or group that is typicalor representative of the whole Brainstorming: a way of making a group of people all think about sth at the same time, often in order


第2次作业 一、阅读理解(本大题共100分,共5小题,每小题20分) 1. Prehistoric men and women enjoyed a more varied diet than people do now, since they ate species of plant and several hundreds thousands types of living things. But only a tiny percentage of these were ever domesticated. Modern shops have hastened a trend towards specialization which began in the earliest days of agriculture. The food of the rich countries has become cheaper relative to wages. It is speedily distributed in supermarkets. But the choice annually becomes less and less great. Even individual foods themselves become more standardized. We live in the world of carrot specially blunted in order to avoid making a hole in the bag, and the tomato grown to meet a demand for a standard weight of weighting tomatoes to a kilo. Siri von Reis asks: "Only the three major cereals (谷物类食物)and perhaps ten other widely cultivated species stand between famine and survival for the world" s human population and a handful of drug plants has served Western civilization for several thousand years. A rather obvious question arises: Are we missing something?” After all, there are 800 000 species of plant on earth. (1). Tn prehistoric times people. A.ate much more than we do today B.lived mainly on plant food C.had a wide-ranging diet D.were more fussy about what they ate (2). Most of us have come to expect A. no variation in our diet B. a reduction in food supplies C. a specialist diet D. food conforming to a set standard (3). The specialization of food was started by


《大学英语3》第2阶段在线作业试卷要求: 答题要求: 每题只有一个正确的选项。 1(5.0分) _______ these honors he received a sum of money. ?A) Except ? ?B) But ? ?C) Besides ? ?D) Outside ?

解析: 无 2(5.0分) It’s time we _______ the lecture because everybody has arrive d. ?A) will start ? ?B) shall start ? ?C) start ? ?D) started ? 3(5.0分) His salary as a driver is much higher than ______.

a porter ? ?B) is a porter ? ?C) that of a porter ? ?D) as a porter ? 4(5.0分) _______ her and then try to copy what she does. ?A) Mind ? ?B) See ? ?C) Stare at

?D) Watch ? 5(5.0分) The girl is ______ of a film star. ?A) somebody ? ?B) something ? ?C) anybody ? ?D) anyone ?

6(5.0分) The atmosphere ______ certain gases mixed together in definit e proportions. ?A) composes of ? ?B) is made up ? ?C) consists of ? ?D) makes up of ? 7(5.0分)

大学英语4 第二次作业

作业二 一、单选题 1、- Would you please show me your bankbook? - _________ A:Sorry, I have no idea. B:Here you are. C:Come with me. D:Yes, I'd like to. 2、-- Did you win the 100 metre race? -- Yes, I did. -- Really? -- _________. A:Congratulations B:Best wishes C:Good luck D:Right-I'm sorry. Bob is not in his office. -_________? A:Can you take a message for me B:Are you sure for that C:Would you like to leave a message D:Can you phone me-I haven't seen Belly for 10 years. 3、 4、- I'm sorry. I lost the key. - ________ A:Well, it's OK. B:No, it's all right. C:You are welcome. D:You are wrong. 5、- Wow! This is a marvelous room! I've never known you're so artistic. - ______ A:Great, I am very art-conscious. B:Don't mention it. C:Thanks for your compliments. D:It's fine. 6、______is the temperature today? A:What B:How C:How many D:How much 7、I ______ my home work this time yesterday evening. A:were doing B:was to do C:am doing


正在加载试题,请稍候... 2019年春季学期课程作业大学英语(3)第2次 大学英语(3) 题号一二三四五合计 已做/题量0 / 15 0 / 3 0 / 3 0 / 5 0 / 1 0 / 27 得分/分值0 / 30 0 / 15 0 / 15 0 / 25 0 / 15 0 / 100 一、单项选择题(共15 题、0 / 30 分) 1、 ( We have a high regard for Prof. Joseph because he always____ his principles. A、lives on B、lives up to C、 lives down D、lives with : 2、 After months of voyage, Columbus arrived in ____ later proved a new continent. A、where B、which C、what , D、that 3、 Even if his letter____ tomorrow, it____ too late to do anything. A、 will arrive...is B、 should arrive...were ;

arrives...will be D、 arrives...would be 4、The trouble ()the car is that it has to be repaired every few days. A、A to { B、B for C、C in D、D with 5、 If you want to gain people’s res pect, be sure to _____ your promises. | A、live through B、live up to C、live with D、live on 6、–Hello, I’m David Chen. Nice to meet you. -- ( ) 、 A、Are you B、Nice to meet you too. C、Yes. D、Very nice. 7、 As the saying goes, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. So we should ____ work and play.、


