



How many places have you ever been?

Which place is the most impressive one?

Have you ever been to some places out of Beijing?

Which kind of city do you prefer to visit, modern or historic?

What's your plan for traveling next time?

How often do you go shopping?

Do you usually go shopping with your mother or father?

What do you like to buy?

Do you prefer to buy something online or at department store?

Do you have red-envelope money in Spring Festival? How to spend your red-envelope money?

You are a primary school student. What do you think of fashion?

Should we go after fashion or not?

Can we wear earring at school?

If a student is not fashionable, other people don't like to make friends with him/her. What do you think of this fact?

Do you like saving money?

Some parents always give much money to their children. What's your opinion on the subject?

What do you think about the rules in your class?

Some primary school students hold mobile phone at school. What's your opinion on it?

Do you know some traffic reles? How to obey these rules?

What rules do you need to obey when you're in a car?

What do you think about the safety belt?

How can you keep fit according to your own experience?

What kinds of exercise do you think are the best for your health?

Would you like to exercise outdoor?


三一口语六级话题--Money ★以下是###少儿英语频道为大家整理的《三一口语六级话题--Money》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站频道。 Money Q: What do you think about pocket money? We should learn how to use money and how to manage money. I like to have pocket money. I use pocket money to buy toys I like. I also save my pocket money for some big plans. Now, I want to buy a camera. I lost one when I went on vacation last year. My Mom told me if I save 500 yuan, she would like to pay the rest for me to buy a camera for less than 1500 yuan. Q: Does your father often give you some pocket money? No, my mother gives me pocket money every month. I need to make my bed every morning, go shopping once a week, and then my mother gives me 30 yuan a month. I also get some pocket money from my aunt if I help baby-sit my cousin. Q: Do you have red-envelope money in Spring Festival? Yes, I get red-envelope money from my father, my mother, my grandparents, my aunt and other relatives. I got 4200 yuan this Spring Festival. My Mom helped deposit the money into my bank account. It will be used to pay for my education. Q: How to spend your red-envelope money? I got 4200 yuan this Spring Festival from my father, my mother, my grandparents, my aunt and other relatives. My Mom


三一口语三级常用话题归纳 Section 1: Greetings 打招呼 1. What’s your name? 2. May I have your name? 3. Can you tell me your name? 4. How are you doing today? / How is it going? / How do you do? 5. How are you? 6. How old are you? 7. What are y ou wearing today? And what’s the color? 8. Which grade are you in? Section 2: 工作 1. What does your father do? / What is your father’s job? 你爸爸是做什么的? My father is a worker. / My father works as a worker. 2. What does your mother do? / What is your mother’s job? 你妈妈是做什么的? My mother is a nurse. / My mother works as a nurse. 3. What do your parents do? / What are your parents’ jobs? 你的父母是做什么的? They’re workers. / They work as workers. 4. Is your mother a teacher? 你的妈妈是老师吗? No, she isn’t. / Yes, she is. 5. Is your father a teacher? 你的爸爸是老师吗? Section 3: 学习场所 1. Where do you live? 你住在哪?I live in… 2. Is your home far from here? 你家离这远吗?Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. 3. Where do you study? 你在哪上学?I study at…school.


伦敦三一口语实用经典话题:Manners ★以下是###少儿英语频道为大家整理的《伦敦三一口语实用经典 话题:Manners》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站频道。 What do you think are some good manners? What do you think are some bad manners? Can you think of some good manners that are bad manners in another country? What are the titles of some books on manners? Have you ever read them? What are some good manners for using a cell phone? What are some good table manners? What are some good party manners? Is kissing in public good manners? Do you say "hi" to people even if they are strangers? Why? Why not? Do you listen to other's people conversations on the street? Do you think it is good manners to hug or kiss another person in greeting? Do you let people pass you when you are driving in your car? Is it considered a good manner? Do you honk your horn to people when you drive? Why are manners important?

三一口语六级话题 Motivation

三一口语六级话题 Motivation Have you ever tried to lose weight? What motivated you to start a diet? Is it important to motivate children? How do you motivate children? Can some people destroy your motivation? What is something a boss can do to motivate his workers? How are you best motivated? How do you motivate your friends? Have you ever tried to quit smoking? How do you define motivation? What are some of the factors of motivation? What part does motivation plays in effective teaching? What is the role of motivation for slow learners? What are three things that motivate you? Do you feel motivated when you are at school? Do you feel motivated when learning something new? How would you describe motivation? Does motivation affect learning? In what way can we help people to increase their motivation?


