Unit3 题西方文化导论

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A. Pulitzer Joseph
B. Saul Bellow
C. Singer
D. Hemingway
Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
Comprehension Exercises
Multiple Choices (5) The ancestor of the Jews is ___.
A. David and Solomon
B. Moses and David
C. Jacob and David
D. Jacob and Solomon
Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
Comprehension Exercises
Multiple Choices (3) Jerusalem was established as the capital in ___.
A. 586 BC
B. 450 BC
C. 330 BC
D. 586
Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
Comprehension Exercises
Multiple Choices (2) In history, Israelite monarchy prospered with the three kings, Saul, ____.
Comprehension Exercises
Comprehension Exercises
Fill in the blanks. the sunset of Friday and lasts to (4) The Sabbath begins from ________________ the sunset of Saturday , which was set apart by ______ __________________ Moses ______ in commemoration of as a holy day, for ___ rest and worship the completion of __________ the creation . Rosh Hashanah . (5) The Jewish New Year is called _____________
Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
Comprehension Exercises
Multiple Choices (1) The Babylonian Captivity refers to the captivation and imprisonment of the Jews by Nebuchadnezzar II, in ____.
A. Greek
B. Germanic
C. Байду номын сангаасebrew
D. Roman
Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
Comprehension Exercises
Please match the following names of great philosophers and writers with their achievements. (1) Isaac Israeli (2) Baruch Spinoza (3) Sholem Aleyshem (4) Issac Singer (5) Shmuel Agnon a. pan-theological philosopher b. follower of Neo-platonism c. the Nobel Prize winner for literature in 1978 d. the Mark Twain of Jews e. the Nobel Prize winner for literature in 1966
Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
Comprehension Exercises
True or False Questions.
___ F (1) The Old Testament consists of 39 books, the oldest and most important of which are the first 10 books. ___ T (2) The Old Testament was written in Hebrew, including the three parts: Pentateuch, Prophets and Hagiographa and Apocrypha. ___ F (3) Exodus describes how Aaron led the people of Israel out of Egypt in the 13th or 14th centuries BC, including their life in Egypt and how they suffered from oppression. ___ T (4) The Prophets mainly introduces all kinds of prophets. ___ T (5) Apocrypha books are not included in the canon of the Old Testament because of their uncertain authorship or legendary.
Text Study
Think and Discuss
Think and Discuss
some non-Abrahamic religions. Many of its texts and traditions are central to other Abrahamic religions and provided the foundation for Western Christianity. Its influence is seen in both secular and ecclesiastical affairs in the Western society, just as the frequent occurrences of classical and Christian cultures via conversations or discussions on different occasions, either public or private, formal or informal.
Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
Comprehension Exercises
Fill in the blanks. (1)
(2) Jehovah is worshipped as the chief god of the country _______ of Israel. Ezekiel helped Jewish people spread the religion of _______ Judaism and finally confirmed it during the Babylonian Captivity and later period. The core of Judaism is _______________________ Moses’ Ten Commandments and __________________________________________ the rabbis’ interpretations of the prophet’s doctrines .
Text Study
Think and Discuss
Think and Discuss
(1) How much do you learn about Judaism and the Old Testament?
Judaism is one of the earliest monotheistic religions practised today. In the beginning,Judaism was composed of a series of beliefs and practices originating in the Tanakh. It was later further explored and explained in the Talmud and other Judaist scripts. Judaism presents itself as the covenantal relationship between the Children of Israel (later, the Jewish nation) and God. The principles and ethics of Judaism had influenced Christianity and Islam, as well as some
Text Study
Think and Discuss
Think and Discuss
The Old Testament is the Judaist Bible which was a complete document and collection of ancient Hebrew adopted by Christianity as part of the Bible. It was written in Hebrew, including the three parts: Pentateuch, Prophets and Hagiographa and Apocrypha. After the Old Testament was translated into Greek by Jewish scholars,many westerners began to understand Judaism by reading this book. It is not only of religious value but also of literatry value in terms of both subject matter and thematic concerns for the writers to refer to or draw on.
A. 585 BC
B. 1000 BC
C. 1000 AD
D. 588 BC
Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
Comprehension Exercises
Multiple Choices (4) ___ won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1978.