外贸函电与单证实训教程Chapter 3-practice 2

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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2. Preparation for business
2.1 Exporter’s name and address
Huafeng Handbag Company, founded in 2000, Registered NO. 22001010 32/ F Ocean Building ,No. 11 Huacheng Road, Zhujiang New City, Guangzhou, China TEL: +86-20-2403 8753 FAX: +86-20-2401 8643 Sales Representative: Ms. Fung Lu
2.2 Importer’s name and address
BIG GRAPHER GREECE ,POL.IND 43026 TRAAGONA GREECE Tel: (0821)36478567 FAX: (821) 36474567 Sales Representative: Mr. Teddy Don

1. To review the procedures of OA and obligations of the Seller and Buyer under FOB price terms. 2. To sum up the main points in business letter writing according to Mind Map 1. 3. To read the Shipping Details List, get basic information about the business. 4. To sum up the main points of exporter’s letters,and write them down according to the importer’s letters, pay attention to the writing of application for OA and asking for claim with China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation, urging payment with importer. 5. To fill out the application for OA with China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation. 6. To fill out the related export documentation, especially Export License. 7. To ask for claim with China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation after accidents . 8. To answer the questions. 9. To evaluate yourself.
Importer’s fax 1
Exporter’s fax 1
Importer’s fax 2
Exporter’s fax 2
Sum up the main points of exporter’s faxes, and then write down the faxes according to the importer’s faxes.
2.4 Basic information about the product
2.5 Shipping Details List 3. According to the Shipping Details List (外单货物出运 清单) provided by Huafeng Handbag Company , figure out the whole transaction and sum up the main points on
Mind Map 1.
4. Business Negotiation
1 2 3
Business Negotiation 1
Application of OA 60 Days
Business Negotiation 2
Business Negotiation 1
4.1 Enquiry and Offer
2.Preparation for business
6. Urging for payment
3. Main points of business letters . 4. Business Negotiation
7.Claim and settlement
Importer’s fax 1
Main points
4.1.1 Read Importer’s Fax 1
Chapter Three Cases Under D/P and O/A Payment Terms
Practice Two: O/A+FOB Case
Steps Introduction Practice
损失赔偿比例 ---政治风险所造成损失的最高赔偿比例为90%。 ---破产、无力偿付债务、拖欠等其他商业风险所造成损失的最高赔偿 比例为90%。 ---买方拒收货物所造成损失的最高赔偿比例为80%。 ---出口信用保险(福费廷)保险单下的最高参与比例可以达到100%。 产品功能 把握贸易机会,扩大业务规模。 提升信用等级,增加融资渠道。 强化信用管理,减少呆坏账款。
The objective is to enable students to be familiar with the export procedures using trade term of FOB and payment term of OA, especially the procedures of application for insurance with China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation. And to master the skills to sum up the main points of the exporter’s letters and write them down according to the importer’s letters given, fill in the related export documents, especially Credit Application Form, Export License according to the given information, as well as handling the claims after accidents .
---商业风险——指买方破产或无力偿付债务;买方拖欠货款;买方拒绝 接受货物;开证行破产、停业或被接管;单证相符、单单相符时开证行 拖欠或在远期信用项下拒绝承兑。 ---政治风险——指买方或开证行所在国家、地区禁止或限制买方或开证 行向被保险人支付货款或信用证款项;禁止买方购买的货物进口或撤销 已颁布发给买方的进口许可证;发生战争、内战或者暴动,导致买方无 法履行合同或开证行不能履行信用证项下的付款义务;买方或开证行付 款须经过的第三国颁布延期付款令。

本节实训是用FOB方式成交以及用OA方式付款的外贸出口案 例。信函内容涵盖了询盘、报盘、还盘、申请OA保险、交易 的达成、催促付款、要求索赔;涉及到的合约或单据有外单 货物出运清单、限额申请审批表、信用限额申请附表、买家 出运计划安排、买家历史交易记录、购买订单、中华人民共 和国出口许可证申请表、中华人民共和国出口货物许可证、 商业发票、装箱单、普惠制原产地证明书、装船通知、海运 提单等。要求学生首先根据外单货物出运清单归纳每个信息 点,然后根据进口商信函归纳出口商信函的要点,写出出口 商信函,并填写合约或单据。 OA概念
1. To know well about the procedures of OA and obligations of Seller and Buyer under FOB price terms. 2. To know well about the terms and conditions of Shipping Details List and Purchase Order. 3. To master the phrases and expressions frequently used in business fax writing in indented format,pay attention to applying for OA and asking for claim with China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation, urging payment with importer. 4. To master export documentation according to the given information, pay attention to Export License.. 5. To master the procedures of application for OA with China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation and claim .
8. Questions
5. Export Documentation
9. Self-evaluation
1.1 OA流程图
Specific information
---一般情况下保障信用期限在一年以内的出口收汇风险。 ---适用于出口企业从事以信用证(L/C)、付款交单(D/P)、承兑交单 (D/A)、赊销(OA) 结算方式自中国出口或转口的贸易,以及银行在出口贸易项下受让的 应收账款或未到期债权。
Open Account(记帐),全称是Open Book Charge Account,又叫Account Receivable或On Credit或On Account。属于交货ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ付款的交货条件,按这种条件交易 时,卖方将货物装运出口后,即将货运单据(Shipping Document)直接交买方提货,有关货款记入买方户(借 方),等约定期限(如每三个月或六个月)届满时,再行 结算。这种记帐方式对卖方而言风险较大,所以一般要结 合出口信用保险操作。细节请见实训教程附录5.
2.3 Background information for business
Huafeng Handbag Company and BIG GRAPHER GREECE have done business for 5 years, BIG GRAPHER GREECE is very satisfied with the products supplied by Huafeng Handbag Company. So at the early of 2010, BIG GRAPHER GREECE place an order for BINDER KIT and CORE KIT.