一、句子改错(共5道小题,共25.0分) 1. This is such a beautiful day that everyone around us feel like going out for a walk. A B C D A. A B. B C. C D. D 2. Neither John and his father was able to wake up early enough to catch the morning train. A B C D A. A B. B C. C D. D

3. He finds it easier to do the cooking himself than teaching his wife to cook. A B C D A. A B. B C. C D. D 4. Despite his old age, he is still very healthful and often works in the field. A B C D A. A B. B C. C D. D

5. The information which she was injured in the accident was given by Liz. A B C D A. A B. B C. C D. D 二、阅读理解(共1道小题,共50.0分)

1. Today, as in every other day of the year, more than 3,000 U.S. adolescents will smoke their first cigarette on their way to becoming regular smokers as adults. During their lifetime, it can be expected that of these 3,000 about 23 will be murdered, 30 will die in traffic accidents, and nearly 750 will be killed by a smoking-related disease. The number of deaths attributed to cigarette smoking outweighs all other factors, whether voluntary or involuntary, as a cause of death. Since the late 1970s, when daily smoking among high school seniors reached 30 percent, smoking rates among youth have declined. While the decline is impressive, several important issues must be raised. First, in the past several years, smoking rates among youth have declined very little. Second, in the late 1970s, smoking among male high school seniors exceeded that among female by nearly 10 percent. The statistic is reversing. Third, several recent studies have indicate high school dropouts have excessively high smoking rates, as much as 75 percent . Finally, though significant declines in adolescent smoking have occurred in the past decade, no definite reasons for the decline exist. Within this context, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) began its current effort to determine the most effective measures to reduce smoking levels among youth. 1. According to the author, the deaths among youth are mainly caused by _____. A. traffic accidents B. smoking-related diseases C. murder D. all of these 2. Every day there are over _____young people who will become regular smoker. A. 75 B. 23 C. 30 D. 3,000 3. By "dropout" (in paragraph 3) the author means______. A. students who failed the examination


首页- 我的作业列表- 《大学英语(四)》第二次网上作业答案 你的得分:97.5 完成日期:2014年02月27日16点38分 说明:每道小题括号里的答案是您最高分那次所选的答案,标准答案将在本次作业结束(即2014年03月13日)后显示在题目旁边。 一、单项选择题。本大题共30个小题,每小题 2.5 分,共75.0分。在每小题给出的选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1.— I wish you success in your career. — _______ ( D ) A.You are welcome. B.You think so. C.Yes, please. D.The same to you. 2.— Let's go to the library this afternoon. — _______ ( D ) A.Yes, that's right. B.No. I can't. C.What about you? D.That's a good idea. 3.— Madam, do all the buses go downtown? — _________ ( D ) A.Wow, you got the idea. B.No, never mind. C.Pretty well, I guess. D.Sorry, I'm new here. 4.— Are you feeling better today, Jack? — _______ ( C ) A.There must be something wrong. B.Just have a good rest. C.Yes, thank you, doctor. But I still don't feel good. D.Don't worry about me.


川大2017秋冬季《大学英语(三)》第二次作业答案 一、单项选择题。本大题共35个小题,每小题2.5 分,共87.5分。在每小题给出的选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1. —Can you go to the concert with us this evening? —________________ A.No, I already have plans. B.I’d love to, but I’m busy tonight.√ C.No, I really don’t like being with you. D.I’m ill, so I shouldn’t go out. 2. —Would you like to go skating with me? —________________. A.Yes, I think so B.No, thanks C.Yes, I'd love to√ D.I'm afraid not 3. —What about going for a walk? —________________. A.It’s good for you B.That’s all right C.So, do I D.Why not? A good idea√ 4. —Hello, may I have an appointment with the headmaster? —________________. A.Sorry, I don't know you B.No, you can't C.Certainly. Wait a minute, please√ D.Let me see 5. —May I use your bike for a moment? —________________. A.It’s well. B.It doesn’t matter. C.By all means.√ D.I have no idea. 6. —It’s rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window?