三一口语三级 GESE-3 标准讲义 Standard Teaching Material 学生姓名(中英文):电话: 所在分校:任课教师:上课日期:上课时间: 版权所有翻印必究

目录 三一口语考试简介 (3) Unit 1 This is my school (5) Unit2 What does your father do (9) Unit 3 What’s the date today (12) Unit 4 When do you go to school (16) Unit 5 Review Unit 6 What are they doing (17) Uni t 7 What’s the weather like today (19) Unit 8 where were you yesterday morning (23) Unit 9 How can I get to the library (24) 三一口语三级问题库 (25) 一、三一口语考试简介 伦敦三一学院口语等级考试(GESE -- Graded Examinations in Spoken English)至今已有几十年的历史, 在欧亚、拉美的四、五十个国家和地区开展。 ◆此项测试适于6-7岁以上母语为非英语的英语学习者。 ◆此项测试共分为四段12个级别。 1-3级为预备段; 4-6级为初级段;

7-9级为中级段; 10-12级为高级段。 ◆高一级别的考试内容均涵盖低于该级别的其它级别内容。 ◆考试形式为考生与考官进行一对一的交谈。 ◆考试成绩评定: A—优秀,B—良好,C—及格,D—不及格。 二、三一口语三级考试涉及到的词汇: ●有关工作的 ●有关当地场所的 ●有关学习场所的 ●有关家庭生活的 ●有关天气的 ●有关业余生活的 ●有关时间和日期的 三、三一口语三级考试的所涉及的语言功能: ●描述日常活动,事情和天气 ●表示时间和日期 ●表示“能”与“不能”,can & can't ●简单地指示方向和地点 ●描述真实人物或图片中人物正在进行的活动 ●表述过去的状态 ●表示动态的介词:from, to, up, down, along, across


Trinity College Examination-Graded 6 Part one 一.Travelling Questions: 1.How often do you travel around? I often take a trip every summer vacation 2.Why do you like travelling? Traveling is so popular and prevalent in the modern society. Traveling is considered as a style of fashion. Traveling can widen my knowledge and broaden my visions. Through traveling we can acquire the knowledge of geography, customs, local distinctive. 3.Where did you go last summer/winter? 4.Who did you travel with? 5.How long did you stay there? 6.Why did you choose that place? 7.Tell us your experiences about that place (food, accommodations, sceneries, public transport, local customs & residents) 8.What is the special about that place 9.Where are you going to travel next vacation? 10.H ave you ever been abroad before? 11.H ow is that place comparing with Beijing?


三一口语六级常见问题 Travel 1.Do you like traveling? Answer 1: Of course, I really like traveling. I like to see how people live in other places, and it’s amazing to learn about different cultures—much more exciting than just reading about them in a textbook. I’ve been to quite a lot of places and I’d like to share my experience with you. Answer 2: I’m afraid I don’t like traveling at all because it’s too time-consuming. I’d rather stay at home and do some reading when I’m free. 2.Can you talk about one of your happiest traveling experiences? I enjoyed my trip to Hong Kong very much. I went there with my mom by plane last year. The sights were really wonderful. I remember a place called Sai Kung. The sea there was so blue and clear. We were taking photos all the way. We also went to the Disneyland. It was so much fun. My mom bought a lot from the shopping malls in Causeway Bay. She said things were much cheaper in Hong Kong than in my hometown. We tasted a variety of delicious Cantonese Foods as well. The hotel where we stayed was in a convenient location. It was only 10 minutes’ drive from the city center. I like Hong Kong so much and my mom says we’re going there again next year. 3.What are the differences between your hometown and Hong Kong? There are a lot differences between my hometown and Hong Kong. First, people in Hong Kong speak Cantonese, which is different from Mandarin my mother tongue. I could hardly understand the local people, so I spoke English most of the time. Second, Hong Kong is in the south of China and it’s close to the sea, so the weather there is warm and humid. My hometown is in the north and the weather is cool and dry. Finally, the foods are also different. People in Hong Kong like to eat dim sum for lunch, while people from my hometown prefer noodles and rice. 4.If you have enough time and money, where will you go on your next trip? If I have enough time and money, I’d like to go to Hangzhou on my next trip because I heard it’s a lovely city with many cute terraces. The best season to visit is spring, when flowers bloom and trees turn green. My friends recommended a nice hotel located near the West Lake. I can stay in a lake-view room to enjoy the beautiful sights through the window. 5.Which do you prefer: traveling to big modern cities or to small remote villages? Answer 1: I prefer to travel to small villages rather than big cities. Villages have slower pace of life than cities, which makes me feel more relaxed. And there are clear lakes, little hills and green forests in many villages. The sights are beautiful. Moreover, the air quality in villages is much better than that in big cities. I think that’s the reason why many people from villages are healthier than city dwellers.


