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年江苏省对口单招英语模拟试卷2018 英语40分) 40第一部



出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。并将答题卡上对应的字母涂黑。( )1. I think

it must have rained,__________?A. don't I B. didn't I C.

hasn't it D.

didn't it__ the Hong Kong singer's current popularity, she was

( )2. _______largely unknown in the Chinese mainland before the talent

show. A. Despite B. Besides C. With D. Beyondvisited they study _________ school _________ you used to ( )3.

Is it the

yesterday?A. that; that B. which; that C. in which; which D.


that( )4. While building a tunnel through the mountain, _________.A.

an underground lake was discovered

B. there was an underground lake discovered

C. a lake was discovered underground

D. the workers discovered an underground lakeHong

__________ for with his two secretaries ( )5. The manager together

Kong to attend a meeting there.A. leave B. leaves C. to

leave D. is leaving( )6. __________ taken my advice, you

__________ now.have had; wouldn't If you A. If you have; wouldn't regret

B.regretted regretYou had; wouldn't had ; wouldn't regret D. If

C. you

( )7. Raising _______ retirement age in progressive steps is in _____ prioritized, be and should with ine China's labor market realities l an

official said Tuesday.the; /; / D. the C. the ; / B. /; A.

the来value to was brothers, David ________ Born ( )8. into a family

with three


sense of sharing.

A. brought up

B. turn down

C. looked after

D. held


the evidence. until I find all my I'd ( )9. prefer to _________


reserve show B. express C. pass D. A.

( ) sooner ____ to the station ____ the train left.

A. had I got, when

B. I had got, than

when, D. did I get than ,C. had I got


四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答题卡上对应的字母涂黑。( )11.— The manager of the factory wants to improve production a great deal, but he doesn't spend much on technology.

— I am afraid he won't realize his dream. You know ________.

A.empty vessels make the greatest sound

B.you can't eat your cake and have it

C. enough is as good as a feast

D. two heads are better than one

( )12.—Shall we take a taxi there since time is limited?

— ________. It should be hard to get one during the rush hour. A. Go ahead B. Don't mention it C. No doubt D. Just

forget it

( )13.—I can't remember those grammar rules!

—__________. Practice more.

A. It's hard to say

B. You're not alone

C. I'm afraid not

D. It's up to you

( )14.—Excuse me. Do you have the time?


A. Yes, I have.

B. Of course, I have.

C. It's ten to five.

D. Sorry, I don't.

( )15.— Did you give your iPhone 6 to Mary?

— __________. I just lent it to her.

A. Not exactly

B. No, I didn't

C. Yes, I did

D. Not


( )16.— The film we saw last week is very romantic.

— _______. I was also deeply moved.

A. With all due respect

B. I beg to differ

C. As predicted

D. I can't agree with you more

( )17.—Would you mind opening the window ?

— ________.

A. Not at all

B. Never mind

C. Yes, I will

D. No, I don't mind

( )18.— I'm interested in that chair. How much do you want for it?

—25 dollars.

—_________. I'll give you 15 dollars.

A. The chair is really nice

B. That's too much

C. Please lower the price

D. Nobody will have it except me

( )19. —My goodness! What happened? You have blood on your face.

—_________ I just killed a pigeon.

A. No,no,no.

B. What's up?

C. Oh, don't worry , I got hurt.

( )20. —I'd like to open a current account.