一、单项选择题(共9道小题,共90.0分) 1.下面关于 Java 的理解错误的是()。 A.Java 是一个面向对象、平台独立、多线 程、动态的编程环境 B.Java 是一个完整的计算平台,包括完整 的程序开发环境和运行环境 C.Java 是一个通用的编程环境,使用它可 以开发完成各种计算任务的通用程序 D.Java 是一个 Web 程序开发和运行环 境,使用它只能开发 Web 应用程序 知识 点: 阶段作业一 学生答案: [D;] 标准 答案: D 得分: [10] 试题 分值: 10.0 2.(错误) 下面不是包的用途的是( A ) A.规定一组类的对外界面 B.防止命名冲突 C.访问控制

D.方便类的查找和使用 知识 点: 阶段作业一 学生答案: [D;] 标准 答案: A 得分: [0] 试题 分值: 10.0 3.在Java中,用Package语句说明一个包时,该包的层次结构必须是() A.与文件的结构相同 B.与文件目录的层次相同 C.与文件类型相同 D.与文件大小相同 知识 点: 阶段作业一 学生答案: [B;] 标准 答案: B 得分: [10] 试题 分值: 10.0 4.关于Eclipse透视图说法错误的是() A.每个透视图都定义了工作台中各个视图 的初始设置和布局 B.一个工作台窗口包含多个独立的透视 图,但同一时刻只有一个透视图是对用 户可见的 C.每个透视图都有自己的视图和编辑器,

用户可以在各个透视图间切换 D.透视图的布局是可以改变的,但改变多 次后无法再恢复到初始设置 知识 点: 阶段作业一 学生答案: [D;] 标准 答案: D 得分: [10] 试题 分值: 10.0 5.(错误) 关于Eclipse工作空间说法错误的是( C ) A.它是用户计算机磁盘上划出的一块区 域,用来存放用户的工作资料 B.它以项目为单位组织文件和目录 C.它将各种资源组织成树形结构,文件夹 位于树的根部,项目位于树枝位置 D.用户对工作空间的每次操作都能在 Eclipse集成环境中得到同步 知识 点: 阶段作业一 学生答案: [B;] 标准 答案: C 得分: [0] 试题 分值: 10.0


《大学英语(四)》第二次作业答案 你的得分:100 说明:每道小题选项旁的标识是标准答案。 一、单项选择题。本大题共40个小题,每小题 2.0 分,共80.0分。在每小题给出的选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1. o— I'd like to book a room, please. o— _______ C.Single or double? D.Good or bad? E.Which room? F.We don't have books here. 2. o—Hello! Can I get a seat on the 8 pm flight to Detroit? o— _______. B.Hello! International Airline C.You'd better look up the schedule first D.I'm sorry, but it's completely booked E.I'm afraid you have to change 3. o— What time is the next flight to Washington? o— _______ B.It’s a smaller one. C.It’s too late. D.It’s 1.45 pm. E.It sounds good. 4. o— Passport, please? o— _______ B.It is here. C.What do you want? D.Here you are. E.No, you can’t. 5. o— I didn't know my identity card(身份证)was needed, sir. o—______ B.That's sorry. C.I don't believe you. D.Sorry, but that's no excuse.


U1 Short conversations 1. Q: What can we learn from the conversation? B The woman should seek help from the writing center. 2 Q: Why does the woman choose to learn French? D She thinks speaking French is a must for cultured people. 3 Q: What did the man do last night? D He attended a speech. 4 Q: What made Melissa unhappy? C That she lost her chance to enter the contest. 5 Q: What does the man think of the woman’s op inion? A It is one-sided. Long conversation 1 Q: How is the woman doin g in th e man’s class? C She often fails to turn in her homework on time. 2 Q: What does the woman think of learning Spanish? D It presents difficulty for her. 3 Q: What do we know from this conversation about the man? A He has a good personal relationship with the woman. 4 Q: What is the woman most likely to do after talking with the man? C Work harder in her Spanish class.