Trinity圣三一英语口语考试(GESE)--国际认可的测评标准 Trinity圣三一英语口语考试的相关介绍: ?1、Trinity圣三一英语口语考试的由来: 伦敦圣三一学院(Trinity),自1877年开始组织英文口语考试,并成为国际认可的考试项目之一,每年有来自60多个国家得500000位考生参加考试,包括奥运会金牌得主刘璇等。圣三一英语口语等级考试,全名Graded Examinations in Spoken English,简称GESE,共有12个等级。圣三一考试证书在世界各地均被认可为能够听明白英语,自信开口说英语的一项证明。考生与来自英国本土,并具有高级认证资格的考官进行一对一谈话方式的考试,从而准备测试学生面对面交谈的英语运用能力。 ?2、考试涉及哪些内容? 考官选用一个适合考生级别的话题作为引导,使考生得以充分展示语言运用能力。在每一个不同考试级别中,考生通过一连串的情景会话和聆听测试,以展示他们英语口语的流畅程度及准确性。考试大纲内清楚介绍对于每一级别考生的要求。 ?3、什么人适合参加考试? 该考试适合不同年龄及水平程度的学生。不论是学生、在职人士,或任何希望提升英语能力的人士。圣三一口语考试(GESE)特别适合需要在工作,学习或履行方面运用或展示英语交谈能力人士。圣三一口语考试(GESE)并没有对特定的年龄祖应参加的考试级别做硬性规定。 Trinity圣三一英语口语考试的权威性: 圣三一考试证书在世界各地均被认可为能够听明白英语,自信开口说英语的一项证明,被数以千计的学校、高等学府、公司以及教育机构所认可和使用。 ●英国以及其他国家的众多高等学府,均接受圣三一的测试等级作为入学就读的外语要求标准。 ●在中国以下机构均使用并认可:北京教育考试学院(BEEA)、香港考试及评核局(HKEAA)、香港英文中学议会及香港职业英语运动、中国教育学会外语教学专业委员会(NFLTRA)、中国运动教育基金(CAEF)、英孚教育(EF)。 ●该考试受到众多跨国企业认可能够帮助学生在未来的职业生涯获得更多的机会,这些企业包括:阿根廷航空公司Aerolineas Argentinas,德国银行Deutsche Bank,雀巢Nestle,西门子Siemens和大众Volkswagen,安万特Aventis,Clariant。 通过圣三一考试的学生将会获得国际认可的证书,这个证书可以帮助他们:1、申请到海外学校、大专或者大学就读 英国以及其他国家的众多高等学府,均接受圣三一的测试等级作为入学就读的外语要求标准,比如英国伯明翰大学、伦敦大学以及邓迪大学等。 2、申请跨国公司职位 跨国企业的雇主也认识到圣三一考试证书的持有者能很好的完成要求有效运用口语进行沟通的任务,譬如:阿根廷航空公司Aerolineas Argentinas,德国银行Deutsche Bank,雀巢Nestle,西门子Siemens和大众Volkswagen,安万特Aventis,Clariant。 3、通过国际标准见证他们的英语进步


三一口语话题学习:Internet Do you often use the Internet? When did you first use the Internet? About how many hours a day do you use the Internet? About how many hours a week do you use the Internet? Who uses the Internet the most in your family? What computer do you use to access the Internet? What are some security issues you must think about when you access the Internet? Have you ever bought something using the Internet? How can the internet help you learn English? Do you take advantage of this? How can the Internet be improved? How often do you use the internet? Do you think our lives have been improved by the Internet? Do you have any ideas or ambitions to start an Internet company? Do you think the Internet favors men or women? Do men and women use the internet for different purposes? Do you use the Internet for fun or education? What are some of the ways the Internet can be used for education?


大学英语四六级口语提问中常见169个问题(3) 101. Do you smoking? 102. Do you think smoking is a problem that needs special attention and has to be solved? If so, why? 103. What do you know about XXX? 104. What problem do you think you will have in XXX? 105. How will you overcome the difficulties? 106. Do you think you will be able to cope with English-demands of your intended study program in XXX? 107. What difficulties do you think you'll encounter in your studies in XXX? 108. Can you imagine what life in Britain/Canada/Australia/London, etc. would be like? 109. How will you fare in Britain/Canada/Australia, etc. without your family? 110. What do you intend to study? 111. Which university are you going to study at? 112. Why did you choose this university? 113. Where are you going to study in XXX? 114. What are you plans in XXX? 115. What is your research proposal all about? 116. What do you hope for most from your study abroad?


三一口语 三一口语(GESE)的全称为:英国伦敦三一学院英语口语等级考试(GESE-Graded Examinations in Speakers of Other Languages),它是经英国文化委员会提议,专门为非英语国家设计的纯英语口语等级考试体系。该考试共有12个级别,分成4个档次,每个档次有三个级别,其中1-6级是非常适合孩子的,这是现有英语考试中不多的适合孩子考试之一;7级以上不太适合孩子,但也可以考。 简介 等级考试描述 英国伦敦三一学院英语口语等级考试(GESE-Graded Examinations in Speakers of Other Languages)是经英国文化委员会提议,专门为非英语国家设计的英语口语等级考试体系。目前已在世界四十多个国家和地区开展这项考试[1]。 1995年,北京高等学校教育科技发展中心开始与伦敦三一学院在教师培训和口语考试方面进行合作 并取得了较好的效果。1999年,北京教育考试院与伦敦三一学院正式签署合作协议,引进该项考试。 权威性 伦敦三一学院(TCL-Trinity College London)是经英国政府批准、为英国文化委员会承认的考试机构。伦敦三一学院在世界各地举办音乐、戏剧、英语口语等多类考试,是英国英语口语考试和授予英语教师资格证书的主要机构之一,也是英语考试服务系统的主要国际承办者之一。1995年,伦敦 三一学院因其英语教育方面的成就获得英国女王嘉奖。 伦敦三一口语证书是目前最火爆的口语水平测试证书,它以其权威性、实用性、系统性成为重点中学所青睐的英语口语能力证明之一。三一口语考试共分为12个级别,每三个级别为一个阶段,三一口语考试每月底进行,一个半两个月后出成绩。 内容 三一口语测试适于6-7岁以上母语为非英语的英语学习者。 此项测试共分为四段12个级别。1-3级为预备段;4-6级为初级段;7-9级为中级段;10-12级为高级段。高级别的考试涵盖低于该级别的其他级别的内容。 考试形式为考生与考官进行一对一的交谈。 考试成绩评定:A—优秀,B—良好,C —及格,D—不及格。 预备段 考试时间:1级-5分钟, 2级-6分钟, 3级-7分钟。 总体要求: ● 考生在考官帮助下,能听懂考官简明、慢速、直接的指令和要求,并做出相应的手势或动作。 ● 就个人的学习、工作情况和业余活动与考官进行简单交谈。 ● 使用基本句型以及熟记的短语、词组以及惯用语句描述自己或他人的行为、物品和场景。 要点提示: ● 预备段考试主要以问与答的形式进行,考官善于调动考生以有限的语言能力参与到真实有趣的交流中去。 ● 考官可能使用与考试级别相符的考具,如图片、实物等。考生应熟悉日常生活中所使用物品的名称。

伦敦三一口语话题:Martial Arts

伦敦三一口语话题:Martial Arts ★以下是###少儿英语频道为大家整理的《伦敦三一口语话题:Martial Arts》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站频道。 Have you ever studied a martial art? Can you name any Japanese/Chinese/Korean martial arts? Which martial art is best in your opinion? Why? Do you like fighting? Do you often fight? Have you ever been in a fight? Did you win? Do you think its useful to study martial arts? Who is your favorite kung fu movie actor/actress? Do you like Hong Kong kung fu movies? What is your favorite kung fu movie? Do you know anything about martial arts history? What? Do you think its important to preserve tradition in martial arts? How many different kinds of kung fu have you heard of? Do you know how to use any traditional weapons? Which traditional weapon do you think is the coolest? How does kung fu/tae kwon do/aikido compare to western boxing?

完整word版,三一口语六级自选话题MY hobby

My hobby---collecting cards of figures of Three Kingdoms What it is and reasons why I like it How I started collecting them When, where, with whom I exchange my cards My favorite character in Three Kingdoms What I learn from my hobby What I will do about my hobby What it is and reasons why I like it Different people might have different hobbies, some like singing, some like reading, some like playing basketball and so on. As far as I am concerned, my hobby is collecting magazine cards about characters in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. I have been collecting magazine cards for 2 years and now I have about 50 cards. They are about different figures in this famous novel of China. I like collecting history magazine cards, because it teaches me history knowledge. When I was collecting and putting them in order, I felt happy. When I got a new one, I felt excited. When I was showing them to my friend and talking about them with my parents, I had a feeling of success. It’s wonderful and fun. Besides, in order to collect more cards, I often ask people if they have history magazine cards and make new friends with them. It’s often the topic when I begin a conversation with others. Miss/Sir, What is your hobby? How I started collecting them Last year, I subscribed a history magazine named History Study at school. When I was reading it, to my surprise, I found some pictures of cartoon figures in Three Kingdoms. I used to be interested in this classical book of China, so I went to pick up the scissors to cut the pictures down, then put them up on a booklet. Next month, I also found new pictures in this magazine. So, little by little, I collected more and more figures. Now, I have collected more than fifty cards. You know, I used to be a shy girl. When I began to collect these cards, in order to get more or exchange cards with them, I need to talk with others. I think I am not shy any more. There are two reasons why I began to collect them. First, I think these cartoon cards are very colorful and attractive. They make those figures cute and vivid. So they are popular with kids. second, I like the short story in the card. It can tell me the figure’s personality and life. Miss/Sir, do you think they are interesting? When, where, with whom I exchange my cards Not only I, but some of my classmates have the cards. So, in order to get more different cards, we need to exchange them. we make a date to share our cards every month. Usually, if we have spare time, at the end of each month, we will find a nearby park to exchange cards and communicate with each other. I like this date, because I think it’s interesting and meaningful. When we were talking about the stories of our

三一口语九级 问题

三一口语九级问题 Dreams and nightmares 1. Do you usually remember your dreams? Why or why not? Describe some of them. 2. What was your nicest dream that you can remember? 3. Talk about the most recent dream you can remember that you have had in the past. 4. Talk about a recurring dream that you have had in the past. 5. How do you interpret a dream? Do you use your intuition/imagination to understand it? 6. Do you usually read books on dream interpretation? What is your opinion on it? 7. Do you generally have pleasant dreams or nightmares? 8. Have you ever had nightmares? What were they like? 9. What's the worst nightmare you've ever had? 10. Have you ever had or heard of a dream that foretold the future? 11. Did you know that Abraham Lincoln supposedly foresaw his own assassination in a dream? What do you think about it? 12. Have you ever dreamed about dead people? Is it a good signal? Why/Why not? 13. Have you ever dreamt about dead friends or relatives? How was it? How did you feel? 14. There is a movie called "The Cell" with Jenifer Lopez - It is about dreams - Have you ever watched this film? Would you like to see it? Why/Why not? 15. Are dream messages sent from our unconscious, predictions of the future, or the brain's way of cleaning out information? 16. Some people say that dreaming about losing money means that you will receive it. Have you ever heard this? What other sayings about dreams do you know? 17. Do your dreams ever affect your moods? Explain. Crime and punishment 1. Are some parts of this city considered more dangerous than others? Which parts? 2. Are there any places you are afraid to visit because of the high crime rate? If so, where? 3. Are there problems with drugs where you live? 4. Are you apprehensive about walking outside after dark? 5. Do you always lock your house? How about your car? 6. Do you believe that public executions would deter crime? If so, how? 7. Do you drink and drive(酒后驾车)? 8. Do you know anyone who has been mugged? 9. Do you know someone who has been a victim of a violent crime? 10. Do you think abortion is a crime? 11. Do you think gun control is a good idea? Explain. 12. Do you think people who use illegal drugs should be put in jail? 13. Do you think police TV dramas(警匪片)are realistic? 14. Do you think policeman should be allowed to carry guns? 15. Do you think that capital punishment is a good idea? Why or why not? 16. Do you think that punishment for violent crimes should be the same for juveniles and adults? Why/why not? 17. Do you think that the death penalty would prevent crime in your country? Why or why not? 18. Do you think there are any legal drugs that should be illegal?
